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Posts posted by bebeJM

  1. 11:45 am BBT Feed returns after veto meeting. Nicole did not use the veto. Paul asks if she will be offended if he calls her a snake in his speech jokingly.


    11:56 am BBT Paul says “That’s it one of us is gone!” Nicole moans. Paul says he wants to hook up with Bridgette in jury (not sure if he is serious or not).


    12:26 pm BBT All HG in the kitchen cooking and joking around.


    12:50 pm BBT Victor says he has had a lot of odd jobs. He worked at a seafood place and he hates seafood. He worked at RadioShack and Best Buy.


    1:04 pm BBT Nicole is explaining to Victor what you can say when they vote in jury. All HG still hanging around the kitchen.


    1:54 pm BBT HG still working on lunch. James says he does not think a lot of the Have Not stuff is aired anymore. He said this season they probably only showed the squid. James said his season they didn’t air hardly any Have Not info. Nicole and James head outside while Victor and Corey stay in to clean up.


    2:17 pm BBT James and Nicole outside by the pool talking about social media. James says that is how he keeps up with other BB players. James says Corey told him he would be compared to Derrick. Nicole says she is nothing like Victoria.

  2. 3:30 am BBT James thinks it will be a bitter jury this year. James think Nicole and Corey have very good odds of F2. Vic says unless whoever stays teams up with James and splits them up. Paul think James will make it to final 3 unless Paul gets HoH and James doesn’t win the POV. Paul tells James to turn it up.


    3:40 am BBT Paul says James didn’t get a lot of blood on his hands other than Frank who won’t vote anyway.


    3:54 am BBT James says he had to lie to a lot of people before he came on this season so no one would find out.


     4:15 am BBT James rolls over and goes to sleep. Victor is moving around getting comfortable.

  3. 2:54 am BBT Paul says Natalie was cocky but would go between selling her self short and talking herself up. Paul says she was so fake. He says what Paulie said about her was petty but she is conniving and manipulative. James says she had a rough upbringing and that could have something to do with it. Paul says she wanted people to think she was an all-loving person but that was not the case.


    3:09 am BBT James says it took him a while but he finally said what he had to say to Natalie and that is why they “broke-up.” James says that Natalie told him that was the second time she was broken up with this season. They all start talking about who she flirted with first. Victor says 4 days in, he told her he didn’t want to be in a “flirtmance” after that she just shit all over me. James says Natalie did not start talking crap about Paulie until she heard he something bad about her, that’s when she told everyone she was being flirted with by Paulie. James thinks its suspicious that she held on to that until she was mad at Paulie.


    3:20 am BBT James says he doesn’t doubt the fact that Nat cared about him but it was more friend level while he wanted a relationship. Paul says Michelle may have been good at watching BB, but sucked at playing it. He says he could tell her 10 minutes before nominations that someone said something bad about her and she would change her nominations. James adds that then she finds out later it isn’t true and starts crying and apologizing. Paul says when he dropped the “C-bomb” it shut her up. He says that was his favorite day.

  4. 2:37 am BBT James, Paul, and Vic continue just ripping Natalie apart. Paul says she told everyone she was “shit on” the whole game to get sympathy. He says she HATED him because he always called her out. Vic asks what he said in his Good-bye message to Natalie. Paul says he said he had Nat’s game figured out and you lost my respect when you threw your ride or die under the bus. James says “Ooh you said that?” Paul answers, “100%.” Cut to FoTH. Paul wonders how Natalie reacted to his goodbye message. He says she probably told Julie she would never do that and then Julie would show footage. Victor mockingly says “Roll the tapes” (apparently referencing something Natalie said in the house often).


    Paul says when he gets out he will find the clip of her throwing James under the bus and text it to her. James says he couldn’t watch it. Vic and Paul say it wasn’t that bad, just the intent behind it. Paul says she knew she messed up by seeing the look on Paul’s face while she said she should not have trusted James. Victor says they decided to vote Natalie out before she ever told anyone to vote her out. Paul says Natalie dug her own grave. James says the last fight they had he felt like he had been played the whole game. James says people tried to tell him all season that he was being played. Paul says he never felt it was his place to tell him anything.

