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Everything posted by Granny

  1. 1115PM BBT Seems there is a hot tub party going on. Austwins, JMac and Meg all sitting around talking. Steve is in Kitchen cooking meat again. James has joined the group and Steve has decided while cooking to wander the house. Talk is about JMac and the cost license yearly and what prescriptions he can prescribe. Vanessa is now in the kitchen looking for something, heading outside, saying something about 'fixing something". Becky has now joined Steve in kitchen for a minute while walking thru to outside. Becky has returned to kitchen she found her cup. Chatting with Steve about things. general chat at hot tub. 1130PM BBT Liz and Austin in hammock. Steve and Julia playing pool. Becky chatting with them about how "slips" are accidently done in the house when removing clothing or in the shower. Meg and James are on the couches, but nothing is heard from them. Steve still discussing "slips" and who have been the worst. Jmac working out with the weights. 1145PM We find Steve, Meg and James back at the hot tub. Austwins are up in the HoH with Julia sporting a facial mask. They are studying the days in the house. James saying Vanessa going to win this comp coming up, Vanessa is by the dryer folding clothes. General discussion continues now about which comps have not been done. HoH is still studying days. Becky is now walking out towards the hot tub. James remarks about Becky's toe, Steve says did you try hitting it with a hammer. FISH when Becky says something about infection and Doctor. Guess Austin stepped on it?? HoH is still studying. Vanessa still messing around by the washer and dryer. Becky says she can't put dressy shoes on right now, doubt she can wear her tennis shoes. James says if they are shutting the yard down tomorrow morning we in trouble for comp on Thursday. FISH.....1151PM 1153PM BBT Julia brings up Vanessa and they all wonder why she has stopped talking to them again, then the talk goes to Becky and her smashed toe. Talk turns back to Vanessa looking like an inmate in those orange shorts. Steve is now talking about who is doing laundry together, but he likes to do his own laundry. James Steve and Becky are at hot tub, Meg has disappeared. Chat in HoH is about Becky leaving and just other general chat. They keep coming up with reasons that Becky needs to give them more info or they tell her they go with house and JMac will stay. Austin gets told not to obstruct his mic, seems he is covering it with the blanket. Austin gets told again about his mic. Now they discussing Vanessa leaving next week, just everyone can do what they want, as long as we are safe. James has left the hot tub area. Becky and Steve are talking about irritation and feet. Meg is headed to HoH room. James was popping up in camera for TV upstairs. Meg looking for JMac but he is still in the DR.
  2. 309AM personal chat from HoH, all 4 cams 325AM still chat in HoH room, Steve still in hot tub. 339AM Chat in hoh room continues. Steve now cooking in kitchen 345AM Steve in kitchen humming and getting ready to eat. HoH is watching kitchen and the "scampering" Steve. 405AM Becky joins Steve in kitchen, she goes into WA with him as he does his nightly ADL. Becky heads back to bedrooms. 410AM Steve has gone into HN room, settling in for a nap.
  3. 201AM BBT Discussion is still going on in HoH about Vanessa, throwing comps and no rules in the house. 210AM Discussion. Steve says there is no reason for them to get together in one area. Steve is going downstairs. Liz reminds them that picture day is tomorrow. Steve scampers down the stairs, goes to WA, gets shower ready, almost forget 'cold'. JMac says that he is pretty sure that James and Meg will vote out Becky. Steve outside scampering, he is looking for something. picks up a dirty plate and takes it inside. Washes plate. In HoH room, JMac and Austwins keep chatting. They are sure that Vanessa will try to make deals with JMac, they say do what you have to do. Steve goes to HN room, Vanessa whines, she is hungry, Steve gives her a peck on forehead, Vanessa says she does not feel good, (she wants attention). Steve says don't let it get you down, you are a HN..says Nighty Night and leaves the room. 215AM Steve is looking for his flip flops so he can shower. 217AM JMac is leaving Hoh. him and Steve now whispering in WA. Steve wants to know if anything else was said after he left, JMac says no, they both agree that they need to get Vanessa out when she can't come back. HOH room is still discussing what Vanessa denied or did while she was Hoh and afterwards. 219AM Steve walking around backyard. He wants JAmes out next week. Steve says he needs Meg to like him. Muttering starts as Steve is thinking out loud. Not making much sense. Austwins discuss JMac and him being happy to finally have a group. They keep saying group, not alliance. now the discussion is back to the Austwins not competing this next week or winning HoH. Austin says if Julia wins HoH and puts up Vanessa and that would put Julia up front with votes and respect with her game play... Steve in storage room. Steve in kitchen and muttering to himself about James and Meg not trusting him. 227AM Julia tells Liz to wake her up when she gets the camera. 232AM HoH lights still on; all others are off. Vanessa and JMac in HN room. No sign of Steve. Julia walking around talking. Lights out in HoH room, Julia leaves. Cuddle session with Liztin starts. 237AM Lights out in colorful room. Necking session still going on in HoH room. 242AM petting session has ended. 253AM Steve out in backyard again, wearing one hoodie carrying the other one. humming to himself. Squealing in hoH room as Austin is tickling Liz with his beard. Steve starts to talk to himself while in the hot tub. Shelli, Vanessa, (no mic I can't hear a lot of what he is mumbling) Vanessa Meg, not Liz, Becky, (oh I think he is trying to do study with names and when things happened, but not sure) keeps splashing water and mumbles.
  4. 152AM BBT. Julia/Liz/Steve and JMac continue the discussion about Vanessa and Becky. Steve makes a joke about the loud noisey blonde girl with the hankerchief in her hair, Julia ask which blonde girl. FISH They speculate who might come back out of Shelli, Jackie, Becky and whoever goes next week. Austin enters HoH, Julia says us four have started an alliance and we left you out, but we invited Vanessa. They all chuckle. The votes are in the room to keep JMac. Steve says we need to be careful cause this will be the last person who leaves and might come back. Steve says Questions this week for HoH and endurance the following week. Steve points out that it depends on if they compete for HoH like last year (between just the returnees) or endurance like the year before. Steve and Austin agree that they need to win next week's HoH, but have good player in line for the following week. They discuss how Becky is handling (I guess Becky knows she is leaving). Jmac says that Becky thinks that Austwins are still in the dark with Vanessa. The group on the whole says they have to stay on Vanessa's good side cause she is getting weird. Austin says everyone has been trying to get away from her cause all she does is talk game. Deals made with everyone. Julia thinks Vanessa is pushing to hard, going to Meg right after Jackie got evicted (Julia says that was just cruel). Liz says that Vanessa is into everything and no matter what she is told she still maintains she is the only one telling the truth. JMac talking about the comp Liz won without James' help. Vanessa was behind it. Good listen, but they keep rehashing the same stuff.
