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Posts posted by brotayjax

  1. 11:00 pm BBT Victor reminds them that they will have to have a conversation tomorrow because the care package will arrive and they don’t know who will get it. Victor leaves the UKBR and Paulie is laying down in the Tokyo BR. He says that Natalie never wins but she’s always safe. Paulie says he would put her up every week from now on. Every week the guys will get it and they’ll be good to go. But at this point he doesn’t even know if he wants James to win an HOH.


    11:05 pm BBT Corey and Nicole are in the Safari Room and she says that Paul will push for her to go up. She says she doesn’t understand why Natalie doesn’t go up. Corey says she won’t go home. She says she will… James, Natalie, Paul. She says she needs a care package. She wonders aloud what if Michelle wins veto. She says she wanted Vic to win over Paul and Corey said he did, too. Corey tells her to tell Vic that she won’t go after him and to consider putting up Michelle and Natalie. She says that if Michelle dodged what she did tonight she could win this game. Corey says she won’t win. She says that Paul is being sketchy and James is being sketchy. Meanwhile, Paulie is telling Victor that when James took him on he took a shot at their alliance. Victor says it has been a crazy 48 hours.


    11:10 pm BBT Paulie tells Victor that James said he is standing by his girl that he stood by his girl last year and it got him America’s Favorite Player. Paulie says that he did it last year and it got him booted and this year his girl is playing him. Nicole is telling Corey again that she really didn’t think she would be going up with Vic as HOH. Corey reiterates that she needs to talk to him. She says she IS going to talk to him and she’s going to talk to James, too and then everyone will say she’s a snake going around trying to make deals. Vic walks by the Safari Room and she says she has to go pee and then she wonders if they can talk.


    11:15 pm BBT Victor asks Nicole what her pitch is. She says she’s afraid to talk. She thinks they’re cool and she would appreciate if she didn’t go up. She thinks he should put up Michelle and Natalie. She says she thinks she could be good for his game. He asks how so. She says he’s not a target and she wouldn’t have put him up for double. He asks her if there’s anyone left in the house who she has heard name drop him in the last week or two. He says it’s very important. She says she is thinking. She says that she remembers that Da’ whispered that to him. He says that he’s trying to get to the bottom of that and he wants to know if there was a plan to do it. She says she was always going after Bridgette. She says she thinks it was thrown around for sure. She says it seems like so long ago to her. He says if she doesn’t know, it’s OK, but he does have the power to help her. He says he doesn’t have any sympathy for anyone in the house. He says he just wants to play his own game. He said he feels like she does know but doesn’t want to say his name. He says that likes her. She says she likes him, too and that’s why she didn’t think he would put her up. She says she is scared. He says that he has already heard the name and he just wants her to confirm it for him.


    11:25 pm BBT She tells him they were in this room and Da’ was in there too. She says she feels so bad. She says it was James. He asks who else was in the room. He says Paulie and Corey. She says she won’t vouch for who else was in the room. She says she knows the room was full but she thinks it was just a distraction from Da’. Nicole said that it was just a distraction so that Da’ didn’t know who the target would have been. He said that if Da’ would have gone home that week, then there had to be truth about who they were targeting for the double evic. She says that she would not have put him up this week. He says that he believes her. She asks if she is his target. He says that he can’t divulge that. She says he can. She says he can’t say who he is nominating but he can say if she is his target. So he says that she is NOT his target. Vic asks if Paul, Paulie, Corey, James, or Natalie has put his name in the mix. She said that if Corey would he would have tonight. She said that James only said that one thing. She said Zakiyah would have. He said he knew that. She said she doesn’t talk game with Paul. He says that he feels he’s closest with Corey and Paulie. She says that she doesn’t really talk game with Paulie.


    #BB18 11:30 pm BBT Paul has just entered the room where Paulie has been repeating the same things over and over to Corey and he says that he feels Victor should nominate Natalie and that she should be nominated over and over every week. Nicole is telling Victor that her game isn’t to throw people under the bus and she isn’t a snake. She is very loyal. She said that Jozea called her a snake and it’s kind of stuck. He said that if he doesn’t put her up he’s like a commitment that she won’t put him up. She tells him that she is able to win comps and he jokes that she hasn’t been showing it.


    11:35 pm BBT Victor asks Nicole who she think he should put up. She says she also thinks she should put up people who are coming after her. The long and the short of the conversation is that it would be a strong competitor and a pawn that if they stay they won’t come after him. She asks him if he thinks she threw anyone under the bus in their conversation and he says NO but even if she did it wouldn’t go anywhere outside of that room. She asks if he is going to write a mean poem about her if he puts her up and he says of course he is. He says that he thinks he is one of the most level-headed people in the house. Nicole tells him that she was genuinely happy that he won tonight and he tells her that she’s good even if she didn’t talk to him. He says that they are going to tell people that she was just telling him why she doesn’t want to go on the block.

  2. 10:45 pm BBT James pulls Natalie into the UKBR and tells her that Paulie is trying to get Victor to clip him this week. He tells her that what Paulie doesn’t know is that Victor is going to nominate Paulie and Corey. He tell her that Victor told him that he’s never heard his name come out of James’s mouth. He said that Da’ whispered it in his ear, he’s told him, and now everyone else is telling him, too. Paul enters the room and says, “Did I tell you to trust me?” He tells her that Victor is putting up Paulie and Corey. Natalie says, “Do you see how he talks to people? He came in here and said to James, ‘I’ve got your back.” Paul says, “He’s been sh*tting on you. Sh*tting on you.” Paul says that he’s going to tell Nicole good luck in the veto and that she’s going to have to make a decision. [Mind you, friends…. Paul is telling everyone this, all while wearing an inflatable duck around his waist! –brotayjax] Paul tells James that he told Victor that we don’t need to put up pawns anymore because they aren’t going to take strong players to the end anymore. He tells James that he should reiterate that to Victor. Paul says that he’s ready to play this f*in game. James said he stood up to him and had his girls back and Paul said he is going to tell him now that it was Paulie who dropped his name and not Bridgette. James said he knows because his gut is usually right.


    10:55 pm BBT Nicole enters the UKBR right after BB tells Natalie to put on her microphone. Natalie is experiencing abdominal pain and isn’t feeling great. Victor has come into the room. James tells him that there was a plan in action to backdoor him during the double eviction. Victor says that’s why Da’ whispered that in his ear. James tells him that from a game strategy perspective, no point in pawns anymore. James promises they will have his back the next week. Victor says he’ll get the job done. Paul tells Victor that Natalie voted to keep Jozea. Natalie says that her word is her bond. Paul says that James is a straight shooter. James says he promises it was strategy for Paulie to keep Zakiyah and he promises that Corey, Nicole, and Paulie are riding together. He also says they are getting down in numbers and there’s no more room for error. Natalie says it’s time to take big targets out. He says they are going to take her (points to Natalie) and says “No offense” or maybe Meech to the end.

  3. 10:05 pm BBT Feeds return. Victor is in the KT, he is wearing the HOH Key.


    10:10 pm BBT Paulie and Paul are in the Tokyo BR and Paul is telling Paulie that Zakiyah was going to blow up his whole game. Paulie says that he’s fine with Zakiyah being gone, he thinks Corey will be OK with Nicole being gone, but he thinks that James is really trying to take Natalie as far as he can. Victor has come into the room and Paulie says that he’s not going to be called out for making decisions. He says that James called him out and said they were all only getting out his targets so far. Paulie told him that he was pretty sure they all wanted Tiffany out, Frank out, Da out. He said that he’s pretty sure that he consulted everyone before they did anything. Victor said he wants to put up two girls. Paulie said they don’t need to put up anyone as pawns.


    10:15 pm BBT Paulie tells Victor, Paul, and Corey that he’ll take Zakiyah being gone as a blessing in disguise but that James blew up their game by saying they were clipping girls in front of girls. Paul says he doesn’t even want to talk about that right now. Paulie says true. After this week 6 out of the 7 people will be competing. He then says that as soon as Bridgette is gone Natalie and Michelle both come and apologize after dragging his name through the mud. He says that apparently Zakiyah told them that he treated her poorly. He doesn’t believe this because Zakiyah wanted to go after James. He says for now they have to play, but he will not forget this week.


    10:20 pm BBT Paulie says that if James wanted Zakiyah gone all he had to do was come to him. Victor says can’t he tell that the girls in this house are weak and can’t win. James is in the KT with Nicole, Michelle, and Natalie. Victor says that for his speech he wants to say, “Girls, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there are 2 girls on the block, one that’s not,” and then he pounds his chest. Paul and Victor leave and Corey and Paulie pound fists. Paulie congratulates Corey. He says that maybe they can finally chill for a little bit. Corey says that he can finally sleep well and eat well. Paulie says f*in James. If he wanted Zakiyah gone, he just needed to say so and they would have played a different game all week.


    #BB18 10:25 pm BBT Paulie says he would never do this to one of his boys and what is this “Texas code” James is talking about? Corey says that James is going to be in for a rude awakening when the game is over and Natalie doesn’t talk to him anymore. In the WA Victor, Paul, and Michelle are talking. BB tells Michelle to put on her microphone. Paulie tells Corey that Victor is probably putting up Michelle and Nicole. Corey asks why not Natalie? Paulie says they can talk to him and Corey says he’s not going to because it’s his thing but it makes no sense. Why not Natalie?


    10:30 pm BBT Paulie tells Corey that what upsets him the most about James is that Derrick and Cody had a code and they stayed a secret. Meanwhile, Victor and Paul are talking in the WA and Paul tells him to trust him. He says that they don’t want a final 5 with guys. He says they don’t want to take 2 guys to the top who are matching their competitions wins. Victor says that his fear is Paulie taking himself off the block. Paul says that everyone plays in the veto now except one person now. Paul says that Nicole isn’t hanging out around them. Victor says what if we talk to Nicole first. Paul says no that we have to blindside them. Paul says that we have to take this week and not miss. He says who has been boys since day one… the two of them. Victor says he put me up on the block and backdoored me. I haven’t forgotten that. Paul says it’s easy to blame someone who isn’t in the house anymore.


    10:35 pm BBT Paul says that we can’t play their game for them. We have to play our game. You can’t play next week. Victor says I’m just going to get drunk tonight. Meanwhile, back in the Tokyo BR James, Corey, and Paulie are talking and Paulie tells James that he thinks it’s clear as day to Nicole what’s going on. James says he f*ed that up. Paul joins them and James says that he thinks they should have a 12-hour pass where everyone just gets along. James says that Corey wants his basket.


