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Posts posted by bebeJM


    5:20 pm HG on lockdown outside. Josh and Mark playing pool while Matt watches. Jess and Cody at the jacuzzi. 


    534 pm Feeds return everyone goes inside. (Lockdown ended) 


    5:36 In the HN room Paul whispers to Kevin about studying the days. He thinks they are the only two studying the days, he tells Kevin to keep that s* to hisself. They recount evictions, HoH. In the kitchen Raven is cooking. Alex is eating. No game talk. 


    5:46 pm Cameras change to Kevin and Jason sneaking a chat in the living room while Alex is YELLing a story.

    Jason: Paul is watching her like a hawk. 

    Kevin: "Christmas?" 

    Jason nods. 

    Kevin "She's a little [fing] goofy? 

    Jason tells Kevin the only reason he wants her out is because he broke her foot and he's tired of watching her and doing her favors she claims he "owes her". Kevin says you can't win that way. 


    5:48 pm in the HoH Jess and Cody: Contemplating telling "her" I assume they are referring to Alex. In the RBR Christmas and Elena are talking about adjustment problems living in the BB house. 




  2. 4:20 pm Christmas whispering to Matt about how Mark has been angry and aggressive. They both agree it is shady that he went back to Cody when he came back. Christmas says it is stupid to put up Ramses with Josh if you want Josh out. Matt says they need to win HoH to stay in the house. 


    4:24 pm Jess gets called to the DR for the second time. "No napping HG" Christmas talking about how big of a competitor Jess is. They (jess and Cody) are good. They wanted their wins. Christmas says it's ridiculous the 10-2 odds for HoH made it even more ridiculous that Jess won. She says the ones who fell off early didn't want it. 



  3. 3:12 pm Matt whispers to Alex in the kitchen something about HoH. She says always and laughs uncomfortably. They continue to whisper with Raven...


    3:15 pm Paul talks downstairs to Matt to talk to Raven. He says he did. Paul says very nice and then he invites him upstairs I guess to clarify. Paul walks in to the HoH bathroom to continue a conversation with Cody. Camera cuts to Alex and Mark. She is changing and talking about veto. 


    3:17 pm Camera is back and forth to various HG getting ready for veto and joking around. 


    3:19 pm Paul and Cody in HoH bathroom having a friendly discussion about the first HoH comp. 


    3:25 pm Time for Veto! 



  4. 2:59 pm Alex and Jason in the kitchen. Alex whispers that Jess pulled her aside and asked for her vote (or how she would vote). Jason can't hear so they move to the storage room. Alex relays her convo with Jess to Jason. She tells Jason not to promise her vote. Jason is shocked how did they know. Alex says they don't The plan is to get Ramses out. If Josh goes home then the next target will be Mark. They reenter the kitchen to make cookies. 


    3:03 pm Cody comes downstairs and joins them in the kitchen. Foth


    3:08 pm Josh pulls Jason in to the room (with all the apples) Josh says it will be an elimination (head to head) competition. He wants to make sure Ramses doesn't get taken off and if he might Josh needs Jason to throw the POV to him Cody or Ramses can't win. He wants Jess, Cody, and Ramses eliminated. Jason only says. Ok. Josh looks at the camera and says "It's game on, F**s" He prays in Spanish and repeats pull yourself off the block get safety. 


    3:10 Ramses corners Jason and asks if he would use the veto if he wins it. Jason says uhhh Yeah...(Alex walks by)...No... I mean it depends on...Jason says he thinks they want Josh out. Ramses says just go for it. Jason says he won't throw it. They disperse. 

  5. 2:30-2:45 pm Mark and Cody are still talking in the Kitchen. Mark continues to tell Cody how sad he was when Cody left the house. They start talking crap about the house in general, but mostly Josh. 


    2:45 pm Mark and Cody finish their snack time chat and head to the sink to rinse off the dishes. Mark says honestly when he heard there was a battle back her was nervous. He knew there was a 90% chance Cody would come back. Cody says his heart stopped a bit when Mark turned the punishment (?) on him. Mark says he won't betray him again. Cody gave him a week of hell last time. Mark swears his word clean slate. Mark says he doesn't want to backdoor anyone but Cody and Jess are final 4 or final 3 for sure. Cody says it really is a target rich environment now. Mark continues telling Cody he has his back and that Jess and Elena are close. Cody doesn't understand why everyone is following Paul. Mark says that may change next week. 


    2:48 pm Cody asks Mark if he has any idea about the last temptation. Mark says no one knows anything. Cody says it is surprising how well the 25k prize and the last temptation have been kept secret. He compares it to last season's roadkill and how everyone always knew. Mark says well that was just Frank being an idiot. Mark says the last thing they heard was that the temptation was accepted and he thought they were supposed to hear what it was on the live show. Cody speculates that Christmas got the second temptation. Cody says he thinks Paul got the third. Mark says he thought it was Jess so now he has no idea. Cody asks you don't think it was Dom? Mark says no her demeanor never changed. Mark says it could be Alex. 


