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Everything posted by KellyBoz

  1. Forgot to add that if I were in the house, it's very easy to see which side I would be on. I would never group myself with people who spew such hate. However, I really haven't heard Neely be quite as vocal as K and J. Those two are plain awful!
  2. I have to agree. Both sides talk but the girls don't sweep the bottom of the barrell with downright nasty personal attacks the way the late night group does. Jason is the worst with Kryssie following closely behind. I also think some of this blogs attacks are equally as awful. Thanks Rex. I'm on your side too
  3. I missed it! How did she do?? How do I back up to see sonething previously shown on feeds? Can you please send me a link to Kryssie doing this veto comp?
  4. Oh I just signed on and praying I didn't miss Kryssie attempt this veto comp. was I the only one who heard her tell Justin he needs to stop feeding her or she wouldn't be able to wear her size 6 and 8 jeans? ROFL!
  5. Forgot to add this part, i hate when people get mad and want retaliation when someone leaves. It's a game. People must leave or it is no longer a game lol. As for the blog. I seldom agree with Aimee but don't mind reading it to catch up. Wish it wasn't so slanted towards those I don't like and being that I'm a bit OCD, wish you she would proof read them lol. No biggie though
  6. I so agree! I cannot stand Kryssie! I would also love to see Alex get safety. Did y'all catch Neely blasting Shelby behind her back for catching her doing a celebratory dance and then did ya see how much dancing Neely did? I also hate when you call the girls plastic. They are young and attractive but by no means "plastics". They aren't even old enough to need that yet lol. I, for one, will be voting for Neely and Jason to be have nots and Neely to be nominated. But I do not care for nerd boy Scott. I like Danielle though. Just cannot wait to see Kryssie let the door kick her in the ass on her way out. She gets on my last nerve!



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