11:31 BBT Andy and GM are saying that they can't wait to see the show when they get out. Judd doesn't want to watch it, but they can't wait. Andy is saying that Candace screaming at GM after the competition might be the most dramatic day of the season. Everyone was working so hard to get Nick out and then the mattress thing happened. McCrae and Amanda are back in bed. (Is it just me or have they completely lost the will to live?) Nick's picture has joined in the conversation as Andy is laying out to GinaMarie the plan to make Nick leave. She is taking it well, and ask's Nick's picture about his thoughts. Andy says things could have gone better for Nick if he had picked a better social player to align himself with, or a girl. GM says that Nick's problem was aligning with people too quickly. He would have brought her into the fold in another week or so, but he picked people randomly because they were big guys. He should have taken time to figure out who was worth his trust. Judd has come to the HoH room. Andy and GM talk to Judd about the moving company and GM says YOU IDIOT! Should have brought me in! He chuckles and says Yeah. Clips his fingernails. Andy says Nick's problem is that he wasn't personable, GM says I know, and that's where I came in. Andy says I tried to open up to him but he wouldn't say anything and it made him look shadier. Judd asks if Andy thought he (Judd) would go out early. Andy says no. More talk on social games. Andy thinks he has sat down and had a good one on one with everyone. He would bet that say, McCrae never had a sitdown with Candace. GM says, I like to talk to everyone but someone like Candace probably wants to talk about, like, dick-sucking all day. GM says, I can't wait to see Amanda's DRs. She is probably all like "I run this house with my McCranda, bitches!". (GM, you will be right.) Andy thinks he has Big Brother cred now because he survived an eviction. HoH, Veto, survived an eviction. Judd wins the conversation by saying he got evicted and got back in. They concede. 10:53 BBT McCrae is sitting in the lounge looking like he wants to die. (No seriously, has McCrae said more than 5 words since the nominations came down?) 11:58 BBT GM is stretching and listening to her Britney cd. (Her mike is close enough to hear it- "Stronger" is on. Bring on the copyright lawyers!)