    10:40 pm BBT Paul is in now in the HNBR talking to James and telling him about the plan to nominate the Paulie and Corey. Paul tells him that they are going to tell Nicole that if she pulls one of them down she will go up in place and they will vote her out. James says it’s a great plan. Victor tells him that he’s going to tell the two guys that they are going to have a chance to play in the veto and that Paulie didn’t give him the same chance. Paul says that they can see after today that Corey is stronger than Meech and that he’s been playing them for fools. Paul says that one of the girls might sh*t their pants. They come out of the HNBR and talk about the nomination ceremony with Paulie. We get FOTH.

  4. 10:45 pm BBT Nicole say she’s going to get some water and then go with Meech. Corey asks if she’s going to sleep with him later. She says YES. They hug and then she lays down next to him and he strokes her shoulder. Bridgette walks by and they say goodnight to her. They ask her if she’s wearing Frank’s shirt. She says YES and Nicole says she is breaking her heart.


    10:50 pm BBT Nicole heads to the Safari Room to hang with Michelle. She tells Michelle what she told Corey. Natalie is called to the DR. She leaves Paulie, Paul, Zakiyah, Victor, and James in the HOHR talking about boning and using condoms. Michelle and Nicole are talking about how badly they eat in the house. Michelle asks if Nicole thinks for sure that next week is double. She wonders if there will still be a Care Package during the double week. Nicole says that there’s no helping you during double week. Nicole asks her who she would put up. Michelle says it depends who goes home this week. She says if Bridgette doesn’t go home this week, then Bridgette. Nicole asks if Bridgette isn’t going home this week and Michelle says she thinks people are talking about changing it.


    10:55 pm BBT Nicole asks if they are thinking of getting Da out this week instead. Michelle says that Paulie brought it up to her, but not to say anything. Michelle says that they need to have her back if Bridgette wins next week or during the double. Michelle asks what Bridgette has against Nicole. Nicole says she doesn’t know other than what Frank has told her. She says Frank was mad at her for not getting rid of Da the week that they voted Tiffany out. She says that she’s sure Bridgette holds that against her, too because that was Bridgette’s HOH.


    11:00 pm BBT Nicole tells Michelle that a lot of people really want Da out, even James. Michelle says that Da just told her that she trusts her and James. Nicole tells Michelle that Da confronted her and said that Nicole and Zakiyah are too close. Michelle says she can’t deal with the paranoia with her. Michelle said she felt weird when the 3 of them were in the bathroom today and she came in and asked what they were talking about. Nicole asks when Da told Michelle that she really trusts James. She said today. Nicole said that he could be working her and working with Da. They discuss that it seems like Da and James are close. Nicole said that Frank said James and Da are not close.


    11:05 pm BBT Nicole asks Michelle how she feels about getting Da out and Michelle says that she’s on board. She also says that Paul is on board which she says is shocking because he was all about getting Bridgette out. Nicole says that Zakiyah will be upset. Michelle says that she thinks she knows. Nicole said that last night Zakiyah said she didn’t want to waiver from Bridgette at all. Nicole asks if Da has any idea and Michelle says she thinks she must because she is acting so shady. Michelle says it’s one of those things you have to balance out because she just doesn’t want Bridgette to stay longer than she should

  5. 10:05 pm BBT Paulie has now come into the Have Not Room to join Corey and James. Nicole comes into the HOHR. Paul tells them he needs more tattoos. He starts showing Zakiyah and Nicole all of them. As he is explaining one that is related to his grandma, Victor shouts out from the HOHR WA that his grandma was with Paul when he got it. Camera 1 focuses in on Paul’s body as he is explaining all of them. Corey is called to the DR. Victor comes out of the HOHR WA and sits down in the HOHR, joining Zakiyah, Nicole, and Paul. Downstairs, Paulie gets up and James asks him if he’s getting up. Paulie says he thought that James was asleep so he was just going to go walk around. They both decide to leave together. James goes into the UKBR with Da and Natalie. Da asks who else is sleeping in there and James says that Victor is.


    10:10 pm BBT Paulie goes into the Safari Room and Michelle is in there. She asks where everyone is. Michelle says that she has to be careful about what she says to Da. Paulie says that Da will tell everything she says to anyone and everyone. He also thinks that she has stuff on Nicole. He also says that Paul got a 21 and she was still trying to hit the box. Michelle says she was, too. She says she wanted to win for the basket. Paulie says she wanted to win so she could control who went up. Michelle asks who Da wanted up and Paulie says Nicole. Paulie says that Natalie is useless and he doesn’t want Nicole up there. He said he’d rather be up there so he has a chance to win and he won’t pick Da. Michelle says with her luck, her name will get picked. Paulie says that she won’t win though. Paulie says Da is doing just what Frank was doing. Michelle says that she trusts his judgment over anyone elses and has his back. She says she does want Victor gone sooner than later though. Paulie agrees. Michelle asks if he thinks Da is trying to get Natalie on her side and Paulie says Da is trying to get everyone on her side.


    10:15 pm BBT Paulie tells Michelle that Da and Bridgette had a long conversation and during it Da told her she would get to the bottom of the whole bullying thing. Michelle says that p*sses her off. Paulie tells her that the other day Zakiyah got mad at him and he told her that she can’t get mad at him because there are people in the house who will use it against them. She told him that ‘she’ had already tried. He says that was interesting. He wanted to know if that had happened just once or even weeks ago because if it had happened a lot, they definitely needed to clip her wings. He tells her that Da wants to break up Zakiyah and Paulie and Corey and Nicole. He says that Da doesn’t know about the relationships between them and Michelle. Michelle tells him that Da just told her that she trusts her. He says that she keeps going around and telling people that and that she is clearly trying to form something.


    10:20 pm BBT Corey walks by the Safari Room and comes into the room. Paulie tells him what they are talking about. He says that they have all been doing a good job dispersing and that’s why Da has felt comfortable talking to all of them. Michelle says they can do it this week or they can do it the double, too. Corey says they control the votes either way. Paulie says that’s true and she’s not going to win. Michelle says apparently she hurt her knee, too. In the HOHR they are talking about why Natalie won the care package. They are wondering if it’s because she is well liked or whether it’s because she complained a lot when she has been a Have Not. They say that she can’t win again. Paul says he feels like no one likes him. Zakiyah thinks that it will be him, Natalie, James, Michelle, and she’s not sure who the other one will be. Paul wonders who has gotten booed when they left the house. Paul says he talks to the livefeeders once in awhile but he doesn’t know if they care. He asks what he has to do as the HOH. Nicole says he will answer 3 questions, he gets 3 tweets, and he get’s a snapchat that’s it. Paul asks if she’s allowed to tell him what her questions were. She says she’s not sure.


    10:25 pm BBT In the Safari Room Michelle is saying that she is skeeved out by Da right now. She says that she feels like she can’t hang out with Nicole. Earlier Da asked her how long she was up in the HOHR with her and she said it was 5 minutes. Michelle says that they have to promise her that if Bridgette wins next week they will have her back. Paulie and Corey say they think she would put up James and maybe Paul. She asks who they would vote for and they say hopefully they could pull one of them down and maybe should would put Natalie up. Paulie says if Tiffany hadn’t been such a f**k up, Da would have been gone that week. Michelle says she’s glad Tiffany is gone though because the house has a different feel without her.



    10:30 pm BBT Corey says that Da hangs out in the LR and reads the bible, but she’s really just watching and listening to everything. Michelle leaves to get something salty to eat. Paulie asks Corey if he’s ok because he can tell that Vic is getting to him. Corey says that he’s not going to let him get to him. Michelle asks if Vic called him fat. Corey says that he called him an idiot. Meanwhile, James and Natalie are talking to the camera in the UKBR. She is thanking America for the Care Package. She is really appreciative of it and honored to be the first Care Package recipient and she will hold that win strong. She says that James is really jealous because he was America’s Favorite last year and he was expecting to get it.


    10:35 pm BBT Natalie thanks James fans for voting for her to get the first Care Package. She says she is sure James will get one and it will be an even cooler one. James thanks America, too and says that she would have died as a Have Not for another week and he wouldn’t have gotten any cuddle time. He also apologizes to Frank’s fans for taking him out but he had to go. Then they hear the phone ring and James runs to get it. He says HELLO a few times and then says she hung up on him. Natalie asks if it was Nicole. James gets a call back and they say it’s Domino’s. Paul asks what the specials are and Natalie says, “The special is your mom!” Paul thinks that’s pretty funny. The conversation between Corey, Paulie, and Michelle is breaking up in the Safari Room now. Paul is asking James and Natalie to come upstairs. James asks if they can just talk on the phone. He says to come eat some guac and Natalie asks if they can send a messenger. Paul says NO. They need to come get some. James says that Paul really wants them to come over to his house. They decide to get up and go upstairs for Friendship.

  6. 9:40 pm BBT  Paul is talking about his sister and that she wants breast reduction. Natalie says that she wants hers bigger. Paul says that her boobs are huge. Zakiyah says that she is evenly proportioned and she doesn’t like it when girls look like they are going to tip over. Zakiyah says she likes a big a**. Paul wonders how much a boob job costs and they talk about it. The camera moves to Corey and he is smiling like he just can’t believe he is listening to his conversation. Da has gone downstairs to the KT and she’s talking to Michelle. Michelle asks where Bridgette is. Da says that she says that she messed up. Michelle says that she kind of feels bad. Da says she is happy that Bridgette made it to jury so she can go put her feet up and relax.


    9:45 pm BBT  The conversation upstairs has changed a little. Paul now asks if there are di*k implants. Zakiyah and Natalie explain that there are some that help men to perform. Then he wonders if there are a** implants. Natalie says that her cousin (?) had one and was having trouble getting pregnant. She got her implant removed and then got pregnant. Paul is just leaning up against the headboard and he is just amazed. Natalie asks what the guys feelings are about women with boob jobs. Paul says he doesn’t care. It’s their bodies and they can do whatever they want. No answer from Corey. Zakiyah says they should talk about d*ck implants now. Paul agrees and Corey gets up and leaves the room. Paulie has just gotten out of the shower and is laughing at the conversation. He is told to put on his microphone.