  5. 2:31 am BBT Paul and Victor are still telling James how Natalie threw him under the bus. She did not campaign to save him until the day after she threw him under the bus. Paul and Vic could not believe she would do that. She talked to Paul and Vic before the veto and did not start campaigning for James until she lost the veto. Paul says he bets if he or Vic won the veto it would have been a “F James marathon.” James says it was obvious she stayed in the bed to try to wait for James to sleep before she went to go talk to Paul and Vic. Paul says he always called her out on her game. She wasn’t as dumb as she portrayed herself to be and she was good at comps.


    Paul talks about how Nat called him out in her speech about calling her ‘FT’ before she nominated him. He said this was after he apologized to her face about saying it. James says that is how Natalie is, she does not let stuff go. Paul says she uses it against people instead. James says he knew there was an issue when she told him on day 80-something that she was holding on to something that was said to her Day 38. Paul says she memorized that date to specifically call him out on it.


    James tells Paul that he told her he felt used. Paul tells him she used him to win America’s Favorite Player. (hmmm)

  6. 1:17 am BBT Nicole and Paul in the kitchen. Nicole thinks they will have something going on tomorrow. Paul thinks there will be a veto ceremony. Paul asks Nicole about jury.


    Feeds in and out.


    Feed returns with Vic, Paul, and James in the British Bedroom.


    1:31 am BBT James, Victor, and Paul all in the British Bedroom in their own beds joking around. Nicole and Corey are in the HoH.


    2:20 am BBT Paul is telling Victor and James about hooking up at Coachella. He talks about his ex and we see FoTH. James starts talking about a friend and accidentally says his name and again we see FoTH.


     James says something about hanging out with Vic and Paul after Nat left. Victor can’t wait for the wrap party. He mocks Nicole who apparently told him he can’t get girls at the wrap party. Paul says he is going to be so drunk. Victor says when James leaves the house he will probably go right back to Natalie. James says no, he will probably say I miss you how have you been and she will say F you. Paul and Vic say they will have fun and James should too. James says Natalie was very good at deflecting personal stuff. She basically only wanted to talk game. James says he told her she should have been upfront about not wanting a relationship with him and mentioned her throwing him under the bus and she got mad not at the personal betrayal but at the fact that others perceived that she threw her partner under the bus. Paul says Natalie really made it seem that she was in there to tell them that she really messed up listening to James. James asks Paul and Vic if they got the sense that Natalie was inadvertently throwing me under the bus… Paul cuts him off, “Get the sense?” He then continues to tell him why he felt that way.

  7. 12:00 am BBT Victor says one more veto. James disagrees but Vic clears it up. Yes just one more veto. Victor says James is like Joey from Friends. Paul doesn’t like Friends. They start talking out the days again. Trying to figure out how many episodes, what type of comps, etc. Corey joins briefly on his way to get food but then heads back to the HoH. The boys start to talk about their longing for female physical contact. (Keeping it PG)



    12:40 am BBT Nicorey in bed flirting and cuddling. Paul sitting alone in the Living Room. Victor joins after about 15 minutes. Paul tells Victor no matter who stays between the two of them, they have to win their way there. Victor says it may be harder to leave next rather than now because he had a chance to fight. They talk about who would be the best person to take to F2 depending on who is going home.

  8. 10:51 pm BBT Paul and Victor in the kitchen cleaning up and cooking. Corey and Nicole are still in the HoH talking about their DR sessions about the other HG. BB warns them. Corey rephrases the question but asks the same thing. Nicole thinks Glenn is a doctor.


    11:13 pm BBT James, Paul, and Victor talking about going on another season. James says he had to apply again and do the paperwork. BB warns them not to talk about production for about the 100th time this evening. They continue talking about production and get yet another warning. James gets up and walks out of the room. Victor says his POV comic name “El Fit Vic??” Paul says at least his was cool, he was just a guy on the street playing music for money. Paul jokes that his lie is that he doesn’t really own a clothing store. He just made it up to spice it up. Paul says he can say anything at this point and they would believe it. “I’m an astronaut, call my bluff.” Victor says yeah really his family owns “Gold’s Gym.”


