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Posts posted by cassondra0222

  1. 7:45 PM BBT Nicole gets out of the shower & goes in the WC. She comes out dressed with her grey zip-up hoodie on. She says she needs to brush through her hair. She leaves the WA, pounding her feet on the ground as she walks to the Tokyo BR to get a sweater. She pounds her feet as she walks all the way back to the WA & goes in the WC again. She comes out with the grey sweater on. She says she needs to wash her crap for sure. She brushes her hair while standing in front of the big mirror by the sinks.

  2. 7:32 PM BBT Nicole hangs up the weight. She gets her water bottle & hoodie & goes inside to the WA. She fans herself & says she's sweaty. She gathers some clothes & puts them over the side of the HN shower. She says she's hot. She gets a razor out of the package & goes in the shower. We see FOTH briefly. In the BY, Paul tries to take a shot behind his back & then doesn't. He says he's going to go ham, hard as a mother f'r. We see FOTH twice when Paul & James talk about the wrap party.

  3. 7:27 PM BBT Paul asks Nicole what lap she is on & she says 18. James says she's fast. Paul says she was really fast in that last comp so she can probably run a marathon. Nicole stops running to get a drink of water & move her hoodie. She takes a weight & holds it to do squats. She stops after a few to pull her shorts & underwear down a little. Paul asks her what she's trying to work? She says her legs & butt. He tells her to do step up holding the weight & switching legs each time she steps up & down. She always steps down with the left right even when she steps up on the right leg. She made the step up box lower. She did a few & then quit. An airplane flies overhead & James says he can't wait to get on one of those. Nicole starts to do squats again holding the weight in her hands.

  4. 7:17 PM BBT Paul says he remembers one time he was popping a zit & he saw an Apple iPhone. We see FOTH briefly. The HG's are almost finished lifting all of the awnings in the BY. James tells them good job. Paul says good job & thank you very much. Paul says he wants to get a piece of black licorice. Nicole tells Paul his buddy is still on the pillow. Nicole tries to see the moth & it flies away. Nicole finds the moth behind a microphone. Paul & James go to play a game of pool. James says he made one solid in. Paul tells Nicole she needs to run 19 laps. She starts running around the BY. An airplane is flying overhead. Paul tells James it's an open table still since he didn't get 2 balls in. Paul says he's solids now, even though both of them have sank a solid.

  5. 7:14 PM BBT Nicole comes out of the WC & she has changed her shirt & bra. She puts on her grey zip-up hoodie now & leaves the WA. She gets her water bottle from the KT & goes to the BY. She shuts the sliding door on her way out of the house. All 3 of the HG's start lifting the awnings in the BY. Paul lowers the umbrella in the BY. Nicole says Paul wants to avoid the awnings that almost broke his face. Paul says he took that blow for Nicole. Nicole says it saved her glasses for sure. Nicole asks if they asked him about that? Paul says, yes, he had to talk about it. We see FOTH.

  6. 7:12 PM BBT In the WA, Paul is washing his hands & Nicole is putting on her running shoes. Paul tells her they saw eye to eye on a lot of things. James goes in the house & tells them it feels good outside. Paul asks if his friend is still on the pillow? James says he actually is. Paul tells Nicole they will have more of those after. Paul goes to the BY & says it feels great out there. Nicole takes her hoodie off & goes back in the WC.

  7. 7:08 PM BBT Paul says that Michelle probably made a joke about Paul grabbing Pablo so he could float. Nicole says he's definitely not a floater. Paul says it's funny when Zakiyah said that about him. Nicole says it was funny when Michelle said it about her, because if she is then what is Michelle? Paul says Michelle is going to be pissed when she gets her comic in the mail. He says she will never watch Big Brother again. James says she might like it. Paul says no way. Nicole says she doubts she will like it, but it's hilarious. Paul says she will throw it away. Nicole says she won't. Paul tells Nicole to wait a month & then ask if she can see a picture of it. Nicole laughs as she goes to the WC. James says he's about to pass out in the hammock. Paul says it is a nice pass out spot & he wishes they could sleep outside. Paul asks if he needs a jacket. Nicole says she's going to run. James opens the sliding door & is waiting to go to the BY. Paul says they had a good group session. James goes to the BY, leaving the sliding door wide open. He puts his water bottle on the pool table & puts the pool balls on the pool table.

