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Everything posted by LBJ

  1. RT @haleyporter520: “@BigBrotherHOH: Beastmode cowboy wants to date after this season, taking applications today, any takers????? #BB16 ” h…

  2. RT @LunaCee73: Famous-Adjacent Dude: "It's so weird to me that some of you aren't performers....cuz we're on a tv show, and I'm an actor" #…

  3. RT @S_tothe_M: #BB16 #FuckFrank: "We know people love me & you (derrick) because we are TA" #Delusional twat! We want him GONE!

  4. RT @Shan681: Does Frankie realize he is not the first gay man on Earth? and there is more to life than being a flaming Queen @CBSBigBrother

  5. RT @KellieMurray65: I wish they would put Victoria out of her misery....I'm so tired of hearing her whine and cry. #BB16 #BBAD #BigBrother

  6. RT @TraceeM: Wait, I thought everyone was taking food out of your daughter's mouth Derrick? #BB16

  7. RT @aweaver68: 7:27pm Derr & Cal talking abt the possibility of Caleb being gay. Derr says Frankie swears he is... #BB16

  8. RT @tiffanysays: I cannot wait for Frankie to get off this show and realize no one likes him as much as he has imagined in his head. #assho

  9. RT @vanissa_trout: Every year I get SO excited for #BigBrother but the last couple seasons have been complete shit. #BB16 #BB15

  10. RT @MikeG122194: One last prayer circle before the veto meeting. #BackdoorFrankie #BB16 http://t.co/qexYALec0Y

  11. RT @JuliaDiscusses: @HanSooNeul777 the best is Caleb says like "it's too early for such a big move". Um no, it's now or never cowboy. #BB16

  12. RT @nickhost64: If your going to yell expose to the house expose Derrick #bb16

  13. RT @emmybee2001: Caleb should tell the cop that since he won't go with his plant to put up Fakie he'll just put him up instead. #FUDerrick

  14. RT @rich_sherri: @garden_momma22 Big Brother as a figure of authority doesn't exist in @CBSBigBrother #bb16 Too bad, as other countries ve…

  15. The #CBSBigBrother credo: "Judas betrayed Jesus but he still got paid." #BB16

  16. RT @raisa_x_: “@MyMaddieKitty: #bb16 please rewteet http://t.co/kBfo1LrIqt”

  17. RT @bigbrothermen: Frankie has all these post BB plans of fame and hosting... no boo boo #bb16 #bblf

  18. RT @charles_leroy: Not a fan of the #attentionSuccubus He has some freudian issues that needs to be addressed @bren_127 @CBSBigBrother @Jul

  19. RT @CanadaBBFan: Maybe Derrick can convince a Caleb that this may be their only chance to backdoor Frankie ?! #EvictFrankie #bb16

  20. RT @debi_ma: Why doesn't a HG vote against "the house" and pin it on someone else. At least it would stir things up #bb16

  21. R.I.P. #JohnHughes Your creative vision & genius are still missed.

  22. RT @jazmine_says: I don't hate Frankie because he lies. That's Big Brother. I hate him because he's a selfish, entitled brat. #BB16



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