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Posts posted by Lamasquerade

  1. He got what he deserved when he used that POV on Jocasta.

    And yes, it's nice to have good people in the house for a change, but why can't they be nice and smart about game play at the same time?

    Honestly, it appears to me that they are all more interested in making a career out of reality TV than they are about winning this game.

  2. It's a crutch used for those HG who don't want to be bothered: "I can't talk shop now, I'm reviewing a psalm."

    It comes in handy for those who need to swear on something other than family members and prove themselves true.

    How can anyone ever doubt a bible belter in the BB house? That would be blasphemy.

  3. My list is ENDLESS...


    talking bushes

    Condoned rape..







    sky daddy allowing millions of people to be abused, tortured.. starved.. dogs lit on fire.. while supposedly blessing others with hunky dory lives.

    Shall I go on?

    Oh and... add IDIOTS like Jocasta.

    You don't believe in the power of prayer? Just look at Jocasta, week 3 and still in the house. :lol:

  4. Donny is a nice guy but nice guys finish last on BB.

    Derrick is going for the obsolete players. Good. Pick them off. Jocasta next.

    Do you mean obsolete because they are not on Derrick's side and buy his bullshite, or do you mean as in they don't actually play the game? If you refer to the latter I don't believe the whole "obsolete" concept because we (and they know) that Christine, Zach and Hayden are obsolete, yet their names never get mentioned for nominations. What have they done to stay in the game other than ride the coattails of others?

    Anyway, picking off "obsolete" players only works as long as your side is in power, otherwise when needed there is no leverage for bargaining without "obsolete' (but still a vote) players.

    As of now there are more "votes" than there are actual players in the house.

    This would have been a different game if Devin was still in the house but even though he played the game and played hard he was wanted out by the house and viewers. Go figure.

  5. If he doesn't make a big move soon he is going to find himself out the door. With being everyone's friend and the ability to win a comp, he'll become the biggest threat in the house. He thinks Frankie stabbed him in the back then he should pull a Devin and a Nicole and nominate him as replacement if possible.



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