  8. 7:02 PM BBT Paul says Paulie was agro. He says Paulie cut his arm on a door & he was running behind him to stop him. Nicole says she didn't see anything happen. Paul says he took Paulie aside & told him to calm down. Paul says he was all talk about being an athlete & no one being able to get under his skin. Paul says he pulled a Jozea & lost his game. Nicole goes to the WA. James says this wasn't his first rodeo though. Paul tells him he had a different bull to ride. He says he was a pissed off raging bull this season. James says he definitely caused more stress. Nicole come back with her light blue hoodie on. She tells James he was kind of zoned out a little with Natalie. Nicole says Corey hated how much game she talked to him all the time. Nicole tells James he was pretty chill this season.

  9. 6:59 PM BBT Paul says this season was so f'd up. He says, teams, vets, pre-jury buy back, jury buy back, & round-trip ticket. Nicole says there were lots of secrets. James says that Victor wanted to kill him. Nicole, James & Paul are all sitting at the KT table. Paul says no one has thick skin. He says Michelle has non-existant skin. He says that he's never seen James lose his cool even when Paulie was sh*tting on him. Nicole says she saw James says things twice that he wishes he could take back. She says once with Paulie. She says there's been things come out of his mouth that she doesn't think he would normally say.

  10. 8:45 PM BBT James asks Paul if he's going to watch this season when he gets home? Paul says he might wait until next year. James says he might also. He says he's going to watch all of BB17 & BB18. He says he's only watched 4 episodes from his season. He says it's a big commitment to watch 40 episodes for BB17 with everything he's had going on. Paul & James talk about all the moments they can be asked about. Paul asks James what he question was that he was asked? BB says, "You are not allowed to talk about production." We see FOTH briefly. James says he might call it early tonight.

  11. 8:41 PM BBT James says they have less days then when Glenn got evicted after tomorrow. James says he remembers his first day in the house this season. He says he was tired because they stayed up until 7 or 8 AM BBT that night. Paul says he thinks he might have went to bed but he doesn't remember. James says is was 97 days ago. Paul says he remembers drinking the champagne, eating a strawberry & walking around talking to everyone. Paul is in the hot tub with James sitting on the side of it. James asks Paul what time it is? Paul says he didn't look. Paul asks him what time he thinks it is? James says 8:42 PM BBT. (WOW! He's pretty close! He's only off by 1 minute.) James thinks that Michelle is going to ask some off the wall questions. Paul asks if they ask them 3 questions? We see FOTH.

  12. 8:32 PM BBT As Paul takes a turn at pool, James says the bird likes their BY. He also says someone left a door open upstairs. He tells Paul he's a funny dude. Paul says thanks man. James says he's about to clean house. He makes his shot. Paul says he ain't cleaning sh*t & called him a homie. James misses his next shot. James stands by a mirror in the BY & says hey, "Chupa my pingo." Paul says they are going to block it. We see FOTH briefly. Paul says yes, they blocked it. James looks in another mirror & tells Paul to look at the red lights over there. BB tells him to "Stop that." James says they are going to get in trouble when they get out of there. He says he better be knowing some cops & a good lawyer. He tells Paul he hopes he has some Get Out Of Jail Free cards. James wins the pool game & tells Paul, "Chupa my pingo, did that hurt?" Paul says he wants to go in the hot tub. He goes inside to get his swim trunks on. James steps in the hot tub & says it's hot. He says he doesn't know if there are live feeders on or not. He searches to see if anyone is in the BY. He says there are a couple more days until Finale night. He says it's been a crazy season & he's sorry if anyone had their money on others making it to the Final 3. He says he's in a good position because he thinks that both Nicole & Paul will take him to the Final 2. He says he wants to sleep & detox, but he can't sleep because he doesn't want the two of them making a Final 2 deal. He says Paul & Nicole are going to battle each other & hopefully they pull their boy to the Final 2. He says he thinks he has the jury votes. He says if Nicole gets evicted he knows that he has a good chance. He says he doesn't know what will happen if Paul gets evicted. Paul comes back out & asks if the hot tub is good? James says it's alright. Paul tells him to crank it up. Paul asks if they will do anything different? James says they shouldn't.

  13. 8:23 PM BBT James says the blocks are going to fall & he starts to sing the Timber song. James says it's getting ready to go timber. Paul says you have to risk it to get the bisket. He says MacGuyver. James gets the next piece & Paul tells him he's playing with fire. The blocks fall after James places the block on top of the stack. They leave the pieces on the table & James says they should play a game of pool. Paul tells James he's racking. An airplane flies overhead. Paul checks the temperature of the hot tub. James asks Paul if a helicopter flew over & had a ladder telling him to climb up would he go? Paul says, yes. He says he will ask questions later. James says it would be him & Nicole in the Final 2 if that happened. He says it could be Donald Trump offering him even more money. They begin to play pool.

