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Everything posted by ThomasCharles

  1. 10:23pm nicole telling corey that he needs to win hoh and he says nooo i dont want to win hoh
  2. 10:20 pm BY james is still pranking, he army crawled over to pauls water bottle and put salt in it. nat and him are lauging hard about it
  3. 10:17 BY paul is straddling one of the pool floatys and punching it.
  4. 10:12 pm BY Nicole lies to zakiyah about when she walked in on her and paul, that they were talking about michelle.
  5. 10:02 pm BY feeds back on and nicole took a drink of her salted water courtesy of james and spits it out on the second gulp.
  6. 10:00 Pm nat talking about selling off her used dance tights, then feeds jump to fish.
  7. 9:58pm nicole and corey on hammock, nicole is telling him about nat nat and how she isnt trustworthy and her intent in the house is "malicious"
  8. 9:47 KT BY James is seen apparently pranking the other hgs by putting salt in some of their waters.
  9. 9:47 LBR nicole and paul talking about zakiyah walking in on them. Paul is telling her how to make sure there wont be any paranoia from zakiyah if nicole says they were just talking about michelle.
  10. 9:40 paul and nicole are speaking privately in the SR about zakiyah and she walks in on them. zakiyah discusses making cookies for an ice cream sandwich. nicole tells paul all about her and zakiyahs conversation on the hammock. that zakiyah said that she trusts paulies decision about not using the veto on her. and that paul is someone she can trust along with corey and nicole.
  11. 9:35 nicole and zakiyah on hammock discussing what zakiyah will say during the veto ceremony. z says she wants to make it short and sweet, asking paulie to use the veto on her. and then on to hoping she wont get voted out of the house and also hoping that james uses his advantage in a way that will benefit her.
  12. 9:30 pm zakiyah and nicole on hammock talking/gossiping about nataly and how she is flirting with corey and that she wanted him for the first 24 days. they say she is playing james. James michelle and victor are in kitchen eating and chit chatting
  13. 2:01pm (BY) Paul is looking in a mirror and gasps. Nicole asks, "did you see someone?" Paul nods his head laughing. he later says he could see an apple logo right in his face and he says that the person took a photo. continually getting FotH when they talk about it.



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