  5. 1201AM BBT Austin and Liz still in hammock. Steve, Julia playing pool; Talking to Becky about nudes from last year and how innocently they happen. Liz and Austin talking about how Becky hated one of their dishes and loved the other. BuyBye Becky. JMac walks to hammock asking Austin what he should do, he explains some exercises JMac can do. Liz now laying on top of Austin in hammock. Liz likes being rocked in hammock. 1215AM discussion in hammock between Austin and Liz and how he could tell the difference between the twins. He explains how there was a different energy between them. He said he noticed Julia not making eye contact with Austin, confusing him with her distance at times. Vanessa joins the backyard group. Becky doing laundry, Julia says we got booze so bad of us. Becky asking whose article of clothing this is, Vanessa walks back inside. Julia makes a shot that Steve is complaining about. JMac has walked to pool table watching game. Steve used bridge for his last shot. He shows Julia how to use it. Austin and Liz still talking about their transition to who was in the house and who was not between the twins. 1227AM Liz got called to DR. Austin now in kitchen scrubbing dishes. JMac in kitchen eating a pickle. Justin and Liz cleaning up their mess in kitchen from cooking contest. Becky, Meg and JMac in backyard now at HotTub. Liz/Austin still doing dishes. Steve and Julia playing pool. No sign of James. or Vanessa. 1235AM Steve JMac and becky talking about Brenchel at the HotTub. Meg, Julia, James in kitchen with LizTin. Meg giving up secrets about Clelli making out.. she said "I slept in the bed next to them and I could hear". No game talk going on at either group. 1245AM Discussion about middle school. Liz is told to exchange her microphone. Cell phone discussion and companies. Austin and Liz still doing dishes. They emptied the cupboards of dishes. Steve must have interrupted them while cooking cause they mentioned how rude it was of him .. Steve is a HN All cams are on the kitchen. Meg says go to bed early. they need to be awake for pictures tomorrow. Julia goes back outside to play pool with James. all cams on Kitchen but you can hear James and Julia on mic but not see. 1248AM FISH 1252AM Becky, Liz and Austin still in Kitchen (all 4 cams) Becky making tea, Liz is recleaning dishes seems Julia and James did not wash any of their dishes. Becky says she will do dishes in the morning, they have done most of them.. Austin cooking, Becky making tea and Liz is sorting clean and dirty dishes from the clean dish rack. 1256AM All 4 cams on James and Julia playing pool. (Boring-Granny) 104AM Austin giving some directions on how to make something to Steve. Steve scampering back and forth while fixing something to eat. Liz and Austin still working in kitchen, cleaning and cooking (of course Austin is eating again-Granny) Steve says could I put garlic salt on the pork chop. Austin cooked chicken. 115AM James Meg and Steve all in purple room talking. Liz and Austin quiet in kitchen Liz sitting on Austin's lap talking in front of memory wall (pictures). just general chit chat on all cams. 125AM Austin and Steve talking about exercises. Muscles tight, weak. JMac in hammock by himself. 135AM JMac and Steve in hammock talking. Austwins in HoH room just talking about Vanessa again. Steve and JMac talk about who they can and cannot trust in the house. Vanessa has no idea. Bro tip #53, Bros do not leave Bros alone with Vanessa. JMac and Steve decide they need to talk to Austwins. Steve is going upstairs to talk to austwins. Everyone F*g knows we are working together, Steve tells JMac we are not a secret. Steve scampers upstairs to talk to Austwins. Austin in DR, Liz and Julia are talking to Steve. Steve talking to twins about bringing in JMac to the group and make it 5 solid. Steve says we wait till Austin is out of DR and bring up JMac. Steve says wait, Julia wants to go talk to him. JMac is not throwing Becky away, Becky threw him away. Liz says we need to go as a group and talk and bring him in, but Julia is being bullheaded and wants to go talk to him. Steve going to go get JMac to come up to HoH room Steve quietly creeping thru the house, but he finally reaches the hammock and tells JMac is all good, come one ... Jmac worried about people knowing they are going upstairs. Steve says they all in bed. Liz and Julia chatting about who all has had sex on the show, interrupted by Steve and JMac up in hoh. Julia's voice gets really really loud and they all shush her. Julia taking over conversation as though she is hoH... Liz is just sitting there .. (and Julia starts using her 4 Letter words) The chat without Austin is basically about Vanessa being a target and going forward they are on the same page. Vanessa and her F2 with Austin is discussed. How much they learned about Vanessa when Liz won HoH (so much for waiting on Austin to get out of DR).
  6. 504AM Washer seems to be fixed. Steve in backyard playing pool. Everyone else still snug in bed. Steve starts mumbling to himself. Sidenote: Starting around 510AM my PC has decided or maybe it is CBS that I cannot get the Archives to work. 738AM Vanessa gets up and goes to the bathroom, goes potty, picks at her eye and heads back to HN room to sleep.
  7. 3AM Steve sitting alone in kitchen eating his pork chop. All quiet in HoH room. 315AM James is up and Steve is still wandering. Backyard is open. we get FISH. Steve thanks BB for getting the yard back open. Can hear but not see since Fish are on Cams 1/2. Cam 3/4 is HoH room and they seem to be sleeping. still FISH but you can hear James talking about water being scalding hot and Steve says he is going to start laundry and will be there in a minute. 321AM Cam back, James and Steve at Hot Tub in Backyard. Steve is talking about how he napped on floor. James said when Julia laid down on her bed, his back cracked and it felt so good. (Guess I should go back and look again at 226AM) The boys are dipping their feet into the hot tub, James says it is way too hot. Steve says his feet are cold..agrees with James it is really hot. 327AM James says he is not going to spread rumors, he is not going to create chaos. James is telling Steve that he is pretty sure they are both safe this week. Doubts Liz will use Veto. Steve says it is funny that Lizten were the final two in comp. 334AM James and Steve still at hot tub, just general chat. they now talking about who has won America's favorite player. Liz gets up for bathroom. 340AM they have now moved on to talking about evictees not in house. And what you do and do not do the first week in the BB house. Cause it will get you evicted. Like running nakid. James and Steve talking about airing 3 times a week. 351 Still talking general chat in backyard about who all was from Texas on BB in all seasons. James says Aaryn would not return to BB ever, Steve agrees. Talking about how close James and Clay are to Dallas and doing casting calls. (I guess since they have 1 year contract they call them to the casting calls to make appearances?) The discussion has now turned to what may happen at casting call appearances. James and Steve agree it is a dream come true and some people have no clue. 402AM Still talking about casting calls and how people might recognize them outside the house. James asks who misses you most Steve, he says Mom cause she knows I am die hard BB fan. We talk every day, she has done lots for me with my Dad in things that would never have happened without them. Discussion turns to what James would do with winnings. Building house, moving back to SC, .. Steve says he would do the same for his family too, just help them out. James says he would take some of the money and set it aside in trust for his daughter. Steve says yeah, give it to her at age not college. 