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Posts posted by PlasticCastle

  1. 6:46 BBT Andy says that without a doubt this is his favorite thing that has ever happened in this house. The house is gathering to see the last session. Everyone has a tanning music dance party. Amanda is very, very, very tan. (Am I the only one baffled as to how CBS decided this was a good idea for a punishment at this point?) Amanda rubs herself over McCrae as much as possible to get tanner all over him.

  2. 3:59 BBT- Amanda goes topless into the tanner. Once its over she chases Andy out and gets a smear of tan on his cheek.

    4:04 BBT An announcement is made and everyone is laughing, they think BB is going to make Amanda go in again. Andy says this is his favorite day in the house so far.

    4:05 BBT Elissa is saying how nice McCrae is for getting up with Amanda at tan time. He says yeah, but it's really just to laugh at her.

    4:07 BBT The HGs are saying how nice it would be if for one hour a day the cameras turned off and they could listen to music, etc, do whatever they want, they have enough footage. Andy says sure, except we'd all disappear for an hour and know we're all masturbating.

  3. 1:06 BBT: Aaand, we're back. Kaitlyn is straddling Jeremy on the couch. [it's sort of gross.] Jeremy won veto.

    1:08 BBT: Helen says she has to give it to Jeremy, he is smart AND athletic. But she was so close.

    1:09 BBT. Helen is worried that now Jeremy is going to win HOH and come back for revenge next week, and it's going to be ugly.

  4. 10:58 BBT- Andy and Judd are talking about what former BB houseguests they follow on Twitter. Judd says that he follows one [i didn't catch who] but that he invited him to Corey Feldman's birthday party. They start talking about Corey Haim and the thing about drugs, is it's too bad they kill everyone. Andy says he has never seen anyone do cocaine. Judd says, "if you ever do, try it". [Note: I switched away for a second to type, and am not 100% sure if it was Spencer or Judd that said this. I THINK it was Judd.]

    11:04 BBT: Aaryn yells at someone to stop talking about her Adderall. She says that it is a potential rules violation for other people to be talking about this. She would be crazy if she wasn't on it and it isn't her fault she has ADD. She loves it when this kind of stuff happens before competitions because [switches to another feed].



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