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Posts posted by Gram02

  1. 29 minutes ago, straykat said:


    Jason tells Kevin that he and Alex were the votes. Kevin asks why they didn't tell him, he would have voted for Matt, too. Then later he starts saying that it was him but not Alex. Then Alex finds out and calls him all kinds of stupid and tells him to tell everyone he lied about voting for Matt. They want to blame Kevin and Raven. 

    WTH how are they going to convince ppl that Raven was voting Matt out?  Did I miss something here?

  2. 18 hours ago, HeleneL said:

    So did I.  The dog walker was hilarious and accurate but my fav. was Josh and the cymbals.  Too bad there's no audio to add the circus tune.


    18 hours ago, HeleneL said:

    So did I.  The dog walker was hilarious and accurate but my fav. was Josh and the cymbals.  Too bad there's no audio to add the circus tune.

    I don't think you need audio, it the same tune Josh sings tadadada

  3. Paul is playing the game very well but not a very honorable game.  He was full of it last year and he is full of it this year.  He said he took Nicole because she played the game better than James , he took Nicole because he thought james was too well liked.  This year he is sticking the knife into the houseguest but getting his minions to twist it.  now we have a jury full that people that dislike all the houseguest.  I do think he is a mean person. What is that tattoo on his chest?

  4. 14 minutes ago, straykat said:


    Cody totally mishandled the aftermath of Paul's pendant reveal. He got angry and shut everyone out. If he had brought the couples back upstairs and explained how he thinks Paul is the most dangerous HG because he is a vet and he played a pretty mean game last time. He could say he was trying to keep the others safe by being able to say it was his decision alone, no blood on their hands. And he could point out that he was right about Paul being bad for the house because he as given three damn weeks of safety. Maybe, just maybe, this would have kept those four from climbing up Paul's ass. But maybe not. These people are sheep.

    If,if ,if we should have a hand in production. LOL I guess we did in the temptation den

  5. 11 minutes ago, Roli said:


    She gave Cody exactly what he was looking for with her reaction.  

    You are correct.  Everyone tried to push his button but I think he pushed everyone else's button, so he played the game in his own way. The game would have been totally different if Cody would have been able to BD Paul reguardless if he was voted out or not.  I personally think he would of convinced the house to keep him., but I think the house would have split more evenly.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Roli said:


    The way she was talking, it sounded as if she may have gotten it in her HOH basket.  I'm not sure.  She said something to the effect of, "after I let you have some of my cereal, you ate the whole box".  He did make it pretty clear that he ate it all to spite her.  I'm sure it gave his petty self great satisfaction that she yelled about it.  


    11 minutes ago, Roli said:


    The way she was talking, it sounded as if she may have gotten it in her HOH basket.  I'm not sure.  She said something to the effect of, "after I let you have some of my cereal, you ate the whole box".  He did make it pretty clear that he ate it all to spite her.  I'm sure it gave his petty self great satisfaction that she yelled about it.  

    OMG it was a box of cereal.  She should have stuck it up her rear-end, no one would have found it there since Jess is gone.

  7. 24 minutes ago, HeleneL said:

    Watching last night's BBAD this morning, I had a small glimmer of hope (mind you VERY tiny) when Cody was talking with Alex and Jason and outlining a few scenarios that might/could keep him in the house and they all seemed to seriously consider it.  But then Lord and Master trouped in with the sheep and small talk took over.  But Alex showed how thoroughly stupid she was after most of them left (I actually thought she was a little smarter than the others) and relayed the whole convo to Paul and Xmas, constantly giggling over it.  I can't believe how thoroughly brainwashed they all are.  Programmed robots!  :cookoo:

    I had same glimmer, didn't last very long lol. 



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