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Everything posted by Cherylp3

  1. 10:31 Hotel Room Tamar is venting to Ricky Ricky says you can't predict about the game Tamar says she says its weird , she thinks them ( assuming Tom and Kato ) voting along with the others makes it an alliance she says Tom is in the shower singing and that makes her feel weird Ricky says she needs faith 10;35 am KT Joey is complaining that its unsanitary not having a dishwasher Ryan says BB wants ppl to argue about dishes. 10:38 am Kandi is in the hallway doing makeup KT they are talking at the Table Asking what language they speak in Lebanon 8 min to lockdown 10:46 am Tamar says she is suprised no one wants to eat her faux eggs with her 10:48 pm Hotel BR Ricky, Lolo and Natalie are in the Hotel BR discussing strategy The girls are worried about being switched with Joey BB calls someone to DR Natalie says she saw Jonathan trying to talk Tom is switched Ricky says Dina doesn't know what to do Natalie says they should do this right now ( like Ross, Marissa and Shannon ) Jonathan is manipulating Ryan In the LR Dina talks Vacuuming with Ryan 10:55 Ricky starts talking about Jonathans statregy and mistakes KT Tom asks Tamar if she is having fun positive energy around 10:58 Lolo stops and says something to Kandi ( maybe that she is good ) 11:01 am Tom and Kato are talking about alliances in the celebrity room Tom wants to vote Kandi out so they have an alliance with the guys. Tom says they need to watch out for Lolo and Ricky Kato brings up the idea of a fake fight to Tom again 11:04 WBRB
  2. 7:49 am BBT Joey in Bathroom Jonathan, Natalie and Lolo are in hotel BR Ryan joins Joey in Bathroom 9:52 Tom takes a shower in the Bathroom Tamar is still in bed in Hotel BR 9:55 am Dina puts makeup on in 5th Ave BR Hotel BR Ricky straighten his bed Lolo is still waking up Bathroom Tom is saying things aren't getting to him Tamar enters Natalie says Toms in a mood Camera 3 Ryan and Dina in SR Back ground Kandi is talking when she is going to dress up 10:05 am Ryan , Jon and Lolo in Kitchen Tamar and Kandi hug it out in the hallway ' Tamar in the KItchen start talking instructions Cameras switch to Bathroom 10:09 am Hotel Bedroom Tamar talks to Natalie about the Kato and Tom alliance Tamar states that she can't vote for the girl and that they make her feel funny Natalie says they need 5 to solidify and they only have 3 10:14 am Ryan in KT is Talking about his eyes and the effect of clorine Tamar and Ricky are in Bathroom KT Jonathan starts talking about what Julie will be wearing they discuss how they should walk down hallway '
  3. 9:12 am BBT Lolo and Natalie wake up and move to bathroom they did pass the KT and no one was there 9:34 am Cameras changed to WBRB
  4. 8:43 am Kato is in the Bathroom Other cameras still at the Bedrooms Camera 3 switched back to bedrooms
  5. 6:45 am Camera 1 cuts to the Bathroom ( I missed who went in ) 6:48 am Cameras cut back to bedrooms Somewhere between 6:48- 7:01 Camera cut to talking in the kitchen and then cut back to Bedrooms and guests sleeping 7:03 am Kato walks through 5th ave BR
  6. Good Morning BB Fans 6am BBT all cameras are at the Bedrooms no Audio
  7. 1:48pm Ryan is taste testing Kato and Kandi’s food to decide which is better screen caps before I head out
  8. 1::37 bbt Ryan is in the KT and Kato enters Tamar joins Natalie and Lolo in the Gym Tamar starts talking about someone lying and she is like Jesus in the Middle East. Tamar starts talking about Ricky and that he has the ability to pull the wool over their eyes Tamar starts talking about approaching Kandi and Natalie checks her. 1:43 pm Tamar states the girls are being played by the boys and that includes Ricky
  9. 1:25pm Jonathan says he hates being on the block for so long 1:28pm cameras 3 & 4 cut to Dina, Tamar and Jonathan are in the bathroom stating what they are grateful for 1:28 pm Jonathan is giving Kato makeup lessons
  10. Tamar says she needs to clean before “uncle Joe” sees the kitchen she asks Jonathan where he is , he says he is in the bedroom recovering ( I think from Diary) 1:18 Pm Kandi is now reading an iPad Jonathan and Kato play pool Lolo and Natalie are in Gym
  11. 1:14 pm Kato is playing pool upstairs and asks if Kandi is eating Salmon 1:15pm back to KT with Tamar and Johnathan
  12. 1:08pm current quad view 1:11pm we get a quick view of Dina in the SR asking Kato off screen where the crackers are
  13. 1:02 bbt Lolo and Tamar are cooking inthe KR Dina and Jonathan are talking in the 5th ave BR
  14. 9:397AM BBT All the Cameras switched to WBRB 9:43 am Kato , Tom and Kandi are waking up in the celebrity br Natalie is awake in hotel bedroom Tamar and Dina are in the SR ( Jonathan just left ) Tom is getting coffee Kato just entered the SR Jonathan went into the hotel bedroom to talk 9:48am Tom and Joey are in the bathroom 9:49 am Dina and Jonathsn are in the 5th ave BR 9:52am Ricky , Lolo and Ricky are talking about the lighting they are also talking about how weird it would be out of the house 9:55 am Ryan, Natalie, Joey, Tom and Jonathan are in the Bathroom Note I'm headed out for about 2 hrs. Be back ASAP.