408AM Steve says it is about his bed time. He thanks James for talking. Steve says he needs to do his canker sore stuff. James heads off to bed. Steve goes to check washer. James asks BB to play some country music for wake up as he walks thru to bedroom. Steve is now back inside wandering the house. All other squirrels seem to be tucked in for hibernation. Steve makes up his salt water for gargle 415AM Steve wandering around the house, headed to colorful room, Steve is stretched over the back of chair by door and cameraman keeps adjusting the camera, cannot see what Steve is doing but hearing rustling. Steve gets up with garbage bag in hand and heads out to LR. (I think he is looking for his hoodie-Granny) goes back into colorful bedroom and is looking behind chair again. Seems he has found what he is looking for and walks out...Hoodie in hand. Walks outside to find water all over the place from the washer, is looking behind washer, doing something, BB says Steve stop that. he is talking to BB about washer being broken, he has unplugged it. Walks back into house. Goes to DR door and enters. Steve leaves DR and heads off to bed 435 Everyone seems to be down for the night. including Steve
  8. 102AM James, Meg, Austin, Liz in HoH room discussing JMac and Vanessa going home. JMac told Austin he has his speech ready for Vanessa and her eviction. Vanessa meanwhile is talking to Steve in the HN room, lights off. Talk is about classes and which programs they used a lot in college. Vanessa now asking what everyone else is doing, she is quite interested when Steve says they are in the hoH room. She keeps asking him (Steve) if he is going up there, and that he should go up and talk in HoH, now she tells JMac he needs to go up there and check on them for her, neither are volunteering, telling her you go. Something is mumbled about being paranoid. Vanessa turns to talking about her predicting the winner of OTEV and that she has made several predictions. (these predictions have always been stated AFTER the comps and winners are announced) Vanessa is laying in her chair and still bringing up the topic of visiting the HoH room. The chat in HoH is general chat and laughing about things that happen during HoH and VETO comps. No real game talk. They are talking about number of votes needed. Talking about side alliances that Vanessa keeps trying to make with the Girls, but she fails cause of Austin... Vanessa talk is happening (same ole stuff different day) about what she does or says and then double talks. Her "word" "integrity" and "truth". They tell James about what the deal with JMac and Clay was about. 112AM Vanessa and conversation in HN room has stopped. JMac is trying to sleep in between Steve on one side and Vanessa on the other. Vanessa keeps talking to Steve, The lights are off but JMac and Vanessa have "things" covering their eyes. Vanessa says good night and room goes quiet 1125AM Talk is still going on in HoH. They are back to discussing the fact that Vanessa never talks to Meg. James says as long as Vanessa and Steve do not win, they can go "brass tax".. Austin says he wants to be the one to evict Vanessa, he says he is big and ugly enough she won't attack him. The talk goes to JMac wanting Vanessa gone also. The talk is that they are sure that Vanessa is going crazy not knowing what is going to happen with the Veto, so Monday to Thursday will be happy days, the come Thursday hopefully JMac, James or Austin win HoH and Vanessa is a BD and home. (logic here, they don't want her coming back so they need to wait another week-Granny) They talk about the way Vanessa stares at them. 145AM ADL in Bathroom downstairs by Meg and James. Bed checking in Purple room. Julia is paranoid about James and pranks. Austin in kitchen eating, James's burgers are fantastic.. Becky asking about cookies without gluten. All but HN crew is wandering around kitchen and general chit chat. 201 AM putting "ghosty" on the block. Austin says he is the "Silver power of B" James and his mouth are warned by Meg that his mouth is foul and they are bleeping him on feeds. Austin and James think that the Feeders will love this. James says it is the "glory hole" award. it is a Voodoo doll with a hat, knife and very large penis. "the apple died". James says if he had done this "shit" when they first came in the house he would have been gone first. they all agree. 215 Julia in HoH room. Liz, Becky, Austin, James and Meg all in living room chatting. They are reading the stuff off the decorations in the room. Irish Spring commercials. No game talk 230AM Austin Liz in HoH getting ready to settle in for night. (Screaming from downstairs) Julia is checking under bed in Colorful room. James is helping her. They are finding clothes, shoes and foil. Julia making sure James does not torture her. Julia whining about James. 226AM James has foiled Julia's bed. with chocolates.) (reference back to 1212AM) it had been mentioned around 215 that chocolates were missing. James is blaming Steve and Steve says it was team effort. Liz comes running down to see bed. Julia throwing fit wading up foil into a ball. Julia says James told her to go nap and she knew something was wrong. Wanting Steve to help and he says no. Julia goes and gets the bowl. We got FISH. 235AM The boys helped Julia clean up the mess. Austin and Liz settle down in bed again. Julia is whining "Jaaammmeeeesss" there is now a tickling match going on, James the prankster is in full gear. Julia says she claims the white flag. James shut off the light as he walked out the door. 245AM Liz turns off hoH light. Steve starts his wandering in the house. He told Julia he is not waiting for backyard to open, but he has his laundry ready to go. we get FISH for a few and back to Steve in Storeage room. Liz and Austin making out. liz says okay you done, 30 sec make out session is done 251 All seems to be settling in for night. General chat in HoH between Lizten. Steve is now fixing himself a pork chop. They eat no slop this week (Did we vote on pork chops?)
  9. 330AM Austin and Steve talking in kitchen about who is gone and original alliance names? Lights are off in HN room and purple bedroom. 345AM Austin and Steve still chatting in kitchen. Steve is asking Austin what his plan is for the game and how he gets thru each week. Talk about who ran their mouth and now they are gone. Everyone has left cause their mouth got them in trouble. 356AM Liz now out of HoH, tells Steve to go to bed. Austin says they were waiting for her. Austin and Liz head up to HoH room. Steve still in kitchen. 404 Looks like the Squirrels are all in bed, with Dreams in their head.
