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Everything posted by Granny

  1. 414AM BBT Steve scampers down to WA to get his swim trunks. He takes off his mic and heads for toilet area with swim trunks. Comes out and gets into shower muttering to himself and starts to take a shower with his trunks on. All bedrooms are lights off, so no one is up but Steve right now. You hear him commenting on the hot water and how clean the shower is. 429AM BBT Steve is scampering around downstairs adding a couple items to his laundry bag. He has showered and changed into clean clothes. We see Vanessa up in the HN room then going to the WA she has leggings in her hand, complains she is cold comes out of WC and fixing her hair. She walks thru kitchen stopping Steve. She asks about Austin talk, when guess who appears. Austin is now up prowling around. He is standing in hallway and LR area listening then moving on into kitchen area. Steve says have you noticed how awkward this game has became. Vanessa tells Steve you have to do what is best for yourself and nothing can be personal it is a game. Austin agrees. Austin walks past Steve looking at Vanessa and rolls his eyes. Steve is looking for something. Vanessa asks Austin if he can't sleep, Austin is told by BB to reattach his microphone. Steve is in Fridge in Storage room. Vanessa and Austin move to hallway and then to WA whispering. Vanessa asks Austin if he thinks they going to make me do another DR. Austin says they said goodnight to me. Vanessa says they told me another one, but I want to take off my makeup. Steve is in kitchen getting yogurt, walks into WA and Vanessa says this is a tough spot, it will get harder from here on out. Austin says you do what you have to do. Vanessa now telling them it is a hard spot, it hurt when she put up James and Meg. Steve says he deserves 0 pity, everyone knows now what it is like. Now Vanessa says they told her not to take off her makeup cause they were going to call her again. She is complaining about makeup. Steve says "can you not go into DR without makeup" Vanessa says I am old, F* no. Steve says if you watch TV the shows with couples always make the woman more attractive.
  2. 325AM BBT Vanessa is waiting for Steve in the HoH room, He enters we get FISH then back to Vanessa who has already started telling Steve what to do with his noms. Vanessa says it is a no blood Hoh, you can't go into F5 with the twins and Austin still here, Austin will understand the most getting rid of one of the twins. Vanessa says Julia is already thinking she will be on the block. Vanessa promises Steve F3. Julia is shutting off lights in Comic room and sees that Vanessa is gone. Vanessa is spinning her "mist" with Steve and saying who he should put up and what has to be done. Least blood will be to get Johnny Mac out this week. If he can't split up Austwins. Vanessa keeps saying it depends on would make a less bitter Jury person, which would be Austin. Vanessa wants him to keep Julia and get rid of Austin this week. Vanessa says she can control the twins if Austin is gone. Vanessa making Steve feel bad about the way he talked to Julia. Steve wants to know if it is okay that Vanessa talked to me about how I treated Julia. Vanessa says it is not that important. [her normal brush off when she does not want him to double check on something]. Vanessa then says It is your HoH and there is no piece left. Steve says I got my minute and Johnny Mac was the first to come up. The conversation continues about how Steve has to be nice to everyone. 347AM BBT Vanessa is still talking with Steve in HoH. Austin has joined them and says he wants to talk. Austin wants to talk without Vanessa. Vanessa leaves. Austin says the twins told him to go talk to Steve. Austin says they are not a threat. Austin wants to talk scenerios with Steve cause he has already talked to Johnny Mac about them. Steve says he needs to soak in all this information but he needs time to make his decision. He says he can't say who goes on block [he keeps cutting off Austin when pressed for nom names] Steve asks Austin who would you put up, it is not a fair question, so let's forget I asked that. Austin says you need to do what is best for you. Julia is not a threat to win comps. Austin says I just don't know, I feel bad for the girls if they go up, they will be crushed, but it is a game. Austin keeps saying that Steve can talk to him about anything. Steve wants to know what has to stay between them, Austin says nothing that I know of, just about the girls being nervous that they are targets. Austin says I would not target them, but it is your HoH. Austin claims that the twins trust Steve more than Austin right now. The talk continues with Austin saying that Steve is safe with them next week, he is not their target, the girls love and trust him. Austin keeps repeating that there is no way Steve will go on block on their watch. Johnny Mac was never Liz's target. Austin says Vanessa did not put up JohnnyMac so that means she is working with him [duh] but Austin is trying to make sure he gives Steve all his information and speak honestly for the girls. They want to take Steve to F4. 4AM BBT Steve and Austin are rehashing everything that has already been said. Vanessa is walking around downstairs. Austin says if you need me as a replacement that is fine by me, I won't hold it against you. 410AM Steve is now wandering around downstairs. he goes into comic room and leaves. Austin comes out of WA, says Good Night to Steve who heads back up to HoH room. Austin wanders for a bit in kitchen then head to storage room. Steve announces to feeders, This is my room, all mine, so cool. he is acting like a little kid. [not sure if he has on his mic] He has mic under hoodie, could not hear all he said, but he is still pacing and not talking right now.
  3. 319AM BBT Steve comes out of HN room after finding more clothes of his to stuff in laundry bag. Vanessa says want me to tell you where stuff is. Johnny Mac laying on bed just watching. Vanessa is telling Steve where he has left his clothes laying. Vanessa says they will do all your dress shirts if you want them clean and pressed. He is really really packing the bag. Steve says yes, what ever you can fit in the bag is fair game. We see the purple room dark and quiet. Vanessa wanders out of the Comic room up to the HoH and puts on the headphones, sits on the bed for a brief time and then moves to the end of the couch, Meanwhile downstairs Johnny Mac has pulled down his bandana laying in bed in the Comic room with the lights on. Steve has stuffed the laundry bag and has left the room.