  14. 8:11 PM BBT Paul says the stack looks like the leaning tower of pisa. There is a lot of patience with this round. Paul knocks the blocks over on his turn. James asks Nicole if she will get the rules since she is taking her clothes in the house. She gets them & goes back to the BY. After 7 minutes the round is over. Nicole says they are supposed to stack the blocks back on top & they are only allowed to use one hand at a time. Nicole tells them to play the next round because she has to go to the bathroom & it's going to be a while. She says they have a pet bird in the BY. She goes in the house & takes her clothes to the Tokyo BR. Paul says she's spicy. Nicole says she's tired. She tells BB not to yell at her & she turns the lights off in the Tokyo BR. She lays down in bed & takes her glasses off.

  15. 8:05 PM BBT James washes Nicole's plate & fork. She goes back to the KT & thanks him. He tells her not to worry about it. He says they can just go play blocks. James says the lemon water is tasting better. They go out to the BY. James asks who's ready to play some BB Benga? James says they spray painted them so they didn't have the logo on them. James says he would be out of his mind if he was in the hotel now pacing back & forth, pacing & counting tiles on the bathroom floor. Nicole says they would be ironing clothes. Paul asks Nicole if she remembers a song? She says she doesn't remember things that she should. Paul says they haven't had to think about it for so long. Nicole says she wants to get some well-rested sleep. She says she had to turn the lights on after she only slept for 3 hours. She says she doesn't sleep with anything over her eyes. James tells her she should. They start playing the Benga, as James is calling it.

  16. 7:59 PM BBT Nicole & James are eating at a small wooden table in the BY. Paul feels the hot tub & pool water. He says the hot tub could be hotter & the pool feels great. Paul says this is the kind of night you go out of town with your buddies. He says they have 3 days & a wake-up. James says they have 13 days left. Paul says he's tossed all the days out of his mind at this point. Nicole & James are enjoying their food. Paul says his cousin might already be in town. All 3 of them want to sleep outside. James says he needs to go fill his drink up. Paul says he can't wait to get out & be free. Paul burps & doesn't say excuse me. James goes in the house with the hiccups. He cleans his plate off in the trash can & then washes his dishes. Nicole says they've had zero privacy. Paul says he wants to be around everyone, but at the same time he wants to think about everything he's just done. He says the two of them don't have to think about what if's. He says they have won & that's the feeling he's most excited for. He says that's going to be the best part when they are in euphoria & not in regret. She tells him to start building the Jenga. She goes inside the house & sets her plate on the counter. She goes to the WA.

  17. 7:47 PM BBT Paul comes back into the house. Nicole asks if his food was good? He says it was. Nicole asks if they are going to play Jenga? Paul says, "You bet your sweet little Ubly butt we are." She says she doesn't know what to call it. Paul tells Nicole that James has been really quiet today & he knows he messed up. Nicole says he really did. She says she's only been grumpy because she's hungry. Paul says he wants to stay up at night on the hammock & sleep through the day to make it go faster like it did today. Paul says it's really good that they got the 2nd part of the competition out of the way. Nicole says James would have been cocky if he won. Paul says he can't believe she said that about Corey. Nicole says that Corey is not there to tame her. She says she likes people who work hard. She says when someone sits back chilling & is cocky it's not good. Paul says Victor & Corey really tried hard & they aren't there. Paul says he saw how sad Corey was. Nicole says he cried. Paul says that James doesn't deserve to make the Final 2. He says he will confidently say that. He says Nicole & him have battle wounds & they have lost sleep. He says his pinky went to sleep. Nicole is having problems turning the oven off. She says it's in a different language. Paul says it's done. He says it says horno. He says he doesn't know what that means though. Nicole says she would have felt comfortable facing James in the mental. Paul says he wants zero room for error, 100% successful & that's what they have. He says it's the best final feeling ever. He says he can't say other HG's have felt that way. Nicole says Derrick & Cody knew. Paul says they didn't last season. Paul says he may start saying that he's like Victoria so they should take him & he's not taking him. Nicole tells Paul good job to put away his food. Nicole tells Paul she had to tell James to put up the cheese. She says he needs to clean & not prank. Nicole goes out to the BY. Paul tells her he's going out there. Paul puts the container of food on the counter & washes his hands. He smells his hands when he's done washing them. He reads the card for the bag of Jenga pieces they have. He starts to sing & goes to the BY with the bag.



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