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Posts posted by mayzee

  1. 8 hours ago, BBLover4ever said:

    Nicole and Zak have already talked to their boys and have backed out of voting to keep Tiffiany.  Just once I would like Frank not to get his way. Ugh. 


    Nicole & Zakiyah were all about having a girl's alliance, now they're much too willing to sacrifice one of their own because their showmance boyfriends are against it.  These girls obviously don't totally uderstand how a "secret girls alliance" works.  I can understand why Nicole may be hesitant to align with girls because of what happened to her with Christine in her season.  But now Nicole is playing  a weak game by aligning her & Corey with Frank & Bridgette.  That very play by Clay & Shelly last year was a very big part of their downfall.


    Now I totally understand why DaVonne didn't want to be a 5th wheel in the showmance alliance with Zakiyah & Paulie and Nicole & Corey.

  2. It's looking like the Fatal 5 girls alliance has some life left afterall.  The girls are rallying to keep Tiffany, but at this point it's not clear if they're gonna evict Paul or Bronte on Thursday night.  I really hope that they don't change their minds or get influenced by the boys.  the girls are on board and so is James.  I just hope that the weak links of Nicole & Zakiyah don't get talked out of it by Paulie & Corey.


    I don't feel bad for Bronte or Paul because they will have another chance with the Battle Back comp.


    I also hope that Tiffany keeps her cool and wins the HOH comp on Thursday.  The look on Frank's face will be priceless and quite entertainng.:D

  3. Even though Frank fessed up (nominating Bridgette week 1 with Roadkill win & nominating Bronte this week with Roadkill win) I wonder if Bridgette will even remember because she was under the influence and possibly drunk.


    Bridgette was definitely drunk with power because she actually thanked Frank for nominatng her.  I wonder how Bronte's gonna feel about Bridgette when she finds out that Spunky Spy Girl ratted her & Natalie out for Frank's game advantage.  So much for Girl Power within the PowderPuff Girls alliance.


    I crackd up when Bridgette said she didn't want the other HGs to view her as a weak HOH.  If she had made her own nominations instead of Frank's she would have gained some game ccredibility.  Bridgette gave all her power to Frank and he's using it to his advantage - not hers.


    I hope that Bridgette's on the block next week as a target and not a pawn.  And I really want her evicted before Michelle so that Frank does not have anymore allies in the house.

  4. I can understand why DaVonne is leery about aligning with 2 showmances and not wanting to be the 5th wheel because the couples are more likely to choose each other making her spot easily expendable.


    I believe that she handled the situation with Frank's inappropriate behavior the best she could at the time.  She was a big fan of Frank's game in his season, so I can only imagine how hard it is to be in her present situation.  DaVonne loves the game of BB and she took a lot of heat in her season for being outspoken.  


    She may have thought that she could just laugh off Frank's behavior as a way to get along with the other HGs and not make a big deal out of it but Frank kept picking at DaVonne trying to get a response out of her.  Frank tried to trip DaVonne leaving the HOH room.  They exchanged words, she told him to move his foot and he told her to shut up.  DaVonne kept it moving and she didn't blow up on Frank.  


    Later when Frank slapped her butt, she immediately and loudly let him know that she did not like it.  Frank's immediate response was,  "I got her good" to the boys.  When Paulie & Corey went to comfort DaVonne because she was crying, only then did Frank say  "Sorry Da".  However, Frank admitted to Corey & Paulie that he thought she liked being popped on the butt because he's done it before and DaVonne never said to stop.


    Whether DaVonne wins the game or is evicted next week this is a teachable moment for her daughter.  Ignoring unwanted and inappropriate touching is not an effective response to that behavior because the offender may perceive your silence as acceptance.  And in DaVonne's situation the inappropriate behavior did not stop when she either laughed it off or ignored it,  it got worse over time, not better.


    A big Thank You to Paulie for stepping up and talking to Frank one-on-one.  I hope that Davonne gets Frank's ass evicted after the Battle Back comp. so that he's gone for good frm BB18.

  5. 1 hour ago, BBLover4ever said:

    I liked him his first season, but hating him this one. I wish tiff would have won the veto, now he will get his way again. 



    I think that Frank overplayed his game when He decided to tell Paulie about the 8pk Alliance.  He tried to get out in front of the 8pk by telling Paulie about it with Corey by his side and trying to blame the girls.  The girls panicked a little bit, but Tiffany & DaVonne knew that Frank was only looking out for himself.  And they were pissed about it.