  4. 306AM BBT Twins in WA, Liz used WC and is now washing hands. Julia picking at her nail polish. Julia whispering about her convo with Vanessa and being pawns. Vanessa and Johnny Mac are discussing a comp. Julia tells Liz that Steve already knows who he is putting up just by the way he is acting. Liz says whatever happens, happens.. We now go back to Steve pacing in the HoH room, he picks up his hat and leaves room. He has the laundry bag in his hands. Vanessa talking she is not a 'quick' memory person she has to study it. Johnny Mac and Vanessa still are discussing comps. Vanessa says Steve is such a good person, he is following rules and collecting his laundry. Vanessa tells Steve that he needs to be generous with his time when talking to the twins. Steve says he doubts he sleeps tonight either. Julia walking into Comic room, Steve continues to collect laundry and he apologizes to Julia and making sure they do not feel gyped with the short talks. Steve again says he will not sleep till after noms. Steve is adding stuff to his bag saying it is laundry, going to stuff as much clothes as I can in here so it all gets done right. [ not kidding he is stuffing that bag full of everything] Vanessa and Julia have laid down in bed, Johnny Mac has left to go to WC. Steve says he does not want to slight anyone but he still knows he has another DR to do. Vanessa says "what can I do for you" is a Steve line. Vanessa says advice about clothes, takes 2 days for laundry only bring up something you will need for tomorrow. Johnny Mac in WA mirror picking at his face.
  5. 256AM BBT. Steve now puts the headphones back on and Vanessa is still talking to Julia in Comic room about what should be said. Steve says How cool is this, I am HoH FOTH Johnny Mac enters the comic room and Julia says she is going to go talk to Steve. Vanessa starts whispering to Johnny Mac [i cannot hear] Vanessa is pushing Austin to Johnny Mac. Telling Johnny Mac that Julia said she would vote out Austin. Julia congrats Steve. Asking him what he is going to do, knowing that being on the block is nerve wracking. She is explaining how she got put on the block and being a nervous wreck. Steve says yeah he knows. Vanessa and Johnny Mac are still whispering in comic room and what Steve might be worried about. Julia is explaining to Steve that if you put us up you will have to put us together, cause you have only 5 to pick from. Julia is saying she would not use the veto, if she is not on the block. Steve is whining about it being an awful time being HoH, he says he just is not processing stuff, he cuts her off and stops the talk fast. Steve says if Liz wants to talk, okay. [OMG!! he is good-granny] Julia says to Liz go talk to Steve, I said my piece, it was so awkward, he had nothing to say, it was so awkward. I told him that I would vote his way and not use the veto, but he made no response. Julia says I am warning you Liz, it was so.... Liz is in the HoH room. Steve is hunting down his Mtn Dew. She comments on the baby picture, Steve says he is only 4 months old, most of his life now has been lived with me in here. Liz says this will be short, I know you are tired, I know you are emotional, Steve says these chats need to be done. Liz asks what can she offer him and vote his way and do whatever he wants her to do, you have never been my target, he says Thank you... He gets a hug from Liz and he gets a second hug and leaves. She says Good Night, have a good sleep. Vanessa and Johnny Mac are still chatting. Both Liz and Julia head to WA and discuss the chats, Julia says she forgot to remind Steve all she has is Liz. Johnny Mac says he has already been evicted so F* it, I had nothing more to say [talking about speech during DE]
  6. 241AM BBT Vanessa is telling Julia needs to stand up for herself. Vanessa says she told Steve people will hate him if he does not talk to everyone tonight. Vanessa says as soon as Johnny Mac leaves Julia needs to go up there. Julia whining about not being a threat and that he needs to not put me on the block [Julia says he needs to understand his place] Julia wants to know who Steve will target, he will not target John. Vanessa says he has told her nothing. Steve and Johnny Mac about "Vanessa's mist". Steve asks Johnny Mac if he ever thought Steve had lied to him? JohnnyMac says No. Vanessa and Julia are still discussing Julia not going on the block. Steve says Noms are done, now what do I do and say. I want my Ass covered either way. Vanessa and Austin are definitely working together. Johnny Mac is whispering again, Steve says how does that cover our ass. Julia has told Vanessa that she will not use Veto if she wins to save Austin. Steve and Johnny Mac discuss the what ifs. Vanessa is telling Julia what she needs to tell Steve and what to do if she wins veto and votes out Austin. Steve says if I tell the twins they are safe, so what if Austin wins Veto. okay now they are discussing putting up Vanessa and Austin. Steve says we need to cover ass next week. Atleast I don't need to discuss who I am nominating. Johnny Mac and Steve discuss if Austin/Vanessa stays what happens when they win HoH next week unless Vanessa or Johnny Mac win HoH. Steve says this was a sh**** hoH to win. Steve says one of the 3 have to go this week, break up the Austwins. if you put Austin up next to a twin, if Austin wins Veto he has to know that a twin leaves. JohnnyMac says NOW we have a chance, just got to get the right person out. Steve says talking strategy to the guy holding a teddy bear. Johnny Mac says he will check in before Noms tomorrow. Steve says he needs protection next week. Johnny Mac says basically Vanessa and I are voting so nom who ever of the 3. if they win veto and take one down, Vanessa goes up. Steve talking about cutting a deal with the twins. Make no deals till we play Veto and see who wins. As of right now Austin and one of the twins are going on the block. Which one is still up for grabs. Johnny Mac says he been upstairs too long, time to leave. Steve Thanks him.
