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Everything posted by ThomasCharles

  1. 11:41am KT nat is talking about her speech when she was on the block and paul cuts her off and says your speech sucked.
  2. 11:39 am WA michelle asks zak if she is gonna talk to "him" (paulie) and she says nooo, and meech says that if it was two weeks ago he would have pulled one of them off. meech says if she has the RT then she will cause havoc when she comes back, zak agrees.
  3. 11:36 LR feeds come back to laughing and hugging house guests. Paulie did not use the power of veto to save anyone.
  4. 3:29 am london room james is called to DR and nat cries(joking) saying she is now alone. james wont leave nataly and makes DR wait.
  5. 3:25 am feeds return to james in london room with nat and he is saying that america likes nat thats why she got the first cp.
  6. 3:20 am feeds get cut because james is talking about production and how they want to make money off of the contestants. all feeds now on chess game which is now vic and paulie with zak and paul watching from the couch.
  7. 2:55 am london room james and nat are discussing the game. nat says that z is super jealous if she talks to paulie at all. and that she always has to reassure z that she isnt into paulie. nat says that she will vote with whatever is smartest, she says she is only attached to james in this game, no one else. nat nat and jamesy being cute and flirting, talking about how they like each other, and then talk about life after bb trying to stay in contact with each other. nat told james that zak said she doesnt know if paulie will use the veto on her, and james said that no he wont and that she knows that.
  8. 2:34 am PP playing chess and shooting the breeze. no game talk.
  9. 2:23 am vic and bridge still in hoh bed. the rest of the hgs are getting in bed and turning out the lights. michelle and nicole and corey start talking about casting and survivor and bb says they arent allowed to talk about production and cuts the feed to the hoh room with vic and bridge who are talking about life and chatting in general.
  10. 2:02 am tokyo room nicole admits she and james tore the house up "yesterday" during the veto comp. says she and james took all the clothes and threw them everywhere.
  11. 1:45 am HOH room, vic and bridge getting cozy on the bed, bridg saying that she likes the slop, and then talk about her shaving her arms.
  12. 1:35 am tokyo room nicole states to corey she likes talking game with him like she did with derrick. she regretted it immediately. he laughs it off. she goes on to say that corey is smart and strategic. corey says that Paulie is a threat at comps, Paul is loud and controlling and doesnt have many hgs backing him. bridg is barely treading water. james is in a tough spot with michelle bridg and paul against him. zak doesnt really have anyone. corey and nicole think they are in a good spot in the game. corey says he is hanging back, not winning HOH for another few weeks as to not paint a target on his back. nicole says she doesnt see anyone coming for corey
  13. 1:22 am tokyo room nicole and corey saying how paulie is smart and that he is a "go getter" and that he is gonna be successful.
  14. 1:03 am tokyo room, nicole tells paulie and corey that she wouldnt know what to do if she was HOH and that she would go to them to ask what she should do.
  15. 1:01 am in the Tokyo room corey confirms that bridge told him she doesnt want to win the double evict hoh week.
  16. not gonna last much longer, hopefully someone else starts posting.
  17. 12:33 am feeds come back to paulie and vic in HOH room, talking about double evict and who to put up next week. says that they would put bridge up as a pawn to back door james and if that didnt work then bridge would be on the block any way and on her way out. paulie says that bridge told corey that she doesnt want to win(hoh) double evict, she would rather win the one right after that. paulie and vic feel safe from bridge. then they talk about the fish in HOH and how one ate another. then saying that they could ask james to go up as a pawn, but then they say that it would be better to back door him they are worried about who is telling nataly that there is an all guys alliance. they are worried the most about michelle, and who she will put up if she wins HOH. vic says that michelle told him that he is not her target if she goes up. they leave the HOH room at 12:38 to join the other hgs
  18. 12:26 am paulie says he is gonna use the restroom and paul decides to prank him by sabotaging paulies hashbrowns that are in the toaster oven. he, with bridge observing, takes them to the stove to try to burn them causing a lot of smoke, then fish. feed comes back to paul carrying the hashbrowns outside to keep the house from getting too smokey. then replaces the hashbrowns for paulie to find when he is done in the bathroom.
  19. 12:14 am paulie calls bridge over to Kitchen sink where he is doing dishes and splashes water in her face.
  20. 12:10 am nicole and corey in tokyo room chitchatting/ cuddling. no game talk
  21. 12:10 am brigd nataly michelle and zak are in WA getting cleaned and refreshed. talking about bananas health benefits and james sleeping.
  22. 11:47pm Paulie wakes from a nap, and joins the hgs in the kitchen, been off camera for at least an hour. still no sign of james
  23. 11:45 pm vic bridg nicole and corey are in the kitchen eating and chit chatting, no game talk. michelle paul zak and nataly are in hot tub also chit chatting about pop culture, no game talk.
  24. 11:00pm feeds return to pool area, bridg has joined paul zak michelle and nataly, they are talking about animals and what to feed them and about the ingredients that are in store bought pet food. nicole and corey still cuddling on hammock
  25. 10:50pm backyard, paul, zak, michelle, and nataly are in the hot tub talking about gypsies and their way of life. Meanwhile nicole and corey are having a little "date night" on the hammock.



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