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Everything posted by GreenMtn

  1. 11:30 PM BBT Alex: "This is why the world hates Americans. We cook 100 hot dogs for no reason, for entertainment, while kids in Africa are starving." Cody: "I don't think any of those kids in Africa would have eaten those soy hot dogs."
  2. 2:15 PM BBT There's no sour cream. Matt, Raven, Christmas and Elena are bummed. Especially Elena since she just came off two weeks of HN. Christmas says Paul dropped an entire container of sour cream on the KT floor this morning, and those that were there voted to trash it, cause it touched the floor. Paul walks in and asks "Why did you tell me to throw it away? It's not my fault."
  3. 2:03 PM BBT Josh and Paul in lounge. Josh talking about Mark and Jason "pretending" to play chess and really whispering game talk. Josh is so upset with Mark about this. [It is so hard to understand what Josh is talking about half the time. His communication skills are sadly lacking.]
  4. 1:56 PM BBT Production: "Matt and Raven, Safety First ... No Horsing Around." Cody baked something, but it was epic fail and he threw it out. "At least it took up 20 minutes." Kevin had just been talking with Mark about how boring it is. That he's thinking of putting on a different shirt ... at least it would take up some time. Kevin: "You want to watch? It ought to take a minute or two."
  5. 1:45 PM BBT Jason comes in to Den BR and lies down. He starts stretching his back. Kevin says, "he's a big guy." Paul: "He's a gangly mother fucker."
  6. 1:43 PM BBT Paul and Kevin discussing that Cody has a child. Apparently, he hadn't told anyone but Jessica. Kevin and Paul both agree he should have told everyone. They might have looked at him a little differently.
  7. 1:41 PM BBT Raven: "Mark got called out for napping. It was fuckin hilarious. Everyone in the house is napping, and he gets called out for it."
  8. 1:38 PM BBT Kevin says he has never seen a real farm. He's never ridden a horse, let alone a bull.
  9. 12:12 AM BBT Production: "No climbing!!" Paul: "I gotta get my bowl." Production: "No climbing!!!!"
  10. 11:30 PM BBT In HOH, Alex, Elena, Josh, Jason, Paul all talking about smoking weed.
  11. 9:40 PM BBT Paul has been on an anti-Kevin tour. Kevin is upset and appears to have been crying. Jason trying to console him. Jason said go in the DR and talk to the camera as though talking to his daughters. He said he would in a minute. He went in the Storage room and stuck his head in the freezer for a minute or two.
  12. 8:52 PM BBT Paul says they need to back-door Cody this week, then if next week is double eviction, we'll get out that SOB. [Mark] Mark is all over the house and all over the place.
  13. 8:43 PM BBT Elena: What you doing Cody? Rearranging things? I like your style. Cody: I like your face. Elena: Oh Reallllllllllllyy!
  14. 3:38 PM BBT ANT WARS!!! Elena finds an ant in someone's hair and freaks out. Alex starts schreeching, runs up to HOH yelling something about "when you spray ant spray or air freshener in the bathroom, make sure the seat is down."
  15. 3:34 PM BBT Kevin and Jason in Den BR again. Kevin says, well at least if you're on the block, you get to make a speech. You want to make a speech? Jason: No, I don't want to make a speech. Paul, Kevin, Jason, and Alex are sitting on beds in Den BR whispering. Or at least Paul is whispering. Josh walks in and stands right beside him. Paul says, Josh, please move away from here, so it's not 5 people together. Josh turns around and leaves the room (in his pink shirt.) Paul is the only one talking. Alex nodding her head. Josh walks in and leaves immediately. Raven walks in and leaves immediately. Whispers resume. Now Elena walks in and sits on the bed. She asks if she can be taken down with veto. Paul says, "Yes, that's the idea." Paul wants to be picked for veto comp.
  16. 3:33 PM BBT Jason and Paul in Storage room. Jason seems worried that Alex is gonna nominate him. [Alex is always calling Jason "the dumbest person she ever met." and "the dumbest cowboy ever." Paul trying to explain to Jason why it's OK if Alex puts him up "as a pawn," but I can't follow his logic at all. Something about making Mark and Elena more comfortable because Alex put up "one of her own." Jason says it will be him, Matt, and Elena on the block. Jason hopes the veto comp is physical. Paul says all veto comps are physical.
  17. 3:30 PM BBT Alex telling another LONG story that no one seems to really be paying any attention to. [Her voice aggravates me. --GreenMtn]
  18. 3:28 PM BBT Everyone except Kevin and Jason are in the kitchen eating. General chat.
  19. 3:17 PM BBT Kevin and Jason talking in Den BR. Kevin explaining how to take care of shoes and socks. Jason: We'll talk to her [Alex] tonight. We'll all get together in the HOH. Cause it's pointless to talk to her right now, with everyone whining about everything. Kevin: What are you talking about? Nominations are in 3 hours! Jason: I'm such a tool.....I knew that. Kevin: What, you weren't thinking? Jason: Yeah, I just wasn't thinking.
  20. 3:14 PM BBT Elena sitting on Kevin's bed. Kevin: "I was in the yaad." They're still talking about all the sounds they've been hearing. Maybe this was the Temptation Competition. Kevin: You mean, like a "vessel virgin?" [a vestal virgin maybe.]



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