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Posts posted by Slowpoke

  1. Whether Caleb wins, or places 2nd or 3rd... you can bet Caleb is going to milk his BB experience for all it's worth.


    To quote one of his 'catch phrases' ... " He'll be happy as a tornado in a trailer park "


    I don't think any derogatory remark  he reads or hears about his game play will even sink into his brain.

    (Caleb is living in Caleb's world)

  2. 6Borders : " Airhead and Justin Butthead have the same manager, Scooter Braun!  Any time Scooter is involved in anything it's producing hot 'n fast little divas he can milk for everything they are worth before they hit the skids (and Scooter goes to the bank)!!  I bet he's going to be producing/already promised Frankie (limitedly) pretty soon something big! "



    hmmm... I'm thinking that A and JB's manager won't touch Frankie with a ten foot pole after his showing on BB.

    (and Ariana's probably exhausted from trying to put on a good face when she's approached about her big brother's antics on BB)

  3. In case you haven't been clicking on the LFUs lately... just a few mins. ago...


    Kitten_200 :  

    "11:55am Derrick, Cody and Caleb in the LVR talking about shoes. Derrick goes to the str and gets something then goes back to the LVR and Cody ask if he can wear the snaps for the veto then derrick goes back to the Wa and Victoria tells him GOOD LUCK and he says  good luck to him to  her too. Derrick says we are all winners and we are in the final veto comp. They are all getting ready to go out to play the veto comp.Derrick says can i tell you a secret and She says yeah  then he tells her i am nervous right now.and we go back to jeff's reels. "

  4. Donny (still)

    They tried for weeks and weeks to get rid of the guy... but had to be content with picking off the other HGs

    that weren't in their 'gang' (which was OK because the others were on the 'hit' list too).


    Donny just hung in there  and didn't act agitated or 'woe is me' knowing he was their target.


    Takes a self-confident person to keep cool while everyone around you is trying to plot your demise.

  5. Joystick : " Frankly, it pisses me off when people who has never served a day in there life starts trying to question the service of other veterans. That needs to be left to people who actually served and understand a little about how military service works. "


    I think the reason people are suspicious of the things he's said about his military service are because the guy seems to stretch facts

    about anything and everything he's done.

    Ya gotta admit he tries to TOP any story / experience that anyone talks about.


    I had a brother-in-law just like him... and I swear the guy believed everything that came out of his own mouth.

  6. Since the feeds are down... and some time on my hands...

    thought  I'd see if I could find anything on Google about Caleb's military career.


    I found this article... someone may have posted it already.

    Some interesting stuff.   Just kinda shows that Caleb stretches the facts (as we all know).



    ... I still thank him for his service  .... no matter what he did - or - didn't do



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