    9:50 pm BBT Paul starts to tell as story about a girl he had broken up with in high school who started talking about the size of his “ween” in front of a new girl he had started to date. The story is hard to follow, but it seems that it involves 3 girls and they all run into each other somewhere. Natalie says that it sounds like a telanovela.  Natalie says she’s ready for bed and leaves the HOHR. Paul fills Paulie in on the conversation and he says he came in on the tail end of it. It seems that Paul, Zakiyah, and Paulie all believe that Natalie already has fake boobs and that Paul and Zakiyah were having a hard time keeping a straight face when she was talking about fake boobs. Paul says that’s why Corey was having a hard time keeping a straight face, too. Downstairs, Corey has come into the Have Not Room where Nicole and James are laying down. BB has said the lights have to stay on right now. Corey is saying that he is sick of Victor and that he has to force himself to laugh at him.


    9:55 pm BBT  James, Nicole, and Corey are discussing what time they can turn off the lights. In the HOHR they are talking about eating some sushi and decide to call downstairs. Zakiyah calls and Da answers using a different voice. She stands in between the UKBR and the Tokyo BR. Zakiyah can not tell who it is so she hands the phone to Paul. Paul thinks it is Nicole and, using the same voice, Da says this is definitely not Nicole. Eventually she uses her own voice and says, “Get off the phone with your lyin’ a**!” they are super impressed with her. Now they call again and Nicole answers using a different voice. Zakiyah hangs up. This goes on for a few minutes until finally Paul gets Nicole and asks her to come up and eat sushi with him.

  7. 9:05 pm BBT In the HOHR, Natalie is telling Paul that coming on this show was a big risk for her because she has worked for everything her whole life, nothing was ever just given to her. She got her internship on her own, they declined her and then she worked her way in. She wants to say that she got things on her own. Paul said that he started his company on his own, too. She asks him if he has a website and he said that he was quoted like 8G’s for a legitimate, good website and so he thinks that after this he will invest in it but at the time he just couldn’t do it. She says that she definitely wants to get some of his stuff and he says that he will get her sizes and send her some stuff. He wants to send stuff to everyone.


    9:10 pm BBT Down in the Tokyo BR Michelle, Victor, James, and Michelle are talking about where everyone should sleep. Corey is in the room, too. James suggests that Victor and Michelle should bunk up so that all the beds are boy-girl, boy-girl. Michelle says that Da won’t have anyone and James says that she isn’t looking for anyone. Da is heard from another room asking what James said. He repeats himself and he goes out of the Tokyo BR saying that she’s not looking for a man on the show. Then he comes back and says that Vic is looking for a bunkmate. Vic says that he never said he was looking for a bunkmate and James said HE said Vic is looking for one. Camera 4 is focused on Corey the entire time and Michelle says that the camera loves Corey and he says he loves the camera.


    9:15 pm BBT James heads to the HOHR and jokingly says to Natalie and Paul, “What are you two doing?” Paul and Nat say they’re just chatting and James says SURE they are. He says that he is checking her cell phone and saw that she has been hanging with Paul. He then tells them they are trying to figure out sleeping arrangements and asks her where she wants to sleep. She starts to come downstairs and James says all kidding aside, she can hang out upstairs with Paul. Zakiyah comes into the room. James says that Paul extended him an olive branch and looked out for his girl and that’s Friendship… it won’t be forgotten. Paul says that he extended a branch. “Olive” branch is not in his terminology. He then asks them to look out for him next week.


    9:20 pm BBT James calls picks up the phone in the HOHR and calls downstairs. The phone rings and the HG downstairs debate answering. Michelle says they should in case there are more clues. Victor answers talking in rapid Spanish. James hands the phone to Natalie and she translates some for him. She tells James what to say. Camera 3 and 4 switches to Paulie and Corey who are now in the WA. Paulie says that if things go as planned, one of them will pull him down and Da will go up. Corey asks if that’s what he wants. Paulie says he would rather Da go home than Bridgette but that if Bridgette goes home, that’s OK, too. Corey says that he’s getting so sick of Vic. Paulie says that he would have been fine with him doing a little work for them, but he’s in every room and in every conversation. Corey says he’s trying not to do anything emotional right now. Paulie says that he’s trying to see what the girls will do while he’s on the block because he knows what the guys will do, but he wants to know what they will do if he’s on the block next to Da. He’s positive that Zakiyah is working both sides of the house.


    9:25 pm BBT Corey says that Paul asked Nicole how her fans will react when she finds out that her fans aren’t on her side. Paulie says that he honestly thinks Nicole made that up. Paulie honestly thinks that the girls have something going on. He honestly thinks that Da has a lot of s*it on Nicole that could ruin her and it will come out when she goes on the block. Corey says that James told him that he doesn’t know if he should trust Nicole that much. James comes down because Paul wants everyone to come up to the HOHR to hang out. Paulie tells James that he wants to find out if the reasons Da and Nicole want each other out is because they each have info on one another. Michelle is called to the DR. James says he can try to get out of Da if she has anything. Corey asks James if there’s something he’s missing with Nicole and James says he doesn’t know anything, it’s just the whole Frank thing, but he could have been lying. Michelle comes into the WA to fix her makeup. James asks if they are going to Paris. Michelle says Vic is planning to shower and then Vic is called to the DR.


    9:30 pm BBT Up in the HOHR they are talking about music. Natalie asks them Zakiyah if she liked the country music James had. She says she didn’t listen because she hears a lot of country where she’s from. James goes into the UKBR and talks to Da. She wants to know what people have been talking about. He tells her that they are all getting sick of Victor. He says that there are plans to backdoor Vic and that Corey is especially sick of him because of the Nicole thing. She tells him that he hasn’t heard of anything with regard to him or Natalie. He says that even if things changed with regard to her he doesn’t thing anyone would tell him because they all know he’s close to her. Da says she thinks she’s going to go up to the HOHR because she hasn’t been up there all day. James heads to the Have Not Room and says HELLO to Nicole who is laying down in a bumper car. They talk for a minute and then she is told to put on her mic so James tells her he’s sorry and they stop talking.


    9:35 pm BBT In the HOHR Paul, Natalie, Zakiyah, Corey, and Da are all talking. No game talk, just chatting. Natalie tells everyone that her grandfather shot and killed someone. She doesn’t know the story because no one will tell her. Zakiyah says that her great-great grandfather was an activist and some Klan members killed him in Savannah, GA. Paul says that his grandma’s dad was a Russian mom leader in the 1800s. He had an eagle tattoo and that’s back when people didn’t get tattoos for s*its and giggles. Zakiyah wonders what he would think of Paul’s tattoos and Paul says he would probably think he was a fruitcake.

  8. 10:46 pm BBT  Paul tells Michelle that was her favorite comp and she got to play in it. Frank is walking toward the shower and says it’s the second season he is going home during OTEV week. Michelle, Nicole, Zakiyah, and Da are in the SR and they do the comp winner dance together. Da says she doesn’t even want to take the outfit off. Everyone is covered in paint. Paul comes in and the dancing starts again with Michelle swinging the POV around. Vic comes in and joins the dancing. Bridgette is in the WA talking to Frank but neither of them are wearing their mics so it’s impossible to hear them. Frank says he has one song in his mind and he starts to sing I’M LEAVING ON A JET PLANE, DON’T KNOW WHEN I’LL BE BACK AGAIN. We get FotH.


    10:52 pm BBT  The HG who were in the SR move to the UKBR and Michelle says she is sleeping with the POV tonight. Michelle climbs on Zakiyah’s back and Zakiyah carries her to the KT. Corey says there is a line for the shower. Michelle says she is going to shower in the HOH. Michelle is walking through the house and sees Michelle. He says, “Beast Mode Meech.” He tells her that she should call herself that from now on. Everyone keeps telling calling out MEECH. Michelle says that her two ex-teammates are not happy with her.


    10:59 pm BBT  Paul says that he’s not sure if anyone saw, but Michelle fell hard and got right back up. Frank walks through the KT and Natalie tells him he missed his right ear (he has paint in it and on it). He goes back to the WA to the sink. Corey is shaving at the sink next to him. Nicole heads upstairs and tells James that she was not expecting that comp. James says he was expecting a luxury one. She says it was an early OTEV and all 4 vets got to play in it. He says Big Meech came in with the W. Paul comes up to the HOHR and he and James hug. He asks James where the remote it. Paul says one down and next week the other can go. Paul says he told Michelle, even if he promises you his firstborn don’t make a deal. He said Michelle asked him if he thought she was stupid. James said he’s not worried about Meech. James says Frank is going. Paul says he can operate without her but she can’t without him.

  9. 10:10 pm BBT Natalie says she could trust Bridgette, but she doesn’t trust Frank. James said well, Bridgette wanted to know where his head was at…now she knows. Natalie says that he better tell Bridgette that she didn’t want her to go up. James says that he’s going to tell her that Natalie wanted her to go up. James said that the comp kicked his ass. Five and a half hours is the longest he’s ever stood in one spot. But, he feels like it will be good TV. She said she was kidding around when she said what she said and he said that everyone was saying and you’ll get a big kissy-kiss from old Nat Nat. She said it was magical with all the confetti. She whispers to him that he made the right decision but that she just needs to talk to Bridgette. He says that he just needs to do a little damage control. She says it’s what the whole house wants. He tells her that she was in the WA and everyone was high fiving him, so he knows they were behind him.


    10:17 pm BBT Paulie enters the Have Not Room and tells James that Paul is pissed. He says that he thinks the reason he’s mad is that every week can’t be that they are the victims. He says that it should just be about game and it doesn’t have to be caddy. Natalie says that both sides talk sh*t about each other and she’s glad it’s recorded because it should just be about game. Paulie tells them that Victor and Paul are making dinner. He tells them that Bridgette said they did a party for the giraffe and party for Zakiyah, but nothing for her. He also said that if it’s true that people are talking about the way she talks and the way she walks, it’s not cool. Natalie says she doesn’t get involved in the sh*t talking. James asks if Frank ahs talked to him. Paulie says that’s when he felt bad about Bridgette’s stuff. He says he also told him that they are two beasts and he had to expect someone would take a shot. James said that he is honest with him every time he talks to him and he told him the same thing.


    10:23 pm BBT Frank told James that he hasn’t won almost anything this season but that he’s never going to get the label of BEAST off his head. He also asked James if he can trust Paulie. Paulie tells James that he told Frank he has heard from a lot of people that he is going to come after him. James says that Frank said, “Did you see what I did for Tiffany? I will go to bat for you guys.” Paulie says he really doesn’t trust Frank and Bridgette because truth be told they are only loyal to one another. He goes to Corey, he goes to James, and he goes to Paulie and he just puts too much out there. Meanwhile, Zakiyah and Nicole are up in the HOHR and Zakiyah is telling Nicole that she thinks Nicole and Corey really have chemistry and they will work out once the show is over. Nicole said that she remembers that the first week he said that he will not do a long distance relationship. Zakiyah said that just means that she needs to move to where he is. Nicole said that they’ve only been together for 38 days and he could hate her when it’s done and Zakiyah says the everything is on turbo speed in the house. Nicole tells Zakiyah that she thinks Paulie and her will last, too. Zakiyah thinks that he just wants to flirt and that he really just wants to focus on the game.


