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Everything posted by LBJ

  1. RT @Aimerz22: I think #BBFrankie is a punk - I'm sick of listening to him talk about punching people in the face! #BB16

  2. RT @BBSpoil: Due to the extended season, the final 5 & 4 evictions are now full weeks. Don't know why they're dragging out this boring seas…

  3. RT @CDB_DBZB: @EriPhrase @LBJ_Pebleshair The legit add by Kristine after many fan requests. didn't ask for $ http://t.co/eweoYJH1XI

  4. RT @ZachOnBB16: Frankie winking at the cameras.. VOMITING! #BB16

  5. RT @rosepetals: Derrick will take his sweet time,he knows he controls hoh &Victrola,well, she's just going to stay up Der's ass,so nothing …

  6. RT @BB_Updates: Donny to Cody- I know where all the crap came from. I had a morning with Christine. She's my arch nemesis #BB16

  7. RT @EvelDick: If you have the Kim Kardashian game on your phone... please unfollow me, thank you

  8. RT @BoundIessMind: i have voted 40 times for option 2 now #bb16 i almost feel like opening another account just to get another 20

  9. RT @BigBroAbridged: If u didn't see this last night, we're retitling the rest of the #BB16 season: @LLChanana @princessglammy @splashroy ht…

  10. RT @Clio_the_Leo: Why would you KEEP someone in the house who’s spent a WEEK with 2 jurors? (And in 1 of the jurors bed?) This should not b…

  11. RT @BB_Updates: Christine had a dream that she was home and checked her Twitter and people had tweeted her that they want her to lose HoH #…

  12. Infographic Shows The Differences Between The Diseases We Donate To, And The Diseases That Kill Us http://t.co/raN8ggSSLT via @IFLScience

  13. RT @ZachOnBB16: Nicole didn't have negative feelings towards you Frankie, you were the only one feeling that way! Get a fucking reality che…

  14. RT @william_rader: Can someone bring a murder of crows to the BB house so they can carry Victoria away? #BB16

  15. RT @reedx42002: @mortystv Christine is talking about someone named Tim, is she starting to remember who he is? A little late girlfriend.

  16. RT @OakleyLemire: I have an idea for a twist, The Reversal, at f8 eviction the 8 evictees come back and replace the real f8, that would sav…

  17. RT @JokersBBUpdates: Derrick still pushing hammock + Christine puts her hand on his knee when hammock swings his way #bb16 #cbsbigbrother #…

  18. RT @aborzotra: Hey everyone!!! If you would like to send Donny fan mail, please send it to PO Box 2028 Concord, NC 28026 ...Much love!

  19. RT @brigittemittler: I didn't miss Nicole's voice. #BB16

  20. RT @KraziliaLove: i am still voting no for this mission, tho.

    FUCK Y'ALL!!

    #bb16 #bblf



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