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Posts posted by brotayjax

  1. 9:00 am BBT  The HG are already up this morning. Victor, Paulie, Nicole, James, and Dae are in the KT. Frank, Bridgette, Michelle, and Bronte are in the WA doing ADLs. Someone is in the shower. Dae is called the the DR.


    9:05 am BBT Now Jozea is in the KT and so is Frank. Everyone is eating breakfast. Jozea heads to the WA to eat his cereal. Bridgette is helping Michelle straighten her hair. Frank says they are going to lock them up in the HOH room while they put things together in the BY. Bronte says maybe they can spray for ants. James is called to the DR and someone speculates they are doing GOODBYE messages. Natalie is out of the shower and she says, “What a beautiful day to be alive.” She is getting ready to put on lotion and says that if there’s mayo in the lotion she is going to punch someone in the face.


    9:10 am BBT  Corey is also in the KT. He asks Frank if there’s a possibility they are doing a comp today. Frank says he wouldn’t think so but that there are bags in the storage room so they might be. The HG in the WA aren’t talking at all (Victor, Natalie, Jozea, and someone in the shower). Natalie is called to the DR. Corey says that he is sorry they haven’t told them when they can get out of their pixels. James says he thinks it’s because they are going to be participating in a comp and Julie Chen will say, “You have been in the pixels for one week.” He then says that maybe if they fail at the comp they will have to wear them for another week. Frank is not on board for that idea.


    9:15 am BBT  James wonders if they have changed the Live shows to Wednesday because you never know with Production. Frank doubts it though. Michelle and Jozea are in the Safari room and she is complaining that she has gained weight and she’s embarrassed by it. Jozea asks if she has worked out and she says she hasn’t been able to because of the Pixel outfit. He says that they can workout together when she’s out of it.


    9:20 am BBT Cameras 1 and 2 are on James, Frank, and Corey sitting at the island table in the KT. The other cameras are on Jozea and and Michelle. Jozea says it’s not cool to be sitting in ‘those chairs’ (eviction chairs) even though he knows he’s safe. She tells him that it’s almost Thursday and it will be over soon. She asks him who he has done makeup wise and he says lots of gurrs but it’s in the contract that he can’t say. She asks if he does guys and he says yes, but they are easy…hair, bronzer and that 70% wear eyeliner. She asks why they wear it and he says because when the camera goes on their face it looks like their lashes are fuller. Then he starts to give her makeup advice.


    9:25 am BBT Frank yells that he is getting a rash from his dirty-ass panties. He needs to get out of this sh*t. James tells Corey that Nicole told him she is going to crack an egg over his head while he is sleeping. Corey says he hasn’t done anything to her. James says that if it happens he will be right there behind her with a carton of eggs. Cameras 1 and 2 switch to the HOHR and Tiffany getting ready. Corey comes up and asks Nicole if she said she’s going to crack an egg over his head. She laughs and says she’d never do it.


    9:30 am BBT Now Corey, Nicole, Zakiyah, and Frank are all laying down in the HOH bed joking around with one another. Natalie, Bronte, and Bridgette are all getting ready in the WA.


    9:33 am BBT Bridgette whispers to Natalie that she was talking to Frank last night. It’s hard to hear her, but it seems that she says that when he talks to them about voting he is trying to figure out how the house is voting because he thinks James is the flip vote and he wants to vote with the house. Natalie says they need to make sure to tell Bronte and Bridgette says she already knows. Bridgette says she just wants Natalie to know why Frank is asking so many questions.


    9:35 am BBT Natalie tells Bridgette that she wishes she could ‘Phone a friend’ for evictions. She would phone her mom because she would set her straight. We get WBRB. Bronte and Jozea are talking in the Safari room now. He tells her they have their bags in the SR. She says they may be sending someone home today. She assures him that he’s not going home and that it will feel so good when Paulie does.


    9:40 am BBT  Jozea says then Bridgette needs to go, then Tiffany needs to go. Jozea says he doubts today has anything to do with leaving because they didn’t tell them to get dressed or anything for the Live show. Natalie is called to the DR for the second time. Bronte tells Jozea that it’s the 5 of them and then everyone else she wants evicted. She says that she thought James was America’s favorite and she wonders what on earth America saw in that boy. She said it was a bonding experience for them. She said if someone made up a flat out lie about her it would be so rough. Jozea says they just need to get through the next 24 hours. Bronte says she is going to pee but she has been avoiding it because there are ants all over the WA.


    9:45 am BBT  Jozea wakes Paul up and tells him they are getting locked in the HOHR later. Now Jozea heads to the HOHR where Corey, Nicole, Zak, and Frank are all laying down in bed.  Tiffany and Dae are laying down on the couch. Jozea sits down in a chair and doesn’t say anthing. James enters the room and starts to put on lotion. Paul yells, “Why the hell are there crackers on the floor?” Nicole asks Frank if he’s a cuddler and he says, “For the first 15 minutes.” James says that Corey is a cuddler.


    9:50 am BBT  Nicole asks what James is doing and Frank says he’s pretty sure he’s masturbating. Jozea is still just sitting in the chair not talking to anyone. He is wrapped in his yellow towel/cape. Bridgette is eating breakfast and someone asks where everyone is. Bridgette says upstairs. The other HG says, “Already?” Bridgette says she doesn’t want to be crammed up there until they have to. Michelle comes upstairs and tells them that Paul is really pissed about the crackers on the floor. James says he’s tired about grown ass men being pissed about petty sh*t. He’s like to see what they are like in the real world. Rent is due. Corey says there’s a comedian that says, “Don’t sweat the petty sh*t and don’t pet the sweaty sh*t.” James says the kid has a lot of learning to do.


    9:58 am BBT  Bronte tells Natalie that someone ate crackers all over Victor’s bed last night. Natalie asks who. Bronte says probably James and that these people are pigs. Paul is talking to Zak in the KT while she eats breakfast. He says he’s getting nervous about Jozea and that if they lose a team member, they are fu**ed. He says, Dae is cool, right? Zak assures him that she is. He tells her they need to win the next HOH. Bridgette enters the KT and Paul tells her he made fresh coffee. Bronte and Natalie are whispering in the WA. Bronte is counting votes and saying that even if people flip, the other side will only have 5 votes. She says the only people they can flip are James and Frank. We get WBRB. (You can hear BB building a set in the BY –Morty.)

  2. 11:15 AM BBT  We get FOTH. When we return, Austin is sitting on the side of the bed in the HOHR.


    11:20 AM BBT  We get FOTH. When we return, Austin is sitting on the side of the bed in the HOHR. He goes to the WA and does ADLs and then goes to the bed to kiss on Liz. They are talking, but neither of them are wearing their mics. John is called to the DR.


    11:25 AM BBT  Austin stops kissing Liz and put on his mic. He heads downstairs to the KT.


    11:30 AM BBT  Austin begins making coffee and goes to fridge. He looks inside and closes it. Then he gets the tubs to make his protein shake and mixes one for himself. He heads to the SR and gets another tub of protein powder. He looks through the cabinets and mumbles to himself, seemingly unhappy with what he finds (or doesn't find).


    11:35 AM BBT  Austin heads out to the BY drinking a cup of coffee and then heads back inside after about 30 seconds. He heads to the WC. John has returned from the DR and goes back to the CBR to get back in bed. Liz is called to the DR.


    11:40 AM BBT Austin comes out of the WC and rinses one hand with water. He goes back to the KT to get his protein shake. He paces back to the WA then paces back down the hall. Liz comes down the stairs. They hug at the bottom of the stairs and she asks him if he made coffee. he says YES and she heads to the DR. He tells her he isn't working out today but plans to do indoor stuff today.


    11:45 AM BBT  Austin heads to the WA and begins to run the straightener through his hair. Liz is out of the DR almost as soon as she enters and heads back to the HOHR to bed. Vanessa is called to the DR. Austin continues straightening his hair.


    11:50 AM BBT  BB tells the HG they are on an ILD. Austin returns to the KT after an attempt to straighten his hair, finishes his protein shake and then sees Vanessa. He asks her where everybody is. She tells them they are sleeping. She asks if she missed anything last night. She tells him about a comedian in Vegas that always says, "Cuz I be thinkin'" and points at her head. Austin says he's got to go to Vegas. She says with her on his side he should win some money. He asks if she's ever played craps and she says YES. She puts money on the ODDS and SIX and EIGHT. We get FOTH because Austin starts to talk about a buddy of his.


    11:55 AM BBT  She tells him there's a breakeven strategy for craps. You win because the casino gives you comps for playing. She knows someone who that's their main game and someone who blackjack is their main game. Austin begins to tell her what his strategy is. Vanessa says that craps is the most fun game. Vanessa says that Liz is cool with it and she can hang out with Mel while they play.



    11:58 AM BBT  Vanessa says that Liz,Julia and Mel are both 23 and can all hang out together. Vanessa says she puts aside $200 for Mel to play in the slots. She says if she wins $100 she wants her to put it aside right away so she doesn't lose it. [if you are someone that is looking for Vanessa's gambling advice at the different casinos in Vegas, flashback to here. She has about 3 minutes of advice.—Morty] She asks Austin if he likes poker and he says he has never played.

  3. 10:00 AM BBT Liz in the HOH WA putting on her makeup. Austin laying in bed. She calls out to Austin that she had a dream they were still in the BB house with a few other people like Meg and James and Jason came back. Feeds 3 and 4 on sleeping HG in the CBR.


    10:05 AM BBT Vanessa returns to the CBR, gets in bed and puts something on over her eyes. Liz leaves the HOHR and heads downstairs to the OBR. She grabs something off the floor. Feeds 1 and 2 stay on sleeping HG in the OBR. Feeds 3 and 4 on sleeping HG in the CBR.


    10:17 AM BBT A door is heard opening and closing and Feeds 3 and 4 switch to see Liz in the LR walking toward the BY. She heads to the outdoor fridge to get a drink, grabs something by the washer/dryer, and then heads back to the HOHR.


    10:20 AM BBT Liz climbs back in bed to snuggle with Austin and tells him they have nothing to eat. Meanwhile, Julia is walking around downstairs. She heads to the WC. Julia leaves the WA without washing her hands and goes back to bed.


    10:30 AM BBT HG snoozing away...


    10:45 AM BBT  Sleeping HG on all feeds.


    11:05 AM BBT  Feeds 1-4 continue to show nothing but sleeping HG.

  4. 11:03 AM BBT  Austin says he doesn't understand why John did what he did. Vanessa says he got in her head. He's good. She was just trying to give him the courtesy of letting him know she wasn't going to use it and he let him know. Steve asks Meg and James if he should go talk to her. They say they don't know what went down. He goes to find Vanessa and asks if they should talk or he should leave her alone. She says now would be a good time to leave her alone and that's why she left the room. She says the level of two-facedness she fell for amazes her.


    11:08 AM BBT  Austin asks Vanessa if John told her it was an alliance. She says yes. Austin says it wasn't an alliance. Steve doesn't like the word 'alliance.' It was a 5 person, one-week deal and Steve called it a team. Liz verifies this. Julia comes into the room. Vanessa understands and says she's not mad at them. She says that she might have done the same thing in their shoes. She says that John had no reason to be loyal to her. They had a reason to question her loyalty. Steve had no reason at all, so she's angry at him. She thinks he should have talked to her if he had questions about her.


    11:13 AM BBT  Meanwhile, Meg and James are trying to figure out what went down and who was in this 5 person alliance. They are trying to figure out how long the alliance has been in place, as well. Then feeds 1 and 2 switch to Steve talking to himself. They leave the CRL and see Steve. Austin asks Steve if he wants to talk. He says he didn't want to call him out in front of everyone else, but he wasn't going to say he did it. He asks Steve if he knows how Vanessa found out. He says Johnny Mac told her. Steve asks if he's gone. Austin says he doesn't know, but she is really angry and hurt.



    11:15 AM BBT  Steve asks Austin what he should say in his speech. The are practicing as Vanessa is called to the DR. We get Jeff's reels. It's time for the veto ceremony, folks...

  5. 10:00 AM BBT Meg returns from the DR and tells James in the shower that it had nothing to do with DR. She says it had to do with veto and Zingbot. She's told she's not allowed to talk about her DR sessions with other HG and we get FOTH.


    10:03 AM BBT We return and John is in the HOHR. Austin is telling him that last night was weird because John told James Austin was going to throw it so now James is suspicious of him. Austin tells John that Vanessa is coming up there soon and he should go talk to her. He says that if she wants to use it he has to do what she wants to do. He says its just a messy situation. John says he can throw out that if he stays he can put up whoever comes back. Austin says that's big and he should tell Vanessa because right now she has the power.


    10:05 AM BBT Liz says that at least John is finally showing that he wants to be there 68 days later. Austin says that when James was HOH he showed him that he wanted to be there and that John hasn't done anything. Austin says that James and Meg have offered the same thing. Liz says that it's nerd vs. nerd at this point. Austin says that Steve said that B.S. last night and John has already showed that he was willing to lie. If they send them out and come right back in, they'll come after them. John has made his way to the BY pool table and is just standing there pushing a ball back and forth.