    10:28 pm BBT  Paulie says that Bridgette knows the game like the back of her hand, so they are strong as hell. He thinks they will do whatever it takes. Natalie asks if he’s sure and Paulie says YES. He says that until they are split they won’t focus on anything but each other. Once they are split, they will latch on to another side. Vic comes into the Have Not Room to tell them that burgers are ready. James asks if it’s twelve o’clock. He realizes it’s not and says they will have enough for them. When he leaves the room they say that he’s a good guy. Two weeks out of the house and he’s cooking and cleaning. Natalie says that maybe it was her goodbye message. Bridgette comes into the room and Natalie asks her if she baked. She says she did and Natalie asks if she made cookies. Bridgette smiles and says, “I did!” Paulie and James explain the numbers to Natalie and she says she’s not going to lie, she doesn’t understand. Paulie says he thinks it’s funny because they try to teach her things and she gets some stuff but not other stuff. James says she’s come a long way. James asks her what a back door is. She says she would nominate two people who aren’t the person, they play in the POV, one gets off, and then you put up the person you wanted to get out. James says Vic got back-doored but they don’t know if he knows that. James says when someone comes off the block everyone sits there on the couch wondering who will go up because everyone thinks they are going to get back-doored.


    10:32 pm BBT  Natalie says she has to win something. James says she did a great job. She said but she still didn’t win. Paulie said he didn’t want the second HOH he got. If more people had stayed in, he would have gotten the wrong answer. He had planned to throw it to someone else, but he couldn’t let Frank have it. James tells Paulie that Nat told him she’s going to protect him. James says it would be cute to get taken out by Nat. Paulie says people couldn’t even be mad and imitates how she would say it. James says they would get hit by glitter and paint.


    10:38 pm BBT Natalie asks if Frank really did hit Da in the butt and Paulie says it really did happen. Paulie talked to him about it and Frank said he does stuff like that to people just to mess around. James gets up to talk to the camera. He says that his shoulder is really messed up from the 5 ½ hour comp. He holds his right arm up in the air and stretches. He raises his left arm and moans. He says he may never be able to raise it up again. James is giving out his Twitter Feed. He says he’s verified. He asks Natalie if she has a Twitter. She says she has 2 followers. She says it’s private. He says make it public and you’ll have more than 2 followers. Paulie asks James how to change his Twitter handle. He wants it to match his Instagram name. Natalie asks what his middle name is and he says it’s Ryan. He says that Cody


    10:50 pm BBT Natalie tells Paulie that she only watched Season 16 and she didn’t even watch all of it because there were so many. She also watched a couple from other seasons. Paulie says that because Frankie was on that season, they all got a lot of followers from his sister Arianna. Natalie said it would be funny if there was a new social media when they get out. James tells Natalie that he made his social media public for his fans. She asks if anyone is doing it for him while he’s in the house. He says YES. She asks Paulie if he had a lot of followers because of Cody. He said about 20,000. Frank and Bridgette are brushing their teeth in the WA. All the feeds switch to the KT.


    10:55 pm BBT Paul is out of the DR and in the KT with Corey and Vic. They tell him they made 15 burgers in the time he was in the DR. We get FotH. James joins them. Bridgette is called to the DR. Frank joins everyone in the KT and tells everyone he is going to lay down. He says he has a feeling he will be called to the DR when Bridgette gets out. They will probably ask him what it’s like to be on the block and he will say that he’s been there a lot so he knows what it’s like. Corey asks how many calories they think are in the peanut butter cookies and they say a lot. James says he might have some nerve damage in his shoulder. Vic says he might. James thanks them for cooking. James says it’s cool how if you’re a Have Not and win HOH that it just immediately goes away. [Natalie is still a Have Not until Midnight BBT. –Morty]

  10. 9:00 pm BBT  Feeds return and all cameras are on the Tokyo BR with Zakiyah, Nicole, Corey, and Da talking. They say that Victor says that it wouldn’t be BB if he wasn’t on the block. Nicole asks what Evel Dick did when he was in the house. They talk about him banging the pots and pans and pouring tea on someone’s head. Meanwhile, 2 cameras switch to the Safari Room and it’s Paulie, Frank, Paul, Bridgette, and Victor talking about Da’ causing the more trouble than anyone in the house. They say that in that room they have more winners than anyone in the house, plus the Battle Back champ. They say that they think they can grab James and Corey and get the numbers.


    9:05 pm BBT Frank is talking about how he can recognize people by their walks in the house, other than Zakiyah and James. Da’ leaves the Tokyo BR. Nicole says that Michelle said she doesn’t mind if Victor stays in for some eye candy. The camera switches to the WA and Michelle tells Da’ there’s no toilet paper…she had to use baby wipes. The camera switches back to the Tokyo BR and Nicole is asking what it means to say that you are a mathematician. The guys are telling Bridgette to wrap her ankle and act like it’s still hurting her a little to throw people in the house off a little.


    9:10 pm BBT Paulie says they gave him crap for wanting to help Bridgette wrap her ankle. Bridgette says that everytime people see her talking to Corey they give him sh*t for it. Frank says that if one of them wins the veto and they go to James and they can show them they have the numbers, he can put Da’ up. It sounds like James has won HOH and put Frank and Bridgette on the block.


    9:13 pm BBT Everyone leaves Paulie and Frank in the Safari Room alone. Paulie says he felt that at one time Frank got lost in the game. He says that Derek told him before he came in that if one of his boys gets too close to a girl, he needs to cut him. Frank says that it’s not romantic. She hurt her ankle and he just cared about her and everyone saw it differently. Paulie says that even if he wants to ride with her, at least ride it down to 3. Frank says they are the 2 he trusts the most along with Corey. He’d like it to be the 4 of them in the end. He asks Paulie who he trusts more than Corey and Paulie says, “Corey.” Paulie says he would trust James, too because he’s a loyal guy, especially once Natalie and Da are gone.


    9:19 pm BBT Frank says he feels great about the POV tomorrow. Frank says he really thinks Da can go home this week. He really thinks they can get her up there. Paulie says that he told James that she has used his name (Paulie) as a target. He tells Franks that he thinks James is a little skeptical of her. Paulie says that if it’s between him and Bridgette in the end, he’d rather have Frank stay. He says that if Bridgette stays he will protect her, but he’d much rather ride it with him. He says that he’s a competitor and we get FotH before he finishes his sentence. When the feeds return he is saying that Corey is a businessman and James is a business man. He says that something he doesn’t understand about BB is that it turns into high school so quickly but that he’d rather keep it like the real world as much as he can. Corey joins them and Frank tells him that he just doesn’t see anyone beating him or Bridgette.


    9:22 pm BBT Paul enters the Have Not Room saying he’s going to lose it. He is now talking to James. Natalie walks in, but Paul doesn’t stop talking. He tells James that he is angry about the way the Frank and Bridgette are turning things around to Vic. He says that they are playing victim and saying that they’ve been playing honest and they turn and say to him, “What do you think, Paul?” He tells James that they even asked him if he would play for them and told him that they liked this side of Paul. He says NO, they won’t like this side of Paul. He says that they have pulled everyone else aside but now they ask for his and they clearly don’t trust him. Paul says he hopes they don’t say anything else to him tonight. We get FotH because on the other camera Frank is telling the camera what he is going to say if he’s called to the DR. When we return James is closing his eyes in the Have Not Room.


    9:30 pm BBT Natalie asks if James is OK. He says YES. She asks if he’s talked to Bridgette or Frank yet. He says that he’s talked to Frank and he says that Frank is says that he wants him to put someone else up if he gets taken down from the block. Meanwhile, Paul is now talking to Paulie and Zakiyah in the Safari Room and telling him how much Frank bothered him earlier. Paulie doesn’t really say anything back and the conversation is over just as quickly as it started. Paulie heads to the WA because he wants to shower. He see Corey is in there and that he wants to talk to him one on one. James and Natalie are whispering about Paulie. They are saying that how Paulie is acting like he didn’t see it coming that Frank and Bridgette were going to be on the block. After that, it is hard to follow what Natalie is whispering to James about, not because it’s hard to hear her but because it’s actually hard to follow what she’s saying. James says he thinks everybody is playing everybody.


    9:35 pm BBT James says that Frank is definitely bringing Bridgette’s game down and that she would make it further without him. Meanwhile, in the WA, Zakiyah has been styling Cody’s hair. He says he doesn’t have curls like Cody’s hair. He says he doesn’t have the John Travolta thing going on like Cody. Da says, “That’s who Cody looks like.” Da says that she’s hurting and Paulie says that James has been on heating pads since the comp ended but that’s where his military training came in handy. It was mind over matter and he was not going to lose. Zakiyah says that Paulie should wear a man bun and he says that real men do NOT wear man buns. She asks, “Says who?” He says, “The world.” James tells Natalie 100% the only person he trusts in the house is her. She agrees and says ditto. She says that right after James did the noms she heard Paulie say that he didn’t expect Bridgette to go up and it made her mad because he was up there telling James who to put up. She is angry on James’s behalf.


    9:40 pm BBT James says that he does feel bad for Bridgette but he can’t do anything about it now. Meanwhile, Paul is now in the UKBR telling Da how angry he is about Frank and Bridgette. She tells him to keep his cool. Michelle walks into the room and Da and her are talking. She says she walked past the Safari Room and heard Zakiyah’s name. She said she asked Paulie and he said it was about votes. Da tells Michelle that Victor said he would make the burgers and she’s going to let him and Paul cook. Michelle asks if Frank has talked to her. She says NO. Michelle says that he’s talked to everyone else but her. She says maybe he just knows that she will vote out Bridgette. She then tells Da that there’s definitely a different vibe in the house without Tiffany.


    9:48 pm BBT Michelle says that James said this is a déjà vu because this is exactly what he did with Shelley and Clay… a dangerous couple. Michelle asks Da if she thinks the feeds are on. Da says PROBABLY and Michelle says, “We won!” and then says, “It’s about time.” James tells Natalie that if Frank gets off the block the whole house will vote Bridgette out unless he puts Da up. Natalie says that Da would never vote him out. He says that he knows that and he’s not going to put her up.