    11:18 pm BBT James comes back to join the conversation Victor and Paul are having about personal training. James says “I’ll personally train my girlfriend.” Victor asks him “you don’t have a girlfriend right?”  They all joke about if really he had a wife and we found out about it during family shoutouts. They continue joking about someone having a wife on the show and getting called out by Julie.


    11:25 pm BBT James tells a story about hearing his grandparents have sex. Paul asks what is the age to stop boning? James says that is when life ends. Victor says that’s why he wants to move to a nursing home so he can find other ladies. They all laugh.


    11:44 pm BBT The guys continue silly chit-chat and joking. No game talk. Nicole and Corey are lying in bed counting the days.



  9. 10:18 pm BBT James is explaining to Paul how the finale and jury roundtable work. Paul says at least Natalie will be happy it is not James. James says yes she will be shocked. Paul hopes Nicole and Corey will let them know who is going unless it is tomorrow. James says it’s all strategy. Paul says yes at this point all emotion has to be removed. They agree they all made it far. Paul wonders what the next HoH comp will be.


    Back in the HoH room Nicole and Corey are talking about who will win the next HoH competition. Nicole says she really needs to win. Paul can talk James into breaking apart Corey and Nicole because neither will take him to F2. They don’t think James could beat anyone in F2, he has no wins. James is called to the DR. Nicole says it’s frustrating that James is playing Derrick’s game. He threw that last competition.



    10:30 pm BBT Victor is in the HoH shower, Nicole, Corey, and Paul are talking about the POV competition. Paul mentions a Christmas hat that Corey had on his comic. Corey says that is from one conversation he had about Christmas and was pulled in to the DR. He says he asked why is this a big deal? Paul says Corey secretly invented Christmas. Corey says they (production) asked him if he liked Christmas, he says he said yeah. They asked him to tell them more about it so he listed Christmas things like lights, making cookies, building gingerbread houses and the music. Nicole laughs about the cookies and asks if he seriously said that? Corey answers yes and Nicole and Paul say that is why they gave you the hat. Nicole says they bet it showed him talking about Christmas with the dumb music playing in the background (ha, I think they did that).


    BB warns the HG not to talk about production and the feed cuts to FoTH.


    Feed returns with Corey saying Halloween is actually his favorite holiday. Nicole says it’s funny that they had a Christmas comp. Paul asks if Corey was jazzed about the comp. Corey says he was. Paul says maybe it’s because he looked funny in his elf costume. Nicole says she talked about him in the elf costume in her DR. BB warns them not to talk about DR or production.

  10. 9:53 pm BBT Paul is taking a shower in the HoH, Nicole, Corey, and James chit-chatting. Feeds cut when Nicole mentions her DR session. Feed returns with Nicole saying I bet she is having a great time in jury (not sure who she is, but according to the context I think Natalie). Corey says the jury house is living it up. James says I bet she goes to the jury house and makes all new best friends and said she “never cared” about the remaining HG. I’m single as a Pringle.” Nicole says just don’t think about it James you need to have your head straight for the game. Corey says 10 days give it your all. James says yeah and after that close the damn yearbook.


    James and Nicole are discussing prize winnings thus far in the game. Corey and Nicole each have $2500, while James has $5000. James mentions the $25,000 prize. Nicole says anyone can get it even Glenn. Corey says that would be crazy. James says he would be happy for him. James says it’s usually 3-7th place, but no one pre jury got it although Jason was in the running with James and Johnny Mac. Corey asks when they reveal that. Nicole tell him the finale. Nicole says her happiest moment was finding out she was in the top 3 for AFP. James says it depends on your edit and how people perceive you. James asks if she thinks the live feeders have anything to do with it?

  11. 9:22 pm BBT Corey, Nicole, and James in HoH room talking about the POV competition. Corey said he knew Nicole had it because she only took like 17 mins. She said she even stayed after she finished to answer questions. Nicole took about 14 mins. Corey asks if they should weigh pros and cons about who to evict. He says Victor is good under pressure with the exception of the last comp. Paul is very smart, but not as good under pressure. Corey is worried about the next POV. They again agree to get Victor out.