    10:10 AM BBT  John is told by BB to raise the outside awnings. John says, "By myself? Alright." Austin and Liz have stopped talking and appear to be going back to sleep. Then Austin says why do people keep coming to talk to me about the veto?! It's not up to me and we just got back to being on good terms. Evidently they think I'm running the show. Then Austin is called to the DR. He says "F*ck, I don't have the Veto." Liz tells him she will miss him. He goes to the HOH WA to pull his hair back. Meanwhile, Steve comes outside as John does the last awning and asks him if he did them all by himself.


    10:17 AM BBT  John tells Steve he doesn't think it's looking good. Steve says he agrees and that the veto isn't getting used. John says are they ticked at him upstairs. Steve says he doesn't have any details, he just doesn't think it's being used. John says all he can do is talk to Vanessa. Steve says one of them will have to win on Thursday. John says, "Well, you'll be staying." because Steve is closer to them than John is. Steve asks if there's anything he can do for him. John says no, that he just needs to talk to Vanessa.


    10:20 AM BBT  Steve goes inside and Vanessa and him have a conversation. He says he feels sexy today because he's wearing concealer. She asks if he's wearing cologne. He says that he's not. She says he needs to start because one day he'll have a girlfriend who will want him to do that and she'll care what he wears and how he smells. He says that he cares what he wears now way more than he did at this time last year. Steve is called to the DR. John has made his way inside and goes to the WA.


    #BB17 10:23 AM BBT  Vanessa tells John that 'he' doesn't want her to use it. If she does then the twins will come after her and she can't have the whole house against her. He asks if she thinks they will vote against Steve. She says she doesn't know. Meanwhile, Austin is upstairs now and he says it will be soon. He says he's getting pissed off because everyone is coming to him and he doesn't have the veto. He says Steve is walking around all weird today and so is John. They need to talk to Vanessa. Liz says that she thinks maybe Vanessa is blaming it all on him.


    10:24 AM BBT  Austin says do you really think Vanessa would want to use the veto after fighting with each one of them this week. Of course not. You guys messed up. Meanwhile, John is telling Vanessa downstairs that they had a 5 person alliance last week to get her out. He says if he's easily not in that then it's her, him, then Steve. She wants to know why they flipped the script on her...just because she won the POV. He says he was looking for an alliance and admits he was after her. He says if she uses it and can get the votes. She says, "Here he comes."


    10:26 AM BBT  Austin is telling Vanessa that Steve messed up last night. He said that they are a 'powerful fortress' to Meg and James. Vanessa says that's frustrating. They stop talking because John walked in to the WA. John walks out and Vanessa says that Steve could have won the HOH and he didn't so he has the right to do what is best for his game. Austin says that she doesn't owe either one of them anything after this week. She says that it's a tough decision no matter what. They have to do what they think is best and move forward.


    10:30 AM BBT  Austin goes to Meg and James and tells them that John asked him to use the veto. He says he wanted to say, "I don't have the f*in veto. Go ask her." They all laugh about it. Julia comes out of the CBR and Meg says that last night was so fun. Julia jokingly says that she hates them after last night. We get FOTH.


    10:34 AM BBT  Vanessa is actually talking to Liz, not Julia, in the WA asking Liz if there was a 5 person alliance to get her out. She says that Steve approached them with an idea to bring John in and she was John's target. Vanessa asks how that would benefit Steve. Liz says because he and John were close. Vanessa says it's f'ed up. Julia says that last week her heart was broken by what went down but they're all is forgiven now. She says they're all in a hard position now because they made a stupid deal. She says the person she really wants gone made a deal... John.


    10:36 AM BBT  Julia has come into the WA, but isn't saying anything. Liz tells Vanessa that she doesn't understand why John is telling her about it because he is the one who wanted her out. Vanessa says she just said that Steve orchestrated the alliance. Liz says to her understanding he did. She asked if he should bring John in and Vanessa said didn't you understand how that wouldn't benefit you. Liz said never wanted to do it. Vanessa says she wants him out then. John and Steve are out in the BY and John tells Steve the veto isn't getting used. He says it's been fun.


    10:38 AM BBT  John tells Steve he feels like this was the plan from the beginning of the week and Steve says it probably was. Liz is in the WC, Vanessa and Julia are doing ADLs. Steve is talking to himself and says that John is really visibly distressed and he can't blame him. Then he goes in to the KT.


    #BB17 10:42 AM BBT  Steve is in the WA with Vanessa and asks her if she's OK. She says she's f'in great. He asks if he should leave her alone and she says that would be a great idea. He leaves. Liz is upstairs telling Julia about her conversation with Vanessa. Julia wonders why Vanessa would confront her. She says that if Vanessa changes the nom and takes him off she will be so pissed. If not, Johnny Mac has just nailed his coffin. He's done. She's voting him out. She let's out a string of curses and calls him every name in the book. Julia tells her not to do that. She says it's all because she wants her to use the veto on him.


    10:46 AM BBT  Austin comes in and Liz tells him that John is done. She tells him that John told her about the 5 person alliance. Austin says that it doesn't matter because they have the votes to get rid of the other one. Both girls say, in unison, that John has to go. Austin says they have to tell Steve what John did so he sees how he's playing. Liz says they need to go get her and talk to her. Austin says he doesn't want to. He could have put her up and he didn't, so he stayed loyal. Liz says, "what if he tells James and Meg." Austin says that he's sealing his fate because it wasn't for sure he was going home.


    10:50 AM BBT  Vanessa is sitting quietly by herself in the WA. The girls are saying it was so stupid to make a deal with that f*er but that it was Steve's orchestration. They talk about what to do if he tells Meg and James. They say that they were loyal to Meg and James... they didn't put them up. Austin says it was dumb of John. You don't do that when you still could have stayed. Liz says he's like actually really dumb. Austin starts to sing and we get FOTH.


    10:52 AM BBT  Austin says that all Steve wanted him to do was honor the 5 person thing and put her up and he didn't do it. Vanessa is on the move. She finds Steve in the OBR and asks him if she can talk to him and heads to the HNR. She tells him that John told her there was a 5 person alliance to get rid of her. True or false. He says that was true. She asks who orchestrated that. He says not him, but he is breathing heavy and playing with his hands. She says, "Dude it was you." She tells him he's gone and he doesn't have her vote. She tells him she would be breathing heavy it she were him, too.


    10:55 AM BBT  Vanessa leaves the HNR and tells everyone that she is voting Steve out. Steve comes out and sees Austin standing in the OBR. He says, "Did I orchestrate a 5 person alliance to get Vanessa out?" Austin says, "Ex-squeeze me?" Feed 1 is focused on James's face. Feed 2 is on Vanessa. Austin says, "Kinda. You were very eager to make sure you and John were safe." He says he doesn't know why he's doing it in public. Steve apologizes over and over if it seems like he was attacking him.


    10:59 AM BBT  Vanessa says she understands that Austin and the others had a reason to doubt her, but Steve didn't. Liz has come downstairs and Austin is telling her what happened in the KT. Vanessa has left the OBR. Meg says she has no idea what happened. Steve says he doesn't either. Vanessa, Austin, and Liz are in the CRL and she says she's not mad at them but she's hurt by Steve. Austin is saying how stupid it was of Steve to talk about it in front of everyone. Vanessa is saying she's the swing vote and she doesn't want Steve there. Austin says he doesn't care ether way. He says he is passive aggressively trying to call him out in front of the entire house.

  6. 12:26 PM BBT  We return from Jeff's reels and the HG have a smaller table in the KT. They mention there are no have nots. They are quite excited about both.


    12:30 PM BBT  They all sit together at the table and decide they will have a family dinner tonight. The twins say they will cook. Vanessa says it's so weird because you see that part on the show where the table gets smaller and now they are in that part. Steve says the nomination ceremony at this table will be really weird.


     #BB17 12:33 PM BBT  They HG all go their separate ways. Austin goes up to the HOHR with Liz. He says that he needs her to talk to Steve to tell him he needs to go up with John to leave Vanessa open as a backdoor option. Worst case scenario John goes home. Steve walks in and Austin starts talking to him. He tells him that he just doesn't want to put Vanessa up as a front door because if he goes with her as a front door she is going to be so unhappy, especially if she doesn't end up going. Steve says OK. Steve says that one of them can go up, but not 2 of them. Austin asks if he really thinks she would go against them.


    12:36 PM BBT  Austin asks Liz what she thinks. She says it's really risky to put her up right now because she has a lot of info on all of them. She tells Steve that he has their loyalty more than John does. Steve says that if they put up 2 of them they don't have the votes. He says if he is used as a pawn he doesn't want to be used next to one of the 5 of them. Austin says what if he put him up against Vanessa. He says he guesses that's a potential. Because he could tell Vanessa that Steve is the target. Steve asks why not John. They bat it around.


    12:40 PM BBT  Austin tells Steve that Vanessa is throwing everyone under the bus telling him all the reasons she shouldn't trust everyone, including him. Austin tells the room that Vanessa told him she would take him and Liz to the final 3 (Julia is there now). Steve tells him that he doesn't want to go up against John. That if he's going up he wants to go up against Vanessa. He feels that is telling him that they are with Meg and James more than with him and John. Austin tells him that he is thinking ahead to what if Jackie comes back. Steve says he still does not want to go up against John.


    #BB17 12:44 PM BBT  Liz tells Steve that it just sucks that because they made a deal with Meg and James at the last minute. Steve says he just doesn't want John to come after him next week for doubting him. Austin says that anyone can come after him next week for putting him up... Vanessa, James, John... whoever he puts up. The only person he trusts is Steve. He said the worst case scenario is that John goes home. Steve asks if he is OK losing John's trust because he will understand that he's plan B. Steve says he thinks Vanessa will flip no matter what... even if she's safe.


    12:48 PM BBT  Liz has left the room to talk to Vanessa. They are in the HOHR. She tells Vanessa that Steve doesn't want to go up against John. Vanessa says to tell him too bad. He doesn't get a choice. Liz tells Vanessa that she needs to tell him that she has his back. Vanessa says she gets it that they needs pawns. She would be one, but how comfortable would they be with Steve voting against John? She really thinks they need to put Steve up. Liz is repeating what Steve said and that he wants to go up against her rather than John. Van says that means he's more willing to lose her than John.


    12:52 PM BBT  Vanessa says that Steve isn't a team player. Liz says he would play in the veto and could win it. Vanessa says that she has looked out for Austin since the beginning. When has Steve looked out for Austin? Steve and Austin are hashing out putting up Vanessa and John again. They are talking about how she knew James was supposed to throw the BOTB and she hasn't owned up to it. Also that there was an alliance that she created that didn't include him. John comes upstairs and asks what's up. Austin starts to fill him in on what he's thinking.



    12:56 PM BBT  Austin says what would happen if John is up and Steve wins the veto. Will he take John down against Vanessa? Steve says he will promise not to if he doesn't want him to do so. Austin says he might want him to. Then he can put Meg or James in their place and they are all safe. Then he's honored the front door deal. Steve says again that he doesn't want to go up against John. Austin says then he just has to put up Vanessa right away. Liz is sitting on the couch now just chewing her nails. Vanessa is in the KT with Julia.

  7. 11:00 AM BBT Austin is walking through the house wearing his red nose and Judas hat. Feed 1 is on Meg and James in the OBR. Feed 3 and 4 is on Austin practicing his speech in the LR. He has said that he plans to wear the nose during his speech. He turns to the camera and asks BB to play "Old Skin" by the Olafur Arnalds just one time. Steve asks if he can move his stuff up to the HOHR now since he's up (anticipating LD). Austin says SURE. Austin is pacing waiting for Liz to come out of the DR.


    11:05 AM BBT James asks Austin if he has his speech prepared. Austin says he thinks he's going to say something about life being meaningless and important at the same time. Because we all know we are going to die. So what is better to never have been born or to die quickly. That's the intro. Yet to strive forward looking for knowledge. But is knowledge power or do people in power tell you what knowledge is? And guess what? I'M IN POWER! So, to James' question, yes. Austin says... he has thought about it. He says he thinks he will go mostly off the cuff though.


    11:10 AM BBT Vanessa is doing ADLs in the WA. JMac has entered the OBR and is talking with Austin, Meg, and Meg. Meg tells Austin that no matter what he does, he doesn't lose the game this week. JMac goes up to the HOHR. Vanessa walks through on her way to the HNR. Austin says he just needs to make a good tv spot. Feeds 3 and 4 are focused on JMac and Steve in the HOHR. James, Meg, and Austin are talking about Audrey. Meg says she can't remember Audrey before the blanket.


    11:15 AM BBT Vanessa comes out of the HNR and Meg asks if she's dressed up. Austin tells them that she's been telling him how much he can trust her and that she just threw Julia under the bus, maybe without realizing it because she told him that she would take him and Liz to the Final 4. James says that every move with her is like chess. She sees the game like a chessboard. Austin says he just hopes she doesn't win the veto. Austin says that right now neither she nor Steve want to be a pawn.


    11:18 AM BBT Meg asks if Steve has ever sat there on eviction day. Austin says no. He says that maybe he has a final 2 with John and that's why he doesn't want to sit with him. He tells them that last week Vanessa would barely talk to him and now she won't stop. She asked Austin if he analyzed his pictures and he asked what she meant. She asked him if he wondered why his parents sent a picture of him with his gay friends. Vanessa says that it's his parents telling him to stick with his gay friends. She also told him that the clown nose is them telling him to watch out for the clown... James or Johnny Mac.


