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Posts posted by music19773

  1. 7:47 BBT Cody and Jessica in SR. she says if they want to play dirty, let them. She will lie, backstab, and do what she needs to do. They are pretty sure it will be both of them. Jessica still fuming that Christmas put her on blast in "the most cowardly way. On live TV when I couldn't say anything." Mark and Elena in a BR and then FOTH. This time with no audio either. (Boo, I liked listening to production.)

  2. 7:43 BBT FOTH but there is audio. Someone from production is talking to them and warning them about not getting in each other's faces. "It's a game. Say what you want but don't get in each other's faces." Mark talking to someone and Christmas saying "We are going to live together and be cordial. I would like for this to be as peaceful as possible." Production asks them to go inside. ( Do they know the audio is on?)

  3. 6:00 BBT Paul and Jason playing pool in the backyard. Paul is working hard on having Jason blow smoke up Cody's butt. Paul says "If you back out, then I'll know where you stand."  Jason doesn't want to be the guy that comes over and the girls on that side then want him out. Paul said he isn't working with all of them, he is really selling it. "Just have a little faith in me dude. I've been transparent since the first day. You choose to be with me, I'll back you up to the end. If you choose to f**k with me, I'll f**k you twice as hard with no lube." (Ouch!) He finishes his very appealing pitch (/sarcasm) by saying "If you need some time to see me work, that's totally fine with me baby."


    Jason asks where Mark is and Paul says that Mark is with them. Paul continues that Mark and Jason are acting the same, they are acting like nice guys who don't want to upset anyone. Paul tells Jason that he gets excited and he is warning/telling him that the more he goes up to Cody the more his name comes up in conversation, which endangers Paul somehow.  Jason says he doesn't want Paul to take Cody's place as the kingpin and Paul takes all the showmances. Paul shoots back that he and Victor were the showmance killer because they split up three different showmances week after week. Jason is on board with this. Paul warns Jason that he can't throw that s**t around because it makes him a huge target. "Don't ever talk about it again. The more you talk about it, the more they gun for you." Paul alludes that there are priorities and that this is a marathon, not a sprint and Jason needs to pump the brakes. Paul says this is his 112th day in the BB house and Jason's 13th. Paul reminds Jason of how all the alpha males from his season last year went down in a blaze of glory. Jason is excited to win HOH so he can then pick off who he wants. Paul - "All I'm saying is work with me and not against me because I think together we can do some solid s**t to get to a certain point.  I'm not saying we work with these people forever, we work with them until jury which means you're paid to vacation and everyone makes money. The end of this game is a whole lot of chance, a whole lot of luck, and a whole lot of twists still to come. Just wait until this next temptation comes. I'm not in it and guess who just pissed off a lot of people. Does that make sense?" Jason agrees.  (Honestly only half of it made sense to me.) 

  4. BBT 5:32 Alex and Jason in the money bedroom. Production gives them a warning. "Houseguests must be awake from the hours of 10 AM to 10 PM." Alex - "I think that was for us. I was praying!" Alex says Christmas never asked her to vote to keep her. Jason says, of course you're Jillian's friend. Alex says that Christmas is cool but she won't back them 100% when they need her. She will go straight back to Paul. She saw Paul's season and he was only loyal 100% to Victor. Alex is wondering if Paul is America's Player or something where he has to do things to the houseguests for money. "Maybe he's the twist."


    Alex and Jason remind themselves how they have to be careful about who they back for the next two weeks because Paul is safe. Alex says she thinks Cody was going to pull her off if he won veto. They discuss going to final four with Cody. Alex doesn't want to be in a final four with Cody and Jessica. Jason "Oh f**k No, we'll get rid of her. Put Mark in there. That would be all right, wouldn't it?" Alex agrees. 


    Jason says Paul has been going around today campaigning for Christmas and he thinks that is a bunch of s**t. Alex says Jessica and Cody sitting in that room all day every day since he won HOH is completely useless. 




    BBT 5:41 PM Ramses and Dominique in the kitchen. Ramses is eating cereal and Dominique is cleaning up. Cody and Jessica in HOH. He asks what she would have done if she had been HOH this week. Jessica said that Alex has been on her radar since day one. She hated how after that first competition Alex went around bragging about how awesome she was. Cody asks who else and Jessica says probably Megan but she's not sure. But she definitely would have put up Alex and she (Jessica) wouldn't have thrown the veto comp so Alex would have definitely gone home. (So Jessica thinks Cody threw the Veto comp too? Hmmm...interesting.) 