  7. 226AM BBT While Vanessa stuffs her face with popcorn. Austin and Liz are whispering about going on the block and winning Veto. Austin tells Liz that she has to be very careful when talking to Steve. Lots of whining from Liz about not wanting to go on block, 227AM BBT Jmac and Steve start talking. Steve says something about the conversation where JMac was not put on the block during the DE. JohnnyMac says he did not throw it, he just did not win it. Steve says he needs to figure out who needs to leave. He says that Vanessa started pushing her agenda immediately. But first, They look up something from a leaflet on the table. Steve says he needs to make sure Johnny is safe this week. JMac is whispering and [i cannot hear him] but what he is saying Steve is smiling about. Steve looking for the remote for TV cause he says we have to watch for them. [bB gives us a close up of the remote right by the TV] They are searching the room for the remote. Steve is mentioning that Vanessa keeps getting information, JohnnyMac says yeah, Austin is telling her. [turn around steve the remote is right behind your head] Steve says he is not opposed to it if JohnnyMac will support it. JohnnyMac says he has not been HoH cause he has not needed it. We see Liz walking to the WA downstairs on Cam 1/2. JohnnyMac says he is America's player, yeah right if I was I would not tell you. F3 you can do what you want. Steve says one twin with F3 would be horrid. Steve is looking for soda, still has not found the remote. Steve says JohnnyMac you want to target Austin? Vanessa had her week last week and we gave her what she wanted. Steve is drinking a Mtn Dew says he needs caffeine. Steve says "which two, I have 3 choices" right now we need to make sure we do not get F*d. Steve says Austin and Julia up, the problem would be if person #3 wins Veto, it could get messy. Steve looks at TV, kitchen is showing and he wants his remote. JohnnyMac says you need to tell us who to vote out. Steve says he needs to figure out who he wants out of the house and that is my problem. BUT JohnnyMac is not going. Liz, Austin and Julia are in WC area talking about how to approach Steve. Steve says Liz's nomination speech told you her plans. Steve is saying Austin and Liz up, save Liz, Austin goes, depends on Veto and gunning for JohnnyMac and Steve next week. Steve telling JohnnyMac to not be tense, Johnny Mac says I am not tense, Steve says yeah, I am pushing mine on you.... Steve spots the remote and calls himself an idiot. they continue their talk about who goes up. Vanessa and Julia are now in the Comic room talking [sorry I am listening only to Steve and JMac due to all the whispering] Steve says he needs to be in an okay spot next week and so does JohnnyMac
  8. 202AM BBT Talk in WA is continuing between Austin and Vanessa. Julia and Liz are still talking. Both of these groups are trying to decide what Steve should do with his HOH 206AM Liz is doing night ADLs, Johnny Mac is laying on his bed, Julia is in her bed, Vanessa and Austin have stopped talking due to Liz being in WA. 215AM BBT Steve has his HoH room. He struggles with the key, Johnny Mac says he can't wait to see what is in "this" room. They all go nuts over his pictures, the twins scream, Vanessa acts like she will cry. Austin just stands behind them all with a strange look on his face. Steve got his Teddy Bear. pictures of Harrison and Family. The twins are attacking his basket. Julia has already stuffed food in her mouth. (the entire letter to Steve has been posted) 224AM BBT Vanessa leaves, Steve asks if he can have a moment. They all leave the HoH room. Julia is belching into her mic saying excuse me and that she was rude. Steve is walking around HoH room with his letter in hand, rereading it and listening to his music. Austin and Liz go to bed in purple room taking James' old bed. Vanessa is in her bed in the comic room stuffing her face with junk food. Austin telling Liz what to do when she talks to Steve and to be careful about what she says. Liz says I am going to tell him not to put me up. Austin telling Liz that Steve feels like he is 5th wheel. Johnny Mac is in HoH room with Steve. Steve is smiling [huge big smile, nothing drained about this smile-Granny] and jumping up and down, Johnny Mac is smiling also.
  9. 124AM BBT Steve has told Austin that if he gives Austin no front/backdoor deal, Austin has to give him the same next week. Austin says he will help with the twins and they will need to have a reason why not JMac and Vanessa. Vanessa, Julia and JMac are still up at the Chess table just general chat, still no sign of Liz. Austin being the "man" he is , he is still throwing out the deal that Julia needs to go before Liz and Austin thinks they would make a great F3. (this chat is now going in circles-Granny) Steve says Austin is not going this week, he gives his word, but he keeps saying Austin is not going. 138AM BBT Steve still has not gotten to nap. JMac is now in WA. Vanessa is in Meg's old bed. Julia has taken over James' old bed. Steve tells Vanessa that his stomach is not okay yet. Vanessa wants to know who Steve wants up. She starts to push JMac. Vanessa is doing her best to talk him out of Julia. Vanessa is saying she can control Julia, basically Vanessa wants JMac out. She says whatever you do I respect, now it is a risk to put up the twins. now she says if you put up Austin and I will vote out Liz over Austin. Steve says if one wins the veto, they and Austin will control the vote. (my bad, Vanessa wants Austin gone this week, what a problem, Steve gave his word to Austin no Nom)... Steve is now agreeing with Vanessa and her move. Now she wants to know what Austin told him. Vanessa says she does not know what she is doing. Vanessa does agree that the "Austwins" need to be broke up, ['too bad she did not think of that yesterday] Julia is laying in Liz's bed, JMac thought Liz was out of DR. Vanessa goes to WA and says she has had her 3 minutes with Steve. Austin is in WC. Steve is wandering. Steve gets called to DR...time for his HoH room. Liz wants to know where Julia is, Austin says she went to bed, so did JMac Austin tells Liz and Vanessa that all Steve wanted to talk about now is BB history. Vanessa is now cussing and saying it does not matter what he wants, it is what he does. Vanessa says she has given her word, so she has nothing more to stay (this statement bites later on yet today). Austin tries to push JMac to Vanessa about going on block. Julia tells Liz that Austin thought she was Liz. JMac says you were under the covers. Liz went and asked Austin about thinking Julia was her. JMac got up and got his sweatshirt out of HN room. Vanessa says she needs to talk to JMac and feel him out cause he is closer to Steve. (Vanessa seems to think this is HER HoH) Vanessa and Austin are talking about having to talk to JMac and that they need him on board. Talking to Austin, Vanessa thinks the target should be Julia this week. (what happened yesterday?) Julia is saying to Liz that if Steve puts both of them up and not Austin we are F*d. Vanessa and Austin are still in WA debating what to do with Steve's HoH. Julia is telling Liz that they best not argue about voting one of us out and now they do not want to be in the final with Vanessa. Julia talking like the twins are going to run Steve's HoH. BB tells Liz to not obstruct her mic. Julia says if he puts me and my sister up, Julia says she will go off on Vanessa about putting Steve up and calling him out. Julia is talking F2 with Liz while in WA Vanessa and Austin are talking about getting one of them out of the house this week. Julia says she will push it with Austin about Liz being her sister. Vanessa said that Steve has a crush on me, so that should work in my favor. He can put JMac up and we vote him out. Or Vanessa out. Now Liz is whining about it taking so long to see the HoH room, Julia belches into her mic. Liz says she wants to take a nap, but Julia keeps talking about it has to be Vanessa on the block, not them.