    9:32 pm BBT James, Nicole, and Corey still talking in HoH. They are trying to figure out how they will get down to final two without another double eviction. Corey doesn’t think there will be an eviction tomorrow because there is no veto meeting. Nicole speculates that there could be a final three to be voted on by the jury. She think America could be the tie-breaking vote, America has been very involved this season. James says “Damn, I didn’t even think about that.”


    Nicole says next Thursday should be the jury roundtable but they still have to get rid of two people. James and Nicole say you have the jury roundtable then you go sit in the hotel for a week waiting for the finale. Feeds cut to FoTH.


    9:43 pm BBT Paul comes into the HoH room. They continue talking about the POV. Paul says he was surprised he got 18 mins. Nicole and Paul thought Victor had won. James asks did anyone think he won? Paul says he heard him on his buzzer the whole time. Paul leaves, heads to the storage room, and returns to the HoH.

  12. 9:00 pm BBT Victor, James, and Nicole in the kitchen talking about how many days are left. They are saying 10 days are left. James says regardless, it’s right around the corner. James says he hopes he gets a hair cut in the hotel room. James says they did that last year. Nicole says they cut like 8 inches off last time and she was very upset. They even cut Hayden’s hair. BB warns them twice to not talk about production. Victor says he is really an operations manager of the gym but most people don’t understand that. Nicole says I bet you make a lot of money. Victor says not really, he lives with his parents. James says all his money goes to his daughter. She has an iPad and he doesn’t even have one. He buys her Apple gift cards that she blows through in apps. James starts to explain how his job works.


    9:13 pm BBT Nicole goes up to the HOH room where Corey is showering. She asks Corey did he try his hardest on that comp (POV)? Corey said he had fun and knew she was going to win. Nicole thinks she is a threat now for winning POV. Her and Corey have won four of the last five comps. Nicole asks Corey, who do you want to go home this week. Corey says he doesn’t care. James joins. Nicole asks him who is the bigger threat? Nicole says this is a big deal, they need to make the right decision. James thinks Victor would definitely win HoH next week. He is the bigger threat. Corey is mad this is even a discussion. Victor needs to go. James says Nicole is savage. They agree they think they can handle Paul.

  13. 1:19 pm BBT Victor and Nicole in the Tokyo bedroom talking about how a trip out of the house should be coming up. Nicole says it happened earlier than this in her season. Nicole says production may be hesitant to let them leave in case someone shouted at them in public about the game. Nicole says if that happens they may tell her she has to go. Victor says he wouldn't be that worried. He doesn't have any secrets. Nicole asks is everyone a relative in this house? Victor says No, you are fishing something that isn't there. Nicole says she asked Corey if he was related to Clay. Victor asks "Clay Aiken?" Nicole says No, Clay from last season. Vic says oh yeah he said he knew him. Nicole agrees and says they both went to A&M. 


    Nicole tells Victor why she went after Frankie in her last season. He was blowing up her game so she went after him. Brief FoTH. 


    1:25 pm BBT Feed returns with Vic and Nicole talking about social media. Victor tells Nicole she is disgusting because of her dirty feet. She says it's because she walks around barefoot. Nicole says she has a good immune system because she is around germs all the time. Victor says she has a good immune system because she is disgusting. 


    Victor likes to send memes to his friends. He says he finds them online and texts his friends. It cracks him up. He also likes to send his friends one word text messages for conversation. 

  14.  1:07 pm BBT Nicole, Corey, and Natalie talking about America’s Favorite Players. Corey thinks Frank played differently this season. Nicole says she has been friends with James since she met him. Nicole says her goal has been to do things differently this season. She says she has a lot more friends she will talk to for a while outside of the BB house from season 16 vs. this season. Nicole says she could not see herself ever hanging out with any of the current jury members aside from Paulie.


    Michelle is called to the DR


    Nicole tells Natalie she has thick skin in the BB house but is very fragile outside. She says she is not tough at all. Natalie says she was intimidated to speak to her the first day. Nicole laughs.