    11:23 We are on Jeff's reels...


    12:00 Still on Jeff's reels.

  8. 12:50 PM BBT  Austin heads to the SR to get some Nutella to put on the pancakes. He breaks up some little pieces of something (nuts?) and adds some powdered sugar. Then he says, "Boom." He plates the eggs and the bacon. After plating everything on to 2 plates, he begins to make coffee.


    12:55 PM BBT  Austin pops one of the plates in the microwave for a couple seconds and heads up to the HOHR. He puts one plate on the glass table and goes over to Liz and says, "Your breakfast. A special treat." Liz asks what time it is and he says he doesn't know. Maybe twelve. He says he made her one pancake with Nutella and one without. She tells him she is so excited.



    12:59 PM BBT  Austin tells Liz she is missing all the action. She asks who else is awake and he tells her no one. She laughs and says then there's no frickin' action. She gets up and gives him a hug. He squeezes her butt. She sits down and takes a bite of the pancakes. She tells him he makes pancakes better than her.

  9. 12:15 PM BBT  Becky moves around, adjusting the ice she has on her toe and then she lays back down. Feeds 3 and 4 switch to the KT where Austin has arisen. he walks through the house and goes to the SR to get some pancake mix and heads back to the KT to begin preparation.


    12:25 PM BBT  Austin's first attempt at the pancakes isn't a success as he mumbles to himself that they are too thick. He pours the batter back into the bowl from the skillet and adds more milk then washes the skillet before making his next attempt.[it's an exciting day in the BB house, folks! --Morty].


    12:30 PM BBT  Becky is called to the DR. James tells her good luck. She limps away, in visible pain. Austin is still cooking and he's doing dishes.


    12:40 PM BBT  Austin has made a breakfast feast of pancakes, bacon and scrambled eggs.

  10. 11:00 AM BBT  Becky is telling Steve, James, and Meg about Amanda and McCrae's wedding is BB15 and how great she thought it was. She said only a little portion of it made the live show and she couldn't believe it. Now she understands. Meg asks if the BB voice ever makes it to the live show and he said rarely. We get FOTH and come back to Steve telling them about BB2 when Justin got expelled for threatening a HG with a knife. He tells them the BB voice was heard that season on the live show.


    11:05 AM BBT  Meg and James are joking back and forth and Meg says, "Weren't you just on trial yesterday? And convicted" James tells her he was but it was fixed. He tell them that the only person in the 'courtroom' that had any sense was Becky.  Meg says she doesn't have the energy to take James on today. James asks her what else she has to do. She is laying in the bed with the covers over he head. Steve leaves the room and heads to the HNR to lay down.


    11:10 AM BBT  All is quiet. Meg, Becky, and James are trying to sleep in the OBR. Feeds 3 and 4 are focused on Steve who has covered his head with a blanket in the HNR.


    11:25 AM BBT  Sleeping HG...


    11:35 AM BBT HG snoozing away. 

  11. 8:00 PM BBT  James wheels in Jackie's suitcase and says that she has requested they pack her stuff. Becky comes out of the HNR and sees Steve. He tells her that he doesn't think they should talk just yet because neither of them is in the right frame of mind. They hug. Austin and Liz are in the CBR talking talking about who they think everyone is going after. Austin is so glad that Steve won. Liz says, "Thanks for doing my dirty work, Steve."


    8:04 PM BBT  We return from FOTH and Julia, Liz, and Austin are talking to Steve in the KT. They are discussing the days in anticipation of the HOH. Becky and James are talking in the HNR. Becky says she wants to talk to John to see if he knew anything. She wants to be sure she's not being played a fool. She says she can see it both ways. She says she can see them playing together and she can see that Steve keeps his game and double eviction plan to himself. He never talks game. Becky says she told Jackie that if Steve won someone else would leave the game and blood wouldn't be on their hands.


    8:08 PM BBT  James says that all he knows is if somebody doesn't come together, they will get picked off one by one. All their groups have been split up... Clay, Shelli. He says there is one group that hasn't lost one person the whole game. Becky says that Vanessa and Austin are trouble. She says that he has a tattoo of BB. He knows this game. He says that he's just here to protect the twins. He loses the comps, but she thinks he can win games, he can win endurance comps. James says that Becky and him are a power couple. In endurance comps the only other person they have to worry about is John.


    8:12 PM BBT  Camera 1 is focused on John in the KT. He is sitting by himself talking to no one. Feeds 1 and 2 switch to Austin and Vanessa reviewing  days in the CBR. Liz is helping Meg pack Jackie's clothes. Liz finds a pair of Shelli's pants and James grabs a sticker with Shelli's name on it to put in Jackie's suitcase. Feed 3 and 4 switch to John and Becky talking in the CRL. John tells her that Steve isn't thinking like them. He wasn't ready to get rid of Vanessa yet. He wanted to get rid of someone who would be a comp threat. He thinks if he had used it James or Becky would have gone up.


    8:18 PM BBT  John worries aloud that he doesn't know how he will convince Meg and James that he isn't working with Steve. Meg and James are talking in the HNR. Meg says that she doesn't know who to take out now. James says it's everyone for themselves in this game. Becky is telling John that she just needed to find out if he knew ahead of time what the plan was or if he just went along. Becky tells John to tell them (James and Meg) that he honestly thought if Jackie came down Becky would go up. It would show loyalty. She tells him to tell them everything he told her.


    8:23 PM BBT  Becky goes to the HNR to tell Meg and James what John told her. She says that John started to tell her but that she stopped him and told him to come tell all of them. She says that it honestly made sense and seemed like the truth. Meg asks why Steve isn't talking to them. James says he isn't ready. James says not to yell because it could shut down game play. Becky says they are getting info they need no matter who they are getting it from. Steve, Austin, Vanessa, and the twins are reviewing days in the CBR.


    8:27 PM BBT  Becky tells Meg that what happened happened, how do they overcome it. They are hurting for numbers. She called Vanessa out. She says "that girl was a b*tch to pull Meg aside." Meg says that was wrong (not sure to what she is referring). Becky says, "OK, JohnnyMac, I said to give me 5 minutes. You can come now." Meg says that she's going to want to bite his head off. They tell her she can't. Becky tells them that Steve didn't want to put Vanessa up because he's close with her. Becky tells them about a conversation she had with Steve about 'being close with Vanessa.'


    8:31 PM BBT  Becky tells Meg and James that Steve is easily manipulated by Vanessa. But he's also close to John and he's been close to her. Becky goes out to get John. Meg and James discuss whether to trust Becky. They decide she didn't know about what went down, but that they do have to watch their backs with her and that Jackie would have wanted them to work with her. Meg is crying again and she tells James that he has seen her at her worst...every day. Meg says she can't wait for her DRs. Every week... "Why are they taking my peeps?" Becky says they have to get Vanessa and Austin out or they are a dying breed, but they have to be super smart.


    8:35 PM BBT  John joins them in the HNR. Meg tells him she's trying to hold her cool. She says she's not upset with him, but she's emotional. He says if he felt if he used it, someone like Becky could have gone up. Becky says to tell them his guess as to why Steve would have put Jackie and Meg up. Meg asks if it's because he thought Jackie was going to backdoor him. John says he doesn't know because he didn't ask him. Meg says all she knows is that they are dwindling down and they are the only people playing the game. Becky asks if Steve will join the other side of the house now. John says he doesn't know.


    #BB17 8:38 PM BBT  They ask John who he thinks is the most dangerous person on the other side of the house and he says Vanessa. Meg says, "Who would have thought Vanessa would have Steve in her pocket." Becky says that's what she does. She molds people and creates numbers/votes. She creates paranoia and makes people think she is giving them a helping hand. Becky says she guarantees Vanessa fed him a story that Jackie was after him. She says Vanessa is always in the center of the plans but her hands are always clean because one of her puppets did it.


    8:41 PM BBT  John says they need to get ready for HOH. Meg asks what it will be. James says maybe a puzzle. Meg says that the others think it will be days but she thinks that will be at the end. Becky says it won't be physical because they've had 2 physical in a row. James says it could be a crapshoot. Becky says she thinks it will be a puzzle. John says that Steve is available to them. Becky says they need him and that Meg needs to be nice. Meg says she will but that he's RUDE. She has a hard time with people who just won't make conversation. Becky says he doesn't have social skills. We get FOTH.


    8:43 PM BBT  Steve is telling Vanessa, Austin, and the twins that he feels empty. Austin tells him to wait until HOH. If it goes well, he might feel better. Steve says if it doesn't, he could be backdoored. They go back to reviewing for the HOH comp. Steve leaves the room and Austin is called to the DR.


    8:47 PM BBT Back in the HNR Meg, James, Becky, and John are discussing that one of them needs to win. Meg is saying that she hasn't eaten or slept and she hasn't gotten her period, so evidently she has a baby inside of her. James asks her if she's on birth control. She says yes, but you still get your period when you're on the pill. He says that you don't. She says that you do. He says that girls don't get their period on some birth control... they spot. Becky and Meg are laughing hysterically.


    8:50 PM BBT Becky says she thinks if she were watching the show she would definitely like her side of the house. She says if she were to win, she would nominate Vanessa and Austin and if one of them won POV she would put up Liz. Meanwhile, John is talking to Steve in the KT. He tells him that everyone has calmed down. Steve asks if he should go talk to them. He heads to the HNR. He tells them that he wasn't prepared to win HOH. He said she was the only person he had heard was going after him and he has struggled to build a relationship with. He said that over the last few days Austin has worked to build a relationship with him.


    8:54 PM BBT Meg tells him that Jackie was never going to go after him and that they had even talked that if he was up on the block, they would take him down if they won veto. Becky says that he should question the person who told him that Jackie was after him. She wants him to know that that person lied and has a vendetta. She said he should picture that person and to think about that. Meg says the one thing she asks of him is that from now on if he hears anything talk to them. Becky asks if it was coming from one person or multiple people. Steve says if you had to guess you'd probably be right.



    8:57 PM BBT Becky tells Steve that she's very good. Meg says that when they are HOHs, they tell people what they are doing because that's who they roll. She says she will be up front with him and she expects the same from him. Steve says that Jackie was the only person he ever heard anything about and it sounds like it was wrong. Meg says 150% it was wrong. Becky says to be careful about that person. She says that she fell into the same trap. She says that person seems helpful but she's like the snake in the Adam and Eve story. Steve says they had the right to be more angry than they are acting and he appreciates it.

  12. 7:09 PM BBT Feeds return. John is sitting in the KT by himself. Vanessa, James, Meg, and the twins are in the WA. and Meg says she was better at the veto comp than she thought she would be. They say that Steve said his wasn't working and we get FOTH.


    7:12 PM BBT  Feeds return and Meg says they can't even sad eat right now (still on slop). Becky has joined them in the WA. James leaves and joins John in the KT. James asks John if he's alright. John says yes and asks James if he's alright. James says "yup... double evictions suck ass." Meg says that they don't even get goodbye messages. John tells James that he feels terrible. He tells James that he needs to calm down and then they'll talk. James says he had to make a tough decision. Everyone does at one time or another.


    7:15 PM BBT  One of the twins asks who got evicted in the double eviction last year. They figure out that it was Jocasta and Hayden. The WA crew discuss that they are jealous that Shelli and Jackie will get drunk. Vanessa leaves them and joins James and John. She thanks them for keeping her. She thanks John for his vote, telling him that she knows he wanted to give his vote to Shelli. In the WA they discuss where everyone is sleeping. Meg laughs and tells everyone they should avoid sleeping with her. Whoever sleeps with her goes home.


    7:20 PM BBT  John is sitting in the KT with his knees up and his head resting on them. Julia comes to the KT sink and is cleaning. James tells John that at least one of them gets the chance to come back. Julia agrees. James says they will wait to evict at least 2 more people before they will probably play to come back into the house. Becky, Austin, and Meg are talking about the pictures they used in the HOH comp, specifically the one with Clay holding the bowl. Liz and Vanessa are talking in the OBR. They are discussing that they are surprised Vanessa wasn't put up on the block. Austin is telling the girls in the WA that he thought he was getting backdoored.


    7:23 PM BBT  We go to FOTH. We come back and Becky says she had no idea what he was going to do because he doesn't talk to anyone. We go immediately back to FOTH. We come back and Austin says that it's a lot to process. Becky says she feels like the story Steve gave was a cover up and the whole environment in the house changed. Meg says, "Why Jackie?" Becky says that he and Jackie always got along. They weren't buddy buddy, but they hung out in the evenings by the pool. Becky says she thinks he will be a wreck and Meg says that she doesn't feel bad for him.


    7:25 PM BBT  Meg says that Steve didn't even have a conversation with Jackie. Austin tells them they need to try to compose themselves before the next HOH. He says he thinks it will be days or before and afters. Vanessa and Liz are talking in the CBR. She says she can't believe she made it. They jump up and hug. Liz says she doesn't know why they are so mad. She says they have never been nice to Steve. Vanessa says things are going to work out. She says she was so scared because she thought everyone was lying about how they were going to vote.