  10. 1259AM BBT Steve talks about wanting to go to bed, Vanessa and the twins start yelling at him about he will be so happy when he sees his HoH room. He is wasting time sitting with Austwins, JMac, Vanessa playing chess against Austin. Steve whines that he wants his other letter back, someone lost it. JMac says we are not that dumb, Julia is yelling at the top of her lungs that she wants to see the HOH room. 112AM BBT Steve wants to go lay down, he is tired. Vanessa says he has to stay up. Everyone is telling him what to do (again, still) Vanessa says you have not dealt with the stress of HoH yet. This weekend will be hell. Julia starts to sing. Steve says he is going to go take a nap in the Comic room. Austin went to the WC. Austin enters comic room right after Steve TO talk, so much for Steve napping. JMac announces that THEY are not as entertaining as James, sorry. Austin throws his best out there about putting up the twins and tell me what to do and I will "scamper squad" it. Steve says he knows he is on the bottom of the squad with SS.. Austin says not with me. Austin is latterly throwing up the twins for noms and evict. Vanessa, JMac and Julia are all sitting up by the chess table chatting. Someone said Liz was in DR?? Julia starts whining about being a HN, DE and WTF.. Julia complaining about the comps and that Steve knows too much. Austin is pledging his dying breath to Steve. He says he totally understands any move that Steve makes, Steve says you do not want to pull a Clay and I understand. Steve says something about Austin not keeping his last deal about JMac and being up, but Austin counters with I did not shake on it. Austin says he will shake on it and give his word, he did not shake on the other deal. Steve is running thru voting if Austin is on block with one of the twins cause the guys like the twins more. Austin is afraid that JMac will turn the vote on him. Steve says the convo stays between them. Steve says emotionally he is not ready to figure this all out.
  11. 351AM Austin crawls into bed with Liz. Vanessa and Steve still talking. 354AM Vanessa is still pushing her agenda to Steve about James and who he should put up during DE (if you want Cam 1/2 is on Austin and Liz making out, I can't watch-Granny) Vanessa says goodnight to Steve and he starts his scampering downstairs in a house full of sleeping people. 356AM Steve goes to BY door and tries to listen. They are still on lockdown. Steve's shoes are making a squeaking noise as he walks around. 405AM Steve in WA doing ADLS. Liz and Austin are still moving around. 411AM Steve heads off to bed, he turns on lights in Comic room, walks out to WA, washes his face, gets something to blow his nose with, heads back toward Comic room, Enters comic room , turns off lights, gets into bed, noises still coming from Liz and Austin 420AM Liz Austin still making noises. Steve seems to be restless. We get to see grunk in the backyard. Steve sits up on side of bed, holding his head, Steve is now taking off sock to play with his toenails, (we got a close up) puts sock back on, gets up and walks out of room to Storage area, gets a plastic baggie, leaves storage, goes back to comic room, turns on light, gets his glasses, turns off light, leaves room, wanders back thru kitchen to WA, goes to WC, He is in WC for about 4 mins, exits, washes hands, checks his fingernails, (he has clippers) clips his fingernails into sink. leaves WA, puts clippers in plastic baggie, returns it to storage, leaves storage, (Liz and Austin still moving around in bed) Steve looks around kitchen area, walks thru LR, enters Comic room, leaves lights off, gets back in bed, puts socks on [i think he clipped his toenails in WC]. 431AM seems all is quiet in the house. 437AM Liz and Austin go to WA together return to bed and start making out again. 442AM looks like all IS quiet in the house.
  12. 115AM Meg is laying in the WA, Steve, Austin are back upstairs at chess table watching Julia and Liz play. Vanessa is still eating through the box of chee-zits. 122AM Steve is now laying on the floor in the WA and Meg is still on couch. The foursome are still at the chess table. Meg is throwing pillows on Meg, she asks What are you doing? he says making you ask questions. Steve says plan B, he climbs up on couch with Meg. Julia starts to whisper about her 1 minute game play chat with Johnny Mac. Steve and Meg are talking about Chess games going on and that they have excluded James and Johnny Mac. Steve says he has not seen the 3 of them most of the day. Meg says she hibernates in the HN room. (I left the cam on the chess table cause I am tired of the whining, sorry_Granny) Steve says he needs to check and see if the yard is open yet cause he has laundry to do. 131AM James, Meg and Johnny Mac are in the HN room with the lights off talking about pizza. Good hangover food according to James. Chess game continues. it is now only Vanessa and the Twins at the chess table, Julia is whining about being a HN and Vanessa tells her she should go to the DR and tell them, she says no... 135AM Vanessa has now given up watching the Twins play chess and returned to the HoH room. Either Steve or Austin is in there listening to music. Vanessa set down her Chee-zits and left going towards the stairs. Vanessa comes back and re-enters the HoH asking, what you doing? Steve is in HoH hiding Chocolates which Vanessa has not found. Steve is listening to music walking around. While Vanessa checks for hidden Chocolates. Tells Vanessa he likes her music. He says there are 3 Chocolates she has not found. 140AM Austin has joined the HoH room. FoTH, Vanessa still hunting down chocolates. 144AM all feeds are on the HN room and All 4 are tucked in. 15OAM We get a quick glimpse of Steve, Austin and Vanessa in HoH talking about Steve having 2 degrees 1 being engineering. FOTH 153AM we return to having Vanessa telling Steve about maturity and sex. He says he has been to 3rd base and Austin says WoW, FOTH. Now we have only the Twins playing chess on all feeds. Julia says "he says he made 3rd base, how is that" and she stops talking 159AM after a few FoTH we get back to Austin, Vanessa and Steve talking about Steve's life and maturity. Steve says Vanessa thinks I am a Lesbian. Steve wants to know the difference between ian and himself. Vanessa says Steve is more innocent. Austin says he tuned out Ian cause he was so immature and boring. Steve says he watched the finale just before he took his physics final. They are talking about which finales they watched and where they were . 204AM The twins are still playing chess (they are still working on first game). Steve talking about he is glad he got on BB cause this is something he wanted to do. Vanessa says her dreams change every 5 years. Vanessa says she went from law school, gambling, and now DJing. Vanessa says that gambling never made her feel fulfilled. She says it was more stressful than BB, but gambling is worse. Steve says he is in Top 7, he made his dream of BB come true. Austin says he is missing out on his team stuff now cause he can't get all his stats. Vanessa turns the whole conversation back to game strategy. 