    1:21 pm BBT Natalie thinks Michelle could be in the running for America’s favorite. Nicole says she doesn’t not think so if all her fights were aired.


    1:30 pm BBT Natalie says she thinks it is harder to win a Veto rather than HoH. Nicole agrees because it took her so long to win one. She says ZingBot got to her a little bit. Nicole starts talking about how hard the dog POV competition was with all the spinning. Natalie says it looked hard and she hated the rope comp. Nicole tells Nat she did well in the rope comp. Natalie says it was hard not to throw up.


    1:46 pm BBT Victor says he thinks he will probably lose 5 pounds this week. Corey wants to cook squid. She is going to ask for a new one with instructions on how to cook them. Victor says he will go ask. Corey says it’s worth a try, they should embrace the HN life. Nicole says she wants to go outside and everyone agrees, but the have to stay inside.


    1:54 pm BBT Cameras move to James sleeping in London. Brief FotH


    2:09 pm BBT Feed returns. Nicole, Corey, and Natalie are laying out outside.

  15. 12:35 pm BBT In the kitchen, Natalie says she is the airhead of the season. She tells Nicole she may take second. Corey is laughing. They start talking about the POV comp. It had something to do with reindeer. (I think there were real reindeer in the competition.) This was the comp where the HG had to guess seconds. Natalie says Paul got two answers right. Natalie says America will be happy Corey got the care package.


    12:51 pm BBT Corey tells Nicole she has nice legs. She said she is going to work out hard before the vacation. Natalie and Corey tell Nicole she is lucky she doesn’t have to work out and still looks fit. Victor talks about being a “jacked” old man. Corey and Nicole talk about how Corey threw the comp to Nicole because it wasn’t his kind of comp. Natalie says it was a good move for them. Corey said he did not want America to think he was dumb so he was obvious about his wrong answers. (He apparently answered ‘1 billion’ for one.) Nicole tells Corey she thinks he may be America’s favorite. Corey says he thinks it about the DRs. Natalie says she has had some rough goodbye messages.

  16. 4:38 pm BBT Natalie, James, Michelle, Paul, and Victor talking in the kitchen. Corey and Nicole are laughing and lying in bed in Tokyo. James says he didn’t go to his last season’s wrap party because he would get in trouble with CBS if he got drunk.


    5:00 pm BBT Victor cleaning the bathroom. He goes to the kitchen to talk to Paul. Victor tells Paul he spent most of the day with James and everything is cool. Paul says he does not trust James and Nat very much at this point. Victor says all he can do is be friendly. He goes to the storage room to get cleaning supplies. Paul goes outside to join the other house guests.


    5:23 pm BBT Paul Michelle and Natalie outside joking around. Nicole and Corey are on the hammock. Nicole thinks there will be a reset. She also thinks she is going up tomorrow.


    5:30 pm BBT In the backyard Natalie and Michelle tell Paul that Zakiyah took a lot of Natalie’s makeup to jury. Paul says he kind of regrets getting Frank out but they were all being manipulated by Paulie. Natalie tells Michelle about almost getting on to the Bachelor. She says her friend was on Say Yes to the Dress.


    5:52 pm BBT Paul and Natalie outside. She is telling him how hard it is to do the comps with ADD. She feels blessed she was cast on the show even with a learning disability. Paul says he has learned a lot about himself on this show. He says he will come out with more confidence which he needs. Natalie continues to talk about her struggles with ADD. She says her biggest accomplishment is graduating college.

  17. 4:25 pm BBT: Paul tells James in London that the plan is to take out Nicole next week. James asks who the pawn would be? Paul says he would even volunteer, but Michelle has offered so he would ask her to do it. Paul points out that everyone will be playing in the veto next week. James says he is scared about the care package. James asks why hasn’t America sent him a care package? Paul answers maybe they don’t like me or maybe they are saving it because the last could be the most powerful. James says a HoH takeover almost takes away the integrity of the game. He doesn’t know if it will be the next CP.

  18. 2:34 pm BBT all cameras on backyard/pool area. Nicole and Corey are playing pool. James and Victor are in the pool, while Natalie sits on a chair.