    Meanwhile, James is telling Natalie that this is how the game is played… it’s played dirty. Natalie says she’s proud of him for winning. He says that he might have f*ed up by putting Bridgette up and he knows that. Natalie says that she wouldn’t have put him up. She’s still proud of him and he did make a promise to Bridgette. James said but then the rest of the house would have been mad at him. She says that she didn’t think of that. James tells Natalie that Frank told him that he’s not mad at him but that Bridgette is really upset. He said that he told Frank it was nothing personal. James said that it was tough. Natalie says she understands where she was coming from. Natalie says she wishes she had never said she would give him a kiss if he stayed up there. James laughs and says she should have said she would give him a kiss if he fell off.


    #BB18 9:55 pm BBT Paulie starts to sing a song from RENT, so we get FotH. Nicole is telling Paulie she likes the way Zakiyah has styled his hair. Paulie isn’t sure. She says that she is going to give him 3 different category styles… contemporary, tribal, or bohemian. She says tribal, but that the shirt is bohemian. Paulie asks her what her definition of bohemian is. She says fringe. Paulie says that it’s actually about struggling artists. Frank comes in and she asks him the same question and he says bohemian. Then Paulie says that Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen and the song Bohemia in Rent are not about the way they were dressing. James and Natalie are still talking about the noms and their game in the Have Not Room. James said he may have f*ed his game, but they made it to jury. Natalie says now they can play and have fun. He says he will try and talk to Bridgette and see what she says. Nicole asks if they think James will let her shower up there. Then she says she thinks he’s sleeping in the bumps and Paulie says he thinks he’s up there. [He’s wrong! –Morty] Natalie tells James that she will do everything she can to protect him next week. He says that if Bridgette wins she will put him up with one of the girls she actually likes, like Michelle. Natalie says that a lot of people in this house have blood on their hands.


    9:58 pm BBT James says he knows there are a lot of floaters in the house who do their dirty work on the back end. Natalie says they all feel really comfortable. James said if 11 or 12 of those people win HOH they won’t put them on the block because we just went to bat for them. They only people they have to worry about are Bridgette and maybe Frank. James says they have to get Michelle to win HOH. James says there’s so much sh*t going on in this house. James said he wouldn’t be surprised if Corey, Nicole, Paulie, Zakiyah, and Michelle had an alliance. Nicole says that they are really close. Natalie says that he should try to make it cool with Bridgette because the girls bully her. He says when you say that do you mean Michelle and them? Natalie says that she’s nice to her, but that she always says passive-aggressive things. The camera switches to the KT and Bridgette is baking.

  11. 11:05 pm BBT   Tiffany says that at least Nicole isn’t like Natalie. Corey says NO KIDDING. He spotted that a mile away right at the beginning. She says that she thinks Natalie is a nice girl, definitely the nicest out of the 3 of them, but the flirting thing drives her crazy. Then she asks him what he’s learned about himself playing this game. He says he just knows it’s a game.  He says he really thinks it’s social and in the beginning and throwing the HOH to Nicole worked the best for him even though it’s not what others wanted. He says he’s used to playing games and strategy. So, he thought he had a good chance to winning 50% of the games and he hasn’t won anything. Tiffany says the same for her. He says it’s killing him that he’s not winning.


  12. 10:30 pm BBT Bridgette says it would have been funny if he had farted at the end of Tiffany’s speech.  Frank tells Bridgette that he was pissed about Tiffany’s speech. Frank says at least they are safe this week and they get to play in next week’s HOH. In Have Not Room James, Corey, Nicole, and Paulie discuss who needs to go up. Paulie says that Tiffany may not have won anything yet, but she has studied the game and, just like her sister, she may not have won anything yet, but she may win things later in the season. It’s time to get rid of her. They don’t need her to take Frank out. They’ve got people who are smart and physical. Nicole tells him that she’s grateful for him. Paulie asks why and she says because he just comes through. They all say that they guessed on several of the questions. Paul comes in to the room. Paul tells them that he went into the Safari Room Bridgette was playing with some jewelry. She asked whose it was. Frank says it was Davonne’s. Bridgette dropped it in the crack of the couch and said OOPS and they both laughed hysterically. Nicole said they are evil and they need to go. Da walked into the Have Not Room and Paul said that he has something to tell her but she can’t lose it. So he tells her everything. She kind of laughs. Then Paul tells everyone that if Tiffany doesn’t leave this week he’s self-evicting.


    10:40 pm BBT Frank is telling Bridgette about the alliance of 8. He tells her that he said lets name it after Corey and call it the 8 pack. He tells her that he had to ask Paulie to go up for them. He said that it was his idea to backdoor Victor. Then he said that he threw Da’s name out there and had he never done that this probably never would have happened.


    10:45 pm BBT Frank says he thinks it’s funny how Da was trying to bring his first Roadkill comp win up in front of her. He was like, it’s too late. He tells her that he’s going to bring up putting up someone besides Natalie to Paulie again. He says the great thing about being safe this week is that they can see how things shake out this week. Meanwhile, in the Have Not Room, Natalie has joined Corey, Nicole, and James. She is sitting in the same bumper car as James. She says they were having a nice GT session and he should have joined them. He said he was trying to give her some room and he was scared. She asks why and he says he was just trying to give her space. Nicole is saying that last time she was in the house she lost weight. This time she’s gaining weight. She says this time has been more stressful and she’s an emotional eater. James says this time has been more stressful for him, too.


    10:50 pm BBT  Frank tells Bridgette that they need to win Roadkill tomorrow so they can control one nomination. If Paulie puts up Tiff and Nat, he wants to put up Da. In the Have Not Room, Paul and Natalie are discussing that they might be Have Nots tomorrow because they were among the first 5 to get the first question wrong in the HOH comp. They want to eat a lot and take warm showers. Natalie says she’s scared. Natalie asks James what if his girlfriends get jealous. He asks what if her boyfriends get jealous. Nicole tells Corey that her palms didn’t get sweaty today and asks if he’s proud. He says, “Awww.” Frank and Bridgette leave the Safari Room and join Michelle, Paul, Paulie, and Zakiyah in the KT. Natalie tells James that they need to go on a binge before being Have Nots tomorrow. Nicole tells them it will be 2 days. Natalie asks if James thinks it will be just their team or if it will be the 5 who got out in the comp. He thinks it will be their team.


    10:55 pm BBT  We get FotH for about 30 seconds. When we return, not much has changed. James is not feeling well and he tells Natalie that he thinks it’s probably too much glucose. Natalie says, “So, if you’re a Have Not, you can only nap in these cars?” Nicole and James tell her yes. She tells Corey and Nicole that it would just be her and James because they are the only ones left on their team. James says that everyone can nap for a couple days because that BY isn’t coming for awhile. Nicole and Corey start playing I Spy. Natalie suggests that James and her take a walk to help with his tummy. He says that he needs a Tums because he ate too many Mike ‘n Ikes. They decide to head to the KT. Natalie says “BRB.”



    11:00 pm BBT  Tiffany is laying down in one of the bumper cars, too (just realized it). Nicole is telling Corey that she smells deep fried food. In the KT Paul and Paulie are making chicken and sweet potato fries for everyone. Nicole asks Tiffany if she’s trying to sleep and she says she’s just resting. Corey starts to make a noise with his mouth and Tiffany wonders what the noise is. She sits up in her bumper car. Then she asks if they can whistle. Now Tiffany is whistling, Nicole is trying, and Corey is still making his weird noise (things are fun in the Have Not Room)! Nicole tells them that she’s going to go get some water and maybe a cough drop. She says she will eat some peanuts and popcorn but she doesn’t think she’s going to eat anymore slop until they are done being Have Nots. Tiffany asks if she thinks she’s lost weight. Nicole says NO, but Corey says he thinks he has. Tiffany thinks she has, as well. Corey says he thinks he thinks, for some reason, that he might be a Have Not again because he was one of the first 5 out. Tiffany says NO because what if there were 6 out in the first round. Tiffany says, “So, you and Nicole?” Corey says, “No.” She says, “Why not?” He says that he just likes to cuddle. She says maybe after? He says that he thinks Nicole is really cool, but that he had a plan when he came into the house and he’s sticking to it for the most part and he didn’t want to get in a showmance or anything. She says that aside from the game, she thinks they are the cutest thing. He says that he’s not ready to date. That he was in a relationship for 9 out of the last 11  years. He says he will keep in touch with her and he’s not ruling it out. He says she is a good girl and that’s the most attractive thing.



  13. 9:45 pm BBT  Bridgette tells Corey that one thing that gets her in trouble with this game is that she always wants to see the best in people. Corey says that people are looking out for their own games. He says that he doesn’t like people who are running their mouths a lot. Corey is rubbing Bridgette’s back. He asks her what’s wrong. She says she’s just confused and he says that they are safe this week. In the SR Paul, Paulie, and James are talking about who can win vetoes and HOH comps. James says he’s waiting for a good endurance comp. Paul says Frank is old and he’s not worried about him in a physical comp. He also say that he thinks Frank is too confident and no one is that good of a player. Paulie says that he has won 2 Roadkills, but this HOH shows that he’s mortal. The Safari Room camera switches to the KT and Frank and Nicole are in there. No game talk. Paulie says the way he is going to keep the paranoia at bay is that he’s going to tell people that Tiffany’s only move is to align with Frank and that’s not going to happen. They only reason she was kept here was because she thought she could win and take out Frank in the HOH and it didn’t happen. So, she’s going home this week.


    9:55 pm BBT  Paulie says another girl will go home this week and the numbers will even out this week. Da said that Tiffany called out Frank on the BB Roadkill and Paul and Paulie said they think Bridgette already knew that. They discuss who will be Have Nots. Paulie says that there were 5 people who went out in the first round of HOH comp. He says if they don’t do that then if he has to choose a team he may have to choose Nicole’s team again because it will weaken Tiffany again. He isn’t expecting Corey to win a comp after the way he performed in the one where he was dizzy. Paul leaves the SR and James and Paulie talk about Natalie again. Paulie tells him that if she alienates herself from him she’s alone. Even if she’s not alone, she’s with Frank and Bridgette. Big deal.