215AM HoH room chat is now about Finale night and how many parties they will be invited to. Chess continues between the Twins. Austin says he wants to get on with Rachet and Ryan so he can talk shop. Talk turns to Vanessa and her throwing a rap party for the cast in Vegas. Chess game is over. Vanessa now showing off her bruise. Steve gets up and locks the door. Julia went downstairs not to HoH room. Liz is in the WA and is joined by Julia. Now the whining about the yard being locked down. Hoh wonders if anyone is even in the building so they start to sing 12 days of Christmas and we get FotH. 223AM conversation in HoH is previous players being evicted. Julia and Liz in WA, Julia is whining about James, Meg and Johnny Mac sleeping in the HN room. Julia tells Liz to make sure she hides that lotion. Brushing teeth and face washing continues. HoH room is just talking general . "Luck is the left over of good planning" Austin is being philosophical. 234AM Johnny Mac seems to be having trouble getting comfortable in his chair. Talk in the HoH is what "might" have happened with past house guests. Austin and Vanessa are coming up with groups and names of groups that have been in the house since Day 2. Austin is talking about Audrey. (I did not know that Austin was with Liz on Day 2). 249AM Vanessa is holding court with Steve, Liz, Julia and Austin .. The chat talk is about people no longer in house and stuff that Vanessa was told and (supposedly) has kept quiet about till now. They are bashing Jeff now. They have so far discussed Shelli, Clay, Audrey .. Vanessa claims that Meg has been behind every move that all the evicted people have made... 3AM The discussion continues in HoH about what MIGHT have been if people HAD NOT been evicted. 306AM Austin heads to WA, The twins and Steve are still in HoH with Vanessa, the whining continues. Meg was in WC comes out, washes hands as Austin enters WA and goes to WC, he complains about not being able to do laundry. Liz is saying how bad that James threw the comp... Austin tells Meg the discussion is going on about what might have been in the HoH ... The twins are whining about Audrey Austin asks Meg if she is tired. Now they want to know what is taking Austin so long since they saw Meg go to the WA before him. (Julia is so scared of going home) Meg says she wants to Austin, okay fine, let's talk. Vanessa says go "cock block Meg" from talking to Meg. Vanessa says tell Austin you will Lorena Bobbit him, the twins want to know what that is. So off goes Julia to interrupt the chat in the WA between Meg and Austin. Austin is telling Meg it is the wrong week for him to vote against Julia, it will make him out as a douche bag Julia enters the WA, and Meg says "I know it is late" Austin continues to talk about it is not a good week for him. They chat about James and what might happen especially with him being a wild child. there is a lot of "yeah, I know and yeah I know what you mean" Meg tells Austin she just wanted to talk, Julia comes out of WC and Meg says she needs to change and get ready to sleep. Meg leaves WA. Julia could not have made her presence more obvious. She does not speak to Austin at all, leaves the WA. 330AM FOTH, Vanessa and Steve talking about college and how well Steve has gotten along with people. Now all four cameras are on Austin and him doing night ADLs and flexing for the mirror. Steve mentioned Cornell and we got FOTH 340AM Vanessa and Steve are talking about how close Austin, Johnny Mac and James will be .. Talk is about how Austin is going to have to get rid of twins no matter what. Vanessa is saying you go for James, that is the least risky. Vanessa says they need to go after the 3 during DE not this week. Vanessa keeps saying James is a DE target, James is scared of Steve (I darn near chocked-Granny) Vanessa continues with her rambling about the stronger duo being James and Johnny Mac. Steve keeps questioning her. Vanessa wants to wait till 6 to get out the twins in the DE next week. Vanessa says we have to fight for HoH, if James is out, Steve says he does not want Johnny Mac to go, Vanessa is pushing hard with her scenerios and Steve seems to be pushing back.
  13. 1205 AM BBT Everyone but JohnnyMac and Meg/James are up by the Chess Table. Vanessa is confusing Steve playing chess while the twins keep trying to tell him how to play. They seem to be making him really nervous. The HN room are making noises, talking about the teeth on the cabinet. The chess games seem to be a race. They are using the timer that Steve made. Liz is now correcting Steve on his moves. Julia is sitting there pouting. No sign of Austin on any feeds. 1219 AM Austin has joined the group at the chess table. Austin asks the girls if it isn't past their bedtime cause they are starting to act up. Steve is downstairs scampering. Austin asks Vanessa if there is another opening move that can be made. Liz is chomping on chips and asks Steve to check for booze. Chit Chat in HN room, James asks Johnny Mac who he would get a letter from, he says probably dad, my brother is back in school by now, mom's birthday is coming soon. Meg says her Daddy's birthday is today. They are still on inside lock down, FotH, Meg says something about her father being a lawyer. Meg says he does "city" law, her brother develops. Johnny Mac and James talk about the debt you end up with after Law school. James says he thought about it, but it is so expensive. they talk about Judge Joe Brown. The Twins are arguing over moves at the chess table, they keep questioning every move. Steve says Austin is not making "thoroughly thought out moves" 1230AM James and Johnny Mac are now discussing people they sent out of the house. And they do not have any pissed off players in Jury cause they did not send any to Jury. They start making horse noises. The chess match and discussion of moves is still continuing. Vanessa is still bossing Austin and Steve about what to do. James is saying he has no idea who he would target, but he does know who he wants gone. ROFL, James says he would do AR but would have to Meg in his backpack if she was his partner. Julia is now more interested in her hair than chess, but she is still sitting there. Meg is telling the boys about what Jackie said about AR and what she said you were allowed to have or not have. James says he would need a compass and an atlas, his cell phone and GPS, Meg laughs and says you not allowed that. 1239AM Chess game continues. James is in WA rinsing out his mouth and leaving. Johnny Mac is wandering around the kitchen. Steve invites James to play Chess with them. Vanessa is the champion and James says he will play the winner, who is Vanessa. James returns to the HN room , says no yard. Him and Meg are the only ones in HN room. one of the twins yelled at Steve for spilling milk, he says not yet. Meg says she wants to talk to Austin, James asked if she wanted lights out. Meg asks if they still playing chess, James says yes and Meg says WTH. Julia leaves the Chess Table saying she needs to talk to Steve. Liz yawns and says "good boy". James says this shit makes you a stronger person. Meg told James he sounded like her Dad just then. James says I try once in a while to be serious and stuff. 1247AM Chess is still continuing,. Talk in HN room is about James, his daughter and toys. And the ones she wanted always made the most annoying noises. He says his daughter is a climber. He tells about how his daughter would climb out of bed and make noise then climb back in bed before he would get to the room to check on her. The twins are whispering. Julia is asking about how to approach Johnny Mac about "her deal" and "what you want". James and Meg are laughing about the stories that James is telling about his daughter and things that can annoy him but make him laugh at the same time. 1251AM Julia is now talking to Johnny Mac in the Cabana room. James and Meg are still discussing his daughter. Johnny Mac asks if she has her speech ready. She says she is awkward and this is her campaign. He starts agreeing with her right away. (I think he just wants this over with-Granny) Talk lasts a whole minute. They leave Cabana room and Julia goes back to chess table. Johnny Mac wanders around the kitchen. James and Meg are still chatting about family and friends. 103AM All 4 cams are on the Twins and Vanessa playing chess. A box of chee-zits are being devoured by Vanessa. you can hear Johnny Mac talking in the background about being zapped off a fence. It now shows Johnny Mac walking around the kitchen area talking about being zapped. Austin is in Living room working out. Austin says he hopes yard is open soon, he has laundry to do. FoTH
