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Everything posted by kakidoodle

  1. 5:23 BBT Feeds 1 2, 3 and 4 Mc, Andy, Amanda ,and Candice in BY discussing baby names waiting on Nom Ceremony. Moved on to pet names, BB15 5:35 BBT Feeds are in and out because they keep talking about friends who haven’t signed release forms. BB15 5:48 BBT Amanda and Mc in hammock talking about how they smell, her bing sweet and him being stinky. BB15 5:40 BBT Aaryn practicing her nom speech in HOH as clowny. Jeremy and Kaitlin cuddling in HOH bed. Andy and Gina laughing as clowny makes his nom speech. BB15 5:55 BBT Trivia nom ceremony taking place.
  2. 4:00 BBT Aaryn, Gina, Kaitlin in HOH Jessie bashing and her not wanting to be sick on TV 4:09 BBT Feed 1 Amanda and Nick discussing working out and getting ready for Nom Ceremony 4:15 BBT Feed 3 Amanda giving Kaitlin guy advice on how to handle a manly man like Jeremy. Jeremy enters and talk stops. 4:18 BBT Jeremy feels Kaitlin has trust issues with him. She tells him she knows he will keep her safe. He says he doesn’t need the drama. He apologizes they kiss and all is well 4:30 BBT Jeremy, Gina, and Nick in HOH no game talk 4:38 BBT Aaryn in HOH going over her nom speech with Kaitlin. She is going to tell Helen you are nomed because of Elissa. Elissa you nomed my best friend so your best friend is going up. Elissa you cause chaos in the house and because of you we don’t have a level playing field. 4:48 BBT Kailtin and Gina preparing dinner while Helen, Andy and Candice watch. We get foth because Gina and Andy can’t stop singing. BB15 5:00 BBT Mc in BY coaching Amanda he says she talks way too much. They are the swing vote and they could go either way. He says don’t give away anything until after the veto and they are not nomed. Says they need to sleep all day tomorrow. BB15 5:09 BBT Helen thanks America for the lima beans
  3. 8:28 BBT Candice and Aaryn discussing the votes and Aaron had a light bulb moment and realized Nick voted to evict David
  4. 8:09 BBT Amanda in shower and Kaitlin talking to her about the house betraying McCrae by the vote and he was just doing what the house wanted. Jeremy seems to be the only one who is not upset... saying we are playing week two and for everyone to get past the vote and move on.
  5. 7:45 BBT GM, Aaryn and Nick discussing vote to evict David... Nick is good...they believe he voted to evict Elissa and Candice lied to them.
  6. it looks like Andy and Elissa are tied with Jeremy and Aaryn
  7. 8:08 PM BBT Nick and Andy in BY hammock GM says she is going to leave the house on Wed
  8. 7:57 PM BBT Andy, Howard, and Helen in HOH talking about Wed after voting David out that Jeremy will realize that Aaryn is not a good ally and they can pull him in their 5.
  9. 7:45 PM BBT Jessie telling knock knock jokes to Aaron and David
  10. 7:25 PM BBT Spencer, McCrae, Amanda, Jeremy, and Andy in HOH discussing poops, and sizes of their poop...stimulating convo!
  11. 9:16 PM BBT Aaryn telling Jessie and David how unfair it is for Elissa to be MVP because America voted for her due to Rachel's tweets. All the aholes just voting not knowing what they are doing and ruining their lives. When Elissa is gone then it will be more fair for the others.
  12. 8:32 PM BBT McCrae and Amanda in HOH discussing the deal to keep Elissa over David. Amanda telling McCrae that Elissa wanted to keep Noms the same so McCrae would have blood on his hands. They both told her to lay low and pretend she is going home. Amanda says teeny boppers are downstairs eating chicken parm.
  13. 8:32 PM BBT Andy, Howard, Candice, Elissa, Aaryn, Amanda and Jessie around the hot tub discussing scary ghost stories
  14. 7:35 PM BBT Candice, Helen and Andy in HOH discussing all the reasons they dislike Elissa. Helen and Andy leave Candice alone to chill. Stimulating conversation in Kitchen: hair extensions, Andy's likes in a mate, favorite yogurt flavors.



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