  15. 8:37 am All cameras are still back at the bedroom and everyone is sleeping.
  16. 8:00 AM Tom asks what he should do. Tom suggests starting a crazy drama and throwing people under the bus Tom and Kato discuss a fake blowout and have a safe word 8:03 am Tom is discussing a talk show to keep the house from being bored 8:07 am Kato and Tom are asking the camera questions Kato says he is going to nap. Tom says he is going to nap as well Tom and Kato are changing their batteries Tom says he had a conversation with Tamar and her and Kandi (makes a motion) basically not getting along 8:11 am the cameras are back at the bedrooms Tom and Kato go back to sleep
  17. 7:30 am BBT Tom is trying to get production to get the piano sound working Kato is in the bathroom 7:35 am The cameras came back from a WBRB All cameras are showing the bedrooms 7:43 am BBT Tom and Kato are having a "talk show" in the HOH room they are discussing saving Kandi Kato says Dina is being a trick player and keeping off the radar He she says they need to watch her - Tom suggests a side alliance 7:48 am Tom discusses the mood of the house if Jonathan gets evicted Tom asks if Kato has talked about post eviction strategy with anyone Tom states that his plan is to play it cool and not talk strategy and not make himself a threat 7:54am Tom says he has a better feeling about Natalie than Ricky He also says Ricky has been yelling at him sometimes. Tom says he is confident it is going to go the way he thinks ( That Jonathan is getting evicted) Tom says if the others lie then they are next on the list Tom discusses asking Lola who he should vote for Kato says the others are saying that they are voting Jonathan off Tom asks why Ryan is trying to save Jonathan Kato discusses that he thinks Ryan put up Joey to get votes away with Jonathan
  18. 3:26pm BBT Ryan , Eva and Lolo are in the gym a few minutes earlier Ryan and Lolo discuss Tamar and Kandi. Ryan mentions that maybe Tamar and Kandi is an act and Lolo mentions she was trying to console Tamar last night Kandi, Dina, Jonathan and Ricky and Tom are in the Kitchen In the KT Tom asks what time the music is starting Jonathan is talking about problems sleeping due to fear Lolo leaves the gym to sleep and Ryan heads to the Kitchen
  19. 2:05pm Celebrity Bedroom Ryan tells Jonathan that the girls are planning to vote him out they say the guys alliance is failing
  20. 1:50pm In the Purple room Kato, Tom and Ricky are talking strategy. Tom says he and Kato have an alliance with Kandi, Lolo and Natalie Tom says they should work on keeping Kandi because she's not as athletic 1:52pm Ricky says they have enough people voting Jonathan out Ricky says Lolo, Natalie and Tamar want to vote Kandi out Tom is trying to keep Kandi safe
  21. 11:52am Ryan and Natalie are in the living room talking In the Pink and Green bedroom Dina and Joey were discussing the Girls alliance and Ryan and Jonathan's Alliance Ricky is in the Kitchen Shuffling cars Tom is putting on a captains suit he found in the HOH Room He says he is heading out to the veto meeting 11:57 am in the living room Natalie fixes Kato's mike 12;05 PM Tom and Kandi are in the Kitchen Tom starts asking about her and Tamar's past Then WBRB 12:06 pm All Cameras are at WBRB - I assume the veto voting must be going on
  22. 11:12 am In the Pink Girls room Jonathan, Lola and Natalie are talking, Johnathan is trying to decide who to put up Joey or Dina. 11:16 Am they state they have 30 minutes to be ready Tamar states she is going to eliminate Kandi every time. Lola states here is a mood shift and Natalie states Ryan isn't reliable . Tamar states that they are lying to them Tamar is talking about Kandi. It seems something happened off screen Natalie says she thinks the boys are coming in to get Tamar or Lola to volunteer 11:22am Tamar states her spirit is bruised. 11:28 am in the Pink and green Room Joey, Ryan and Jonathan Jonathan states he has lost 3 challenges 11:33 am Living Room Tom and Ricky are talking - Tom explains how he engineers jokes



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