    2:49 pm BBT Victor has the eagle puppet from Corey’s Patriotard.  Victor starts to put on a puppet show for James.


    3:08 pm BBT Nicole and Corey on the outside couches. Nicole says she threw OTEV, and she didn’t hurry either. She says the only thing she has going for her is that she can’t win comps. She says she didn’t really try on the last one either. She feels safe with Nat, James and Corey. Nicole says she would give the win to Corey because he played harder she says she would be happy with the $50k.


    3:20 pm BBT Corey says he wants to get into Michelle’s head that way she freaks out. Nicole says she could get paranoid and make something happen in the house. Nicole says Michelle plays emotionally rather than strategically which is why Nicole thinks she will put her up over Corey. Corey says he hopes he goes up that way in his speech he can toss Victor a bottle of lube [referencing an earlier comment about Victor getting boned by getting evicted this week]. Nicole says Corey as good at being on the block.


    3:34 pm BBT Cameras on Michelle who is still asleep. Victor joins Nicole and Corey on the couch.


    3:46 pm BBT James is in the kitchen eating. Nicole and Corey are lying in the Tokyo bedroom.


    4:04 pm BBT Michelle is up in the kitchen with Victor and James. Victor tells Michelle she missed the puppet show. He also says Paul is not feeling well and is in bed.


    4:16 pm BBT Nicole, Corey, and James in Tokyo. Nicole says Corey snores so loud, she hopes they montage it on the show because sometimes it is so loud she smiles to the camera.


    In the kitchen, Victor asks Michelle if she is grumpy. Michelle says yes. Victor says he could not sleep last night so he went and worked out last night and then talked with feeders while in the hot tub.


    4:20 pm BBT In London, James is talking to a sleepy Paul. James says he thinks Michelle is gonna put up Nicole because she wants to talk to her. Paul says he told Michelle he thinks the next care package will go to Corey if Nicole goes out and it could be a HoH takeover. That’s why Corey needs to go this week.

  19. 1:47 pm BBT James is in the pool on a floatie. He sings “I’m out here all by myself and I’m in the pool. And we’re down to final 7 and Victor’s going home, well Victor’s going to jury.” He tells America not to send Paul a care package. Victor goes outside and they talk about sleeping in the HN room.


    Natalie and Nicole are in the kitchen. Nicole is cooking and Natalie is eating. Nicole says there is an episode tonight. Natalie says she still does not have that stuff memorized.


    1:54 James tells Vic Nicole and Corey told him they were worried they are going up. James says he told them they were safe. James says it’s funny that Paulie got everyone to point their guns at Victor and James but kept Corey and Nicole safe. Victor says he was sad to see the 5 guy alliance break up and felt bad about sending Paulie home but Paulie was a master manipulator. James says the second Paulie started hitting on Natalie he had a problem with him.


    2:04 pm BBT Natalie and Nicole still in the kitchen. Nicole tells Natalie she thinks she is a very good person and anyone who says or thinks otherwise does not know her. Natalie says the same to Nicole. They start to talk about growing up.


    2:10 pm BBT: Back in the pool, James and Victor say they can’t believe they have made it this far. James said he thought he was going out the second week. He says no offense but when he found out the “newbies” were going after the vets, he was mad. James says he tried to align with very fit people by putting them on his team. He says that is why he picked Natalie. He knew she was agile and Bronte had muscle on muscle. James says if this were a coach season he would have done more to take better care of Bronte. He knew Victor would be a comp beats. Victor says he thinks Paul will get the care package. He just hopes he gets 10 comp wins this season. James says he is only at 7 in his two seasons combined.

  20. 1:31 pm BBT Nicole wonders what people think of her now after this season. Nicole tells James he and Natalie are the sweethearts. James said he really did not intend to get into a showmance. Nicole starts talking about production and we get the fish.  James says he has never had a connection with Michelle. Nicole says James and her had beef from the beginning. James says it is rude to lock the HoH room. Nicole agrees.


    1:38 pm BBT Victor and Nat are in the bathroom doing ADLs talking about sleep patterns. Back in the pool backyard area, Nicole says Paulie claims Victor wanted to backdoor James and was frustrated when he was not able to. James thinks America saved him with his care package when Victor got HoH. Nicole says America saved her too.

