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Posts posted by Lamasquerade

  1. His Dad is ranting all over the forums? Ugh! I think family should have to shut up while their loved ones are in the house.

    Is he using his ex military career yet? BTW.... most military say former and not "ex". That caught my attention in last night's show. (Speaking as a former military wife)

    I think he means "axe" military because that is what I think he got from the government. I think he is a scary guy and he doesn't look an inch over 5'9". Caleb and Joey will make this a miserable BB season for me.

  2. Maybe it wasn't jealously but more like shock that showed on her face. When she is sitting next to a women who is a little plump and not as beautiful as she is and a big, muscle guy is checking out that woman and not her? That can't happen!

    Maybe you are reading a little more into her look than you should. I will say that I most certainly had the look you describe.

  3. OMG - I don't think stupid words said ever make a person racist, homophobic and bigots.

    You should hear the way my nephews talk every day with their black, gay friends and they use the language but they are NOT any of those things.

    Way too much PC and people dissecting every word said.

    I really hope this forum does not turn into what it did last year.

    Oh and my hands are very clean.

    * and to add I think Jeff is Catholic and for years we had scandal after scandal in the church with Priests molesting boys for years. That may be what popped in his mind. He has never ever shown any indications that he is homophobic.

    So, you think he should be evicted so you don't have to read about homophobic and racist remarks, yet ok for you to throw the Catholic Church into the mix? Strange.

    BTW, it was Mischa who wrote in an earlier post that he "will be okay, if he doesn't make any homophobic or racist remarks." So, a whole new can of worms was opened right there.

    I actually enjoyed the video interview with beak nose because the comments made were dead on. What Caleb needs most is an education.

    OMG - I don't think stupid words said ever make a person racist, homophobic and bigots.

    Right, it's not like he called anyone a fat old hag.

    Eh, everybody has dirty hands. Every poster too. And look at Chicago Jeff's homophobic remark. Glossed over and he is lil mister interviewer now.


    It's not what is said that matters, but who said it! Some people can say what they want and walk away with clean hands, others lose their jobs for it.

    This topic is the best and just what I was hoping for in what might otherwise be a dull season.

  4. I'm not going out of my way. I have been a regular member of this board since 2008. I am a Big Brother fan and have been for a long time. I met Caleb several years ago and NOTHING on his Facebook used those words. Nothing I ever heard him say or that my friends have heard ever pointed to what that Instagram said. For all I know, it IS a plot by CBS to create controversy for ratings. Can you not understand why this makes no sense to me?? While we are not close friends, I think if he was ok saying that on Instagram, I would have seen those words on Facebook too and I didn't. It is in ONE supposed post but found nowhere else. Doesn't that seem suspicious to anybody but myself? Caleb loved social media. He posted pictures all the time. Using your logic that people never only use those words once... Why is that the only picture/words like that? And more to the point, I allowed that maybe I am wrong and that I will be watching carefully what happens in the house. You will lose nothing if your right. Others who know him stand to lose much more.

    I didn't single you out, but since you singled your self out, okay yes you are going to a lot of trouble to defend this guy. What does being a regular member have to do with anything? It's common, for the regular members or not, people on this board defend houseguests all the time, sometimes in a creepy, obsessive way. That's what doesn't make sense to me. What makes you think that because it's not said on facebook, it's not said in real life. Only a stupid person would post that stuff on facebook because stuff likes that comes back to haunt you. And honestly, I haven't been thinking about what makes sense to you or anyone else. I don't care enough and why don't you stick to your post about not worrying about what others say.

  5. ""I'm pretty liberal, so in my daily life that means a lot to me -- how I live, how I vote, I'm almost evangelistic about it because what I've seen in liberal views is that you vote for your community ... if there's someone that's really conservative in the house that is very much like this is the way things should be, it'll be hard for me to not say things," says Van Pelt."

    Is this some cryptic message, it makes no sense? Just spit it out Joey, what the heck do you mean? Is she going to take on the convervatives of the house? Whatever! I hope she goes first. I haven't even seen her yet, and she annoys the heck out of me.



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