    10:00 pm BBT Meanwhile, Da, Corey, Nicole, and Paul are talking in the LR. Da is telling them about the conversation she had with Frank earlier where they agreed to try to reestablish trust with one another. She says that Frank thinks Paulie was involved in the flip. Tiffany has joined the group in the LR, so game talk has stopped. Corey has decided to go to bed. Paul is talking about the question he was asked about shaving off his beard. He asks if Donny was asked that question. In the Safari Room Zakiyah and Bridgette are talking to Frank. Frank tells them that everyone thought he was just the old man who slept all the time but it turns out he’s just an evil dictator. Zakiyah and Bridgette laugh. Nicole tells everyone in the LR that she noticed Corey shaved and she wants to go see his baby face, so she goes to the Have Not Room. Corey tells her that Frank is OK with them and he definitely does not trust Michelle. They are both in the same bumper car and they are laughing hysterically. Corey says that Frank was asking Paulie and him who voted Bronte out and he was just wanting to laugh hysterically. Corey said that he has been saying stuff to him over the last couple days like he wasn’t sure about the votes because Bronte is talking, etc. So, he just told him, “Dude, did I just not tell you that you told Michelle you were going to put Michelle on the block, etc.” and Frank told him that he knows he has a big mouth. Corey says that he really thinks that Frank thinks it might have been Paulie.


    10:10 pm BBT Corey says that people noticed that he was hanging with Bridgette and Bronte all week and it probably made people nervous. He also told him that from Day 1 he aligned with Nicole and Nicole told him that Frank could be trusted and they’ve always trusted him. He really believes that Frank trusts him. Nicole said that Tiffany told Frank that none of this would have happened if he had come after him. He told Tiff that Da told him that she was coming after him since the very beginning and she said that wasn’t true. So, Tiffany is really pissed at Da. Tiffany walks into the Have Not Room and Corey and Nicole tell them not to associate with Bridgette and Frank because people think she’s making a deal with them. Corey says didn’t we just prove that we have your back? Tiffany says YES. She can prove that she didn’t make a deal with them. They say NO, you don’t have to do that. Tiffany says that she doesn’t trust Da. Nicole says that she thinks that has gotten back to Da. She said Paul somehow knew and told Da. Tiffany is super angry and asks why Paul is doing that. Nicole said everyone tells everyone everything in this house.


    10:15 pm BBT Corey tells Tiffany to lay low. Nicole tells her not to scapegoat her to Da and Paul about what she just told her. Corey said if she hears anything to come to them and they will tell her if it’s true. Tiffany said that she feels like she just has her team. Tiffany says she would NEVER tell Paul that because he runs his mouth. Corey says that he is getting a lot of new info and doesn’t know what to do with it. Nicole says to just be careful with Bridgette…and to be careful with everybody. Nicole says that people are saying things that she didn’t say, too. Meanwhile, Bridgette is telling Frank that she was trying to prove that women can be true to each other be honest. She says that she doesn’t understand girls and she doesn’t know why Natalie is running from James. Frank says that he doesn’t trust Paul 100%. He definitely doesn’t trust Zakiyah. Da is whispering to Paulie in the KT, but it’s impossible to make out what she’s saying. James is in there with them. Da asks Paulie if Frank told him that she and Frank made a deal. He says no and that he even suggested putting her up. She is laughing about it.


    10:20 pm BBT Frank says that it was funny when he called out Michelle and her response. He says he thinks it was Zakiyah, Paul, James, and Natalie –missed the other name he said. Bridgette asks if he’s sure Nicole didn’t flip. He says he thinks Corey and her would vote the same. Frank says he’s not 100% sure about Paulie but he is gung ho about getting her out this week. He says that their best bet is to work with Nicole and Corey and hope that they are being genuine and if they’re not, they’re screwed anyway. Frank says it’s his fault because he was impatient and he hopes it didn’t bite them in the butt too hard. He tells her that she’s the only one he trusts 100%. He said that the only thing that makes him trust Nicole are her reactions because she cried when he called her out. Bridgette said she cried when Paul was put up for Roadkill. He says that he thinks she’s a little tougher.


    10:25 pm BBT Frank says he would rather believe it was James and Natalie that Corey and Nicole. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking. They agree that Natalie sure is acting strangely. Frank said maybe Nicole thought Bronte was going after her and Tiffany wasn’t. Bridgette says that Bronte was going after guys. Frank says that he says that even if she did it, that might be why. Bridgette asks who Paulie is putting up. He says he only knows Tiffany for sure. He says maybe Natalie. Bridgette asks why? She says why won’t he swing hard? Frank says he can’t talk more because he’s the Dictator. They laugh and she says, “And I’m your Cabbage Patch.” Meanwhile, Paulie is recounting everything that is going on in the house for Zakiyah in the SR. Then he heads to the Have Not Room and talks with Corey and Nicole. Frank is telling Bridgette that the fact that Paulie is wishy washy about putting up Zakiyah makes him not trust him.

  14. 9:00 pm BBT  Nicole, Michelle, and Zakiyah are sitting on the skybridge area talking and Tiffany is in the LR with Paul and Bridgette. Bridgette says that it sucks that she doesn’t know what’s going on. Paul says he didn’t know what was going on this week, didn’t know last week, didn’t know the week before. Tiffany says if she were home she would watch just to watch him. Camera switches to the Safari Room and Natalie is hugging Paulie. She leaves the room and Paulie tells Corey that he’s reeling her in because he wants her away from Bridgette. Da walks in and she tells Paulie that she is doing damage control with Frank because they are working together. She leaves. Corey and Paulie are confused. Frank comes into the room. Paulie tells him that he just had to listen to Natalie beg him not to put her on the block. He said that James came in to ask him not to put her on the block, too. Frank says that Da told her that she voted Tiff out. Paulie says that a lot of people are scared to tell him the truth. Frank says WHY ARE THEY AFRAID OF ME? I’M JUST A 32 YEAR OLD MAN WHO HASN’T WON SH*T. He tells Corey and Paulie that if they voted Bronte out, he won’t be mad, he just wants to know. Paulie says that he campaigned hard for her to go and it may have made people uncomfortable. Paulie says that he outlined the reasons why she needed to go even explaining how she compared to Vanessa’s season. He says now he’s pissed because now these people have put him in the position to put Tiff up and if she stays she will come for him next week.


    9:10 pm BBT  Frank says that a lot of stuff will come down in the wash after next week’s vote. They talk about how they are worried about what a liar Tiffany is. Paul has come into the room and he says that she has really sealed her grave, especially after her speech. Frank says that Da lied to his face like a pro, too by telling him that she voted Tiffany out. Frank says there are 3 votes in this room and he is curious to know who the 4th vote is. Paul says he was banking on her going home because he is sick of her. Paulie says if he gets to pick in the veto he will pick one of them. Paulie tells them they can live with Da a little longer and that it’s time for Tiffany to go. They discuss that there need to be 3 girls on the block for sure. Probably Tiffany and Natalie. Frank says it can be Da unless he’s worried about putting her up because she will come after her. Frank says if they win Roadkill they will have to put up Nicole, Da, or Zakiyah because they are the only options. Meanwhile, the girls are still up on the skybridge and the are still lamenting over the pictures in the HOH comp.


    9:18 pm BBT  Frank tells Paulie that leaving Natalie on the block is worrisome because she’s there weakest player and getting rid of their weakest player helps their side. Paulie says he could go to Nicole and say that when she asked him to go on the block, he did it. Paul says if he can guarantee him something, he will play. They all agree that they don’t want him up there. Paulie says they need his vote. Frank says they need to put up Tiffany, Da, and Zakiyah. He thinks they got in people’s ears this week and who knows what they can do next week. He says his confidence is shot. He really thought he was going into this vote unanimous. They said the mock vote was 5-4, too. He admits that he’s paranoid and after a good night’s sleep maybe he will be better off. Paulie says they can’t let paranoia get the best of them and the first piece is to send Tiffany home. Frank says he’s fine with that. Paulie says if she pulls herself off, maybe Da. He’d rather send home a strong player. He says it does make him angry that Natalie puts the school loans thing on him again. Paul says that he went to Pepperdine. He has plenty of loans.


    9:25 pm BBT Paulie says he thinks they may break up the teams next week since it will be time for jury. Frank says they may not even be going to jury next because someone could be coming back. They agree that they doubt it because they would have had to have housed someone for over a month. Corey says he can’t imagine staying in a hotel for over a month. Paulie says that optimally it would be best for Glenn to come back because he didn’t even have a chance to socialize. They can tell him things about the girls. Frank says he’d rather Bronte come back than any of them. Paulie says that Tiffany is going to be walking into every conversation this week and she’s going to be in his HOHR. Upstairs Michelle is telling the girls that she swears on her life that Frank said he’s going after Paulie. Natalie heads up there and the girls tell her to join them. Michelle tells her that she will give her a massage because it’s her specialty. They ask Natalie if she’s OK and she says her best friend is gone and now she’s alone. They tell her she’s not alone. Someone says she may even come back.


    9:30 pm BBT  Paulie has left the Safari Room and now he and Paul are talking in the Tokoyo BR. Paul is saying that Tiffany is a liar and she is getting on his last nerve. Meanwhile, Corey and Frank are talking. Frank has asked Corey what his gut feeling is. He babbles for awhile and then says he doesn’t know what to say about it truthfully, but he has Frank’s back no matter what. If he’s on the block, he’s got him. Same thing with Paulie. Frank says if the others are talking about Corey or Paulie, he nods his head, but that’s it. They agree that it’s what you have to do. We get FotH. Corey says that Da said WE ARE DOING HIS DIRTY WORK, LET’S GET BRONTE OUT. Corey says he’s the most loyal person in the house, but he thinks they saw him connecting with Bridgette and they freaked out. They all think the 8 pack is still a thing and it freaked them out. He’s just being honest. He says you can go ask people. He asks Frank why he would want him out of his game. Corey says that he’s not against anyone right now. Whoever the group wants, he’s for. Nicole comes in the Safari Room smiling and Frank asks what she’s smiling about. She says nothing. She notices Corey has shaved. No game talk. Just silence. Frank asks her why she is looking at him all crazy. Then Nicole leaves to go change. Corey tells Frank that he thinks they all just thought it would be better for their game and they thought it wouldn’t be a big deal. Frank says it’s a big deal because he now can’t trust people he thought he could trust.


    9:35 pm BBT  Nicole comes back into the Safari Room and asks Frank if he thinks she flipped because she is sick of hearing that he thinks that. He says NO. She says that he needs to be 100% loyal to her. She says that Da just made her feel like if Frank got Roadkill that she would be going up. She says that  Frank can’t go to Da now because it would blow things up for her. Meanwhile, Paulie is talking to James in the SR. Paulie is talking about his conversation with Natalie. He tells him that Natalie told him that he has no loyalties to anyone in the game but that she’s closest to James. James says that as soon as Bronte left she has done a 180. If he enters a room she leaves or moves away. Paulie says if she acts that way than she is exposing that everything she did up until this point was fake or something. But she’s not in a position to act that way. Especially if she’s going to do it in front of Bridgette.