    7:28 PM BBT  James joins Becky and Austin in the WA. He says he thinks it will be a long HOH comp. Becky says they will fill the next show with how everything went down for the double eviction. James says if this one is another question answer style, then the next one will be a physical one. Becky says there are 9 people left and James says they have lost 8 people...they've reached the halfway point. Liz tells Vanesa she didn't know what John would do. Van tells her that John is after the other side of the house. Vanessa says she doesn't understand why they didn't go for Becky. Then she realizes it's because JohnnyMac is close to Becky or Steve would have.


    7:32 PM BBT  Becky says that she never thought Jackie would be leaving. James says it was mentioned that if Steve won he would throw a curveball. Austin says he wants random sh*t. Becky says Steve talks so little game that she doesn't think they will ever know why. James says he may have heard some friendly fire or he heard something that wasn't even true. Austin says that he does remember everything that was ever said. Austin says that he may have been afraid to go after Becky or him. James says that Steve told him that he's not his target. Austin really thought he was the target.


    7:34 PM BBT  Vanessa and Meg are talking in the HNR. Vanessa tells Meg that she thinks Jackie was his target and that he sees Meg as the least likely to win a competition and come after him. Meg asks why Jackie and Vanessa says she really doesn't understand why. Vanessa tells her not to take it personally. Meg says it's funny because Jackie wasn't going after him at all. We get FOTH. Vanessa says she could barely handle a speech, then sitting thru the vote, then Shelli going home, then playing in the comp, etc. She says she doesn't think she's ever had so much adrenaline in her life.


    7:38 PM BBT  Vanessa leaves the HNR. James joins Meg and asks her if she's OK. He promises her he had nothing to do with this and she says she knows. He says that he thinks either Vanessa or Austin did. Maybe they offered him protection with the twins. He just doesn't think he would have done this by himself. Meanwhile, Vanessa is talking with Julia in the CBR. She tells her that there's about a 50% chance that one of the twins will make the top 2. Liz comes into the BR and they all jump around. James and Meg speculate as to whether John and Steve are working with the other side of the house.


    7:42 PM BBT  Becky joins Meg and James in the HNR. She tells them that John tried to talk to her and she told him NOT NOW. She says that she lost 2 people today. Becky says the only thing she can think of is that John and Steve are mad that they sent Shelli home. James said that may be true, because they struck strategically. Meg says that now they are motivated though. Becky says that she was probably their closest connection in the house. She highly doubts Steve is working with the other side and John always talked about Clay. Feed 3 and 4 switch to Steve and John in the KT.


    7:45 PM BBT  Steve says he wants to get in an apology. John says they are in the HNR. Steve says he's not in a good place right now, but he wants to apologize. He's just not in a calm place yet. He says when he's in a calm place, he will be happy to talk to them. James says OK. He leaves the room. Becky says that he has only ever talked about Austin. Meg says she has felt like an idiot every week. Becky says the only person who is ever safe is the person they announce is the target on Thursday night. Steve goes into the CBR and the twins ask if he's OK. He says not even a little.


    7:50 PM BBT  James says they are on the bottom of the totem pole. They will pick them off one by one. Meg asks what they have done in this game. Becky says the only thing she can think of is that they were a solid 4. Steve tells the twins and Vanessa that he hopes he made the right move. Steve goes and joins John in the KT again. Becky decides she is going to ask John what happened. James says he believes Steve and John will be straight about what happened. Meg says do they realize that Jackie was the last person who was coming after them. James says if he heard she was he will keep it in his head.


    7:53 PM BBT  John joins the HNR crew and asks if they are OK. Meg starts to cry and says absolutely not. John says that Steve said it was OK to tell them that he asked him not to use the POV. Meg says she just wished that people would talk straight. She says all he ever mentioned was Austin and then he just puts up people who are mean to him. John says that right up to the end they walk into the hammock room and says are you OK with not using it. John says OK. Meg says I know it's not your job to explain it. John says that it is his job to do it. James is called to the DR. Steve is talking to himself in the KT.


    7:56 PM BBT  James comes out and sees Steve and Steve asks for a hug. Steve asks if he should go sit with them and James says it probably isn't a great idea right now. James goes to the WA to get ready for the DR. Meg says she really thought he was going to backdoor someone and she really feels really played by him. Meanwhile, Steve is talking to himself and saying that he has never been this angry before. He whispers, "I did not want this HOH." He seems James as he heads to the DR and says that he just wants his basket. Steve tells James that he's happy he did what he did and he thinks he did it correctly.

  13. 12:09 PM BBT  Steve tells Vanessa that he's going to tell Shelli and everyone that he made a 2 week deal with Vanessa when she was HOH. That way he doesn't burn any bridges. Vanessa says that she'll make him a deal. If within 2 hours of the vote she doesn't have the votes, she'll let him vote the other way. She asks him if she can count on him. He asks her to give him until tonight. He says that he doesn't want to lie to her. He says that she needs to understand the pickle he's in because John, James, Becky, and Meg want things a certain way and he may have to live with them. If he tells them they have a 2 week deal it may help. She says she has played the game loyally and given him a lot of info. He leaves to go to the WA.


    12:18 PM BBT  Julia has joined the HG in the BY. Liz and Austin are still getting ready in the WA. Julia is wearing a red bathing suit with a red bandana in her hair. Liz has her hair down and is wearing a long sleeveless sweater. Steve goes back to the CBR. He tells Vanessa that there are a lot of people pulling him in different directions. She says that there's only one person who has told him everything from the beginning and has been loyal from the beginning and has always had a contingency. He says he wants her to stay but doesn't see how it can happen.


    12:21 PM BBT  Vanessa tells Steve that the argument for her staying is that she is gunning for Becky and no one else. She is gunning for the person who is synonymous with a type of shoewear...flip flop. He says he didn't understand that she had an argument that might work. He is obviously very uncomfortable and leaves as soon as he can.


    12:26 PM BBT  John is shaving. Steve joins him in the WA and tells him that he feels like he might vote for Vanessa because of their 2 week deal. John says he'll make sure that people understand. As long as it doesn't mess anything up, it will be OK. Steve says he wants to talk to Shelli so she understands. John tells Steve he had a deal with Vanessa, too, but she came after him first. At this point everyone is in the BY but Vanessa and John.


    12:30 PM BBT  Vanessa has now joined the rest of the HG in the BY. Austin and Becky are now in the KT. Austin asks Becky what she wants for dinner if it's take out. She says she probably won't eat anything. She has lost her appetite lately. She says that something about everything has made her kind of over it. Maybe it's because her environment isn't changing. Julia is told to put on her mic. Austin and Becky go back outside. John is still in the WA, now shaving the back of his neck.


    12:40 PM BBT  The girls decide they are going to take an all girls pic on the circle lounger. They want to put their heads inside and have Austin take it fro above. Feeds 3 and 4 switch to the HNR where James is still sleeping. He takes several and gives them to the girls to review. They decide they need more. Shelli tells everyone to laugh and everyone forces laughs. They all look at the pics and they all ooooh and aaaaah over them.


    12:49 PM BBT  The HG go inside for food. Jackie goes into the HNR and tells James they are getting into their outfits for photos (sweatshirts, towels wrapped around their necks, sunglasses). Becky tells them that for her blog post she said she visits the peasants downstairs in the HNR, so she wants a pic of them. Shelli comes in and Becky asks her if she will take their pic. Someone in the KT is singing, so we FOTH for a second. We come back and Meg is climbing into her chair saying, "Damn this chair. I hate it. I hate this chair." They take several pics.


    12:55 PM BBT  Jackie tells Meg that James talked to Becky last night. He tells them that Becky mentioned that the votes usually come down crazy. He says that she said she sees Vanessa as more of a threat. They talk about how they'll have to win next week if they do this. James says that he told her at the end of the day it's just better that Vanessa and Shelli get split up no matter who goes. Meg says that people are underestimating the relationships that they (Meg, James, and Jackie) have in the house.

  14. 11:36 AM BBT Meg comes out of the hot tub because she's too hot. She tells Vanessa she had to go get in today because she was so cold from the HNR. Vanessa goes inside because she's too hot. She tells Shelli that her eyes are so f'ed up and now she needs to wear these sunglasses until they're better. We get FOTH.


    11:39 AM BBT  Feeds return and Shelli is telling Vanessa that she wishes she could read everyone's, especially James's from last week. Vanessa says he probably wrote that it was hard but it was a game move. Vanessa says she wishes BB would give them sedatives. Shelli says if they did everyone would be knocked out all the time. Vanessa asks Shelli for advice on what to wear on Thursday.


    11:42 AM BBT  Becky comes outside and tells John and Meg that they have the camera. She grabs the shark and says that she is going to go wake people up with it. She tells Shelli and Vanessa that they have the camera. Shelli says that everyone is sleeping and Becky says she's going to wake them with the shark. Shelli says that's so funny. Vanessa says, "So funny," and gets up to tell Shelli that she finds Becky to be a very cold and calculated person who has no heart and switches to whatever side the power is on.


    11:46 AM BBT  Vanessa says the thing she likes the most about Shelli is that she's a warm person... like how she was with Audrey. Becky has woken up Austin and Liz, James, and Steve and Julia. Steve wanders into the WA, stopping Vanessa and Shelli's conversation.


    11:51 AM BBT  Jackie is telling James that Vanessa, along with Shelli and Clay, think that Meg and Jason were the votes for Jeff and that they were in an alliance with Jason and Meg and that's why Jackie was so upset when Jason was gone. James says, we were upset because you guys split us up and Jackie says now we're splitting them up. James says they better hope we don't win next week. Becky, John, and Meg are out in the BY taking pics.


    11:55 AM BBT  Vanessa is in the HNR putting things in the dirty clothes. James is in one of the dental chairs. They are not talking. Vanessa leaves and sees Steve. She tells him she feels better today even though her eyes are horrible. She tells him she will show him but she won't let the camera see. He says that he can't tell at all. She says that's because he's Steven. He says that she's calling him Steven and no one has called him that in 2 months. Vanessa goes into the CBR and tells Austin and Liz that she looks like dog poop. The photo shoot is still going on in the BY.

    11:59 AM BBT  Julia asks out loud what bathing suit she should wear today. Steve says her birthday bathing suit. Julia asks what a birthday bathing suit is. Becky says it's nothing and Julia says, "Oh my gosh, Steve!" He says he was just kidding. Julia goes into the CBR and asks Vanessa if she's going to come take pics. Van says she wants to but she can't stand 'her' (Becky). She finds her phony and thinks that Becky owes her an apology. BB tells Julia to put on her mic. Julia says she understands because even James had the decency to go talk to Shelli.



    12:03 PM BBT  Austin comes in the the CBR and asks Vanessa if she's coming outside. She tells him she was outside laying out but that it's really hot. She says she will come out for the tail end of pics. She reads the bible as he leaves. Feeds 3 and 4 switch the the WA where Liz, Julia, Jackie, and Austin are doing ADLs to get ready for pics. Shelli comes outside and Becky tells her she looks beautiful. She says she feels like a rag doll.

  15. 11:08 AM BBT Vanessa goes into the shower, Meg and Shelli continue with ADLs. Not much conversation. John still outside on hammock rocking back and forth, back and forth.


    11:13 AM BBT The feeds come back from FOTH and Meg has joined John in the BY. She tells him that she hopes to stay awake all day for her back's sake. --she is NOT enjoying sleeping in the HNR. John says he's going to do laundry today because he thinks IDL will be early in the morning on Wednesday. Vanessa is out of the shower. She and Shelli are doing ADLs and not talking to one another.


    11:18 AM BBT John asks Meg if there's a pool she goes to in NYC. She says she and her friends like to go to Central Park. BB tells them to put up the awnings. Vanessa is using a Qtip on her eyes with some product she borrowed from Shelli. Her eyes are very swollen. She told Meg and Shelli earlier that she thinks she is having an allergic reaction to something, maybe her mascara.


    11:22 AM BBT Vanessa joins John and Meg outside. She lays out on the round lounger. Meg puts her feet in the hot tub while John goes inside to get his laundry. Feeds 3 and 4 switch to Austin and Liz sleeping in the CBR.


    11:28 AM BBT John has changed into a bathing suit and brought his clothes to the washing machine. Shelli is still doing her hair in the WA. John goes over and joins Meg by the hot tub. He tells her he is down to his comp swimsuit and that's it.


    11:32 AM BBT John tells Meg that he asked 'them' for Nair last night because back hair is so unattractive. She tells him that the 50 days have got to go. She feels like it was day 50 awhile ago. Then she says that at least they are halfway through. They discuss whether they will get takeout that night and what it will be. John says his parents won't eat sushi because they just will not try raw fish. Their discussion turns to sushi.

  16. 7:26 PM BBT  Meg says this is very hard. James screams, “Meg gets her 3rd cup!” Everyone laughs. Becky screams, “This sucks!” Austin says that Jace would be flipping and flopping everywhere if he were there. Meg says, “Who’s Jace?” They joke about how even Jodi had her picture stay up on the Memory Wall!


    7:32 PM BBT  Julia glides across the left side of her lane as she has cleared a path down it. She and Becky are next to each other and their bowls are equally full. Becky runs down her lane. James says that Johnny Mac, Becky, and Julia are battling it out. Austin says it's a pretty close 3-way tie.