  14. 532AM BBT James and Meg are still whispering in the HN room. On cam 3 we see Austin and Liz sleeping. On Cam 4 we see the pull out couch. Meg rolls over and says her chair is different the angle is off. James pats her on the shoulder asking if she is okay. Meg says "what the hell" he says I am rubbing your back. She giggles (trying to keep quiet) James says he can't wait, and are you excited, she says yes and says Thank you, James says You're Welcome. James says it is nice to have someone rub your back, she says you are sweet. James says "good night sweetheart" her reply is "good night hot pants" he says yeahhhhhhhhhhh...and rolls over. 6AM BBT Everyone still sleeping. 850AM BBT Everyone still tucked into bed, not even a mouse is stirring
  15. 227AM BBT Steve and Meg are discussing when she has been on the block. Talk in the WA is still about what is going on and things that could happen. James is talking about what Vanessa has said to him, Austin says they have repaired things, but James says that Vanessa told him that once Meg goes home, guess who is out there to work with. Steve is shocked that Meg has been fighting the whole game and has to regroup each week. She keeps losing her peeps. Steve said he had no idea. 230AM BBT Meg and Steve are discussing why James with after Clay. The week with Jason was not cool and it changed the game totally after that week. Jeff's, Clay's and Jason's week all changed the game. James and Austin talk about DE and who they want gone, who they will be safe with who is HoH and who they want to partner with. Meg truthfully told Steve that she thinks he has to make the choice to fight his ass off and win, win, Steve says if "you have to win, there is something wrong with your game" Meg says she thinks the DE will be a big game changer. The talk in the WA is almost the same, Austin and James are talking about running the game and what might happen. steve says if anyone can pull off staying in the game as an underdog it would be James. Austin says we need to watch what is going on and he thinks him and James have a chance to go to F2. They are now discussing what comps are still coming Steve says he will talk to Meg when he meets her again in Jury next week. Meg says NO... there just are a lot of changes coming and numbers really count. Steve says he thought he was an under dog in this game, but I guess I did not see what you were going thru. 240AM BBT Austin is telling James that he will not be a hot head if James has to take someone out. Austin says that Vanessa told him that James said he would put both twins up, James says "I said that???" Austin says he can't win for 3 people. Meg says she would be fine going out if she was on the block with an opponent worthy of the eviction. Steve says he understands what Meg is telling him. Steve and Meg talking about who they will see in F2, but no names are being mentioned. They both say they won't tell the other who. Meg tells Steve you need to step up and play your cards right and you might be able to get further. Steve says tell me that when I am next to you in the Jury house. 256AM BBT meg and James in WA talking Steve in WC. Austin doing his hair. HOH shows lights off. Meg says she is really trying hard not to be a sour puss in the house. It is a double whammy being a HN and on the Block. James says "we are not eating" I would have loaded all that food and stomped on it. Just so we all would have been a HN this week. Steve says how would that help you, James says we would all be suffering together. James says he thought about making a pyramid of food stuff. He did not do it. Austin says he was surprised no one took Ketchup and left messages. Steve says you not allowed to destroy other's property. Austin says you could have left notes on the floor. Meg says James needs to calm down, James says it has been 75 days. 311AM BBT Talk in WA between James, Meg, Austin continues. Steve is in WC and Meg asks if she is mean to him, Steve says no, you just keep rejecting me, that is not mean. James asks why Steve is hiding a tube of toothpaste in his bag, he says he has had it for weeks, James kidding him about how they ran out of toothpaste and Steve had a full tube hidden. James tells Meg she is his Queen. James and Meg say they should have dressed as the Queen and King for Veto Mtg today, James says the Queen protects the King and she said she did that ... The king is not a target now. We see Johnny Mac and Julia sleeping in HN room and the rest in the WA chatting and talking about camping again. 325AM BBT Chat in WA continues, now they are discussing "the clutch" DE. Austin talking about how fast it can go. 340AM BBT James and Austin talking about making their own booze and hiding it in BB bag. Austin gives up and says it is 340AM as he heads to the kitchen. Meg and James are talking about taking showers tonight. Meg says it will wake her up, she wants to be tired and will shower in the morning. Austin goes into WC and sounds like a "turbo jet" according to James. Meg says there is nothing to do tomorrow, Austin and James says scamper and talk about camping. The discussion came up about who on last season would masterbate in the HoH shower. James says he must be getting tired cause he is laughing at everything. Meg says you are laying on all the clean towls. James asks if Austin is going to bed, Meg hollers to Austin there is no reply. Meg starts whispering to James about what was said between her and Steve at the Hot Tub. Steve has gone to bed, but seems to be very restless. James asks Meg when did this all take place, she says while I was talking to him at the Hot Tub, James wants to know who started game talk, Meg says Steve and Johnny Mac both started when she talked to them alone. James says that Austin is still upset with Vanessa. At 353AM, Steve has gotten back out of bed and gone to WC, both James and Meg say goodnight.. James talking bout how oily his hair gets and it is an Asian thing. Steve is gong thru the fridge looking for something to drink. James says he will talk shower in morning. Steve rinses out his glass and heads back toward bedrooms. James is still talking hair to Meg. Steve is muttering game talk to himself in the Comic room. James and Meg head to kitchen for a drink. Steve is in bed playing with his foot, muttering to himself. James is gong for Almond milk in storage room. Steve now putting on socks, checking his feet first. Meg goes back to WA with her cup of milk and James wanders back into kitchen from storage, checking to make sure all are in bed. Telling Meg the coast is clear and then makes a comment about her peeing. Steve is restless but seems to be in bed with his huggable pillow, covers himself up and trying to go to sleep (?)... Johnny Mac told Meg that he would put Vanessa and Steve on the block, and we are back to who initiated game talk.