  21. 12:34 pm BBT Natalie comes into the backyard and says the HoH room is locked. Michelle is in there sleeping. James tells her to knock harder. He thinks it is annoying she does that. 


    12:47 pm BBT James and Nicole studying by yelling across the backyard to each other. They are going over HN. James goes inside and Nicole continues to go through the dates alone.


    1:00 pm BBT James and Nicole still in the backyard talking about finances. Natalie is inside putting on makeup.


    1:13 pm BBT Nicole and James in the backyard. They both think this season was much harder. Both agree their last season was like summer camp compared to this. James asks what Nicole thinks would have happened if all of the vets would have stuck together. Nicole says she thinks it would have been a mess. Nicole thinks Dae wanted to cut Nicole and Frank wanted to cut James so she thinks they would not have even been there.

  22. 12:00 pm BBT All four cameras on the backyard. Nicole and Natalie are talking about Natalie’s friends. Corey and James are in the pool. James says if he wins he will get everyone a gift. Nicole thinks after this season people may not be as scared to be in showmances. There are 2 couples in the top 7.



    12:13 pm BBT James, Corey, Natalie, and Nicole are all in the pool. Natalie says (again) she feels bad for putting Victor on the block. James says this is Big Brother! Nicole says Victor lied right to Corey’s face during D/E that Corey would not go up on the block. Nicole says Paul lied about not staying up all night and missing some of the weather reports. Natalie tells Nicole and Corey that Paul told her to go downstairs and “sabotage” Nicole and Corey by yelling or distracting them during the message. Natalie says she would not want to win by bringing someone else down.


    12:21 pm BBT Natalie says she is not in any alliances she is just attached to James. Corey says Paul told him he did terrible on the comp and it turned out that he got all the questions right. Nicole reiterates…None of the four of us are going home. They all agree.


    12:29 pm BBT Nicole talking about her season. She was frustrated she was a target when there were much more threatening targets still in the house. James said those targets were all in an alliance though. James says Paul would freak out if he saw all of them hanging out in the pool “floating in a circle.” Nicole agrees. James thinks he would go straight to Victor and say “We’re fucked.” James thinks Victor and Paul will try and get James’ vote. James says Corey needs to go to Voctor and Pual and say James is acting different and shady. Nicole asks is that what we want to do? James says “fuck yeah.” Corey says he is down.

  23. 11:42 am James joins the group outside in the pool area. They are talking about social media. James says Nicole didn’t accept his friend request until 3 weeks before the show. Nicole says she’s sorry it’s hard to keep up. Corey says he has an app to tell him who follows and unfollows you on Instagram. He says it will piss you off if you see it. We get feeds. Nicole asks where they will fly into if they all come visit. Corey says Love Field. He usually uses that instead of the bigger airport DFW. Corey says Southwest is the main airline he uses. James says Wichita Falls has a very small airport. Nicole says that is usually more expensive but easier.

  24. 11:33 am BBT Natalie, Corey, and Nicole laying out in the backyard talking about how expensive it costs to cast the show and put on all the competitions. Natalie says it is hard to put on events below anything like $1,000. We get the feeds. Nicole says BB is ‘THE’ summer show. Natalie says CBS needed to step it up due to the Olympics that is probably why there have been so many twists. Nicole says she thinks Corey has a secret. He is really a model or someone famous. Nicole quizzes Corey on a drink. She points out that he cannot even say the ingredients so she doesn’t think he was really a bartender. Natalie says the bar is probably more beer and shots. Nicole says like Coyote Ugly. Nicole asks if there is a Coyote Ugly by where he is from. Corey doesn’t think so. Corey says he is too tall and skinny to be a model.  

  25.  11:22 am BBT James says when Vic leaves he will tell Paul and Michelle he is coming for them. He says Michelle will break down and he will say to Paul “You’re boy just got boned!” Corey and James say they should have a fake tube of lube and throw it to Victor and tell him he will need it. James says BB will definitely air that.

    Nicole says their chances of winning the next HoH are really good.



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