    7:35 PM BBT  James says that Crisco is a new sponsor. Austin says his shoelaces are untied and he doesn't give a sh*t. Becky runs down her lane covering her funnel. Jackie's bowl is getting full, but it's about a line below Julia's and Becky's. Austin says he knows his toe is bleeding from slamming it into the tanks as he's been gliding back and forth. We got to FOTH.


    7:38 PM BBT  Johnny Mac doesn't cover his funnel when he runs, but instead puts one of his fingers below the funnel hole at the bottom. Becky covers it at the bottom with one hand and at the top with the other. Jackie follows the same method as Becky. James tells the guys they need to step it up. Steve asks if there are 4 guys there. James says the deck does seem to be stacked in the girls favor. James asks if Austin and Meg are tied. Meg says she thinks Austin is beating her by a little bit.


    7:41 PM BBT  Becky seems to have pulled ahead of Julia by a little bit. Meg is heard to say, "How are they running?" and then she says, "Good work you guys!" Meg, ever the cheerleader says, "I see you down there Vanessa." Vanessa says, "I don't think Meg has fallen at all, has she?" Meg says she hasn't. Lots of panting is heard in the BY.


    7:46 PM BBT  Each tank is lined like a large measuring cup. Becky's tank is almost to the halfway point. John and Jackie look to be about a line below Becky. We go to FOTH.


    7:50 PM BBT  Julia's tank is almost to the halfway point. James tells everyone that it looks tough. Vanessa says that it is not easy. He says that he's not going to lie, he's glad he isn't competing in this one. Becky is a machine, up and down her alley she goes. Julia does the same. A thump is heard and everyone asks Steve if he's OK. James says Steve is going to have to go to the pit stop for a new rear end.


    7:52 PM BBT  Feeds 1 and 2 are almost exclusively focused on John, Becky, and Julia, occasionally showing Jackie. James asks why it's so quiet out there. He says you can hear a mouse piss on cotton. Meg asks, "Who says that?" Liz wipes out and says that she has officially fallen the most. She tells Austin she will need long massages after this. He says that he will, too. James says there will be a massage party tonight.


    7:56 PM BBT  Feed 1 is on Jackie and John and Feed 2 is on Becky and Julia after she takes a fall. Meg is heard to say that she is getting no dates after this show. Becky is in the lead, but a number of others aren't far behind her (Julia, John, Jackie). John says, "Good job everybody. Keep your eye on the prize. Eye on the tiger."


    8:00 PM BBT  The HG have gotten much quieter as the competition wears on into the evening. Becky says, "Ow, my feet." Feeds 1 and 2 continue to focus on John and Becky who are not talking almost at all, but are concentrating on winning the competition. Becky has reached the next line in her tank. Julia has reached the halfway point, as has John.


    8:03 PM BBT  Austin tells Meg that it's anyones race between them (for last place?) Jackie yells out, "Congratulations on jury, guys!" James says that he thinks Julie was giving them a hint that someone would come back from jury. Austin says that she did says that. Steve said that last year it was the spinning disk. James said it was the wall last time. Austin said they would go home in October. Someone asks Becky if they gave her a pitcher and she says she just carried the barrel down with her one time and filled it up.


    8:06 PM BBT  Austin wipes out and Meg tells him he's like a baby deer on ice. Liz tells him they don't have to sleep in the dentist chairs tonight and everyone says they get to eat tonight. Austin says that when he is home he eats 16 eggs a day. John runs into the tank and everyone asks him if he's OK. He says that he is and, "I got it there!" Austin is moving in VERY slow motion as are Meg and Vanessa. Meg asks how long they think it has been. Austin says 2 hours. They realize the sun hasn't fully set yet, so James says an hour and a half.


    8:09 PM BBT  Becky wonders how many miles they have gone. Austin says, "Steve?" He says he has no idea. James says he thinks 5 or 6 and he's Asian so you can bank on it. Becky wonders what that means. He says that Asians are naturally smart so his guess must be right. --well, all Asians but this one, he says. Austin wonders whether they are allowed to talk about stuff like that. Becky thinks his guess is probably right though. Someone is humming so we get FOTH.


    8:12 PM BBT  We come back and the HG are saying that a train can't stop Becky. Austin says, "Whoa," and almost falls over with his tank. He says, "That was almost an international incident." Jackie says, "How you doin' Meg?" She says she's doing OK. The HG speculate as to what the liquid is that they are pouring. Jackie thought it was Coke, but Austin says he doesn't think so. Steve takes a spill and manages to avoid falling on his wrist. Austin wonders aloud if certain lanes have advantages.


    8:15 PM BBT  Austin says that someone has to be close and Meg says that Becky is. Becky has now gone 3 lines past the halfway point on her tank. She thinks that the liquid is dyed vegetable oil.


    8:18 PM BBT  James says, "Good job Vanessa. You've really picked up the pace." Steve takes another fall. Becky is 2 lines from the top and has taken a far lead. Second place looks to be Julia with John and Jackie having fallen pretty far behind them. All the HG are very quiet with the exception of lots of panting. We got to FOTH.


    8:25 PM BBT  Becky's liquid is almost to the top. The 2 quietest HG in the yard have been Vanessa and Shelli. Shelli has barely talked the entire time and the feeds haven't shown her tank the entire time.


    8:25 PM BBT  Becky's reaches in and can't quite do it, so she makes another run. Pours her liquid and makes another run. She makes another run. James tells her to reach her fingers in there soon. He tells her she has a good lead and she should get the 5 grand. She says she doesn't mind the dentist chair. She keeps running. Becky grabs the ball, runs down and hits the buzzer. She wins. She goes to get another ball, wins $5000. Goes to get another ball and wins HOH.


    8:29 PM BBT  So, in order, Becky won NEVER NOT, then $5000 and then HOH. No one else was even close to her for the last part of this competition. We are now on FOTH.


    8:44 PM BBT Feeds return and Shelli is crying in the OBR. Meg is holding her and telling her she understands. She will see him so soon. She says she doesn't want to be that girl that no one wants to be around. Meg says that she's too cool to be that girl. Shelli says he would have killed that comp, too. Meg says he would have. Julia, Liz, Austin, and Becky are talking in the have-not room about the competition. Julia says there was no competition for her. It reminded her of someone skiing and that was up her alley.


    8:48 PM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 are focused on Shelli alone in the OBR crying. Meanwhile, Jackie, Meg, James, and John are in the KT. James says that Becky killed that comp. Jackie says she knew that Becky would and that Becky did, too. James says she got a sweet package deal! Never-not, $5000, and HOH. Becky walks by and Meg tells her that she rocks their socks. Feeds 1 and 2 switch to Liz and Julia laying down in the have-not room. Liz says that when she blinks she sees a white shield (from the Crisco). She whispers that she thinks they're good.


    8:52 PM BBT Austin brings the twins something to drink. He lays on the floor with an ice pack and Liz joins him down there to lay on her back. Meanwhile, Becky is in the WA and she tells Steve and Shelli that John was lapping her in the comp, but he wasn't as efficient with his liquid. Steve says it would be a different comp if it was the number of laps people took. Then he tells them that Clay got a lot of applause.


    8:55 PM BBT Austin and Liz are whispering about strategy. His feeling is that they are good with her and they just need to be her buddy. Austin says she needs to be careful about her noms because next week is double eviction and she won't be able to play. Then their discussion turns to what they want to eat and when they should start cooking (they get to eat at midnight). They discuss everyones falls during the competitions. Shelli is in the WA and she asks Becky if she's going to eat some of the pizza.

  17. 8:00 PM BBT Jason and Meg in the OBR laying in bed, Clay and James talking on the patio. Clay continuing to tell James that they didn't tell Vanessa to nominate Vanessa. James wants to know if Shelli will be OK. Clay says that it's hard for them because they feel that any group they join they will automatically be at the bottom because there are tiers of alliances. James says that everyone feels that way. Clay says that they don't want to fight hard for people who won't fight just as hard for them. They feel that they don't have "their" group of people. James says he knows what he means.


    8:05 PM BBT James tells Clay that Jason told him they were getting concerned that he (James) was getting too close to Austin. James told him that he's like a dog. He knows where his dish is and he's coming home to it. James says that he has never f'ed Clay over and Clay says he doesn't doubt that for a minute. James says if he's ever had a question, he's come right to him and Shelli. Clay says Shelli has such a good relationship with Jason and for people to suggest that she spearheaded this just sucks. It's just that Vanessa has made too many deals with people and her options were limited.


    8:10 PM BBT Jason tells Meg that Vanessa said some really nice stuff to him and he starts to cry. He says he thought this would change his life and Meg says it's going to change. He says not half a million dollars change. He says he hates trying. He says it's not a charity case game. Jason says he hopes Da'Vonne will be there on Thursday. Meg tells him that the two of them better control the Twitter world. Shelli comes into the room and joins them in the bed.


    8:15 PM BBT Shelli tells them that she was in an awkward position because she loves both sides. She made sure not to say, "I had NOOO idea." Everything in the house gets said in a roundabout way. She wanted to be sure not to lie to their faces. Meg said her problem was more with Clay and she already talked with him. She wants him to be sure to know she didn't put his name out there. Meanwhile, Becky is telling Jackie that James pushed the first domino and she's begging her not to go back to him to tell him that she said that.


    8:19 PM BBT Meg is crying and she says she just wishes there was more logic about it but there doesn't seem to be. In the BY Becky and Jackie are in the hammock and she says she can hardly blame James because she understands that he didn't want to stay on the block. She says that she was asleep and Austin was campaigning the whole time. She wakes up and it's time for the ceremony and she doesn't even have time to talk to anyone. The next thing she knows Jason is up on the block and these are her friends. Back in the OBR Jason and Meg are crying talking to Shelli. He tells her that this was supposed to get him out of his mom's basement.


    8:24 PM BBT Jason says he doesn't understand what he did to make people in the house loathe him. Liz can't even look at him. He says, "I'm sorry I figured out you were a twin, hon." Becky tells Jackie that she can't understand why the other side repeatedly is going after Jason. She says she wonders if there is something that he's done or they don't know because "Clelli" has been going after him for a month. Shelli is telling Jason that we live in the house and we think it's the world and it's not. He's going to get to watch BB now. They all have to leave eventually.


    8:30 PM BBT Shelli leaves the OBR and Jason tells Meg that he thought it was Clay who usually gave everyone their goodbye speech. Jason says that Shelli had 3 tears fall and she even tried to push one out. He hears Liz talking and say, "Oh tell that twin ho to shut up right now." Becky and Jackie are talking about comps and Becky tells her that her confidence going into double elimination isn't that strong. She says that when she was at her lowest she still couldn't save herself (after POV).


    8:34 PM BBT Jason tells Meg that he is loyal to a fault. He says the he told Clelli that he would have done anything for them...well, until he would eventually f'ed him over in the end, but he would have been loyal. He says if they think any of these other people are going to be loyal, they're crazy. Becky tells Jackie that she isn't going for super bold moves if she wins HOH. She can't. Like she wouldn't backdoor Vanessa because she's paired with Clelli and they win everything so you can't target them. She says whoever throws the first stone will be sitting in jury the next week.


    8:38 PM BBT Jackie says it just sucks because she was going to backdoor Austin but she didn't get to stay HOH. Jackie says that Liz is so mad at Jason because he blew up her game. She says that it was actually Da'Vonne who did it. Becky says that she hasn't done anything this whole time and she just doesn't get it. Becky tells Jackie that she has stopped dreaming about the real world and only dreams about BB. Jackie says, "Happy Day 40." Jason tells Meg that he's cried too much today and he needs wine. Clay joins Meg and Jason in the bed.


    8:42 PM BBT Clay tells them that they knew right before that it was a possibility, but that they didn't know all day. He tells them that Shelli is having a really hard time with it. He tells them that she came inside upset when he was talking to James outside on the patio. Jackie and Becky head inside to eat. Clay and Meg hug each other and Meg says that they are going to the Final 2. Jason says he feels like the father in Fiddler on the Roof. People are coming to him to ask if they can marry Meg now.


    8:47 PM BBT Jason and Meg talk about how great it would be if any of the evicted HG could come back. Jason says if America gets to pick it will be Da. Meg says that Da'Vonne will be mad at her because she was supposed to protect him. Meg says that they did a great job keeping his name a surprise. Jason says that he wasn't at all prepared for his name to be called. He had no idea and doesn't even remember her speech because he was in such shock. Meg says the only thing that will get her through is knowing he will be watching.


    8:52 PM BBT Shelli and Clay are laying down together in the circle lounger in the BY, Steve is laying down in the middle of the BY, and James is walking in circles holding a hula hoop. Clay and Shelli are talking about Becky. Shelli says that Becky told her that she talks more game with them than with anyone else and she believes her. Shelli says, "Wow... she really doesn't talk game." James is called to the DR. Jason and Meg wonder what his DRs are like. Jason says James probably doesn't even have an accent.


    8:57 PM BBT Jason is talking about how fast his life will return to normal. He says that he bets he will be back to stocking shelves sooner than he thinks. Meg says the game is hard and Jason says he's had more fun than he thought he would. Jason leaves the OBR and Meg says she is going to sleep. He heads to the KT and meets up with Becky. Shelli and Clay are having conversations about coffee and food in the BY.