  16. 147AM BBT We briefly see Steve inside looking out Patio door then we get FISH again. The talk at the hot tub is still about who got recruited and who actually applied to be on the show. (that may be why fish). 148AM BBT We see Johnny Mac, Steve, James and Meg at hot tub, FISH. Austin still in kitchen fixing food. Steve explains how he uses his proper name while in school. James says he will be watching some of the other shows like Survivor. Austin washing a pan, Discussion at Hot tub is Survivor and the idea that Steve could not do at all. Meg says that Jackie saw it all, it is not like our show .. they tape it all then air it. Jackie said she was living it all again to actually watch the show, plus all the tweets and stuff. Steve says that Donny was "trending" on tweeter last year and they discuss what it means to be a trender. Now discussing #tags. Austin still cooking leaving the fridge wide open while he looks. 154AM BBT Talking about doing things and getting certain responses on tweeter from feeders. How much they might be hated for doing things. 201AM BBT Johnny Mac takes his dishes and walks into house. Austin is still cooking and eating. Washing dishes as he goes along. Johnny Mac and him chat about his food. James and Steve talk about days in the back yard. Meg is still soaking her feet. Steve brings up the fact that there are 6 more evictions and it will now speed up in the show. Steve says if DE is the same as last year, it will be next week when they went from 7 to 5, we are at 8 right now. Last year this time they did short clips to everyone from home, Steve says maybe they will do that this week. James says they took all his pictures and stuff from when he was HoH, Steve says they took his pictures, but he has his letter. The talk now is about what they can keep. 209PM BBT Steve and Meg are the only ones at the hot tub, Meg says they all left us. Austin is in WA doing ADLs, James is in WC. Meg and Steve are now talking about college and being RAs. Austin asks James how its going, James says okay. James says he has kind of come to terms with Meg leaving. They both keep saying Vanessa and numbers and it is part of the game. Austin says he is stuck, he can't vote out Julia cause he F*s him cause of Liz. James says he has no problem with Austin, they discuss Vanessa and Meg and wanting Meg to stay. Austin told James if he is HoH James is safe, James says the same to Austin. They continue to discuss what will come up in the next few weeks. Austin still discussing DE not this week, but next week. (Actually the chat is about all the stuff they keep rehashing this past 2 weeks-Granny) 220AM BBT James and Austin still talking sceneries (sp) and how to keep Meg without pissing off Vanessa. Also strategy going forward in game. Austin says he has backed himself in a corner with Johnny Mac. Meg and Steve are still talking in backyard. Austin says it was lucky for him that Vanessa won, not lucky for James, but for him. James said he knew he had to win Veto cause he knew otherwise he was going home. Meg is telling Steve that this week did not go as planned and she feels gipped, I am up cause of James. James was the target, James won Veto and without good reason I go home. James and Austin are talking about James' chat with Vanessa and how she said he did not tell HER all of what was going on. James says he is no rat. Meg says to Steve that what I am saying is no surprise to you, he says "no it is not". Meg said if Vanessa did not want me to go home, she would have put you or Johnny Mac up. Meg says she is not going to tell anyone what they say now, my game is out there, I am not fighting for my life right now, this is how I see the game right now. I was not put on block cause I was not a tattle tail. Johnny Mac would have gone home, he already left once. Steve says if he is prying too much, she says no, Ironically James and I have been trying to stay out of this and well, see where that got me. The discussion in the WA is still going on between James and Austin and what Vanessa says.
  17. 1209AM BBT Liz, Austin, Julia, JohnnyMac, and Steve are huddled around the chess table. JohnnyMac and Austin are playing chess. Steve is watching, giving tips and eating his chips. James and Meg are playing pool. James is giving Meg tips on how to "break" the balls. He keeps telling her to focus. No camping thoughts, just good thoughts. James says she needs work on her racks, the crack is what you need to listen for. She does 3 breaks in a row and decides the 3rd one is playable. James says it sucks, but good. 1215AM BBT Steve reaches for a chess piece and is told to go back to eating his chips. 1220AM BBT Meg and James still playing pool. The "gang" is still at the chess table. No sign of Vanessa. 1225AM BBT FISH James and Meg are inside, Both have gone to the WC and now are headed back to the HN room. FISH again. Steve standing on Sky Bridge yelling at Meg wishing her a good night. Back to the Chess Match. Meg starts to sing "we are bored" and we get FISH. James says he should go up and stomp their ass playing chess. Meg says go, she has no desire to play Chess. Steve has taken his dishes down to the kitchen, checks hoh door, but heads back to the Chess Match. Meg and James are eating gumdrops Meg asks James how the view is and he replies Not Bad. Meg leaves to take trash out. We have James sitting alone in HN room, Meg returns shortly. 1235AM BBT James is at the Chess table. We have a darkened HOH room on Cams 3/4. Johnny Mac and Austin are still playing. 1243AM BBT James and Austin are now playing Chess. Julia is the only one sitting with them. Johnny Mac is shown sitting alone by the hot tub eating something out of a bowl. Steve returns to Sky Bridge, picks up his hoodie and sits next to Julia. 1250AM BBT Chess Match continues. Johnny Mac still sitting alone. FISH. 1257AM BBT We see Julia and Meg in a darkened HN room. Austin and James playing Chess. No game talk, actually hardly any talk at all 101AM BBT Steve is in WA waiting for water to warm up. Meg is in WC changing to night clothes. Austin and James still playing Chess. 