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Posts posted by fizzle

  1. well, i have to say... i am very proud of the Newbies... all finding this thread and not starting a new one. cause the last few years thats what was going on.

    so :clap: for all the smart newbies we are getting this year!!!!!

    and welcome to Mortys... hope you have fun this summer!!!!!

  2. but uvp.. must you welcome new people by telling them a board rule? its just kinda rude. just saying.

    i am sure by looking around, new people can tell we are not like.. say... Sucks. and if by chance they think we are.. its the duty of the MODS to deal with it. not you or me.

    our job is to bicker back and forth about stupid things and to welcome new people to the boards. :partytime:

  3. catnip acts like we sat around all year and did drugs.... :lookaround: ok, well i DID... but i still remember her! PS. they were prescription drugs so it was ok!

    speaking of teaching kids to cook so they can feed themselves during BB season..... i didnt feed the family all year long... it was all practice leading up to BB8 season. :animated_rotfl: now they are totally on their own.

  4. just like Katydidit, i found Mortys thru Sirlinksalot. i also found a few other sites that i would go to for BB news. i found Mortys to be more user friendly. i will say at the time that i did use another site (will remain unamed) for my live updates and everything else bb related i relied on Mortys. only because i found a few of the live updaters here unreliable. (they are no longer here)

    but that has changed also and i can say now that since last season i stayed at mortys for 100% of all my bb needs.

  5. Masterbating is okay  :D But Jawnelle was in the room at the time? and he was talking to her?  that is a little creepy...i hope the lights were out at least

    nonono.. they were talking before he did it... it was in the dark and she was in the other bed facing the other way. it took all of 30 seconds.

    i should note ( not that it will matter to some people) that he was going to go do it outside and janelle had said why... and he asked if he should just do it there, and she said why not, might as well be comfy.

    it probably did help him that they had a convo about what her and ashlea sleep in right before he did it. lol

  6. I am surprised everytime I read the daily updates and Howie is jerking it again.  He has no shame.  I was just reading today's updates and he was laying in bed talking to Janelle, got quiet and 30 seconds later he was done.  Said it was his biggest load yet.  :wacko: 

    It is not like Howie is 13 yrs old - he a grown man.  Do men really still jerk it all the time like they did when they were teens?  Creeping me out I would have to say.

    masturbation = shame???? i dont think so. and i am sure that some of the women on bb have been doing it too.. they just dont tell anyone.

    its a natural thing that males do no matter what age they are. if i go out of town for more than a week, my husband jerks it... heck, he'll jerk it while we are on the phone haveing a convo about the weather... lol

    i say go for it howie... and keep giving us something to giggle at.

  7. Did you see the house calls when jennifer called in, same difference.  And you people act like this surpirsed you that marcellous did what he did!! He's been talking about it for weeks.  He didnt go off like a raving loonatic on beau, he sat thaere and kept his cool.  If beau could form an actual sentance, maybe marcellous wouldnt lookso bored.

    i did see the HC with jen... and it was not the same.

    and i am not surprised at what marcellas did with the beau interview... i never saw him as a "real" talk show host. but i do think that even if you are pretending to be a host.. you should do your job and not take things so personal.

    ps, i like marcellas, i just dont think he handled it in the right manner.

  8. Beau had no responsibility to Marcellas to be nice. Marcellas is the host of a show about people that are forced to be there. He should have the decency to at least be polite to them. That is his job. If he wants to be a "journalist" he needs to grow up and do his job.

    for once i agree with you! marcellas should have kept his personal feelings out of it and conducted himself better.

    had it been anyone else, marcellas would have participated... but since it was the person that mentioned HIS name on tv a few times in a negative way, he got bent out of shape and decided not to be professional.

  9. i agree.. watching janelle and howie having fun was great and only confirmed why i like them so much. i was cracking up watching it.. and when they did the slow-mo i almost peed myself!

    the friendships idea of fun is bashing on someone.. particularly janelle.

    its sad but true.



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