    9:03 PM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 switch to Austin and Liz who have their feet in the hot tub. They are discussing the differences between saunas and steam rooms. BB also finds this boring, because they switch the feeds to the BY patio where Jason is smoking and talking to Steve, John, and Jackie. Now Shelli is laying down with her head on Clay's chest and Clay's arm is around her. They are discussing what happened on which days. Shelli says she went crazy on day 30 when she had to put up Jason and John.


    9:08 PM BBT Meg is called to the DR. Becky has joined the patio crew. Shelli and Clay are talking about everyone on the patio. Their discussion moves to who they hope wins the next HOH. Jackie and Jason are talking about the gay guys she knows. Steve asks her what percentage of the guys she dances with are straight. She says one. All 4 feeds switch to Clelli on the lounger.


    9:15 PM BBT Shelli and Clay are talking about dogs. Their discussion goes from whether they like dogs with short hair (Clay) or long hair (Shelli), whether you let a dog lick your face or not (Shelli does, Clay no). It's enthralling.


    9:22 PM BBT All 4 feeds switch to the WA. James tells Jackie that Clay asked him what his relationship is like with Becky and her. He said that Clay was going around doing damage control and that's what he asked. Someone comes inside, so Jackie goes to the WC. When she comes out James asks if she got a good vibe off Clay. Jackie says he said they were just trying to guarantee that Becky was safe. Jackie said it didn't have to come to this because she would have been safe if Austin went up, too. James said that they are on the outside of something whether they call it an alliance or not.


    9:29 PM BBT  Their conversation ends and all 4 feeds switch back to the patio. Austin and Liz are still talking at the hot tub. Steve, Jason, and Becky are talking about basketball overseas. Becky heads inside and Steve heads over to the stairmaster. He realizes that it's not working and neither is the fridge. He heads inside leaving Jason alone on the patio.


    9:33 PM BBT  Jackie joins jason on the patio. She has changed into workout gear. She tells him she has to get her ass in shape so she can win comps. Jackie asks if Meg is upstairs. He say she is in the DR. He says they were trying to get her to cry before and she wouldn't...now that he has gotten her to cry in the bed, they probably figure they can get her to cry in there. Then Austin is called to the DR. Austin and Liz head inside. Meg comes outside and goes to the patio. It's Jackie, Jason, James, Steve, and Becky together.


    9:40 PM BBT  Becky throws a orange balls from hand to hand screaming in frustration. Steve tells her they are his juggling apparatuses and takes them back and then jokingly throws one at her but it actually hurts her. Everyone laughs and someone says that's how Steve flirts. The BY becomes a juggling 3 ring circus. Steve is juggling, James is juggling, Becky is juggling. Clay and Shelli are still on the lounger in the BY.


    9:45 PM BBT  All 4 feeds are focused on the patio couches where Jason, Jackie and Steve are sitting. You can hear James and Meg talking in the background. Becky walks by. She has changed into her bathing suit and she heads to the hot tub.


    9:55 PM BBT  There is very little conversation in the BY. No game talk at this time. James comes over to join Jackie and Jason. They are quoting songs and BB isn't cutting to FOTH.

  18. 12:05 PM BBT All cameras are in the OBR. Becky, James, Austin and Vanessa are talking. Becky says she has insurance to cover her house because she has a pool. They like to have a party and wants to be sure they're covered. Feeds 1 and 2 move to the KT. Jason, Meg, Shelli, and Jackie are talking. Jackie says "she's" going to be OK. They are all going to have to leave eventually whether it's to leave for good or to go to the jury.



    12:10 PM BBT Austin has moved to the WA to wash his face. He's talking to Liz (Julia). We go to FOTH. Feeds come back and James is saying that Audrey has been in the DR ever since and the reason they are keeping the veto... we go back to FOTH. We come back and Austin, Jason, Meg, Liz (Julia) and Shelli are around the KT table talking about the players' pictures. Becky and James are talking in the OBR.


    12:15 PM BBT James and Becky leave the OBR to get something to eat. Vanessa and Clay are left sleeping in there. Audrey is still in the DR. All the HG who are awake are in the KT.


    12:25 PM BBT  James, Austin, and Jason are discussing the stages of grief. Meg talks about Jason coming in to fold his clothes with the lights on around 2 AM. He said he normally does it on the pool table, but it was wet. We get FOTH.


    12:30 PM BBT  Feeds come back and James is in the CBR. He is talking to Steve and telling him he should get up rather than sleep the day away. James tells him that they haven't had the veto meeting yet. Steve leaves the room. James changes clothes and gathers up some dirty clothes. Feeds 1 and 2 switch to Austin and Clay in the LR talking about working out. James heads to the LR. Becky joins them, as well.


    12:35 PM BBT  All the feeds have switched to the LR where they are discussing sleep schedules. Steve has joined them and they say that his schedule is completely messed up. He wants them to help him get on a more normal schedule. They give him pointers to change it back.


    12:40 PM BBT  Feeds 3 and 4 switch to the KT and Meg is saying something about how they will know the game is rigged if "that" happens. Jason says that they signed up to play a game, not a fair game. Meg asks what he means. He says that they will make twists and turns in the game that end up in some people's favor. She says that's fine, but not if they change it once the game has started. Jason says that they can do whatever they want to do, they are the producers. We get FOTH.


    1:40 PM BBT  All the feeds stay in the OBR, but Clay, Austin, Steve, and Shelli can be heard talking in the KT. They are told to stop talking about production. Production comes over the PA and says, "Yes," to something they say, but the audio comes across with an echo and it's unclear as to what they are saying. They are told they are not allowed to talk about production again.


    1:50 PM BBT  Vanessa is in the KT telling them that she had a dream about Steve telling her that everyone went to Jury Camp before they went to BB except for her. There was a Julie Chen-like character there and they all learned about her and no one would tell her about the character. There was also a bookstore in front of the house and that had strategy books that looked like Cliffnotes. Steve said a strategy book for this game would never work because no one has really won the game like anyone else.


    1:55 PM BBT  Austin and Shelli are in the WA talking about how Julia and Liz haven't had a chance to switch places yet. He says that she usually gets a warning early in the day letting her know when it's going to happen but that she hasn't had a chance yet. She asks him if he's excited and he says that he can't wait. Shelli heads to the KT and sits down with Vanessa at the table. She tells Vanessa that it's ridiculous and we get FOTH.


    12:45 PM BBT  Shelli, Meg, and Jackie move to the LR. They are talking about how they hate when a guy tells them they look "fine." They're rushing to get you out of the house and they say, "Come on, come on... you look 'fine.'" Becky says she lives with guys and they always say they like natural beauty, but the moment they see a girl with lots of makeup dressed all up, that's the girl they want. So whenever a guy says he wants a natural girl, she calls B.S. Liz (Julia) and John are talking about whitening teeth in the KT. He says that whitening your teeth makes them very sensitive. He's never whitened his.


    12:55 PM BBT  The HG are talking about who read the rulebook. James says he didn't. He knew he was getting ready to be locked away for a long time and he had some time to himself without cameras. He said if there were cameras, they'd have some crazy footage. Feeds 3 and 4 switch to Becky and Jackie in the have-not room talking about Audrey and how she will go to any length to stay.


    1:00 PM BBT  Becky says the 2 people who are the easiest for Audrey to manipulate are Shelli and Vanessa and she's worked them both before, so she's going to try to do it again. Jackie says that's not how this game usually works. They talk about how she's risen from the dead already. Becky says that from an HR and legality standpoint... and we get FOTH. We come right back and they say if she evicts herself they wonder if they would still have to evict someone. Jackie says she thinks she can make it until Thursday because she wouldn't get a paycheck otherwise. We get FOTH again.


    1:05 PM BBT  Becky and Jackie are in the have-not room sleeping. Austin, Liz (Julia), Shelli, Jason, John, James, Steve, and Clay are in the LR. Vanessa was last seen asleep in the OBR. Liz (Julia) says that this is taking so long that she thinks it's time for a nap. Steve says there are so many thousands of people, and to do that to them. John says that they are just speculating [that Audrey is evicting herself]. We get FOTH. Feeds come back and someone is saying, "If she does leave the producers will have the sole power to decide how this week will play out."


    1:15 PM BBT  Jason says he thought he was going to be another Jodi (from Season 14) because everyone would find him so annoying. Liz (Julia) asks what happened to her, so he fills her in on how Jodi was evicted the first night. The group in the LR starts to break up. John goes to take a shower. Austin and Shelli are in the KT and he whispers to her that this is getting ridiculous and he's getting mad because it's holding up production.


    1:20 PM BBT  Liz (Julia) is laying down in the CBR. Clay, Shelli, and Austin are getting some food in the KT. Very little conversation other than about the food they are eating.


    1:30 PM BBT  We are at FOTH. When we return, Austin is saying that this has never happened before and it's like a Steven King novel in there...the Perfect Storm. Feeds 1 and 2 switch to Jason and Meg in the OBR. Vanessa is still asleep in one of the other beds. Meg says she can't believe they haven't been called in yet. In the KT Clay says he's mad about the pool table. He says that if you put the ball on the table it rolls straight to one side more than it did before. Someone not on camera says he thinks the rain worked it over.


    1:35 PM BBT  John comes out of the WA touching his face and points out that his facial hair is really coming in. They ask him if he's going to keep it after this week. He says he may. Shelli is jealous of his fedora. She had one on the flight over and forgot it on the plane. They start to talk about what happened when they got their BB bags and their keys. Steve says that he honestly threw up! Shelli is told by production not to obstruct her mic. When she moves it, BB says, "Thank you." As they talk about their initial interviews, all feeds switch to the OBR.


    1:40 PM BBT  All the feeds stay in the OBR, but Clay, Austin, Steve, and Shelli can be heard talking in the KT. They are told to stop talking about production. Production comes over the PA and says, "Yes," to something they say, but the audio comes across with an echo and it's unclear as to what they are saying. They are told they are not allowed to talk about production again.


    1:50 PM BBT  Vanessa is in the KT telling them that she had a dream about Steve telling her that everyone went to Jury Camp before they went to BB except for her. There was a Julie Chen-like character there and they all learned about her and no one would tell her about the character. There was also a bookstore in front of the house and that had strategy books that looked like Cliffnotes. Steve said a strategy book for this game would never work because no one has really won the game like anyone else.


    1:55 PM BBT  Austin and Shelli are in the WA talking about how Julia and Liz haven't had a chance to switch places yet. He says that she usually gets a warning early in the day letting her know when it's going to happen but that she hasn't had a chance yet. She asks him if he's excited and he says that he can't wait. Shelli heads to the KT and sits down with Vanessa at the table. She tells Vanessa that it's ridiculous and we get FOTH.

  19. 11:10 AM BBT  We are still on Jeff's reels because the HG are at the nomination ceremony. Austin reported that Liz was going to put up Becky and James. Shelli was struggling about whether to put up Audrey or not. She is considering Jason as well and John told Clay to have Shelli put him up again. We will know soon!


    11:20 AM BBT  Shelli is in the have-not room talking to Jason. She tells him that she is very, very seriously considering putting her up right now. Liz is in the HOHR talking to Jackie. Liz tells Jackie that she is not the target and to go get her beauty sleep.


    11:25 AM BBT  Jackie leaves the HOHR and Austin comes in. Liz tells him that people have such balls. She tells him that Jackie keeps asking if she's the target. She told Jackie that she doesn't mind being dethroned. Meanwhile, Shelli is talking to John in the CRL. She says that she doesn't want to keep putting him up to throw competitions. She put him up and he can try to win it. She says she will never ask him to throw another competition. He doesn't have to throw it...she loves having him there with them.  They decide to stay in there so he can come out looking upset after talking. Shelli's nominations are John and Jason.


    11:27 AM BBT  Liz and Austin are talking about how shady Jackie is. They say that she kept her cool so well when Jeff was there but she can't play without him. Austin says he wouldn't want James to go but he wouldn't mind if they stayed on the block. Liz's nominations are Jackie and James.


    11:30 AM BBT  Liz and Austin are talking about what to tell her sister so she can keep it all straight. She says the good news is that if they win HOH next week they will probably just put her right up rather than backdoor her. Shelli is done talking to John now and Austin tells her that he was able to tell James ahead of time that it might happen. They tell her about Jackie talking to Liz. James comes into the room to talk to Liz. Austin tells her it was a tough decision for her and that if they stay up they didn't want him backdoored.


    11:35 AM BBT  Liz tells James that she hopes they win and she is dethroned but that if they stay up he isn't the target. Austin says that they believe Jackie would go home above him. James says that he's not the sharpest crayon in the box...that he can win physical comps but he isn't good with fabrics and dance comps, etc. He tells them he isn't angry, hugs them and leaves the HOHR. Liz tells Austin she can't even think about who else she would have put up. She says she's going to tell Steven that she didn't put him up and he better have their backs.


    11:40 AM BBT  Jason is talking to Meg, John, and Jackie. He says that he's given the b*tch (Audrey) chances and chances and chances and she threw him under the bus by going to Shelli and telling her that he's "coming for her." He says he's naive because he thought she wasn't Lucifer and now he realizes that she is. He says he hasn't talked game with her since day 10. Jason says that Jeff was good because he was saying different things to different people...kind of like Audrey does.