    Cody defends himself and says that he wasn't making any progress in that 28 minutes. The Veto had something to do with sand, clams,  and starfish and he couldn't get them to stay the right way. He and Jessica start discussing various strategies of how the Veto went and what seemed to work best. Jessica is critiquing Cody's gameplay and Paul's advice to other players to lock in their time. Cody said the wind died down at the end and that's how people got better stacks. (Jessica is sure she would have done so much better if she had been HOH or played Veto....spare me)


    Cody says he is feeling much more chill around Mark. Jessica agrees. 


    BBT 5:48 Matthew, Paul, Christmas, and Raven in the blue lounge room talking about how she went off on someone. Paul said he was on standby mode and now he has to play the game. Raven says the look on Matt's face was priceless. Matt says he was so uncomfortable. Now Matt is imitating Cody's posture and they are all laughing. Mark comes into the room and doesn't get the joke. (Big Surprise.) "Why is he sitting like that?" Raven plays it off and says it's Matt being Matt. Mark goes off to workout. Matt says he is going to shower and admits that he didn't shower yesterday. Raven says she could tell. (Ew.)


    Back in the HOH room Jessica says that she hopes Jillian can swing this vote. Cody agrees.  He says that they know Ramses's biggest secret and Jessica says that she bets that Elena knew because there was no way he would tell them and not Elena. Jessica says she is pretty sure Kevin isn't going to keep Jillian. Cody says Kevin is a bullsh**ter. Jessica says that she can't see Kevin voting out someone on crutches. Cody argues that why should any of them vote to keep someone who hasn't talked to them in two weeks? Cody says that he is doing this, trying to keep Jillian, for Alex. He has no loyalty to Jillian, his loyalty is to Alex.


    The duo complain about how Christmas refused to give up her double bed to Mark and Elena. Christmas said one of them could sleep with her but she had cleaned that bed and she wasn't giving it up. Cody - "God, c**kblock!" They hope that if Jessica doesn't win this week that another couple does so they can just switch beds. Jessica "Because...I kinda need you." Cody - "Same." They start a conversation about the path of their relationship and the questions the DR people would ask them at the beginning compared to what they ask now. 








  5. BBT 8:11 p.m. Christmas and Jason in chairs by the pool in the backyard. She is going over who she thinks is on her side and FOTH. When they come back Christmas is whispering to Jason. She is telling him to watch someone Jessica and Raven carefully. Jason "It's still early." Christmas "I want you to think about who you made that deal with and what it's actually worth." Jason seems contemplative. 


    BBT 8:15 p.m. Matt, Raven, Cody, and Jessica in the jacuzzi. Kevin is over by Jillian and Alex on a lounger a little bit away. Kevin still moaning about his tooth and how he needs to go to the dentist. Alex tells him to go to the DR right away because it's almost the 4th of July. Alex talking about how Kevin will need meds after he gets his tooth pulled. Kevin "I won't need meds after it's pulled. The tooth is causing the pain and the tooth will be gone. No more pain." Alex says she has had a lot of root canals. Kevin looks at the jacuzzi group and says he can look at two of them and tell them they won't vote against him. He is certain of it. (I'm not so sure of that...)


    Mark walks over and Kevin asks if he is going to work out. Mark says he needs bigger arm muscles. They start discussing what an older man would/should bench. 


  6. BBT 8:03 PM - Elena and Matt in the storage room. Matt says here's the plan. Step 1 - Elena needs to handle Mark. She wonders if she needs to handle Ramses. She and Matt go over strategy of how to approach him.  Step 2 - One of them needs to win HOH. Matt says if Christmas or Paul win he thinks that they will be in good shape. Matt says he wouldn't blame Paul if he put any of them up. Elena wonders if Paul would put up Cody instead. Matt says he will never vote for Cody, if someone wants him out they better back door him. Elena agrees with him.


    She asks if Matt thinks Cody threw the POV competition. He won't say he does but he did wonder after how Cody acted at the end of the competition and seemed to give up. Elena said "I never would have expected that, but then again I would have never expected what he did today." (Putting Christmas up)



    Matt is hoping HOH is an endurance comp so he can win, that way Elena and Raven can chill. Elena says that she knows her game is 90% social. Matt jokes "More than that." She grabs her ice cream and leaves. 