  10. 119 Julia is told to hide under covers by Steve. Steve in turn runs to James and tells him that Julia is trying to scare him. she jumps out screaming and he does not react. Julia yells at Steve, Steve laughing says he was helping James ... ROFL, James starts joking with Meg, telling her to shut her mouth. Julia says there must be something in her bed, she goes in throws back the comforter and wants to know why she found a chocolate candy in her bed. (she did not throw back the sheet) Julia wanting to know where the bowl of chocolates is; returns to really look in her bed and finds them all. James is laughing Steve wants to know how she missed a full bed of candies. Together they all clean up the chocolate and return them to the kitchen. James is now climbing into the cage where Julia keeps her clothes. in the purple room Meg, with Steve laying next to her bed, JMac are general chit chat. Julia walks into the colorful room and yells at James to get out of the closet. Julia threatens that tomorrow she will get James. says "it is on". James says she threatened me, she challenged the prank master. 130 James is creeping up on Julia's bed, Steve turns on the light.. Lights off in HoH room and Purple room. Julia says she is going to sleep, Steve crawls in next to her on the bed, Julia says Bed smells like chocolate. Julia says she has headache and Steve starts scratching her head for her. James is now on the other side of Julia's bed on the floor, she has no clue he is there, still talking to Steve. Steve gets up gathers clothes for cold shower and heads out the door, turning off the light as he goes. James still on floor by bed. all 4 cams are on Julia in Bed. Julia looks around mumbles and you see James looking at her... she does not see him. James starts tapping bed and Julia goes nuts. JMac and Steve are in Bathroom discussing the deal with Vanessa today and the chat JMac had with her. Becky is up ... okay now Julia woke up Liz with her screaming and Julia yelling up to Bridge about how James is scaring her. War is being declared. now Julia is paranoid that someone is in the room with her, she is laying in bed yelling stop, No one in room. JMac and steve continue talking . 145AM Becky talking to James and Meg in purple room. Steve is in HoH talking to Austin and Liz about how Vanessa let the alliance of 8 get out to JMac. Austin is telling Steve that Vanessa is getting paranoid. AusLiz says that Steve has to not go to Vanessa with anything he has heard or knows cause she will turn on him. Austin explains to Steve about the nutso conversation with Vanessa about the fact that Shelli had JMac and Steve voting for her. (old topic just rehash) 151 Vanessa, Becky and JMac now in bathroom, JMac and Becky talking about no strength in hands. Vanessa keeps walking back and forth staring at Becky. HoH discussion still going on between Austin, Steve and Julia. Vanessa says Good night and leaves wash area, neither say good night to her. 202 Convo still going on in HoH room, same convo different time. Liz and Austin telling Steve all the stuff that Vanessa been doing and saying and the truth when Vanessa was going to backdoor Austin. 210 Chat in HoH has turned to the scenario about next week so Vanessa is going to be the target. JMac is sitting in Bathroom all alone. Steve is making some repeat stuff because he is trying to make sure what he knows matches with what they are telling him. Becky, Meg, James are doing some sort of a word game in the purple room. Becky has taken over Steve's couch bed with him now being a HN 230 Discussion still going on in HoH room. lights are on, lights off downstairs bedrooms, but chatter still going on in purple room. Liz says goodnight to Steve and announces she is going to bed, Steve leaves room, turns off light.. Liz says she does not want JMac gone, but they still need to figure out who to put up if JMac or Becky win the VETO 245 Liz is now in HoH bathroom, combing her hair, her and Austin are chatting about who might go up as replacement, lights are on in HoH. Steve walking around in bathroom area (looks like he has taken his shower). Now Liz leaves hoH room, cause she got called to DR. Austin is now doing a chat with Feeders. HE is rehashing deals, and who may or may not go home depending on veto. 255 Liz and Steve talking in kitchen. Talking about shrinking table and wonder when it will happen. Austin still rambling on with a feeder's chat in HoH. 303AM Austin heads to downstairs. needs protein. Liz and Steve just general chat about personal life. JMac is in DR. Austin gets the eggs out and Steve says he will take a couple, Liz says "Steeeeveee" and reminds Austin he is a HN 315 Becky is in kitchen now with Steve, Austin and Liz. they are all quiet while eating. They are talking about who may or may not be boo'd when leaving.
  11. 1213AM Liz and Austin laying in HoH bed chatting with Julia and Meg. Vanessa holding court in kitchen area with James and Steve. no sign of the other houseguests. She is talking about her taking law and loved the challenge of riddles. The way to argue within the laws and debating. JMac is fixing him something in the background. The discussion in HoH with Meg and Julia is about Audrey being in the house. 1230 Everyone shifting places. Vanessa is still in kitchen, Becky, James have joined kitchen group. Vanessa looking around then interrupting and talking over Becky about HN food and stuff. Julia peeled off her facial mask. HoH is trying to figure out why Vanessa is in kitchen, especially since Becky is there. Discussion about JMac situation and Vanessa's ranting. 1245 Kitchen has cleared except for JMac, Steve sweeping floor, Becky at island counter. James has joined crew in HoH room. Julia is trying to force feed James a pea pod with salt on it. Instead he feeds it to Julia. Liz says he has to try it. He does and says not bad. (Vegetable fries). 1250 Steve Becky and JMac at counter in kitchen talking about putting weight on themselves unless they can control the situation. HoH crew is still talking about general stuff and movies. 1255 Meg is hollering at James about his "foul" stories and how they realized one morning that 5AM their time is 8AM east coast time. Now James is telling everyone to sing so they go to Fish and he can finish his "gross" story....and we now have Fish. 102AM Purple room is becoming populated. James and Meg are on opposite beds whispering.. and we get FISH again. We see AusLiz cuddling in HoH room. Julia in bathroom trying to pull something off. Liz whining to Austin that she is all riled up and he was doing sponsor stuff, but he gave her a candy shower. Not sure what is going on in purple room, Meg talking about her job being "sending people out of the house". James discussing if he goes on block he is gone. Steve walks in and asks if his speech is any better than yesterday. Julia brushing teeth in HoH bathroom. 113 Julia downstairs saying beds in Colorful Room are more comfortable. James goes and gets candy bowl and dumps it all over the bed that Julia sleeps in. He is chuckling to himself as he scurries out of the room and walks into storage. He grabs another bag of cand and runs back to the room to stuff more candy in her bed. he makes the bed, covering everything up. Julia, Meg and Beck with Steve are in the bathroom area. JMac asking Julia about her making out with Audrey. Jmac now leaves the bathroom area. Julia is putting away clothes in the purple room, now headed back to kitchen,she has not gone near her bed yet. She jumps into the bed Steve normally sleeps in (purple room) waiting .. James, JMac, Steve doing nightly ADLs meanwhile Steve leaves and Julia tries now to scare him, she got out of the bed and hid behind a chair, did not work. Julia asks Steve to help her scare James.
  12. 516AM: Julia got called to DR so she headed to HoH bathroom to put on makeup. Liz in DR. Austin laying in HoH bed talking to no one but himself at 514AM about what he has heard and trying to process his feelings and just talking in general about feelings and decisions he has made and has to live with what happened in the house. He talks about his "then" girlfriend and then he met Liz, wondering if it will change him and how he plays the games, his values, his experience unexpected. Austin says he needs to make sure Liz does what is best for her this week and that she is safe next week, he tells the live feeders you don't have to like me but Liz deserves to be liked she is very special, what she has done for him he can never repay. (this is intense and I know I am missing parts) Steve is sitting at the table in the kitchen area looking at his pictures and still reading his letter. Austin continues with his talk about Judas and how he can lie and not care, but that is not Austin , he can't be the liar and betrayer, he wants to help and be trusted, Vanessa is starting to work the wrong side of Austin and he is mad at her, maybe be House Alliance and F2, Judas is going to keep Austin from being manipulated by people in the house and Vanessa is making Judas mad. Lying in HoH room on BB17, 6'5" target with tattoos and he realizes he has not been on the block, totally jinxing himself now. Says he needs to talk to the feedsters more often, he used to wish that the HGs would have done that when he was watching feeds. Apologizes for his dramatics when he thought Vanessa was saving him from eviction. Talks about wanting to be on B&B since 1993.. Wants to do the Halloween show. giving out his Judas twitter and Instagram. Sign up for website and gives out his work out programs. Does a couple of his ads for Swiffer and Irish Spring. .... (he is watching Steve on the TV sitting in the kitchen area) Disclaimer for season: he is not a bad guy he is thinking with his heart and not his head, he has to follow his heart, says he is ready to bring some judas to some wrestling and want to take on Mr Spectacular. Says he is 100% healthy and ready to return to work. Judas is not dead..(talking to different wrestling things). he is now giving shout outs to Rachet and something about he needed a showmance in the house. (not sure what that was about). 540AM "Sidenote" Austin rambles on for what seems forever. He is just talking to the feeders in a dark HoH room. I think both the twins are in DR, but not sure ... they are no where to be seen. Sorry I gave up on listen to him ramble." Talking about who he might stay friends with after the show.
