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Posts posted by Lamasquerade

  1. What good is having doubts I'd you only share them with one person in the house. Xmas wants to go f3 with Josh but she is relying on Paul to take her f2. Too little, too late for Josh now.  He can't get Kevin out now but if he started his rally sooner he may have been able to side with Jason and Alex..perhaps turn raven against Xmas and get her on his side. He better stick with Xmas plan now.

  2. 2 hours ago, graceomalley said:

    Jess won't want any kind of connection with Christmess after the show - her brand will suffer due to her behavior on the show and Jess is at least smart enough to not want that kind connection - besides - she will be too busy trying to repair her own reputation...

    Xmas is sitting pretty at the moment and if things go according to her plan and her sidekick win HOH she has nothing to worry about. I doubt no one will care about her behavior in the house. For those that watch BBAD, feeds, and CBS will know her behavior is not worse than anyone else in that house except Dom, Ramses, Jillian.   As for Jess she was skanky in the house and her brand is skank, so she has no worries.

  3. 3 hours ago, JessicaRocks said:

    There is not any one HG that I think truly deserves it, but I want Jessica to win it so bad mostly because it would irritate the hell out of all the other HG's!

    If America got to see more of the real her..the mean, jealous, bitchy mean side of her,  she wouldn't have a chance either. You speak a lot about the integrity of the game, yet would vote for someone to irritate others?  Perhaps it's the viewers that have the most influence on how Grodner chooses to manipulate the game.

  4. 3 hours ago, JessicaRocks said:


    There is NO WAY Jason will get AFP after the over-the-line rape jokes he made.  In fact, I think if somehow Jason did win AFP, BB would lie and give it to someone else...no way CBS wants to take even more flack over Jason's remarks than they already have!

    Yes it's unfortunate he made the remarks and they went public because he has been a good competitor this game.  Other hg statements or actions managed to stay under wraps and I believe would have been damaging in some way if made public...mostly AFP. BB influence and manipulations can hurt or help the HG. 

  5. On 9/4/2017 at 11:59 AM, BigMcK said:

    In past seasons there has been one or two women who have Adequate Cleavage.  It seems this year it is everyone and all clothes are designed to show said Cleavage.  This is fine with me, it just seems this season has changed a lot from previous ones.

    I noticed that since Matt is gone, Raven shows less cleavage and takes less care with her rat nest extensions.  Woe is Raven! 

  6. 2 minutes ago, kindofabbfan said:

    King Paul has talked about being an MMA fighter a few times now.  I don't follow MMA but is it true that he is/was an MMA fighter?

    He says he has trained in mixed martial arts and I've heard him say Jiu jitsu he may have competed. There are low level competitions all over the country. Then again he is a legend in his own mind.

  7. There should be no outside interference at all from BB or viewers. AFP was created to appease the whiny viewers that do not like the last man or woman standing. If everything is rigged like I read 1000 times over in the threads there is no reason to  believe that even though America votes, BB is declaring who they want to win or who gets the temptations. Get Price Waterhouse to do the counting and reporting and I might believe it's for real.

  8. 25 minutes ago, WOC said:


    The producers are absolutely working overtime to make Paul look good. Why do you think he's the only one questioning Raven's countless health stories. I'd bet others have doubts, but we won't see that because they have to make out Paul as some sort of genius. Paul is just a spoiled millennial, with a deranged sense of entitlement and a bullying streak, given a hand up by production. Production probably realized they picked am absolute horror to come back and are working overtime to make him look good as well as the rest of these dumb HGs with stars in their eyes. I'm sure there are more people who watch the show then there are those who watch the feeds or BBAD. There will be a lot of Paul fans when this is over. Some won't know better and the rest are just a bunch of idiots like the HGs.

    The most over used word is "millennial" IMO. Also, let's talk entitlement when every hour Kevin wants to know why he should go first over Raven. As far as I'm concerned they are both useless and should go at the same time. It appears "spoiled" behavior is expressed by all age groups in the house.



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