    I like how Paulie didn't freak out about the 8 pk alliance, but instead took it over by re-configuring the members.  The new 8 pk consists of the 3 showmance couples + DaVonne, Michelle and/or Paul.

  6. 1 hour ago, BBLover4ever said:

    I don't understand how anyone can trust him since he is gunning for his own alliance members. Crazy. 


    I was thinking the same thing.  Also, why haven't they (anti-Frank HGs) even considered the possibility of weaponizing Tiffany to go after Frank?????  They have the votes to keep Tiffany and vote out either Bronte or Paul, plus Tiffany is in their 8pk  alliance.


    It appears to me that Paulie is now calling the shots in the 8pk alliance with James & Corey backing him up and the girls willing to float to the power week to week.  Paulie wants to make Frank feel comfortable so he can backdoor him, and I get that. But Frank is not Victor, and Frank's not gonna throw an HOH comp even though he has encouraged the other HGs to do it.


    I'm surprised that Tiffany hasn't tried to rally the girls, but she blew it by those early spats with Frank and now the others believe she's too emotionally unstable and totally unpredictable to trust.


    I hope that either Victor or Tiffany  win the Battle Back Comp.

  7. 3 hours ago, Marty said:

    The mistake Frank is making in his controlling is he lets the whole house know what HE wants and does not covertly make any moves.


    Compared to Derrick who spent a long time and planted seeds and controlled people without them or others knowing it. 


    I think that Frank truly believes that he has everyone's loyalty, except for Tiffany.  And I'm really glad that the other HGs are talking and comparing notes.  Fank's gameplay is nowhere near that of Derrick's in his season because Derrick was never a jerk to anybody and he was humble & respectful.  Frank and his farting on people my have been funy the first couple of times, but now it's just gross.  Last night clipping his toenails in the living room shows his total disregard for anyone or anything in the BB house.


    I never thought that I'd be rooting for Tiffany to win the veto, but I am cuz I wanna see somebody take him on, and right now Tiffany is more than ready to take him on.


    I like the way that Paulie handled Frank trying to squash the whole "Butt-gate" incident with DaVonne.  But Fank's response was weak and I honestly cannot imagine a grown-ass man justifying his unwanted touching of women by saying that he treats his own mother  & sister that way.

  8. 13 minutes ago, Slowpoke said:

    Hmmm... I was hoping she would fool us all... and play her OWN game.

    It's true thou... Tiff is a loose cannon !!


    Bridgette believes that Frank is running the whole house and she wants to ride his coattails to the end.   Some of these HGs seem to think that being in a shomance is not good for your overall game, butI personally think that being someone else's puppet or stooge is far worse.


    Now I can understand why some of the girls don't trust Bridgette.

  9. I'm starting to really dislike Frank and his gameplay.


    Poor Bridgette doesn't realize that allowing Frank to heavily influence her nominations is hurting her own credibility with the girls.  They may not say anything directly to Bridgette's face, (because she's HOH and has some power) but they really don't like it.


    Frank has  GF back home & Bridgette has a BF back home. Frank should have respected that fact and allowed the Spy Girls to stay with Bridgette overnight in  the HOH bedroom.  But he didn't because he's much too controlling and Bridgette is too naive to see the bigger picture.


    If the girls take a shot at Frank and miss, I predict that Bridgette will be collateral damage.

  10. Paulie has been a staunch Tiffany defender whenever questions come up about her temperment.  But now that Frank spilled the beans to Paulie about the 8pk alliance, he only seemed to be concerned about whether Tiffany was in the room when the group formed.  I get the feeling that Paulie may start to question his trust in Tiffany going forward.

  11. Every year I get suckered by the HG's pre-show interviews.  Last year I liked Jason & Jackie because I thought they would bring some action & drama to the show, but Jason, the superfan didn't last very long and Jackie didn't bring the drama.


    The last RoadKill Comp was tailor-made for Bronte & Tiffany, but the math whiz and math teacher both lost.  I really wish that BB production would broadcast the times for all the HG's because Victor,  IMHO was the least likely to win it.  I thought that Victor was a personal trainer & gym manager.  Who knew he was a Finance Major??

  12. 1 hour ago, BBLover4ever said:

    I think she will be voted out this week instead of Victor. 


    All it takes is 6 votes the 4 Fatal 5  (Nicole, DaVonne, Zakiyah & Michelle) votes + Frank, James, and/or Paul.  Paulie would be pissed off, but he'd get over it because even he can see what a mess she is.  Frank could probably even talk Corey & Bridgette into voting her out.  All it would take is another freak-out & crying meltdown.