105AM BBT Meg has walked out and joined Johnny Mac at the hot tub. James and Austin still playing Chess. Meg is telling Johnny Mac that it is going to blow up soon. Johnny Mac is telling her not to give up. Meg says there are people that are not after you. James is on your side, you are not everyone's target. James is now standing up studying the chess board, he makes a move and Austin is now studying the board. Meg and Johnny Mac are talking. Meg says there is so much information that Vanessa is demanding, claiming that they did not go and tell her about the backdoor and that Meg does not understand why she felt she deserved the information. Meg says when she talked with Vanessa she went from one "gossip and you did not tell me" to you and James are a power couple. Meg says Vanessa pointed out that Meg is a threat, Johnny Mac says if I get an HoH, it is going to be "you evicted me" all bets are off. 115AM BBT Meg and Johnny Mac still talking with feet in Hot Tub. James and Austin still playing chess. Both Meg and Johnny Mac say they need to talk to Steve about the order of stuff to come. DE should be next week. Going to have to Steve he will know who needs to win what here on out to stay in the game. Johnny Mac comments that Steve just walked pass the door headed upstairs. Steve joined the Chess match for a minute. Steve is now in the back yard with Johnny Mac and Meg. Steve says he is "chess" out for the night. Meg says she does not mean to be anti-social but she hates Chess. Steve tells her he does not want her feeling left out. 120AM BBT Chess match continues. Steve is talking about dead skin, asking questions of Meg and Johnny Mac about how can you tell it is dead and how to take care of it. General chat at the hot tub. Discussion has turned to how to get a good positon sleeping in the Dental chairs. Chat continues at the hot tub. So does the Chess Match. 130AM BBT talk at the hot tub is about someone setting up a mock "BB" using skype, text, tweeter, some award prizes most don't .. Meg says that would be a hobby and you could never know who is talking about who. Johnny Mac said that it is for Hard Core BB players. The discussion continues about super fans and the amount of time they spend talking and living BB. (they are talking about Audrey-Granny) 145AM BBT Austin is now frying eggs, James has joined the Hot Tub gang, announcing that Austin kicked his butt. Steve and the group are now discussing other reality shows. Survivor is one that is fast paced and how did Jackie ever survive.. Meg says she knew Jackie thru the media work she does. Liz just walked thru the LR to WA and back thru, stops for a minute to say something to Austin, FISH
  18. 448AM BBT Johnny Mac gets up to go to WC. He almost fell off his chair. Liz is restless. Johnny Mac washes his hands, leaves WA to return to HN room. He lays down n his stomach, has no covers on him.
  19. 435AM BBT James is a little restless in the dentist chair. Liz and Austin have covers between them but are kind of wrapped together.
  20. 533PM BBT they start asking each other what they want to do first when they get home. Steve and James say go camping. Meg says she wants to have a big arse party so everyone knows she is back. Liz looks like she has fallen asleep and Austin is not far from it. Julia sitting at pool playing with her hair. (Sorry but Austin looks really really creepy as he falls asleep-Granny) General chat in backyard. 544PM BBT Now that Austin and Liz are asleep in the hammock, the talk in the backyard is about skype and twitter. 551 PM BBT Vanessa gets called to DR, she is no where in site on the feeds
  21. 518PM BBT We see Liztin in the hammock, Julia sitting with her feet in the pool while Steve is in the pool. James and Meg are still laying on the loungers by the pool chatting. Austin and Liz are talking about what parts they will play when they appear on B&B for the Halloween show. (have not heard they got invited)/
  22. 5PM BBT "Show on East Coast has started" Meanwhile back in the house... Liztin have moved into the hammock. James and Meg are still on the loungers by the pool. Liz is whining "whyyyyyyyyy" Julia and Steve start a game of pool. They start discussing "where in the world is ??" and how they would like to go on the show. Also saying there may not be a camera this week due to all the commercial pictures they took last week. Steve wants to know how far they are from LAX. So Austin says they about 30 minutes. Now they talk about the date and where did it go by so fast, Summer. Liz keeps saying she is mad at Austin and hates when they fight, he keeps joining the conversation in the yard. Only 44 days left in the house. now the talk has turned to the After Party and Vegas Party. And if they will be allowed back in the house. Austin is now trying to tell them how much flying to Vegas would cost. Liz has her back turned to Austin, he bites on her ear and she starts her screaming, Austin says he is very cozy.
  23. 354PM BBT.. Liz is back in HoH, Steve is there now also, but the conversation has not changed. It is still Vanessa bashing Meg and James calling them names and saying that they have no idea how bad they make Vanessa feel. JMac on Cam 1/2 sitting by himself in backyard on couch. 405PM BBT Austin, Liz and Julia are all in HoH with Steve going over the same stuff that Vanessa was talking earlier about. Vanessa is not to be seen. Meg and James and JMac are in HN room. Meg and James are talking. JMac is laying belly down in his chair. It is just general chat, I think James is trying to cheer up Meg. Julia is walking around looking at the bags of goodies that Vanessa has. Now Julia wants a Pandora box and a luxury comp and for BB to buy her a whole new wardrobe. 416PM BBT Meg is outside sitting on couch. For some reason BB just told Steve and Julia to turn the lights back on in the HoH. James has come outside to join Meg. Steve is patiently listening to his "crush" whine about everything including her headache. 423PM BBT Meg and James have moved over by the pool to chat. Julia is still whining to Steve in the HoH. 426PMBBT.. Steve is now in the kitchen saying he eats almost the same thing everyday, he does not need variety or different flavors. He left Julia in the HoH with headphones on and whining about her headache. Liz is cleaning up the kitchen area taking out the trash. Austin is sitting at the table eating. Meg is telling James about her hour long chat with Vanessa. (which is way more accurate than when Vanessa told the Austwins). Steve tells Austin he is trying to do an impression of Julia doing an impression of Steve. It seems that James and Meg were basically told the same thing .. James did tell Meg about her (Vanessa) yelling at him. 454PM BBT James says he could work on JMac and maybe Steve to vote for you, but Meg says it makes you a bigger target. Austin is bugging Liz as she does the dishes. Live show will start shortly
  24. 332PM BBT We enter the HOH room with Vanessa talking with Liz and Austin. She is repeating to them the conversation she (thinks) had with Meg. Julia enters the room. (Sorry Julia was in room, Liz Entered) JMac is sitting on the couch in the backyard. The talk between the ones in the HoH room is now mocking what Vanessa (supposedly) told Meg. Austin tries to say something and Vanessa keeps interrupting him. Steve joins JMac on porch and they discuss Clay's eviction and the different days, they going to study days. Liz leaves HoH, Austin still spinning his part about JMac and what he will or will not do. (this is the same ole same ole...long one--Granny)



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