    2:51 pm Raven enters the kitchen and kills the convo with talks about her uterus and about how Matt is sleeping. She leaves and the boys continue their talk. Cody bets that America loves Elena and her southern charm. (hah)


    2:55 pm Cody asks do you think America loves Ramses? They laugh. They speculate that he got the 25k. They think he did horrible in that HoH. Mark says he thinks he got it for sure. Cody doesn't think Ramses is a good liar. Mark says maybe Ramses got the temptation because America may have felt bad about his curse. Cody thinks Raven is America's sweetheart. 


    2:57 pm Jason enters and tells the guys that Kevin is telling great stories. 



  6. 2:28 pm Mark and Cody in the kitchen again. Cody tells Mark they could keep something going for many weeks. Mark says he wanted to talk to them but he thought Cody was mad. (Hard to hear over them munching hummus and pita chips) Cody says they have a few weapons (maybe referring to Hex) too. Cody says he is very satisfied. Mark says he hasn't been this happy since... Cody shushes him. Mark says that turning on Cody was a bad idea and he feels bad it was hard on him. He tells Cody when he watches the episodes he will see. Foth. 


    2:30 pm Mark says this is a beautiful thing (his new alliance). Mark says he is so happy for Jess because he felt so bad for her when Cody left. Cody says it is different with him and Jess he usually gets annoyed with girls by now. Cody says Jess proved her loyalty to him. She picked him over the money. Mark says he admires the hell out of that. Cody continues about how happy and grateful he is to be back. 

  7. 2:18 pm Alex returns to the kitchen joining Cody and Mark. Cody is talking about Cameron. He says Cameron told him he was a beast and got too close to his face. Cody says he stripped in the house and all he did was talk about it. He bets Cameron's parents are probably microbiologists and are horrified by their sons behavior. 


    2:22 pm Camera changes to  papa Kevin telling a story to Paul, Ramses, Jason, Alex, and Josh (who is sitting awkwardly far away). Christmas scoots in to join the party. Alex is making her bed and tells Jason not to mess it up. Cody and Mark are still in the kitchen with general chit chat followed by awkward silence. No game talk for a bit



  8. 2:04 FoTH briefly in and out. Matt asks if they (Christmas and Raven are in the room with him) would be down to throw the next HoH to either Jason or Alex to begin an alliance with them in hopes they will put up Mark and Elena. Christmas adds that next target should be both the girls (Jess and Elena) or both boys (Cody and Mark) to hopefully break up a couple either way. Raven giggles. Christmas says it's a stack of cards. 


    2:06 Christmas is called to the DR to get her medicine. Matt says Mark would lose his mind if he were on the block. Christmas heads to the DR leaving Matt and Raven alone. Game talk ends and changes to talk about Raven wanting a hysterectomy. 


    2:08 pm Kevin is telling Ramses he can take his BMW out when they leave the house. Alex, Jason and Elena are in the room too. No game talk. 


    2:15 pm Ramses whispers to Alex in the kitchen that Jess wants to talk to her in the bathroom. Camera switches to wave room. Jess begins... she says she may be going out on a limb here but are you not happy with noms? Alex gives an enthusiastic no. Jess continues she wants to explain. Jess does not think Alex can manipulate Josh the way she thinks. Jess says she needs Josh out because he is fogging up her game. Jess says there are bigger targets but she has to get him out now to focus on the game. Alex says she understands where she is coming from and she will talk to Jason. Jessica says she wants Alex to know Jess wont flip on her. She just needs Josh out because she is unable to get anything done in the house. Alex agrees. She says she needs to talk to Jason to figure out which one (Ramses or Josh) they want out first. Jessica tells Alex to tell Jason that if they win POV (or maybe it is just Jason playing) don't use it. Alex says he knows not to this time. Alex leaves the room. 

  9. 2:00 Christmas says that Elena pinches Mark when he divulges too much info. She is his think tank. Matt says Jess told him (thinking he was Cody) that they need to talk to Alex before they decide if/when to use the veto. Christmas said it was obvious they threw it. Matt agrees it was an act of faith between Mark, Cody, Jess, and Elena to work together again. Christmas says DO NOT repeat what they are talking about. 