    9:40 pm BBT James said that it happened to him with Meg in his season and now it’s happening with Natalie this season. Paulie says sometimes you need to nip things in the bud before they get you. James said he’s definitely not chasing her. Paulie says they will see how things play out this week. Back in the Safari Room, Frank is telling Corey and Bridgette that he guessed on both of the last 2 questions in the HOH comp. In the SR, James tells Paulie he will tell him if he hears anything from Bridgette. Paulie says one of the reasons she might have wanted him out is because he doesn’t talk game with her. Paul enters the SR with James and Paulie. He tells James that she’s running around crying to everyone. James says she might try to realign herself with Frank. Paulie said he already told Frank not to listen. James said why did they let this happen. He’s not trying to name names, but 2 girls started to get things to turn around and he doesn’t understand why they let it happen. He played with her sister last season. She’s a strategist and she can make things happen. He was afraid of this. Paul says she’s going to throw them under the bus to get closer to Frank. Meanwhile, Bridgette is questioning Corey about how the vote went down.

  15. 10:05 pm BBT Frank says if him, her or Corey win HOH, and he starts counting on his fingers what it would take to get Natalie out. He says James would be a hard sell. Frank says that James is still worried about all the girls getting together and he says it’s not going to happen. Nicole says it has never happened and it’s not going to happen. She says he need to stop talking about it and Frank says he agrees because he doesn’t want James to give them ideas. They are discussing someone that they don’t trust…maybe Natalie. Nicole says that she hasn’t trusted her since like day 2. Frank asks if she thinks she has a final 2 with James.


    10:15 pm BBT  Nicole asks if she can come over to the hammock to cuddle with Zakiyah and Michelle. Frank calls to Zakiyah to come fold her laundry. Michelle and Nicole are talking about the fact that Frank tries to get targets on everybody. Nicole says she asked James straight up if he would put Natalie up and he said YES. Zakiyah and Michelle don’t believe him. Zakiyah says she wants everyone to be happy but she doesn’t feel that she is genuine. Nicole says she wouldn’t call someone else in the house sexy (Corey) if she had feelings for someone else in the house like Natalie does. James and Frank are playing pool and Bridgette is watching.


    10:20 pm BBT  Zakiyah tells them that she thinks Paulie kind of broke up with her. Nicole asks what happened and Zakiyah said that he explained that they can’t hang out together as much because it puts a target on them. Nicole says that Frank is always telling people who they should hang out with… he was just telling her. She says Bridgette is over there watching Frank play pool and their relationship is almost worse because it’s all game whereas theirs are also about hanging out and friendship. Zakiyah said she wants to win HOH but she almost hopes Paul or Da win because they will have better lines if they do.


    10:25 pm BBT  Michelle says that Frank is like Bridgette’s dad. Bridgette is now playing pool and when she does something Frank tells her GOOD JOB. Michelle tells Zakiyah and Nicole that Frank is in the wrong season…it’s not the coaching season. Michelle said she’s not worried about the game as much as James’ heart. Nicole said she asked him if he and Meg still talk and he fired back with, “Do you and Hayden still talk?” She said she thought it was uncalled for because she and Hayden dated for 2 years and she just thought Meg and James were BFFs. She didn’t realize they had dated or anything. Nicole asks Zakiyah if America knows she thinks Paulie is cute and we get FotH. Michelle says that she wishes she had someone and Nicole and Zakiyah say that it’s way harder. They say that they don’t know if their relationships are real or for game. Michelle says that they’re lucky because they are both good guys. They both agree that they just didn’t need the distraction.


    10:30 pm BBT They discuss how being in the BB House is like going out with someone for years because you see them at their best and worse. Tiffany joins them. Michelle tells the girls that the mascot for After Dark is an owl. She says she always forgets about After Dark. Tiffany asks if they just take the feeds and turn them into the show. Tiffany is laying down on the ground with her feed rocking the hammock. Michelle says she is putting her to sleep. Then Michelle says that tomorrow America will see the veto comp. She says it was really cool seeing Tiffany on TV and that’s what America will see. Tiffany says FML. She asks if they would have liked to play in it. Michelle says no because she doesn’t like loud noises and she hates balloons. She asks if vetoes are always the hardest and Nicole says she thinks they are always hard. Tiffany says she thinks the Roadkills are hard and Nicole says she thinks they are kind of luck.


    #BB18 10:35 pm BBT  Nicole says your odds are better with the Veto comp because you are only playing against 6 people, but the comps are harder. She said that with the money Roadkill competition she wasn’t even paying attention to the prices. She just randomly put the tags on the items, so if she had randomly put them in the right places, she could have won. All the boys go inside. James, Frank, and Corey are talking in the KT. Frank says whatever team wins will pick. James says who is supposed to get it? He says dinosaur (Bronte). He says if his team wins he will give it to Big Mich. Corey says hopefully Nicole steps her game up. Michelle says she still can’t believe Bridgette won HOH and she’s till salty about it. We keep getting FotH, but the girls on the hammock are talking about who is going to throw the HOH comp and that Frank is going to be in hell.


    10:40 pm BBT  James is in the UKBR and talking to Da. He tells her that Frank said he wants Corey to get HOH. But then he also said that Frank told him to put up Paulie and Corey. They both agree that Frank is out to get Da. She says that’s why she needs to win this HOH. Da says even if James wins the HOH and she wins Roadkill…if he’s sitting on the block and he’s sitting next to her, she’s OK with that. James says he’s not throwing anything. Da says he hopes no one does. James says he hopes Paulie comes through because it’s hard to be dedicated in the moment to throw a comp. James said if he sees Paulie and Frank beasting it, he will be like “Mmmm Hmmm.” Da says she knows he is trying to get her or him next week and it won’t work because they both have the votes. On the hammock the talk is also about Frank.


    10:45 pm BBT  Camera 1 and 2 switch to the Safari Room and it’s Frank and Corey. Corey is telling him things that Natalie has said and done to him like touching his leg and calling him sexy, etc. Corey said that if James were there it she wouldn’t do that. Frank says that it’s like last year with Meg flirting with Clay. Meanwhile, James is telling Da that Frank really trusts Nicole. Da says she knows that Nicole will go to the ends of the earth to protect Corey. Corey says he doesn’t want Natalie around because he thinks what she’s doing to James is wrong. Frank says he thinks James will see the bigger picture. Corey says James ended up putting Clay and Shelley on the block and he doesn’t think James would do that to him. Corey says he isn’t going after James, he just doesn’t want Natalie around because she is going to hold James back at some point. Frank says he think it needs to be Da, Bronte, and Natalie in that order next week, personally.


    10:52 pm BBT  Corey says for everyone’s sake the HOH would be best in his hands. He tells him that Paul said he’s going hard in the HOH comp and he gets it because he’s been on the block 3 weeks in a row. He said that Paul said he would put Natalie up. Corey tells Frank that he told Paul that Da sleeps all day and then walks around telling people to give her the HOH and that’s shady. Frank says he may approach him tomorrow and tell him that in order to get Natalie out we need to put Bronte and Natalie up. If he wins he will burn that bridge. It would be better if Corey or Frank puts them up and then he can win it. Frank says they can explain to him that Natalie is the target. Corey says he explained that to him but finally he just agreed with him because there was nothing else to do.


    10:57 pm BBT  Frank says he still feels good about Thursday. He says that if it’s physical Corey and Nicole have a good chance. James is good at endurance comps, but if it’s a puzzle, not so much. He said that Bronte hasn’t been as good at comps as everyone thought she would be and that Natalie maxed out on the math comp. We keep getting FotH. Frank tells Corey that he was really impressed with Bridgette. He also tells him that he isn’t concerned with his relationship with Nicole. Corey says that he never even touches Nicole. Bridgette comes into the Safari Room so Corey and Frank stop whispering.

  16. 9:05 pm BBT Tiff comes into the Tokyo BR so game talk stops between Paul and Corey. She tells them that it looks like “he” wants to win it now. Tiffany says one thing is for sure, she’s not going on the block this week. Paul says first he wants to make sure he’s still here to keep that option. Tiffany says she will put up whoever everyone wants up and Paul agrees that the smartest thing is to not make rash decisions. Then he heads to the SR to see if they got lucky with alcohol (which he calls “friendship”). They didn’t. In the KT James is rubbing Michelle’s shoulders.


    9:10 pm BBT Corey is telling Tiffany about a bar he goes to back home where they have whiskey specials. She tells him she loves whiskey and wonders how he likes his whiskey. Da comes through looking for Nicole because she ‘stood her up’ for a date. In the KT James says that if he is never been on the block he’s not cleaning. He tells everyone he’ll be right back because he’s going to go visit the old lady and heads to the HOHR. In the HOHR is Bridgette and Natalie in the bed and Bronte doing yoga. He lays down to scratch Natalie’s back. Frank is finishing up after showering in the HOH WA. In the KT, Paul tells everyone that the girls are kicking him out of the Tokoyo BR. Zakiyah tells him they can stay upstairs.


    9:15 pm BBT Natalie says she wants to be HOH so she can get pictures and a letter from her mom. James says it sucks that you have to give them back. Bridgette says she has been studying the pictures. In the KT Paul is talking about a conversation earlier when Frank was saying I’m coming after you, and you, and you. Michelle asks if he said her name and Nicole says that he didn’t. Zakiyah goes to the WA and is at the shower door talking to Paulie who is toweling himself off. Franks heads downstairs after his shower. He tells her that he thought she was coming to get a peek. Nicole goes to the SR and the cameras follow her. She starts to sing, “Hate is a strong word but I really, really, really don’t like you,” and we don’t get FotH. Upstairs Bridgette and James decide it’s time to feed the fish. Natalie tells Bridgette that she has to tell Nicole she killed a fish because Nicole killed 2. Bridgette says she thinks she killed 2, as well. Natalie says, “America, James is feeding the fish and I have a tummy ache.”


    9:20 pm BBT Natalie asks, “Are we going to win HOH guys?” She says that she can’t stop thinking about it and she’s having nightmares. She also says she’s going to bed soon and James asks her why. He asks her what he’s been doing all night. He says he hung out with the fellas and then he texted her to see if she wanted to hang out. She says that she dropped her phone in the pool so she didn’t get his text. He says that’s funny because Bronte says she got her text. They both laugh. Natalie asks him if he ate the food Bronte and him slaved over to make. They talk about the fact that Zakiyah seems upset that no one ate the salmon she made but everyone ate the pasta they made. James said he thinks she was joking so he told her that he thinks it’s because everyone at the pasta first. They say she gets upset a lot. Meanwhile, Paul and Zakiyah are in the WA talking about different people in the house. She says she is trying to hold her comments and Paul tells her to hold them for the DR and make some good tv.


