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Posts posted by gogojuicy

  1. Sometimes, caleb reminds me of Jesse Pinkman (when Jesse is at his most ridiculous).

    You take that back!

    OT, I wish there would be a spinoff on Breaking Bad that would continue with Jesse Pinkman, but I suppose that Aaron Paul may want to move on from that.

    Better Call Saul is starting in the fall. It's a prequel to Breaking Bad so they have the opportunity to toss in some of the characters! :) AMC has been running Breaking Bad every Sunday as a lead up to it.

    Oh! Last night on the Emmys, Aaron Paul said he misses Jesse everyday. :)  So do I, so do i.

  2. Cody and Derrick has been working together since early on in the game. Why would he not think that Derrick would take him to F2? The chances of Derrick or Christine taking him to F2 is much higher than with Nicole or Donny. 

    Derrick may tell Cody it's the Hitmen, but no way if he has a choice is he letting that little cheesecake take food out of his daughter's mouth. (haha! that made me think of Devin) Derrick doesn't care what those nitwits think of him. He will have no problem taking the easy win w/ Victoria by his side, or even Christine, or Caleb if it came to that. He won't risk Cody (though sure he could beat him) or Frankie.

    If Christine were to to take Cody she's even stupider than I thought. She wouldn't win and "quite frankly, at the end of the day", it would just look like her taking advantage of her last chance to sit next to her little snuggle muffin. Barf. Seriously! At what point does she realize her little stroking plan is getting her nothing but aroused?  Cody wouldn't even vote for her, unless it was against Victoria. But then she's not doing it for votes, otherwise the others would be blessed w/ her constant hand jobs, right?

    But what do I know, I don't even watch BBAD since Zach left and barely even read the transcripts. Maybe things have changed. :)

  3. ^ yeah. when you have the numbers, it's just mean spirited to treat people like that. That's coming from a fan of Zach. 

    There is absolutely no game or strategy involved in it, in my opinion. 

    I think Nicole and Donny are both lovers of the game...as clear as it is to me, it seems it must be apparent to the other HGs.

    When they are of no threat and clearly can not turn anything around in their favor game wise, it is just bad karma to treat them so poorly.

    These guys aren't as horrible personalities as last season, but they may as well as be. Assholes are assholes.

  4. Sometimes I think that nobody could be that vapid and I believe her to be cunning but no, I believe victoria as obtuse as she appears.  Recruited?  WTH?

    Agreed! I think I actually got a little dumber myself the few times I really tried to listen and figure out what she was whispering about.

  5. Donny keeps telling Cody that Derrick is in with Frankie and Caleb and Derrick will dump him.


    He is really working hard on Cody.


    Donny is playing your family would not want you to go against the "nice guy" (Donny)  card.

    What he needs to tell him is.... Derrick is playing to win; every move is to that end. Do you really think he's gonna take anyone who has even a slight chance of beating him? He's never gonna take you to F2, Cody.  He is taking Victoria.


    Seems silly to try the nice guy argument....Derrick"s a nice guy too.  Not to mention that angle is so obviously manipulative and desperate.

  6. The old BS people seem to really start hating on the people they want out. They have always treated Donny as an outsider and the week that they have decided he is the one to go, the hating will really start. Right now they are hating on Nicole. They are pretty cold and distant to her. I think they have done it to all of the evictees except Jocasta.

    Maybe because it wasn't really fully decided until the 11th hour?

    But yeah, that shunning crap of the evictee is obnoxious

  7. That is how stupid Christine is because she is not thinking about jury votes. The guys are using her to if their dirty work.

    I'm thinking at this point Christine sees Victoria as her F2 so... she doesn't have to worry about jury votes.

    That is if Christine even sees F2 as a possibility. Maybe/probably not. I may be giving her too much credit.

    I don't like her but even I can see she has a chance w/ the right wins at the right time and w/ Victoria by her side.


    The jury didn't want Rachel to win but had to give it to her cuz the only other choice was Porsche.


    (sorry! just realized this is a Nicole thread! so sorry Nicole. :()

  8. I think it is funny that the bb house was compared to a party house. Have you seen the mental collapse of these people? Have you not seen Donny cry? The stress in that house could not be endured by a lot of people. Who ever survives to the end certainly deserves something, no matter how they played the game. I couldn't do it. Could you?

    HAHA! Party house? I think I've personally had more drinks this week then the lot of them combined all summer!


    edit..i don't live in a party house either. I'm just a drunk. :P



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