  13. 155AM Julia going thru Liz's basket saying what she likes and what she hates. Pictures are from school. Liz got her graduation cap which Julia puts on her head. Graduation was last March. Liz gives away her oroes, (seems she got a lot of them). Meg, Becky, James Steve Austin JMac and Julia in HoH room with Liz (I do not see Vanessa) 205 Austin, Becky,James, Steve and Liz (with headphones on) still in Hoh. Steve leaves room. Liz says she is going to take a bubble bath. Vanessa corners Julia downstairs. Vanessa motions for Julia to follow her to the Cabana room...Vanessa says she has a Brain Storm for Brass Tax. Sorry I think this is Liz...cause now they are talking about questioning Becky about last week. Vanessa says that Liz needs to throw it up to Becky that there is NO DEALS this week, it would make Vanessa so happy. (Vanessa running the house) Vanessa is telling Liz what to say to who and why. Van is telling Liz that she has to do it this way so it will work. Liz goes back up to HoH room. Vanessa says she is going sugar free for a few days and going on HN in a couple days. Vanessa asks Steve (in purple room) if he is happy, he says no. Vanessa whining to Steve about Jackie needed to go cause she never talked to him. Steve asks if Becky is target this week, Vanessa says Shush, Becky walks thru room to HN room. Vanessa says it is all planned out. Austwins need to get blood on hands so we can further us in the game. It is time for them to do the mud work. 220AM Becky and JMac in Cabana room talking. Meg and Austin and James in HoH room. Becky telling JMac that she is sick of this stuff happening. 230AM Austin is talking to James Julia Liz and Meg in HoH room. they say JMac is acting like he is clinically depressed Austin says put him out of his misery. AUSTWINS are in HoH holding court. They have just told Meg and James to send up Becky. Becky talking to Steve in Bathroom area. Austin says we don't want to get rid of Vanessa yet, but she does need to go. Austin says he does not understand where Vanessa's head is at and why she is doing what she is doing. Twins asking when Becky popped the cork on her wine, she said after the calm came from Noms. James and Meg keep talking in HN room. James says becareful cause there is something going on and vibe is not right. James says they need more ears and less mouth from here on out. Becky chatting with Liz is saying that the biggest thing was her deciding it was best for her game and she knows that she is jeopardy for her actions. Liz says that does not count. Julia still on couch. (Is this a 3 person HoH??) Becky is telling them that the only threat she saw was Vanessa. She learned that you need your group with you when you make the decision. (we are getting the same chat that we had last week about Becky and Vanessa). 245AM. Becky still talking to Liz and group. James and Meg having their own discussion in HN room. Liz wants to know who told about 8 person group, .. Becky says that Vanessa was the one to told them while Clay was still in house, that she need protection from Clelli, she said she was not with them. Becky telling all about Vanessa and what she knew and did not tell. Becky says that is when she realized that Vanessa was playing the whole house and not staying with one select group. Becky explaining in detail how Vanessa was and has been behind all the noms no matter who was in HoH. Austin wants to know how Becky got into the James/Jackie group. Becky said she shut her mouth and listened. (which was a first).. 255AM Chat still going on in HoH about Vanessa and the sprinkling of info she kept giving Becky. Becky gets out the cereal and starts to explain the week that Jackie and Vanessa were in control. The groups as Becky saw it and how Vanessa started organizing the groups. (Good Listen) JMac and Steve talking in LR. Steve says Vanessa does not know he is talking to JMac. Becky continues to explain the comp throwing and Vanessa and her volunteer. (this is the HoH with BD being Austin) Becky says that is when she volunteered.. James and Liz won and did not throw the comp. Liz says SHE KNEW it. Jackie lost HoH, Becky says now Vanessa wants to work with Austin and the twins. and now Clelli becomes the unwanted. Becky is being straight forward, explaining all the moves being made. Becky also explains how all of a sudden Vanessa remembers Austin and the twins are her friends. Vanessa now targets JAson. Jason goes home and next hoH with James.... Vanessa runs to James and leaves her other team behind . 302AM JMac and Steve still in Living room, Becky talking with Austwins in HoH. Becky explains how Vanessa if anyone notices always demands your "word" in a group...and her finger needs to be broken. 315 Steve and Meg chatting in Purple room. Becky is still talking in HoH, telling them to listen and they will learn and see a lot more this week. JMac is a free agent and needs a group. Austin says you brought a lot to us and opened oiur eyes to more than we knew, thank you and we do need to find out more answers. They all hug and Becky leaves room. Liz wants to talk to JM ac and Steve. Liz turns to Austin and Julia and says I TOLD YOU. Austin says they don't need to get rid of Becky cause of the info she gave them about Vanessa. (heated discussion about info given by Becky to Austwins) Steve heads up to HoH, he wants to go to bed. Liz gives him a big hug, saying you thought I could not do it ... Austin says that no one has no clue about Jackie and that you were a puppet about Jackie. Austin says no one naming names. No one throwed any names under bus. Becky in HN room telling Meg. Vanessa interrupts hoH discussion. (no one seems happy with interruption) Vanessa wants to name the group... James in shower (no more cold ones). Vanessa not moving. They decide that they want to be called Scamper Squad?? Vanessa wanting to know how it went with Becky, Austin says no info was exchanged, Vanessa seems to doubt what she is being told, makes a comment that Becky seemed upset. Vanessa wanting to know how it went with James and Meg. Vanessa wants to know more about the Becky conversation. Austin skirts it by telling that Becky said the same she said last week. Vanessa really pushing and trying to find out WHAT was said. Vanessa says Becky did not know that Van went to hoH room. Austin watching TV saying that Becky is in her mode and scampering and wandering. Steve has his mode also. James walks thru from Shower. Vanessa says that YOU have to let him know he is Pawn and you need to make sure he understands. Vanessa is trying her best to take over the HoH , she is waiting for Becky to leave so she can leave (why does it matter if Becky saw her in HoH room) Vanessa teling everyone what to say. 329AM Vanessa still hold court in HoH room, Steve has left (he did not get to finish his chat with Austwins). Vanessa saying you all need to celebrate and drink your wine after this. She is happy for them... Steve walks into Purple room and James says Taking a shower? Steve says yes...James picks an ant off Meg. Vanessa says you told Becky no deal right? They say she did not ask for a deal, (sorry I kind of tune out Vanessa when she starts talking with 4 letter words). 