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Posts posted by BBLOVER

  1. Elissa is only doing what Helen suggested she do and talk to Amanda. Helen knows she is out and is still trying to get Elissa to make kissy ass with the others to stay in longer. I don't blame Elissa for doing this since they are pretty aware that Amanda is the head of the snake! So what if she is throwing Aaryn under the bus, Aaryn has been saying some pretty nasty things about Elissa to EVERYONE. It's all part of the game. Geeze

  2. I understand all the lies in this game BUT I do not like the name calling, etc. this group is so over the top with this season. There is just no reason for it and it certainly has nothing to do with the game. Same on some of the posts here, nothing to gain with remarks about looks, etc.

  3. I really want him out over ANY of the others right now. The way he is dissing Elissa when all I have read is how they are always kidding around and getting along great! He is a total tool and I dislike him right now. I am being sooo bad right now because he is really getting under my skin. UGH~

  4. IMO I think she IS better than the rest of the group! She has kept her cool when listening to the mean, degrading, hurtful comments the others are making about people in and out of the house. She only talked to Aaryn because Helen asked her to try and make amends. She didn't want to! IMO she is the only one trying to stay true to her beliefs.

  5. This chick is in it to win it! She is a force to be reckoned with and I cant wait for her to turn on Mcmanda. Mcdirty is aware that she is not trustworthy in the end and if he has a chance, he will put her up. Of course, then Amanda will be all over him and that will be the time to divorce his BB wife! LOL. Oh, well I can dream cant I?

  6. So many people dislike or "hate" Elissa. You say she is useless and only in the house because of her relation to Rachel. Most dislike her because of her relation to Rachel. That's your choice, but I don't see the need to make such disgustingly disparaging remarks about someone you only know from viewing a television show.

    I'm not sure if you are watching the same show as I am, but Elissa has been playing. How many forget that she won the POV in week four and saved herself? That was the week she didn't have MVP, America did! As for her game play, it's hard to make alliances when, from week one everyone knows exactly who you are and is targeting you for that reason. Elissa has played hard for all comps and to state otherwise is ridiculous. She has played just as hard as anyone else if not harder considering people have recently being throwing comps for the sake of McManda and then they can't even win them.

    I applaud Elissa for being in such a nasty, volatile situation and still standing by her beliefs. I know that there is no way I'd be teaming up with any of the people left in the house with the gutter mouths and despicable way they talk about everyone else. Elissa has a mind of her own and chooses not to partake in any of the crass and nasty scenes the others must always be making. If she wanted to walk, I'm sure she would have by now. She knows she is there to play the game and will see it to the end. And possibly, just possibly, you will see a fierce contender in her as she realizes she needs to fight even harder than usual to stay in this game now.

    One last thing. Rachel is in no way comparable to Amanda. Rachel has dignity and couth. Sure she cried a lot, but she never bullied anyone. She also had a mind of her own. You may have seen her and Brendan together, but not once do I remember talk of sex or remember seeing them have sex in a house you know is full of cameras. A lot of people that disliked Rachel in her first season ended up liking her by the end of the second season. So like them or not, both sisters are good players.

    I'd like to see Elissa in the end, but don't believe that will happen unless all the others wake up and stop handing everything to Mcrae and his "other". McCrae is a strong player, but his weakness is Amanda and it could be his downfall in the end. If the others don't wake up by the end of this week, they may as well all walk and just hand first and second to McManda.

    I liked Rachel. She had to work hard to get past all the hate too! I WANT Elissa to get to the end but I don't think she will. IMO she is a person who will not kiss ass with those she believes (as we all have the right to do) is not treating others fairly, etc. I respect that she stands up to those who think she should apologize, etc. I still like her!

  7. Ok, first I apologize if this has been discussed already, BUT how will the bring back a juror work? Will they have that competition first and then the HOH with the returning juror playing for it too? If the returning juror cant play for HOH then it is a waste. That person will sent out next week. I hope Helen gets it and returns and wins HOH and puts up mcmanda!



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