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Everything posted by Hawknose

  1. I have a feeling that if she stays this week she just might win HOH.
  2. Tonight on the POV episode I got to see McChicken for the first time. He is a squirmy, scared little man who is terrified of confrontation, watching him squirm after nominations was hysterical. Now I understand Amanda's connection to him. He needs someone to make decisions for him, and she needs someone to control. They compliment each other - opposites attract.
  3. Hi SpikeyT There is a good pic of her and her look-a- likes here: http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/topic/88086-amanda-week-1/page-5
  4. OMG that is so funny! After watching the POV episode tonight I felt bad for him. He thinks he's staying. He seems like a downright good guy. But hey, someone's gotta go.
  5. I didn't know either - what a surprise! Her husband left her....hmmm interesting that a man would walk away from kids AND a beauty queen. I wonder who the bad guy was in that situation.
  6. Lol Slimcruz you have such a creative writing style, your posts are great.
  7. I enjoyed the conversation the HG's were having at the pool - mostly about movies and actors. Spencer knew a lot about movies, and he was pretty much "running the show". He's way more intelligent than I thought at first, and he's beginning to grow on me.
  8. You think CBS would be comfortable with that? Sisters winning in two seperate seasons sounds like nepotism.....even if she were to win legit - it would be controversial
  9. Bolgna and Blue Cheese Oysters and Okra Liver and Lima Beans
  10. They're talking about movie stars. Someone mentioned Mark Wahlberg. The WHOLE world loves him. When he was younger he attacked a man because the man was Vietnamese and blinded the guy permanently in one eye, just because the guy was Vietnamese. He was sentenced to jail but somehow got out after like 14 months or so, maybe less. Everyone loves Mark. Even though he committed at least two HATE CRIMES. No one likes Aaryn becasue "she's a racist". Society is full of idiots.
  11. I like Howard but sitting around and insulating yourself from the HG's via reading the bible is only going to get him so far - maybe laying low is good but not forever
  12. Thanks ImIn that's cool I thought something was wrong with the site
  13. Big guys don't usually do too much cardio - it's how they stay big
  14. Ha ha good point but I don't think Aaryn will be winning the MVP anytime soon.
  15. Any one know how this thread got "merged" with the other thread? One was Amanda's, the other was "Amanda's Collage" weird now they're both in one
  16. So you mean the cashier at the supermarket who's English isn't so hot - her Louis Vuitton bag is fake? Damn I've been had again
  17. Thanks Slimcruz. Now I understand. Oh well...... funny she is such a "glamorous" type of girl yet she chooses to wear counterfeit goods purposely. No self respecting starlet does that.
  18. Why would it matter if she counterfeit items? How would that be BB's problem?
  19. Found this "over there" also https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/1010264_10151535271748915_669350782_n.jpg interesting if it's true
  20. I am not a prude NYROSE but please try to be easy on the language. There are women and young ladies roaming these posts. Lol Jedi, you beat me to it!
  21. Thanks luvmanatees for clarifying. So basically she decided he wasn't good enough for her, because she is soooo wonderful and has sooo much going on (and because she has a crush on Jeremy). She might be one of the most shallow HG's ever. Now she can vote him out guilt free if she decides. Yikes what a train wreck.
  22. I am reading about her conversation with David last night in the BY and I can't help but laugh at some of the things she is saying to him. I am really getting the feeling that CBS has talked to her and that she is trying to show the world another side of her. 11:45PM BBT: Aaryn feels like David is judging her based upon her looks which isn't fair. She cares about him as a person but it's hard to care about him in other ways then she is going to have to learn more about him in a deeper sense. David is sorry that he tried to push the relationship faster. David says he can tell the way she looks at him when she thinks he's being awkward. I am not really sure what is happening here, is it because he was pushing her to have sex? Her mother does not support her decisions. She has a thing for Jeremy, but out of respect for Kaitlin she will not pursue it, and David is weak compared to Jeremy, so she doesn't want to be involved with David.....also because David has no aspirations beyond being a lifeguard....this woman is completely mental. I think CBS lectured her and she is angry at herself and taking it out on David. It is SO funny that she is the one giving him this lecture/advice and the entire planet thinks that she is a troll. Man is she in for a big surprise when she gets out of there. She keeps making it sound like she's doing him some sort of favor by telling him these things. EDIT: Then she goes over to GM and said she feels bad about the things she said to him. He doesn't have goals in life. She doesn't want to be in the same bed as him. Shouldn't she have thought about these things BEFORE she got involved with him? So she hooked up with him the first week but is now over it. Once again I see how shallow she is inside. It's almost as if she is projecting her own bad feelings onto him.
  23. Here's one I found on that other site *ahem* (Hope I dont get anyone in trouble) More Dopplegangers (original uploader - westerntragedy)



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