333AM Vanessa leaves and Austwins start discussing the fact that they don't want to put up Becky but JMac instead. Ausitin tells Liz that the only reason he is still in the house is cause of her winning BOTB. Julia says she really thought she could trust Vanessa, Vanessa does not trust anyone, Vanessa is trying to be Derrick and not working. Austin wants to put Becky up at a pawn... just not sure how it will work. (long discussion about not taking out Vanessa or becky so who goes.) 345 Liz telling Austin and Julia that she is still trying to process all the stuff that Becky told them about vanessa, but she remembers now all the crap happening and that Becky was not lying. they see Becky and James in kitchen. 401AM Austwins now in kitchen. Julia wants to know why Steve still up. They are joined by James. Austin thinking about warming up the steak in the fridge, Liz and Julia in purple room getting clothes, Liz filling her laundry bag. Liz telling Julia you can't put your laundry in there either. Liz offered Steve Laundry use, but he says you can't do that. Becky walks thru room, Julia makes a comment about sleeping arrangements. JMac Steve and JAmes in kitchen talking about who all was left last year at this time. Austin walked out of room, twins still going thru laundry. 415AM JMac and Liz talking in HoH, Austin in bathroom. James Meg and group talking about they all having their own beds. JMac asked what happened last week. Liz asks JMac about fight with Clay and JAmes. supposedly Van said something to make James and JMac mad at Clay. JMac said he was talking to James and then all of a sudden Vanessa came in and started yelling about Shelli and Clay. JMac says he has no clue where Clay came up with James telling JMac what to say. He said he decided that if Van won HoH she could put JMac up. 430 Liz and Julia talking in Cabana room. Liz says she does not want Becky up. James did not put us up, so he needs to be safe, Liz says that Vanessa has not been telling them the truth, what to do, they leave the cabana room and Liz goes upstairs. James and Steve, Meg telling Steve turn off lights she wants to sleep. Austin and Liz talking in hoh bathroom about the Clay and James fight. General chatter in purple room 445AM lights off in rooms. Liz says she hates HoH, she has no clue who to trust. Austin and her are still discussing talking to people and that they don't need to do anyone else's dirty work, but we need to do what is best for us. Steve is scampering and chat is still going on in purple room. Austin talking about who would take out Vanessa, Liz says Vanessa will suck up to Becky and all will be forgotten and Becky won't target Vanessa. If you take out Becky where does that leave people, Liz says JMac has no chosen a side... Becky will target Vanessa. Austin says Vanessa thinks Becky is going out the door, Van will make an alliance with JMac and Steve. They keep discussing all the info that was given to them by Becky and JMac. 501 Julia just walked into HoH bathroom she got called to DR. Austin was in bathroom, Liz is in DR. Julia whining about no sleep and DR now. lights are off in HoH. Rest of house seems to be all tucked in for the night
  14. 101AM Liz and Austin in Bathroom area, we hear Julia in the background saying "I hate you" . Vanessa talking to James and laughing. Austin telling Liz to ask someone about some of the things that happened last week, then you will talk again. Liz saying she was out of the loop, ? told JMac about the plan? wanting to know truth, who told you what and who is the biggest threat. They talking about Becky, cause they just mentioned you were HoH up here. Liz says she is scared and the target is Becky, JMac is a ??, Liz loves Steve and wants to keep him. (Liz an emotional player??) James talking to Vanessa about "clicks and degrees". Taking James out now is not a good deal. 115 JMac is at stove cooking. Liz and Steve talking on one bed, they all seem to be in Purple room chatting. Talking about Steve's Dad and Austn being adopted daughter. 130AM Vanessa and Steve talking in bathroom. She is telling Steve if she puts ?? up she is going to piss everyone off. Vanessa said she could have put a Pawn up, Steve says I did, but it did not work. Vanessa is spinning her tales and confusing Steve, but he seems to be controlled. Steve talking about Jacky, (no clue who Vanessa was talking about). So now that Steve is not in power, In the pruple room, Austwins and Julia, James all discussing different topics including their sponsors. Vanessa telling Steve that he has bought himself 3 weeks off the block 145 Headed up to see Liz's HoH Course Julia and Liz are screaming. (We have audio but fish on screen.) Julia screaming about stuff they gave Liz. (Short break here while my video updates to Windows 10)
  15. 458PM BBT Looks like we are down for the count, still getting Jeff reels. (Anyone else tired of listening to mumbling Clay?-Granny)
  16. At 345AM, James and Jackie talking in HN room. Becky and Austin are in Bathroom talking and says they will talk more tomorrow. Steve in Cabana room, Meg checks on him. Steve says he got a "stop that" for juggling oranges. Austin is standing behind Meg in hallway pointing at Steve. Austin leaves and Steve Meg start studying. 402AM James Meg and Steve are studying in Cabana room. Jackie just sitting in dental chair (looks like she is trying to go to sleep) Lights are on. 415 Lights out in HN room, but Meg Jackie and James still chatting. Rehashing stuff that Vanessa has said. Steve has fixed a sandwich and is wandering around the house eating it. James is saying that they need to figure out who they can trust so they know who to keep in the game. 432 looks like Steve is headed to bed finally. Some movement in the HN room, but they are settling in for the night also. 445AM all the Squirrels are tucked into bed. Steve has a sneezing fit, but settles back down. Sorry James and Meg are still chatting about comps in HN room. Meg is really restless in her chair.. and yawning begins and chatter ends 450AM Jackie is now up and moving. She is beating up her chair and Meg is giggling. ... SIDE NOTE: As of this posting they now have a 5 to 3 vote to get rid of Shelli... the debate will continue Meg, JMac and Steve have not committed to their votes.
