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Posts posted by Slowpoke

  1. 4 minutes ago, Marty said:

    Corey to Victor- I think she thinks that it has to be better than her and Hayden as soon as we get out. No no no. Look how that ended. Corey saying he thanks Nicole for all the sex in the house but they don't have an "actual" relationship.

    He's going to tell her all that ? 

    I hope his mom sends him to his room when he gets home.

    Bet his dad will pat him on the back.


    I can't believe some of these guys... where DO they get them from ????



  2. Haven't checked to see how the Comp is going yet.....

    But, I'll be suprised if Corey makes it very far..... he's so tall he has to bend his knees a little bit because he's so tall.

    They should put the bar according to each persons height to make it fair.

  3. O K... if production could somehow slip in and switch his ticket for a 2 Way (if he doesn't already have it)......

    Wouldn't they also have to switch the actual 2 Way (whoever has it).....  in case they all rip open their envelopes before production can retrieve them ?


    Lol.... did I explain that correctly ?? :D


    But, I DO hope his butt ends up in the Jury House.

    If he skips out... uh oh... he signed a contract... won't get any $$'s... and might get sued.

  4. I just don't understand why they want Bridgette out.

    She's no threat whatsoever at this point.

    I guess no one wants to make a gutsy move by throwing any names out there.....

    But, the next HOH will have to step on some toes.... ohhhh,  it's Big Brother  :D


    Ooops forgot... they have Mama Da on the easy list.....




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