  7. BBT 7:55 p.m. Paul and Christmas in the hammock. Paul saying how they almost got pulled into the mess that the showmances are currently in. He is telling her what needs to happen. She doesn't make deals, she stands strong, they get through this week and then one of them wins next week. Paul says he has a few people he trusts, a few who he has question marks about, and a few who are on his s**t list. Paul tells Christmas they can do some serious damage in this game. 


    Talk turns to how they need Alex and Jason. Christmas says Alex and Jason are working together. Paul says Cody has a deal with all of them, Jason, Ramses, everyone. Paul says Ramses is a wild card and they should just let him dig his own grave. Paul tells Christmas to keep Ramses close because he is her bridge into intel about the other side. 


    They talk about how they won't be doing as much PDA. Christmas - "So no more cuddles then?" Paul - "Not necessarily. You better give me the eyes now and then." (Looks like they are trying to separate themselves from the two showmances.) 

  8. BBT 7:45  Alex, Jillian, and Jason in a bedroom going over the votes. They say they have Cody, Jason, Alex, Ramses, and they are hoping to get Mark. Jason says to just let Mark talk and agree with whatever he says. Jason says he doesn't trust Matt or Dominique and he wants them gone. He says he told Paul that he wanted Dominique gone and he thinks Paul told Dominique. They are going through who they might be able to turn in order to get the vote in Jillian's favor. 


    Alex and Jason are talking about how they are making the deals with people so that if Jillian wins she can put Cody up and say with all honesty that she didn't promise Cody safety. Apparently Jason and Alex both promised if they win HOH safety to Jessica and Cody next week if they would keep Jillian. Talk turns to Jillian's speech about how she outed their 8 person 'alliance that isn't an alliance'. Jillian wants to be able to do her speech second so that Christmas won't come after her if she says that stuff first. (Can they choose who goes first in the speeches?) 


    Alex is warning Jillian be very careful who she talks to and confides in. 

  9. BBT 7:21 Paul, Christmas, Elena and Matthew in the backyard talking about how Cody is playing both sides and it's hurting all of their games. Paul is hitting the point hard that Cody didn't follow the 'rules' of the group by putting Christmas up and now they are going to lose one of their numbers. They discuss Kevin's loyalty and if they have his vote to keep Christmas. They are going through all the votes to see who Christmas has on her side. They are positive they have Dominique, Elena, Matt, Paul, and Raven. They are thinking they definitely have enough votes to keep Christmas safe. Elena saying she gave her word to Christmas and even though she feels loyalty to Cody she isn't going back on her word.


    Paul goes back on his tirade about how Cody's gameplay is messing things up. Matt and Elena are upset that Cody didn't talk to his main group before targeting Christmas. "He wants to be friends with everyone in the house so he makes side-deals and messes all of us in the process." They are trying to figure out if Cody's nomination of Christmas is a mistake or a big game move. Paul says Cody doesn't really want to be a part of a 'team' and now he needs to reassess where his loyalty lies. 


    Raven joins the group. Paul relaying a conversation he had with Cody where Cody took responsibility for the nomination and said if he had to take the repercussions of that decision he would. Paul - "I'm frustrated because I thought I was working with people who were on the same level as me and apparently I'm not. This is not what I signed up for. If I knew that this was how this group was going to play, I wouldn't have done it."


    They are mad that Cody has them all stressed out now. "It was supposed to be us to jury and then game on." Apparently Cody wouldn't consider backdooring Alex but he would totally do it to Christmas. Matthew asks about suggestions moving forward, assuming Christmas stays in the game. Paul "I have a ton of suggestions but I'm not talking."


    Paul - "I've already reassessed and we'll see who wins HOH. If I do, then I will do what I want." Talk turns to who they will put up if they win HOH. Matthew wants Alex, Elena says Josh. Paul says the most useless HOH would be getting rid of Kevin. The group starts to change the subject and Elena goes inside. 







  10. 8:15 BBT

    Kevin talking to Jillian in the lounge. She tells him about a conversation she had with Josh. She tried to give him a heads up that people were complaining about him and he was annoying people. Josh then went and told Dominique that Jillian was out to get her and now Jillian is freaking out that she's going to get voted out. (Ahh, that earlier convo makes so much more sense.) Kevin tells her not to worry she is safe. 


    Josh comes in the room looking for people and the conversation switches to New York. Jillian's mother is from New York and she misses the food there. Josh asks if she ate the slop-joes and she says No. Kevin leaves and Josh and Jillian have an uncomfortable moment before they head out as well.  



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