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Everything posted by PakrfanTX

  1. RT @TechAthletics: Texas Tech defeats SMU 41 - 23. RT to congratulate the team. #WreckEm http://t.co/SpE4xvPNAf

  2. Seriously... enough already!

  3. If anything I think that Julie calling Aaryn out on it actually helps Aaryn prepare for what she's in store for when she gets back out in the real world. I mean.. could you imagine the blindside that would happen if Julie hadn't called her out? If anything I think THAT would have been more cruel.
  4. RT @Notebook: Love is doing, saying & showing. Never think just saying you love someone is enough.

  5. RT @StephStradley: I'm guessing @nflcommish hasn't tried to find a 6.5" x 4.5" handbag w/ a sturdy, purse-snatch proof shoulder strap...or …

  6. Our fridge broke and hubby is putting allthe spoiled food down the garbage disposal .. I see a broken disposal in my near future

  7. Time to start packing for my trip to Green Bay to watch the Packers play on Friday!! #GOPACKGO

  8. Annnnd the 'hanging out of her clothes trying to act older' has begun on dual credit registration day. She's not changed a bit

  9. Poor Judd.. in sequester with no cigarettes because the people that blindsided him KEPT THEM when they so kindly packed his stuff for him.
  10. Apparently i've been brutally mean all week so much so I've been compared to one of the worst person I know.

  11. wow, just wow. Maybe there's more going on than just you. I'm so disappointed and hurt right now.

  12. Shit just got real. Looks like I'll have some forced me time in the next few months

  13. I would agree , but Jeremy knew he was leaving.. they were all honest with him about it. And the goodbye messages were really just that.. goodbyes. But I really hope your'e right and they don't bring him back.. but I've noticed that he his twitter account hasn't been updated since his eviction... and come one.. we all know how cocky and self centered Jeremy is.. he wouldn't pass up an opportunity to talk about how great he was at playing the game.
  14. Am I the only one terrified that they may bring him back into the game? They didn't reveal a lot of information to him after he was voted out.. I cringe at the thought
  15. RT @miss_ferryn04: And I'm still not sure if I'm over-staying my welcome or not.. #ForeverInsecure

  16. Words can't express how much @miss_ferryn04 means to me, and I'm so thankful for all of her help after my sugery #bestneiceever

  17. Texas is a right to work state.. which basically means that employers can fire you whenever they want. And there's probably some clause in her contract that states some sort of Code of Conduct and such.. So yeah.. She may have free speech but looks like she'll be talking in the unemployment line.
  18. So pissed off right I can't even see straight!!

  19. I believe Jessie and Candice are nominated and Elissa is MVP Or at least that is what Elissa told Mc.. after coming out of the Diary room
  20. Ok, who wants to bring me chocolate Boston creme donut?



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