    11:43 AM BBT  Audrey and Shelli are talking in the CRL. Audrey says that Vanessa keeps saying that she doesn't know what's going on and she obviously does. Shelli says it's because she didn't know what she was doing until the last minute. Shelli says she doesn't know who to target. The only person she can think to target is Jason because of what she (Audrey) told him. She heard it from Clay and Jeff, too. Audrey asks if she told Jason that she heard it from her. Shelli says that she can tell Jason whatever she wants to tell him. Audrey says that she heard it from other people.


    11:46 AM BBT  Audrey tells Shelli that she heard from Clay and Jeff that Jason was "coming for her." Shelli says that she has had her back and would continue to until she gives her a reason not to and she's starting to do so. She tells her she does not appreciate her saying she heard it from Clay because she has told her many times she heard it directly from Jason. Audrey asks her why she would tell Jason that she heard it from her. Shelli says that Jason knows they are close. Audrey asks why she didn't just say she heard it from Jeff.


    11:50 AM BBT  Shelli says that she's concerned because she tells her different things and she's gets confused talking to her. Audrey thinks that Jason will solely target her now. Shelli says that she's sorry. That's how honest she is...she messed up. She shouldn't have won HOH. Everyone expects her to put Audrey up or backdoor her and she doesn't plan to do that. Audrey says that she thinks that Shelli is intelligent so she thinks it takes the heat off of Shelli and puts it on Audrey. She thought they were working to clear her name and that's not doing it.


    12:00 PM BBT  In the KT James tells Clay that Austin and Liz think he would stay over Jackie. They discuss that John is up for whatever and that they respect him because he came to play. James says it's rough because any HOH has tough decisions to make. Shelli and Audrey are still discussing who Audrey thinks should have been nominated. Shelli hopes she is dethroned. She really wishes she hadn't won. James says that it would be amazing if John won the veto comp again. It would be like Frank winning everything in season 14. They talk about how they wish they would get some physical comps. We get FOTH.


    12:05 PM BBT  James goes into the OBR. John, Jason, and Meg are in bed together. Becky and Jackie are in bed together. James tells Jason not to kick his butt. Jason says that he needs to win so that he can scream at some b*tches. John says that he will need to kick his butt, too. Jason says that he and Jackie should just let him and John win so it will be a good show this week. He says that if they win he can just scream at people all week and he can't do that unless he wins. James says that if there's clothes or fabric on any tables outside, he's in trouble.


    12:10 PM BBT  Shelli and Audrey are still talking in the CRL about who Shelli should have nominated. Audrey says that she's nervous to tell her stuff now because she doesn't know if she can trust her. James is talking about hitting your penis a certain way when it's erect and it hurts really bad. BB decides they don't like that conversation and change feeds 3 and 4 to the HOHR where Liz and Austin are laying down head to toe on the bed. Austin has his arm across her legs.


    12:18 PM BBT  Vanessa is up in the HOHR room now. She wants to know who decided to put James up. She said that Clay has been close to James all day. She says that Becky and Jackie are down there talking shadily. They don't know what's going on with Becky the last few days. They think Becky is a good backdoor option on either side. Vanessa says that worst case scenario is that Jackie goes home. She tells him everything they are saying down in the OBR. She says she doesn't know why they think they can talk in front of her, but they are and she will report everything to them.


    12:22 PM BBT  Shelli and Audrey are STILL in the CRL talking about the fact that Shelli told Jason she heard he was "coming for her" from Audrey. They decide they are going to tell him that Audrey heard it from Jeff and Shelli is going to confirm it. They finally leave the CRL. Meanwhile, in the HOHR, Vanessa says that she would love it if she, Liz, and Austin would build a bridge with James and they have to work to make sure Shelli and Clay don't. Now Audrey is talking to Jason in the LR. She tells him she heard it from Jeff and she didn't know who Shelli was nominating.


    12:30 PM BBT  Audrey tells Jason that she believes Shelli told him this to deflect her nominations. Clay and Shelli have come up to the HOHR and they are talking about James. They talk about how he really seems to be OK with being nominated and that they have both told him that of the two of them, Jackie is their target. Vanessa tells them that the other thing that's good is that no one downstairs thinks that Clay and Shelli and Liz and Austin are allies. Vanessa also says that Steve is very smart and is someone with which to build a bridge.


    12:35 PM BBT  James and Audrey are talking in the WA. She is worried they are going to ask him to throw the comp to get Jackie out or because they really want to get him out. He is worried because they put him right back up. He says they vote to keep him in the house but then put him right back on the block. James says if he stays and wins and then gets HOH next week, he has every right to put any of them on the block. He says he thought they would put up Becky or Steve. She tells him that Shelli said she had no idea who Liz was putting up but she doesn't believe it because the 2 HOHs talk. James says he doesn't understand why anyone would put him because he hasn't threatened anyone in this game.


    12:40 PM BBT  Audrey tells James that he has to go play hard so he can show them that he's no pawn. In the HOHR Shelli is telling Clay, Vanessa, Liz, and Austin that she told John to play to win. Vanessa tells them that she heard Jason tell John that he better not throw it because he will drag his corpse around if he tries and that John told him what Shelli said about playing to win.


    12:50 PM BBT  Shelli and Clay go into her HOHR and she tells him about talking to Jason in the have not room. She says that Jason asked who told her that he said he was coming for her. She said the 2 obvious people... Jeff and Audrey. She fills him in on their entire conversation Then she tells him about her conversation with John and how she told him to win the BOTB. Meanwhile, James is talking to Vanessa in the WA. She tells him she had no idea he was being nominated. She wants to build a bridge with him and work with him.


    12:58 PM BBT  Shelli tells Clay that John wants to bring Becky into their alliance to replace Jeff. He also says that she has offered him a final 2 deal and that she's very skeptical of Steve, so she isn't working with him. She asked John if he let Audrey think that he's down with that and he said that he did. Shelli tells Clay that Audrey keep trying to turn her against Vanessa and Clay says that she is doing the same thing to him.

  20. 1:00 PM BBT Vanessa and John in the WA. He tells her he has to win the veto. Jeff, Becky, and Shelli in the HOH. Feeds 1 and 2 switch to Steve and Jackie in the Comic BR. Jackie is trying to take a nap.


    1:05 PM BBT Everyone leaves the HOHR and Feeds 1 and 2 switch to KT where everyone is fixing food. Steve is now talking to Meg. Da'Vonne is brushing her teeth on Feeds 3 and Vanessa is telling John to eat oatmeal because it would be good sustenance for the veto comp. Vanessa goes to the mirror to wash her face and talks to Da'Vonne about how tired she is.


    1:09 PM BBT Da'Vonne takes Shelli into Cabana Room and asks her when the target switched to her from Audrey. Shelli says that she never came to talk to her and from Day 2 they just haven't had that trust. She tells her that she thinks she's an awesome hilarious person, but they just don't have a game connection. Da'Vonne says she just wanted to know. Conversation is over in 2 minutes.


    1:15 PM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 follow Da'Vonne as she walks through the house. James is sleeping in the have-not room. Da'Vonne asks James if he knew she was the target. He says he had no clue. She tells him the house is really split. He says that's why it's so imperative that she win the PoV. She tells him there's some s*it going on and he should watch his back in the house. The KT crew is talking about past HG they are glad they don't have to play against, including Daniele Donato, Janelle, and Rachel.


    1:20 PM BBT Jeff and Jason go to the SR and are disappointed with what they are given. Jason asks BB why they are starving them to death. Da'Vonne is telling James that she has to win the PoV because no one will change the noms. James said that when Shelli picked HG choice he knew she would pick Clay. She says that no one in the house will mess with them because the people in the house are cowards. That's why she's being put up...because she called Audrey out and people got scared. She says that James took all that blood last week and the only people talking to him are Jason, Meg, and Jeff.


    1:25 PM BBT Da'Vonne tells James that if she comes down and he goes up, they are drawing a line in the sand against the 8-person alliance. She says if she comes down she is going for blood next week. She'll get back to her 'list' after that. In the WA, Audrey is talking to John and Vanessa. She asks them what they would be doing if they were home right now. James asks Da'Vonne if Meg and Jeff have been clinging toward Shelli and Clay. At that moment, Jeff comes into the room and lays down next to James in one of the dental chairs.


    1:28 PM BBT Jeff tells Da'Vonne to talk to Meg and Steve about using the veto. She says that Meg's game is to lay low, and that's ok...she respects that. She says that Steve is too much of a puppet. Jeff asks if anyone is 'boys' with Johnny Mack and would use it on him. She says that the vibe she gets is that even if she were up against Audrey, she would go home. Da'Vonne leaves the room and James tells Jeff that he thinks Da'Vonne is about to blow her lid.


    1:33 PM BBT Da'Vonne says that the whole time she has been in the house it's been, "Mama Da, Mama Da!" but the longer she's been on the block people don't make eye contact or talk to her. She doesn't understand it because she hasn't crossed anyone in her circle. James and Jeff ask her if she talked to Shelli. She says that she did and that Shelli was honest and told her that they are both targets and that she doesn't feel like she can trust her.


    1:37 PM BBT Da'Vonne tells them that BB told her that their strategy would change every day. She had one strategy until yesterday and now it has changed. Jeff asks if she thinks it's better to play it day-by-day. She says "Absolutely." Jeff says he thinks that's why some people are afraid to go to bed and he thinks there's some strategy there because sometimes when he wakes up things have hit the fan. James says the only thing that stays constant is change. James tells her to try not to stress about it. She says that the truth is that at the end of the day they both have a game to play of their own.


    1:42 PM BBT  Jeff says that he doesn't believe the house would vote her out if John came down and they put Audrey up. Da says that she thinks they would put someone up that the house wouldn't vote out --someone like Becky or Jackie again. Vanessa comes into the room and leaves. She comes back into the room and leaves. Da tells James to watch her because she is playing the game. She acts like she has no alliance, but she's playing it. Feed 3 and 4 switch to Austin and Liz/Julia talking in the CRL. They are talking about Kathy Griffin's promise that someone will "have the last laugh." Austin thinks someone may have a Coup d'Etat.


    1:48 PM BBT  Liz tells Austin she is glad she wasn't picked for the PoV because she thinks Da would expect her to take her down. Austin says that Audrey is so paranoid and can't stop talking game and he keeps telling her to stop it. He told her she has to be a social player and not talk game but it's like she can't do it. He says he feels like the guy who has to come exorcise the demon out of her. Austin feels like they are in good with Shelli and Clay and that's good because they were underdogs last week. Liz whispers and it's very hard to hear her.


    1:52 PM BBT  Da has made her bed and now goes into the SR. She is not happy with the fact that BB hasn't restocked yet. She and Meg are very hungry. Da leaves the SR and asks John if he hears building outside. The feeds jump to Audrey in the HOH WA while Shelli tries to nap and then back to Austin and Liz in the CRL. Austin says, "We get that you're 5'3", but yelling does not make you taller. F'ing relax, dude." He says that he was close to getting mad at him. Liz says they know he'll never be on their side, so buh-bye. Liz leaves the CRL and goes to the KT with Da.


    1:55 PM BBT  Jeff is laying down in bed and Clay comes over to him to ask what Da had to say. Jeff tells him that she says she regrets coming after Audrey. He also says that Da told him she will come after him if she finds out he knew about this from the beginning. Clay says that they have the numbers if they win the veto. Clay asks if Jeff knows where Jackie's head is at and Jeff says he knows Jackie wants Audrey out. Clay says he promises he will get her next. That she is hanging out up there with Shelli nonstop and it's driving her nuts.


    2:00 PM BBT Shelli is now talking to Meg in the WA. Shelli says, "Are you telling me that if you win you are taking Da down?" Meg says, "No no no. I'm just going over what if scenarios." Shell tells her that Becky had a target (Steve) and a back door plan (Audrey) and felt more strongly about her backdoor plan. She had a target (Da) and a backdoor plan (Audrey) and she feels more strongly about her target. Meg tells her that if Da wins the PoV, the card Shelli has to play is to tell her that she gave her a chance to play and save herself.


    2:10 PM BBT Shelli gets Clay in the CRL with her and Meg and tells him that she's worried about her plan and she wants to know how Da learned that she was the target from the beginning. She also says that she left the HOHR because she doesn't want to be alone with Audrey. She realizes she's not trustworthy, but for her game, this is the best move. Meg says that she needs to let Becky and Jackie know that Da is the target so they aren't blindsided...that it will help Shelli's game.


    2:12 PM BBT Becky and John are talking in the CBR. He tells her he has to win. She says that she felt very alone last week but this week she feels like a lot of people on the outside want to come together. They're not dropping the "A" word, but that's a really cool thing to see. She doesn't want to ask too much about his game, but has she thought much about Austin, Vanessa, Liz. He says he's thought about it. She says there is power in numbers. We get FOTH and then Jeff's video reels... it's probably time for the veto comp.

  21. 9:00 AM BBT All is quiet in the Big Brother house.


    9:04 AM BBT We get FOTH - may be wake up time.