  10. 1:54 pm Christmas tells Matt she told Ramses she would need to talk to Jess about using the veto if she won to take him down. SHe says Elena has an interesting way of buttering up Ramses to get info. Elena was able to get info from people without them realizing it. Christmas explains that ELena is feeling out everyone. Matt asks, Do you think her (Elena) and Mark have a deal with Jess and Cody. Christmas says yes maybe not official but definitely have a budding relationship. Matt says Elena and Mark are floating to whichever side has power. Christmas thinks Elena and Mark threw the comp (HOH?) Raven enters the room and convo changes

  11. 731 pm Alex and Jason talking in HN. Alex says if Jason wins he shouldn't put up girsl because they come back with a vengence. Jason asks so Dom and Elena. Alex laughs. Ramses comes in and Alex asks who he would put up if he wins. He doesn't have mic on so hard to hear him. Alex doesn't know if putting up Jess next is the best since she will be alone. Ramses says they have to breakup the showmances. Alex agrees but says it will be hard to protect all three of them (Jason, Alex, Ramses). Alex and Jason start trying to find a nickname for Cody... Asshatt? Square balls? etc...

  12. 3:57 pm Mark tells Kevin he trusts Paul. Kevin agrees. Mark thinks the HG create drama. Game talk stops with them. 


    3:59 pm In the pool, Elena is having a friendly chat with Jess (Cody is there too) about the veto. She had a hard time eating the liver and basically everything in that part of the conversation. Elena continues, she was doing really well in the comp until the food part. She bets he mom was watching and laughing. 


    4:07 pm SR Matt and Dom. Matt asks Dom what she thinks, should they go after Jess or Ramses next? Dom says 50/50. Dom says Jess would definitely go after "the camp" if she got HoH. Ramses maybe not. They agree no one like Ramses (Poor guy.. seriously what did he do though?) 


    4:39 pm BB: Alex I'll ask politely again. Please no napping, pretty please? 


    4:49 pm Kitchen. Elena is relaying an earlier convo she had with Jess and Cody. Apparently Cody respects Paul's decision to back door him now. 






  13. 3:50 pm Josh and Jason in the SR Josh tells him to stay away from Cody, it's creating a target on Jason's back. Josh says Jason has a good social game. Jason says Ramses is a snake, he wants him out! Josh tells him Jason looks sketch when he talks to Jess and Cody. Jason questions Josh on his vote last week...why didn't you tell me? They agree its in the past. Matt walks in and the convo changes. Josh agrees with Jason that they both don't trust Ramses. Dom walks in and agrees. Josh is called to DR. Camera goes to Mark and Kevin outside. Kevin says an 8-1-1 vote would through a wrench in the game. 




  14. 2:17 pm Cams are all outside. Cody and Jess in the pool. Matt and Raven outside laying out while Josh and Mark keep playing pool. 


    2:32 Mark, Elena, Paul, Christmas, Raven shouting acorss to the kitchen talking about their weights. Ramses says he weighs 120, Paul doesn't believe it he says he (Paul) is 150. Paul telling a story about meeting a guy from Linkin Park. The talk turns to religion, genocide, radicals, etc... Paul says he cannot go to Lebanon to visit family because of war. He says his family had to escape. Josh asks if the war is still happening? Paul confirms. 


    2:40 pm Cody and Jess in the pool. Nothing.. 



    3:07 pm Josh asks Mark to talk. He notices Dom and tells her he will tell her later. Mark and Josh go to the room (big couch...) Josh tells Mark he thinks Mark is genuine and is appreciative for him being cool with Josh's breakdown in the early days. Mark tells Josh as long as he is honest...that's trust. that's loyalty. Seems like Josh is trying to do a me and you deal. JOsh says he effed up in the beginning and played a bad (replacing the curse words) game. Mark tells Josh to lay low and regardless of what happens he has his back even past jury. They agree they are "solid." 

  15. 2:17 pm BBT All cameras still on BY. Paul comes outside and asks Nicole if he can rewash his clothes after they are done so he can go take a nap. Corey comes outside. James tells him they were talking about how James is like Derrick. Feed cuts to FoTH.


    2:34 pm BBT James asks Nicole what really goes on under the covers with her and Corey. She says nothing bad she would never do anything bad on TV. James says he doesn’t kiss and tell. James says they had a great strong friendship (Nicole and Corey) and that’s really cool. James says he sort of envies them. He says he looked at Natalie and thought why can’t we be like Corey and Nicole. Nicole says it has been since Day 1.


    2:45 pm BBT Corey and Nicole are lying out by the pool. James is doing laundry. Paul and Victor are lying down in the London room. Victor is thinking about what he will say come eviction night. He may say Nicole, they say you are the snake and Corey is the snake charmer. I don’t know why, it’s not like you ever stabbed anybody in the back. He would say to James, you are not out of the woodwork either, I still have a knife in my back with your name on it. I just think it’s ironic that the two most loyal people in this game are sitting on the block. He will then say vote however you want I don’t care anymore but if I stay you are all losing.



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