  13. 1 hour ago, Marty said:

    Bridgette telling Frank about the girls all wanting to get the guys out. 


    I could never understand why so many of the girls didn't care for Bridgette because she seemed OK to me.  But now, she's so far up Frank's butt it's no wonder he's constipated.  Bridgette's gonna need more than cookie-making skills to last in the BB house.  I think that Frank's trying to take a page from Derrick's game by dragging a goat to the end.  I believe that the Fatal5 are on to Frank's strategy  and I can easily see a RoadKill nomination coming for Bridgette.

  14. 1 hour ago, BBLover4ever said:

    Is it me or is there a LOT less comments this year. Perhaps it is too soon for anyone to be rooting for their fav this year? 


    It's hard for me to pick a favorite this year as well.  I do like the new twists of the Roadkill comp and the third nominee.  I want to root for the newbies but then they either say, or do  something stupid, so I'll probably be hate-watching them this year.


    I don't have a problem with the returning players or the 2 player sibs.   The girls alliance looks promising, but I fear that tiffany's gonna blow that up because she's playing  just like Vanessa, and it's rubbing some HG's the wrong way.

  15. On Saturday, July 02, 2016 at 7:21 PM, Everest said:


    I agree. She really needs to tone down on showing emotions this early in the game and for the reasons she is choosing to play them on. As much as people hate that Vanessa was an emotion disaster last summer, it really helped her game play. Tiffany no doubt knows this and will use it to her advantage, although I agree that this is way to early to be using it in the game. I think she realized it somewhat late last night by agreeing to use the PoV on either Bronte or Paul if she wins. Hopefully she sticks to that plan and tones down the paranoia a bit. I have high hopes for her if she does.  



    I think that Tiffany's main problem right now is that she is spreading herself too thin  by trying to get information from too many people.  


    Tiffany attributes Vanesa's loss last year to disloyalty among her alliance that's why she keeps going off on Frank.  But Steve was never really disloyal to Vanessa, he knew that he probably could not win against Vanessa, which is why Steve chose Liz.


    It seems to me that the Russo sisters expect 100% loyalty from their alliance members even if it damages those hg's game.

  16. What Tiffany (and Vanessa) don't seem to understand is that tone & attitude are the differences between having a conversation and being interrogated.


    last season vanessa treated Steve like crap and he made the right choice in taking Liz to F2 instead of her, because he won first place.  had Vanessa been nicer to Steve it may have made a difference.

  17. I'm glad she's on the block with a 30% chance of eviction this week, maybe it will humble her a little bit.  She's kinda bossy and thought she was gonna be manipulating the other HGs.


    The Spy Girls Alliance seems doomed to me because they got together before they knew each other, and now Bronte & Natalie don't trust Bridgette.  If they bring in Tiffany she could be the ' the Cry Baby Spy Girl'.

  18. Paul is one of the HGs who said that they didn't need to watch several seasons to understand how to play the BB game.  He's relying on his "natural instincts" because he's so smart.  He's just way too cocky  IMHO,  and seems to be suffering from a case of "little man syndrome".


    If Paul was half as smart as he think he is he has to wonder why he's been nominated for the past 2 weeks of the game?????  He may have won the POV last week, but his social game sucks.

  19. I think that Paulie & Zakiyah have an honest flirtation with each other, but they both know that a "perceived showmance" could hurt their game.  It looks like Paulie is really looking to mirror Cody's game strategy of one ride or die partner, maybe Corey or Frank?  I just wish that he'd keep his distance from Tiffany because she's doing  too much too soon.  


    I like Paulie and want him to go far in the game.  He handled being on the block and losing the veto without melting down or freaking out.  I hope he handles his HOH reign without going power mad or doing something stupid.

  20. Tiffany needs to chill out, relax and lay low.  She's trying to play the same game as her sister.  Tiffany is picking fights  and blowing up for no good reason.  Instead of getting sympathy from the other HGs, she painting a big ole target on her back and has no one else to blame  but herself.


    The women in the fatal 5 alliance are getting tired of her emotional outbursts, faux crying and trying to portray herself as a victim.  Now she is turning to the Spy Girls for support?????


    Tiffany continues to professs her strength & smarts, but I just don't see it.  This is BB and she really needs to get her emotions under control.  She's starting to remind me of Audry from last year.  She's  playing way too hard  and it's only week 2.



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