    9:24 AM BBT Feeds 3 and 4 show Vanessa, Jason, Steve, and John out on the patio talking about Jace. Jason is telling them that he was telling Jace not to yell at people holding a bible. Becky and Jackie join them and he continues to explain it. They are told my BB to raise the awnings. Becky tells them that she said a prayer for Audrey last night and Jason says that was very nice of her. Feeds 1 and 2 show sleeping HG.


    9:30 AM BBT Jason tells everyone he is a homosexual male so he doesn't want anyone to feel any certain way. So, he went to talk to Audrey about stepping out of the game a little, but she can't seem to do it. He did the same thing with Jace. Vanessa tells them she had a dream where she slept for 24 hours. Becky had a dream she was on America's Got Talent but she didn't have a talent. Jackie starts talking about her dream, but her mic isn't working, so it's impossible to hear her. [This group of HG dreams a lot! --Morty] Feed 3 and 4 are on Shelli asleep.


    9:35 AM BBT Jason says he thinks they pick the songs they play in the morning by the things they say the day before. Someone says, "Thriller?" He says, "No... In da Club." He says that all the time. John asks how they got Annie Lennox this morning. Jason says, "I don't know... Sweet Dreams." --and we get FOTH. We come back and Jason is saying "...is that because we were talking about the Spice Girls the day before? So what do we want to here tomorrow?" Jackie says that tomorrow is eviction day and that it's a long time to sit and wait when you know you might be going home.


    9:40 AM BBT Feed 1 shows sleeping HG in the chains BR (I believe it's Clay and Jeff with Shelli). Someone is snoring. Feed 2 is a close up of Shelli sleeping. Feed 3 is Vanessa and Jackie on the patio. Feed 4 is Vanessa, Jackie, Jason, John, Becky, and Steve sitting outside on the patio. Jackie tells everyone it's July 1, day 14. Jason says that they are doing BB Prom tonight. John asks if that's for real. Jason says that he thinks so but that he's the last person who would be planning a prom. They all agree that they may show up but they will definitely go to the after prom party.


    9:45 AM BBT Steve goes inside. Cameras 1 and 2 follow him from the KT to the WA as he whispers to himself. Jason is rehashing talking with Audrey last night. Jason says that Da'Vonne said they will not attack anyone in this game on a personal level...she's a mom and she won't go there. Becky said that one of the reasons she feels she can go and keep talking to Jace is because he hasn't attacked anyone on a personal level whereas Audrey always goes there. Everyone continues to bash Audrey. Feeds 1 and 2 switch to James doing ADLs.


    9:55 AM BBT James comes outside and goes to the BB shrine Jace built last night. He says he's confused as hell. Jackie and Beckie have gone back to bed in the comic BR. Vanessa says that she has bruises on her hips from the dental chairs. James says that he thinks cold showers would be the worst. She says she does as much as she can outside the shower...shave, wash her face. James says he thinks he will try to shower in the outside shower in swim trunks and then jump in the jacuzzi. Vanessa heads back inside to bed. Austin asks her what time it is.


    10:00 AM BBT James and John are the only 2 awake, sitting on the patio. James says that everyone plays the game differently, but when it's all said and done, this is just a game. John says that it's hard because the game is their life right now...that when you play Scrabble you can get up and walk away, but you can't from this. James asks John what he thinks so far and John says that it's getting ugly, but he loves it. James called to the DR. Feed 1 on a sleeping Austin, Feed 2 on the have-not room, Feed 3 on John alone on the BY couch. Feed 4 focused on the patio.


    10:10 AM BBT John is the only one awake. He moves to another spot on the patio couch where he can get a "better" view of Jace's work. He says aloud, "I don't know what the hell is up with that shrine." Da'Vonne wakes up in the have-not room and heads to the storage room to change her battery and then heads to the WC. James is out of the DR, heads outside.


    10:14 AM BBT  James is talking to John, but his mic isn't working so we can't hear what he's saying. BB tells Austing to get new batteries. Da'Vonne comes out of the WC and Liz goes in. John and James are talking about how uncomfortable it is for John to be around Jace begging him for his vote. An announcement is made, "HG...this is a lock-down. Please go outside and close the sliding glass door." James tells John that he thinks his family is rooting for him. John tells him he thinks his family is rooting for him, too because he had to make a tough choice and he did it well.


    10:18 AM BBT  HG doing ADLs. Jace comes outside and James tells him they were just admiring the art in the corner of the yard. Jace doesn't admit to it being something he created, but lays down in the corner of the couch.   Jason speculates that they are just going to fix a glass panel in the door so it doesn't look like that during the live show. Someone comes outside (?) sees the shrine and says it looks ridiculous. Jace continues to lay down with his eyes closed. We get FOTH


    10:25 AM BBT  We return from FOTH. Feeds 1 and 2 are James and Becky in the hammock. They are talking about wanting to get away from the drama. Feed 3 is Clay and Jackie. Feed 4 is a wide view of the patio couch with Meg, John, Jason, Da'Vonne, Jace, Austin, Clay, and Jackie sitting there talking about the music played this morning.


    10:30 AM BBT  Feed 3 and 4 switch to Jeff and Liz laying down on the circle chaise lounger. Jeff says that the worst part is that no one in the house trusts each other. He doesn't know why it got to that point so quickly, but it did. They wonder what Jace will do between now and the live show. Liz thinks he will come up with a rap about everyone, kind of like Zingbotting them. She says that he had an anxiety attack yesterday. James creeps up behind the chair. Jeff says he felt ants in his ear (it's James playing with it).


    10:35 AM BBT  Vanessa and Jace get in the hammock and Jace tells her that he doesn't think he's gone yet but that she doesn't trust one of the people. He wants to see what she thinks. He says that it would be her, him, Austin, Clay, Shelli, Steve, and Audrey. He says that Clay was crying to him last night to say that he thinks it should be him. He wants to bring them in the storage room to talk to them and tell them he knows they were bullied into it and call it "The Revolution." He would guarantee them safety for the entire game. He would be their loaded gun. He would be their bullets. He doesn't think he could convince Shelli, but he thinks he can convince Clay and if he can convince him, he'll have Shelli.


    10:40 AM BBT  Vanessa says this would be good for her because she's not with the numbers in the house. He says it would be a compelling argument for all of them. He made up a name that people have been calling Steve, so if he asks her, she needs to back it up. He says it may have been f'ed up what he did, but whatever. She says it's part of the game. He says that if this doesn't work he's going to tell him before he leaves the game. He says that he really likes Steve, so he felt really bad after he did it. He says if Clay isn't willing to listen to reason, he will go to Becky with it.


    10:45 AM BBT  Jace says he only got 5 episodes of this show and he's very capable of playing this game. Vanessa tells him that 5 is better than none. Jace tells her that Clay told him yesterday that he would do it. Vanessa asks her not to throw her name out when he's planning it because she's in a bad position right now. Meanwhile, on the circle lounger, Jeff asks where Jace is. Liz says that he's on the hammock with Vanessa. He says there's a reason for that. Liz says she doesn't get it because there's no hope. Jeff says that some people just aren't self-aware. They don't see what's happening around them.


    10:50 AM BBT  Jeff and Liz are reviewing what happened on each day. Jace and Vanessa are talking about his shrine. Then Jace begins to practice the rap he has planned for his speech on the live show. Feed 3 moves to Audrey laying down in a lounger by the pool.


    10:55 AM BBT  Feeds 1 and 2 on Vanessa and Jace on the hammock. Audrey is still on the lounger by the pool laying down. Feeds 3 and 4 are on all the other HG talking about sitcoms on the patio. We got to FOTH as they continue to mention the names of sitcoms.

  22. 8:05 PM BBT Meg leaves the room and Jeff says they need to replace her. James says they need to go get Liz. Jeff says that Meg will think they are starting an alliance but they really just want to ask her some dumb questions. Then he says they could probe her though. James says they should do it. John asks James if he's excited to get out of there. James says he's ready to try out the downstairs because he's been upstairs for 2 weeks. John says that getting Jace out was a good move and James says he feels like he did the house a favor because no one would want to go against him on the block or the veto.


    8:15 PM BBT Da'Vonne, Audrey, and Jason are on the patio talking. Jason tells them that in the WA earlier Vanessa gave him a look like someone had just farted in her mouth. He says that not everyone is so great at hiding their expressions. [Which is ironic because she is a poker player. --Morty] Clay, Shelli, and Vanessa are still working out. Jeff and Meg are laying down BR whispering. She says she can't wait until he stabs her in the back. He says it won't happen until the final 4.


    8:20 PM BBT Jeff says that Audrey is acting weird today. Meg asks him if he's talked to "the people" (the DR) yet today. He says that he has and what is she getting at. They agree that the 6 AM meeting that Audrey held was more important than she realized. Audrey told Meg that it was just to get everyone on the same page so that they would all get through to jury. Jeff says that it could have waited till the next morning if it was to get them on the same page. That was like an emergency meeting.


    8:25 PM BBT Becky walks by Jeff and Meg and they don't know who it was. They both think it was Jackie so they say that Jackie is cool. Jeff says he forgets they are being filmed at all times. An announcement is made, "Austin, HG. This is a reminder. Sleeping is only allowed in beds." Meg says she feels bad because Austin needs sleep so badly. Jeff says to let him sleep...he's sleeping in a dental chair. Becky comes into the BR and joins Meg and Jeff.


    8:30 PM BBT Meg and Becky are talking about how weird it will be to re-enter society after leaving the house. Becky says that the jury house seems like it would be a good transition. Meg says that it will be weird to just be around other people and not to have a storage room to get food. Becky says that someone like Meg will have it the weirdest because she lives in NYC. Jeff says that he wonders what it would be like to live in a big city. She says she loves it because she meets someone new every day. He says girls are more attractive in the south, but the most attractive girls in the NE are in NYC.


    8:35 PM BBT  Liz comes up to Meg and Jeff and Jeff tells Liz that they have some questions to ask her. Meg says that she is not a part of it. Jeff says that James is really the one who has the questions. Steve enters the room and Liz says she is more scared of this impending conversation than she is of Steve's pick-up lines. Steve acts really hurt. Then he jumps on Jeff and Meg in the bed. Jeff and Liz go upstairs so that Liz can have the conversation with James and John.


    8:40 PM BBT  Jeff says that the room is a support group and they booted Meg. James says she graduated. Jeff says they thought she might need some help. Jeff asks her if she's had any pillow talk with any of the girls in the house. They said the Meg says none of the girls talk about the guys. Liz says that they all talk about their exes. No one is talking about current guys in the house. Jeff says that it's safe to say the girls are living in the past and their won't be any showmances in the house. She brings up Shelli and Clay and they discuss their age difference. They agree that typically guys date younger girls and not the other way around.


    8:45 PM BBT  They tell her that obviously she had a showmance, but her boyfriend Jace is probably gone. What are her thoughts. She says he's really nice, but he had a really out there personality and she needs to distance herself. She can't go down with the ship. She said that they didn't do anything, not even kiss. Jeff says they did a lot of petting. She also said she wants them to stop gossiping about it. They said guys are simple... they have been talking about "the nip slip" for hours.


    8:55 PM BBT  Jeff tells Liz that he was flirting with her and she went for Jace. He says that she sealed Jace's fate. She says that it's not too late because it's only week 2. She asks them if they would drive a used Bentley. He thinks about it and says that she is a Toyota Corolla, not a Bentley. She says she isn't going for any of the guys in the house. She's going to focus on the girls. They all laugh.


    8:59 PM BBT Liz asks them for suggestions going forward. James tells her to stick with Jeff. James says that anything that is said in that room stays there. Jeff says they've had Meg up there for so long they've gotten sick of her. James says Meg lasted 14 days...that's a long time. Liz says she needs to leave them with mystery. Jeff says they are already questioning her sense of judgment. In the KT is Becky, Vanessa, Audrey, Jason, Da'Vonne, and Meg

  23. 7:40 PM BBT James says that Vanessa and Liz haven't been up in the HOH room at all this week. They ask John what he'll do if he wins HOH next week. He says he will down 2 beers and then figure out what's going on in the house. James says he'd figure it out quick. On the patio Jason is filling Jace in on past seasons again. Jace asks if guys have teared up in the past. Jaso says it's hard not to...it's not sadness, it's anger. Jace says that Devin even teared up. Jason says that there's nothing in the house to numb the pain and Jace says it's kind of beautiful.


    7:50 PM BBT Vanessa, Shelli, and Audrey have joined Da'Vonne, Jace, and Jason outside. Vanessa and Shelli go to work out. Da'Vonne tells them she is really "backed up." She says she had a "slight victory." Jason tells Audrey that she was in a different bed every time he looked in there. She was in Clay's bed and her own. She says she had a weird dream and he was in it.


    7:55 PM BBT Audrey says she also had a dream that Shelli left but that she got to come back. She wondered if she had got to watch the episodes. Da'Vonne says that if she has a possibility to come back she wouldn't get to see them. Jason tells him that he was just explaining that to Jace. Audrey tells them that Jace told her that he had a dream in which God told him she stabbed him in the back. Jason says that's ironic because of the tattoo on his chest. Clay is leading Vanessa and Shelli in a workout in the yard.



    7:58 PM BBT Jeff says that although Jackie is fun, he wishes he had invited another one of his Amazing Race castmates to come on the show with him. He says her name is Hayley and she is hilarious. We get FOTH.



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