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Everything posted by MiMiLily

  1. I hope that Gnat gets evicted - so over her. Used to like her until her true colors starting coming out. Hope that James goes with VicPaul after Gnat is evicted and not with Nicorey.
  2. Natalie says that she needs to work out. On Live Feeds does she work out or does she stay in bed a lot of the time like she does on AfterDark?
  3. IMO I feel that of the remaining houseguests Victor is the only one that is playing BB and not looking for a summer hook-up or a summer vacation. Paul is also there to play the game but with Victor winning his way back twice he's there to win and not sit and eat or sleep most of the day away. The other houseguests really have no straight gameplay. People can say that the VicPaul team flip-flops but so do Nicory & JamNat. James needs to break loose from Natalie and stop doing her bidding and Corey needs to break away from Nicole and stop that cuddling.



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