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Everything posted by music19773

  1. BBT 7:10 Jessica and Cody in kitchen whispering softly about getting together to watch a movie (Huh?) and they kiss quickly. Paul is holding court in HOH talking to people about he was given grief for not kissing butt enough to win the money last year. However he doesn't regret how he played. "Some things are more important than money." The party (Josh, Jason, Paul, not sure who else) breaks up and everyone heads to the kitchen to join the majority of the house making food. 7:15 Elena and Josh in bathroom while Elena complains about her hair. Kevin and Paul now in the lounge with Josh. Kevin talking about a cracked tooth and how they are going to have to pull his tooth out. He is wondering if they will give him novacaine or not. Paul wants the BY to open up so he can work out. They are joking about how who signed Kevin's release for the show. Kevin says his wife did his. "She f**kin signed my death warrant." Kevin complaining about how slowly he texts in comparison with his wife and kids. 7:25 Kevin is now telling a story about 3 day weekends with his kids and how they would 'play sick' so they didn't have to go to school the next day. The conversation turns to an old sitcom that ran on Sunday nights after Married With Children and the Wayans starred in it. They finally figure out it was "In Living Color". They were excited because Jennifer Lopez used to dance on that show. 7:30 Elena and Mark in the kitcthen together. She is leaning on him while they joke with Jessica and Cody who are kissing again. They talk about how they are the people that they hate outside of the show. (They are talking about showmances. So they all consider themselves in showmances?) Now they are discussing someone who interviewed them. Elena talks about how she was questioned about her body and how comfortable she was in a bikini. She loves her body but says it is not the "American Standard". Mark whole heartily agrees while he nuzzles behind her. 7:35 Jason now joins the E/M/J/C conversation and it turns to NC-17 discussion of "vinegar strokes". Mark says he has never seen boobs? (I am so confused.These people are more ADD than me LOL) Mark says they want to put a bigger brace on his finger because it's so swollen and it's pissing him off. 7:40 Same foursome talking about Elena's hair and how it looks darker up top and lighter at the tips. Mark doesn't get how her roots are so much darker than the ends. Jessica and Elena are trying to explain it to him without much success. 7:43 to 8:00 BBT Alex and Jillian talking in a bedroom about confronting someone. Going through various scenarios and outcomes about something that happened earlier. Jillian says that there is no way to win by confronting him and they should leave it. "He's stupid, and he will got back and run his mouth." They agree they will get caught in the crossfire. They whisper who the next HOH might take out and who might go this week. I think they are talking about Josh. "He's a loose cannon and he can't play." - Alex They are rehashing Josh's confrontation with Megan in the kitchen. Now they are talking about confronting a girl but they are whispering so much I can't figure out a lot of it. They keep mentioning her love for Jesus and discussing using Ramses to talk to her. Whoever it is they are saying she acts "like a queen" and complains that she and Elena probably aren't on the show a lot. They want Ramses to talk to this person and tell her that Jillian isn't coming after them. (I think it might be Dominique but don't quote me) Wondering if they bring Christmas to their side and how someone screwed them over (Josh).



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