  17. 230AM James and Becky in HN room talking . Vanessa, JMac, Steve and Becky all in kitchen. Vanessa says she is so hungry she is having a battle of will. Oh Jackie is sitting at the counter. Vanessa leaves and goes to bathroom. Meg telling James that Austin's talk. Becky was topic of conversation and how much she is to be trusted. Now you see one of the twins head to the Bathroom area. Vanessa curls up on the couch. James telling what was going on in HoH and Becky campaigning to keep Shelli of course, Vanessa cannot stay. Jackie telling Becky when do we put Shelli up if she stays. Meg says she does not believe that Shelli will not come after them. the discussion continues in HN room about what might happen. James and Meg want Vanessa to stay but to promise not to put anyone up, can't make it like we are not with Jackie. 245 Vanessa and Jackie talking in Bathroom. Vanessa saying that she won't say she has no target. I won't throw HoH. James and Meg still talking in HN room, studying. Jackie trying to get info out of Vanessa and she is not giving any promises. Vanessa says she has Austwins, but needs another to make sure she stays. Vanessa says she is not gunning for Jackie. She does not apologize but says she saw how upset Jackie was when Jeff left Vanessa says she does not control Austwins, but she is friends with them (HAHAHAHA I got a laugh) 255AM Jackie and Steve talking in Bathroom, about studying. James and Meg still talking about Becky being with JMac and Steve. 302 Meg, Jackie and James in HN room Meg talking about Becky claimed checkmate and walked out the door. Jackie says Becky talks differently to her than the rest of them. Jackie repeats convo with Vanessa and who Vanessa wants out. Jackie says she is finding it harder to hide and scamper out of the path of others. 305 Steve is pacing between kitchen and LR. Meg, James and Jackie talking about him in HN room. 307 Jackie saying that Shelli is not selling them the right ammo to keep her. Shelli talking about taking out Austwins. 312 James scares Julia ... he was in her bed again 315 James ran to the bathroom, Steve says he got a stop that for the oranges (first time). James staying in kitchen chatting with Steve. Vote as of now Shelli gone, James is not sure if Van or Shelli would be better at the upcoming comp. James tells Steve that everyone on same page, Vanessa to stay. Steve says Thank you, but James will let him know if anything changes. James tells Meg and Jackie that Steve stopped him and that James told him that they keeping Vanessa over Shelli. James tells Meg it doesn't matter which way Steve votes they have enough to get out Shelli. 330AM Steve on Sky Bridge, looking around . Meg Jackie and James still talking about the "dumbasses" and eviction. They are going over who would put up who in the DE
  18. 201AM James Austin and JMac in bathroom. talk about HN. Meanwhile: HoH room has Becky, Jackie, Meg talking about Vanessa leaving the game. Meg says she is tired of talking, she wants Shelli to stay. She starts to say something about the twins and we get FoTH. 204AM Meg talking about JMac bonding is new. Vanessa is in the CR talking to Julia/Liz. Vanessa wants to know where they are at. Vanessa keeps repeating that her integrity is her best assest. She is now chanting again about her self preservation and she has to win HoH cause she WILL put them up. Vanessa saying she WILL go after them again. Austin joins the conversation telling Vanessa she NEEDS to talk to them again because Becky is talking to them. Vanessa taking the "woe is me" position I don't lie, my word is my word. James is lying to her and I am going to stop this. Austin saying he has to go talk to JMac right now. Austin leaves and Vanessa starts laughing. Vanessa is talking with her hands again (give it up lady, you do not know how to sign) Vanessa being told for the umpteenth time to move her hair from her mic. Becky and Jackie still talking in the HoH room. They need to get Steve and JMac on board to put up Vanessa if they win. Liz "please do not obstruct your mic" from BB. Becky says the bond with Austwins and Vanessa is scarey. She brings up the switches the past two weeks, look at the messes we have created. Austin back in CR, saying there is nothing he can do now, James in kitchen, Jackie upstairs, they don't want to talk about it. JMac following James around, Austin getting upset .. Vanessa was the one to put Austin up to talking with James. Vanessa is whispering to Austin and Liz about who is Shelli talking to? Julia enters room. shelli is using Becky to connect with rest of house, Vanessa says they have to keep talking to them. James and JM ac in kitchen talking about clay votes. 214am James explaining to JMac that he has tried to be straight with him. JMac brought up the "office paint" did not go as scheduled. Austin telling Vanessa that he has to make a BIG promise to Meg. Vanessa says she has made her promises.. Becky and JMac are her targets. James says JMac is part of the group, you have Becky, Becky has Meg, Meg has Jackie and well, you see I got Jackie. Whatever the girls decide I will back them. No matter who goes home. And here comes Steve. and topic changes. Vanessa is in the CR looking all sad and depressed sitting talking to Julia. Julia says Van needs to talk to Becky. They talking about BD Becky with Steve and JMac as noms From the kitchen we switch back to HoH and Becky is going back to convo with Austin. Becky wants Vanessa gone since Austin is so close to her. Jackie says yeah he is the reason everything got switched and Jason/Jeff gone.
  19. 130AM Debates continue. James said if they had not won HoH would Becky still be on Clelli's side with Vanessa. James said he will trust her and she is working with them. Jackie agrees, but says they can't dwell on "what if" 138 Liz joins Austin and Meg in HN room and Becky leaves (she was back looking for earrings) and feeds switch to Steve talking to Shelli. They are discussing Vanessa putting up JMac. Shelli does not understand Steve struggling with vote to remove Vanessa, she says she respects his decision no matter how he votes. Becky has entered HoH, talking about how Austin and Liz are both working Meg for removing Vanessa, making promises for her. James and Jackie both are still confused. Steve and Shelli hug. 142 All Cams on HoH room. Becky says Vanessa will say whatever she thinks they want to hear. Becky says 100% that Shelli will not take one of the four out, and she has no one. Who would you put up next to Shelli to make sure she left. Becky says if you stick with plan and get Vanessa out now, Shelli go on DE and she would vote her out. Becky says Steve will take out the Austwins before anyone else, and JMac be on their side... they have come to a draw, who goes. counting votes now. the other side will go after Shelli but not Vanessa, so why keep Vanessa 148 Still debating who goes/who stays. James says we need votes, Becky says we have them, you three and Steve...JMac with her as tie. Becky is bringing up all the denials that Vanessa is spewing and here they sit with Vanessa possibly staying and Shelli going... Becky says they need Vanessa out. The Austwins are campaigning too hard to keep Vanessa .
  20. 123AM BBT" Becky and Jackie/James in HoH talking about outing Vanessa. They are discussing the fact that if they pick Vanessa to stay, she will pick one of them off in the DE. Jackie says one of them have to go. Meg and Austin are in HN room talking about the same thing. Becky enters HN room to get clothes. James and Jackie talking in HoH about how hard to remove Shelli again. James says Becky makes good points, but there are pros and cons to Vanessa/Shelli staying. Becky left HN room and the talk returns to who might go up for DE. James and Jackie both saying there is lying on both sides, so who do we want out of the house the most. Austin is pushing to Meg about keeping Vanessa cause she will keep her word and put up JMac and Becky and BD Steve (yeah right) James talking about the one chance to prevent something and we will feel like **** if we don't do the right thing. If we decide to keep Shelli, we need to talk to Austin and twins, James is up with y'all no matter what he has to do. Jackie says they need both gone this week.
  21. 230AM Vanessa is now back in the HN room talking to Meg, Jackie. Steve is in BY with Becky. Vanessa is campaigning against Becky not Shelli claiming that Becky is the master mind not her. Just a general topic chat in BY with Steve and Becky no game talk right now... FOTH 240AM James has joined the HN room chat. Vanessa is again rehashing Becky, claiming that she is the mastermind. Also discussing the fact that Steve said he is voting to keep Shelli. (Floater Vanessa is working her misting) Vanessa is saying I am flat telling the 1000% truth, she is laughing and talking about "her" Bible and that all is good. 253 Becky still in BY with Steve general chat. HN room is still chatting, Vanessa has left. 315AM James, Jackie, Meg all in bathroom, Jackie talking about they go in group, bathroom, eat, travel together. Becky and Steve chatting about the order of the game so far. No current game chat just reflective talk about what is "getting blood" and things that happen. 330AM Becky has gotten her a plate of food to eat, still in BY with Steve chatting about after game now. Lights out in HN room, but there is still whispering about Becky and what she knows, knew and retold.. than what Vanessa is saying. 345 Becky and Steve still talking in BY. Lights back on in HN room with the another round of discussion going about voting. 4AM, "sorry I have to stop here" East Coast and Children are coming in the door for the day...hope this helps" Granny 431.. All seem to be tucked in except for Steve who is walking around inside the house. Some sniffling coming from HV room.
