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Posts posted by Moonpetal

  1. Nic & Paul had a conversation last night that James & Nat lied to them. I'm trying to recall if Nic ever mentioned Paul as a target or the other way around. 

    They both claim they've been screwed the whole game. I don't see how. Everyone forgot about the old Willy Wonka grandparents in bed and Paul has been working like a tyrant ear worm to either the hoh or the voters. 


    Paul said he just wants things to stay calm. He's so worried things will flip. 


    Meech knows a lot about Paul, why has she kept quiet? Feels like she's just given up. 



  2. I think he is a comp beast and has worked hard on his social game. I do really like him way more than at first. Hated him but out of the possible people to return he was my hopeful each time. Especially the second time. 


    As as for being Americas fave... Hmmm I'm not really sure who is clear fave. Love James but I need to see that he's not so sprung off Nat that he will do what's best for him. 

    Not exactly a shinning cast this season. 

    Maybe Frank, he got screwed. 

  3. I think James can fully beat Vic at comps. He lasted on the wall. It's the mental comps where he struggles. 


    Nat "I'm on a diet" proceeds to eat a container of grape tomatoes, some muffin, tons of seaweed and massive amounts of hummus with carrots waiting for Nicole to cook some taco ground turkey. 

    I'm not sure what's winning more this season, the ants or the snacking. 


    What's holding Nic back is how James revealed that Nat wanted to keep Vic over Corey. James basically screwed himself even though that's not how he voted. Nic sees that at not trustworthy & it's understandable. 


    At at this point if James ditches Nat he's screwing himself. I think he's waiting this out because he knows talking to Nic right now won't help. It's always best to wait until shortly before the eviction. 

  4. This isn't nascar. It's big brother! Expect the unexpected. Enough said. 



    Nicole still has time to flip on Paul. Though I doubt there's anything Meech or James could do because she knows Meech is after her. Why keep someone you know wants you out? Meech had her chance and didn't take the shot. 

  5. They are missing probably their last chance to get rid of Paul. I think Paul was the BB golden boy pick. Nicole had zero interest in him & now suddenly she's just ok with him.  

    He sure knows how to keep his  nasty side hidden. The stuff he was telling Meech was sickening. That making fun of people is his he has fun. When he's nice I like him. He's definitely entertaining and has taken things well like doing the security checks. 

    I was curious and looked at his clothing line. Some funny stuff I guess  and I'm certain tag phrases will soon appear once he's back at work. It's a bit over the top too. Defiantly have to like the word f^*k. 


    Getting him away from Vic should be their prime objective this week. 

  6. Hmmm where is the beating a dead horse emoji? :animated_rotfl::cookie:


    I think he's actually very likable.  It seems like he came in thinking what everybody wanted to see was one thing and he was putting on a show. I feel like the past few weeks he's actually been who he is.

    They want someone that's played the game & they like big moves. Heck getting Paulie out & keeping him out was enough to secure votes against anyone left in the house. 

  7. Is the drone trying to tell them something? 


    kiddyhouse - check the CBS website 


    I can't tell what the heck is going on this week. Looks like Paul & Vic are each hanging out with the groups to gather info. No clue really what's going on with voting. Then again the last day is always the most critical. 


    Corey picking a bug out Nic's massive hair knot is hilarious!! 

    She mistreats her hair. It kills me when she brushes it wet. I have very long hair and I have no clue how she still has hair with how treats it. 

    Coery can't find the bug!!! Hahahaha 


    I agree on the assessment of Nat. She's by far a dingbat. I think she fakes most of the baby crap because that's how she thinks she attracts guys. The comment on her telling the truth when she swears on all that she loves had me shaking my head. She didn't like James calling her out. She claims she doesn't know the show/game then she says things about previous seasons. Ex: she thinks those are religious and bring their bible get kicked out the fastest. There's nothing wrong with being a novice to the show but acting like you are then claim you know about the show is bit confusing. Is it game? 

    Oh if she plays James I'm certain she will definitely know how America feels on it. America! Ugh! 


    Oh oh and the open mouth food shoveling is so annoying!!! Stop that! 







  8. Either way this last package voting was very sketchy. 


    Nat is way too concerned with America liking her. Just like Paul is always saying "it makes good tv". Vic talking about being famous. It feels like people are using BB to become "popular". 

    It will be interesting to see what the season 19 cast does. Will they be there to play the game & not worry about their likability? 

    Makes me miss Janelle, Chill Town and Evel Dick. 


    Watching Meech and Paul talk. I don't think Meech gives a hoot about what he's saying. Her "right" replies might as well have a bubble above her head with "ok bullsh!t". I think he's just said things that cut too deep for her to let it go at least for now. 


    Has Nicole said what her plan is with who she wants out? 

    I need to go read the feed reports. 

  9. On August 26, 2016 at 7:48 PM, Marty said:


    It's what Corey wants so he can be back with his bros.


    Paul, Victor and Corey will be F3.


    Her game to toss away I guess. 






    As for Vic, for someone that says they don't like lying he sure was good at doing so to James & Nat. 


    He needs to cut loose from Paul. It's his anchor. I feel like Paul is his evil woobie too. 




  10. Naddaclue - Exactly! Vic has been impressive with the comps and he's starting to be better with socializing. 


    Abdala & PrincessWhiteTrash - I have no clue what Nic is thinking. Only thing I can see is she wants Meech out so that both sides see her as 3rd to take to finale 3. She really proved herself by winning both hoh & veto but how can she see herself winning against James, Vic or Paul? Even Nat is a toss up. She did say that she would gladly take second place. She's dropping major hints that taking her ensures the other person a win. 


    Corey is for sure giving that money to Nic or Vic so they can go on a trip. What in the world would he have them do? It's not like he would bribe her to remove Meech and replace with Vic. No one else could be bribed to flip their vote. He wouldn't dare mess with her Hoh. Does it have to be a game move? 


    I doubt they they will explain themselves about the voting. 

  11. Nope you don't have to like it but it doesn't mean it's not fair or that he deserves less support. And nothing we can do about it. 


    Finally watching BBAD from last night. No wonder Paul didn't get the package. Him talking to us trying to convince people he deserves it. Omg is he serious??  He's crapping on the people that won care packages. clueless!! Funny though. 



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