    9:25 pm BBT When feeds return Paul is telling Zakiyah that some people walk around with their noses in the air like their untouchable in the game. He says that Bridgette sticks up for people and it makes him crazy. He said that he will tell people they are pretty without makeup and she will turn that into something. Paulie comes into the WA and Paul is telling him about a conversation he had earlier with someone (sounds like Frank). He told him that at least for the next few HOHs he will probably be on the block. Paul tells Paulie that he was like, “Oh thank you master.” He told Paulie that ‘he’ told him that if he wins HOH he should put Natalie on the block and he thinks he would want Paulie or Corey on the block with him. He said it would be funny if they both played in the POV and then one of them won it and fist-bumped as they put Frank on the block. Paul says they can’t trust Bridgette because she’s a very stubborn person and she wouldn’t believe she was safe. Nicole comes into the WA and Paul leaves. Paulie and Nicole discuss that Paul says not to put Bridgette up. Paulie says he would put Bridgette up because at that point he’s sitting up next to one of his girls and one of them would go home. Zakiyah is just listening to them. In the HOHR Natalie is laying down in the bed and James is sitting next to her.


    9:30 pm BBT Natalie tells James that they need to go over the days. James asks her what day Paul went up on the block. She says she can’t remember and he says just say every day. She says she’s a good learner but it’s hard because she can’t take her medication every day. In the WA Paulie and Zakiyah are talking and she says that she should have known that Frank would say something about her getting close to Paulie. He says that he knows he has said something about him getting close to her and Corey and that’s why he’s trying to stick to James and Da right now and she needs to stick to others but that it won’t matter when he’s gone. Paulie tells Zakiyah to find out how Nicole feels about James. She says she trusts Nicole and he says that he would never expect her to choose him over her. She says that Nicole told her that she never would expect Zakiyah to choose her over Paulie and her said that she should never agree to that.



    9:40 pm BBT Nicole and Michelle come into the WA to brush their teeth and Paulie joins them they all decide to do the ‘Toothbrush Dance’ like Clay and Audrey. They discuss how long you are supposed to brush your teeth because Nicole says she does it really fast. Cameras 1 and 2 switch to the KT where Bridgette and Frank are talking. Frank tells her she needs to work really, really hard on the Roadkill this week and they will keep it quiet. He tells her he thinks it will be key this week. She says if she gets it should she tell him. He says YES because he has to tell her who to put up. She says she will decide. He tells her he can see them working with Nicole and Corey down the road and that they were impressed with her this week. She asks with what. He tells her with winning and getting Tiffany out. She says she doesn’t know anything about Corey and he says he knows that he’s a good guy and kind of a ‘Goober.’ A discussion ensues about the definition of a ‘Goober.’


    9:47 pm BBT Nicole is talking to Michelle and Zakiyah in the WA about getting the numbers to get Tiffany to stay.  They say that Paulie is really against it and they wonder why. Michelle wonders if she knows something about him and Nicole says she thinks that he legitimately thinks it’s a bad move down the road. She tells him that she will to whatever they think is best. They are whispering and James comes in to the room. She asks him if they are voting her out and he says, “I guess.” Michelle asks if they care if she gives her a sympathy vote. They all say they don’t care. Frank comes in to use the WC and Tiffany comes in to the WA so game talk stops. Nicole asks James if they are still going to hang out. James picks up so birth control meds and asks who’s MM? He says, “Michelle?” She says NO. Then she admits they are hers. He says that he wants to make sure she is on schedule and opens up the container.


    9:52 pm BBT  Michelle is sitting next to a shirt and asks if someone will burn it because it smells like Jozea’s BO. She thinks he wore it with his dog costume. Tiffany asks if they think it will come out in the wash because it’s a nice shirt. Tiffany gives Nicole, James, and Michelle some self defense lessons in the WA. Paulie and Paul are now playing chess and James is massaging Nicole’s neck. Paul asks Paulie why Da wants HOH so badly and Paulie tells her he thinks it’s just because she wants to take out Frank. James moves his massaging skills to Zakiyah’s neck and tells her she has a lot of knots. He asks her what she is so stressed out about. Nicole says his strategy is to find out who is the most stressed out and to ask them why. James whispers to Nicole, “So, when are we going to get James out?” She tells him soon… Thursday.” He says that he can’t wait. Then Nicole starts looking at her freckles and says she feels like she has more. She asks James if guys like them. He tells her he’s not a dermatologist but she needs to be careful in the sun because they can turn into skin cancer.


    9:55 pm BBT Bronte is downstairs and James asks her if Natalie is still asleep. She tells him she is. The BY is open and they are very excited. Frank calls out to them that they have a volleyball net but he is only kidding. Frank and Nicole are talking by the hottub. Frank says that he has been thinking about a foursome. He says that the only problem is that Bridgette says that she doesn’t know Corey. She says that she can promise that he is one of the most trustworthy people in the house. He says that he needs somebody that has his back, too and he thinks that Corey does. He thinks that foursome could be powerful.

  17. 9:00 am BBT  Cameras 1 and 2 are on the HOHR and sleeping HG. Cameras 3 is on Nicole awake on the couch. She has just come back from the WA. Camera 4 is on the Anime BR. Camera 1 and 2 switches to the UKBR and Bronte is awake and getting some things together. It looks like she will be heading to the WA to start her ADLs. We get FoTH.


    9:05 am BBT  We still see FotH. It might be time for the morning wake up call.


    9:08 am BBT Feeds return. Bronte is in the showr. Natalie is doing ADLs in the WA and Zakiyah is in the HNR doing her makeup. Camera 3 is on the Anime BR with many sleeping HG. Bronte is talking to Natalie, but since she’s showering she’s not wearing her mic so we can’t hear her. Michelle enters the WA and asks where everyone is. She asks Natalie if she is crying but Natalie says she is just tired. Michelle says that she and Bridgette didn’t go to sleep until after 5 am.  Michelle says she was called to the DR at 4:45 am.


    9:12 am BBT Michelle said that when she changed her battery the last time she accidentally threw out the dead battery. She dug it out of the trash though. Michelle says that she feels like no one is taking “his 30 minute warning seriously.” Zakiyah is still putting on her makeup in the HNR. Now Bronte is out of the shower and Natalie gets in. Bronte goes into the WC to change into her clothes. When she comes out Michelle asks if it was in her head that he said 30 minute warning and we get FotH. Michelle, Bronte, and Zakiyah all doing ADLs.


    9:16 am BBT  Natalie is out of the shower and asks if they think they will find out who is a HN today. Michelle says probably and that everything is happening so fast. Michelle uses the WC and when she comes out she asks if anyone else’s arms are sore. She wonders why hers are sore because it wasn’t a labor intensive comp. Bronte says that they used their arms to balance. Michelle tells them that Bridgette got to say HELLO to her mom since she was up so late. They talk about how they will get first dibs on the new food in the SR since they are the first ones up this morning.


    9:21 am BBT  Michelle says that she volunteered to be a HN this week if it’s individuals. If it’s not individuals, she thinks their team will be chosen since they were safe last time. We get FotH… probably another attempt to get the rest of the HG to get out of bed.

  18. 10:36 am BBT   The feeds have returned. Nicole is saying that she didn’t know where her key was, but someone said they knew where it was all along. Corey is massaging Nicole’s neck. Someone is singing, so we get WBRB again. Paul, Victor, and Natalie are in the KT and Paul says that apparently they will do the same thing again tomorrow but it will be a lot longer. Natalie says, “Really?” Paul says, “Yep, according to the vets.” Paul realizes they are locked in for the day. Someone asks what they did and they say that they “switched their keys.”


    10:40 am BBT   Jozea is whispering to Paul and it’s impossible to hear even though BB turns up the volume. Paul says, “F you!” Paul says, “Did you say that?” Frank says that they’ve never put the keys out this early and they’ve never put bags out this early. Now Jozea and Victor are in the Safari Room and Jozea is telling him what James said up in the HOHR about them being petty. Victor says that James put crackers in their bed and he threw them on the floor. He says that James is the one being petty. They leave the Safari Room and Paul says, “You don’t know what its like to play bills, do you?” Then he says, “These pranks are F-ing petty!” and he repeats it. Frank walks by and they say hello to him. Someone starts singing and we get WBRB.


    10:45 am BBT   When we come back Paul, Jozea, Bronte, and Victor are in the KT says it’s about to get really mean in this house after tomorrow. Jozea must have just said something because then Paul tells him that he’s right, he’s right. Frank joins them and then Nicole comes down and says that she wants to pop Frank’s blackheads. She says she’s been thinking about them. They head to the WA. She starts to pop them and BB focuses in on them. She says, “Oh man, these are huge!” Frank says, “I’m a big guy.” He tells her that his is what the Live Feeders are watching right now and she says she doesn’t care. She says other pimple poppers will understand. The KT crew is still talking about what James said.


    10:50 am BBT   Nicole goes to the UKBR and tells them (James, Michelle, Tiffany) she popped the blackheads on Frank’s back. She says she thought of Michelle. She says she left the cysty one for Michelle. Tiffany tells them to stop talking about it. Michelle says she thought Nicole was Bronte coming to spy on them. Nicole says that Bronte just gave her a really dirty look. They say she should confront her about it. BB comes over the speaker and says, “Dae, stop it!” Nicole asks whose bed has crackers in it. James says he put them in Corey’s bed and he threw them everywhere. Frank comes into the room and talk turns back to his blackheads.


    10:55 am BBT  Franks asks them if he heard them in the KT. He says he heard them say the pranks are petty and he was walking through there and he heard Paul scream F-You! Nicole says they’re funny. Michelle says what’s petty is crying over crackers. Frank says that Corey laughs it off and it was him who it was “getting done to.” Natalie enters the room and Frank says he’s so glad the lockdown was quick. James says, “Who keeps pulling these pranks in the house. It’s some petty sh*t.” They all laugh and they say it’s some short guy with dark hair. Natalie pretends like she was going to throw something at Frank and he says he would get her evicted. James says that’s petty. Frank laughs and says that’s going to be their new word. Natalie says he’s mean. He says he couldn’t be mean on his season because he was always on the block. James says he was his hero but he tricked him. Now he sees the real Frank.




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