  22. 152 Becky has kind of accepted the fact that Shelli is being voted out .. Vanessa is holding court reading the Bible to everyone. Vanessa explaining how she has a big heart and she is loyal. 202 Shelli in BR brushing her hair. Vanessa popping what she thinks is pimples. Game discussion still going around in circles in HN room. "The Outsiders" being discussed 203 Steve now getting back out of bed and starting his nightly walk around. 205 Vanessa gets in bed, Lis is whining about Austin ?? JMac sitting in bed sleeping with bandana over eyes. Conversation still going on in HN room. lots of motion and wiggling in Austin/Liz's bed 215 Steve doing his nightly walk about in back yard. Talking to himself analyzing the votes and a tie breaker. Steve playing with hoola hoop. Steve discussing what Vanessa has done for him in the game so far and why he should keep her. HN room is now discussing the ways to bake the buns. Steve talking about how he wants Becky out.. his game has been passive, he is talking about his groups that he is with and he is at the bottom of each group. Grandmothers, Freaks and Geeks, must be a camera moved cause he kind of freaked for a moment. He is really debating who is actually telling the truth.. Vanessa keeping him safe and Jackie wanting to go after him. Jackie making easy moves, he believes Shelli threw Steve under the bus last week trying to get him put on the block with James. 110% (missing a lot due to mumbling, but this is a must listen). Steve is deep into this conversation and how loyal who has been... 221 Steve still having his self debate in backyard.
  23. 1250AM Austin shows up in the BY and chat ends between Vanessa and Julia. Austin made pork chops and now everyone is eating again. BB bowling and Funnel cake chat. James is telling how to make funnel cake and pretzels by baking the buns in different shapes .. Carnival food. Everyone in kitchen except for Shelli and Becky. Jackie saying that Grandma Meg is best friends with Sara Lee, she will be up baking all day tomorrow. 102 Meg has Jackie and James in HN room discussing the chat with Becky about votes changing. Meg saying that Becky kept saying that "SHE has to go" referring to Vanessa and Meg telling her that BOTH have to go. Meg says she tried her best to tell Becky that one person in the house against you does not meant that the whole house feels that way. Vanessa and Julia in bed, Austin enters room and they all start whispering of course Vanessa is doing all the chatting now. (I think Vanessa is trying to use her hands for sign language and failing).. 130AM James now chatting with Vanessa and Julia. Becky talking with Jackie and Meg in HN room. Vanessa claiming she has no knowledge of what happened, she said it was all Shelli. Vanessa is really dragging Becky thru the mud. Vanessa is going back to "she broke her word". Meg telling Becky that none of them want her in jeopardy, but the house has flipped to get rid of Shelli. Vanessa talking about "Shelli said no campaigning, and she is doing that now" James rejoins the HN room, Vanessa looking so sad talking to Julia, 4 to 4 vote, why does Becky hate me? Meg still explaining her view about Vanessa leaving and votes changing. 138 Becky explaining to Meg, Jackie and James about the reasons for not keeping Vanessa. Austin and Liz in bed, Vanessa still chatting with Julia. Becky saying that Vanessa is going to say what she needs to say to stay in the house, Becky repeats that Vanessa is with Austwins, JMac, and Steve. if they keep Vanessa, Becky says what I have done is for nothing and the "alligator" will come after Becky no one else cause she is the one who poked it in the eye.
  24. 1217AM Becky is still talking in circles with Meg, same topic same words just different tones. Jackie, JMac, James, Austin, Liz in backyard by HT chatting. They doing pick up lines that will make no sense. Steve messing around by pool table. Julia trying to make things up that Austin can say to Liz to make her like him more. (OMG!! this is funny, but hard to type into sentences") 1230 Meg headed inside with her cup. Jackie Liz Steve and Meg in kitchen saying they have no clue what to say back to Austin's compliments. James and JMac messing around with the pool table, James saying it wants to shoot two balls in at the same time, practice for real game cause the table tilts still. Liz eating again. Vanessa in kitchen talking to Austin about he is eating again, he explains he does not eat meals, he eats several times a day and small portions at each eating. 1233 Discussing the VooDoo dolls in the eviction chairs, wondering what the top hat is for. Meg wants to know why they have pickles and not peanut butter. Austin carrying Liz around kitchen wanting an apology. Vanessa is on couch in BY chatting about the cigarettes that she got from Jason and that she found them in her drawer the other day. JMac working out around the weights, Austin pinning Liz to LR floor and she is squealing. Vanessa eating and keeps spitting things out. Explains to Julia it is pretty foul cause all she does is kind of suck the juice out and spits the rest of the orange out. 1238 Julia and Vanessa start whispering and saying that Vanessa hopes that Julia is truthful about Van staying. So between Julia and Vanessa, it is now a total blindside and no one knew anything before the Veto ceremony. Vanessa now talking a mile a minute and all I hear is the F word. and FlipFlop. Vanessa is telling Julia that she has total control of Steve and tells him what to do, Steve is the topic of discussion, Vanessa claiming that Steve will be a total mess without her. and more F word. Meanwhile while Julia and Vanessa dissect Steve .. Steve is sitting at the counter in the kitchen listening to chat between Jackie, Meg, and Austin. Julia keeps whining our her "WHY" .. Van saying that Shelli is going to tell all sorts of lies just to get votes.
  25. 1201AM BBT Vanessa and Shelli talking in Purple Room, Vanessa doing most of the talking. Becky talking to Meg in Kitchen saying that her target is still Vanessa out. Meg is listening. Vanessa gets called to DR. Meg tells James his laundry is waiting. Steve and Jackie are shooting pool. Meg says "they" will come up to the HoH room for sure. Becky all alone in kitchen with her cup of tea. 1204 Austwins are at pool just general chit chat with James. Discussing nothing special. FotH. Discussion about the Sand Castle and the picture day. Julia whining that she did not get to be in it. Liz kidding Austin and James about liking Audrey, they thought she was attractive, further discussion about her telling all that she was transgender. Julia can't believe that she (Audrey) just told everyone the first night. Then a discussion about Jeff and Jackie not knowing. 1210 Becky and Meg talking in HN room. Becky saying she is super nervous that she targeted a big fish and if she stays Becky will go after part of the group next. Vanessa gets into heads and keep votes, Becky can't trust her. Becky explains to Meg that she is going to be extremely upset if Vanessa works on James and Steve and ends up staying. Meg is listening while Becky says she really wished if they wanted Shelli out not Vanessa someone would have said something sooner. Meg says but there is time for everyone to change their minds, Meg is running a scenario past Becky about what if Vanessa stays. BY chat is just that "chat". 1215 Chats are still continuing in BY and HN room.



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