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Everything posted by IndigoAquarius

  1. Make Cannabidiol (CBD) Available in Canada http://t.co/ZSNRfbCJGt via @CdnChange

  2. 8:35PMBBT Frankie yells to Caleb "Caleb! We're up!" Caleb yells from inside the house "YA!!!" Frankie turns to Cody "Karma's a bitch!" They all laugh. Caleb and Frankie are now playing Derrick and Hayden. Jocasta is in the fire room alone. 8:43PMBBT Jocasta has made her way outside. She is sitting on the lounger with Amber. Super small talk, Jocasta points to something in the sky. Frankie is doing one of his voices "Ya that's what your wife said when I kissed her... she tastes like butterscotch." He is trying to distract Derrick from taking his shot. 8:46PMBBT Hayden goes to take his shot and Cody lets out a huge fake sneeze, coughs and says "Loser!" They all laugh and call him a faker. Hayden just smiles. 8:50PMBBT Amber is digging through the WA baskets, looking for Christine's red nail polish. In the BY, it sounds like a helicopter is over the house but only Hayden is looking up. And the pool game plays on. 8:54PMBBT Zach takes his shot and rips the table! Frankie says "Come on Big Brother just say it, this is why we can't have nice things!" Zach tries to fix it by tucking it under. Frankie says to go to DR and ask for duct tape. Zach says it is ok and they play on. Amber is clipping and painting her nails on the lounger. 9:00PMBBT The game is over, Hayden, Zach and Cody are now inside in the KT rehashing the game. Egos are huge! Frankie is singing made up songs in his jersey voice while filing his nails on the lounger.
  3. 8:25PMBBT Hayden, Cody, Zach, Derrick are heated up over the pool game, like a bunch of frat boys at a party. Caleb is standing there looking confused, chewing on his lip. Amber has Frankie's attention in the lounger, she is telling him she will stick with what she was gonna do. He is telling her that... oh can't hear because Hayden is amped up over the pool game again. Frankie says "I understand and I cleared it up with all that matter."
  4. 8:10PMBBT Amber is in the shower. Pool playing continues in the BY. That is all. Oh, wait... Donny asked Caleb if he has gotten any iron on patches yet because he has a hole in his shirt. Caleb said no but he will ask in the DR. Very exciting night indeed! 8:15PMBBT Correction: Jocasta is in the shower. Amber is eating ice cream in the BY.
  5. 7:55PMBBT All the feeds are on the pool game. Zero game talk happening. Everyone is just hanging out again.
  6. 7:44PMBBT Amber is still in the KT, nothing said just the sounds of her shuffling around. In the BY the usual boys, Frankie, Caleb, Hayden, Cody and Zach play pool, obnoxiously loud and the girls watch.
  7. 7:22PMBBT Nicole and Donny made their way to the hammock. He asks her why she has been teary eyed. She tells him about yesterday with Amber/Frankie/Bombsquad drama. She is upset because Frankie was "Making stuff up to cover his own butt." She tells Donny it all started after Amber was nominated. Reassurances from Donny as he is a kind, listening ear for her as she tells the story. The other Feeds are on the very loud pool game happening between Frankie and Zach. 7:32PMBBT Donny is headed to the shower. The feed switches to the KT. Amber and Jocasta are in there. It is quiet. Donny walks in "Shower time! Then it is ice cream time!" Amber giggles and heads outside. Jocasta is alone in the KT for a moment then Amber walks back in. Nothing is said until Amber asks "A little more time doncha think?" about what she is baking. Jocasta says "Yeah"
  8. 7:15PMBBT On feed 1, as Victoria plays with Derrick's hair, the BB production crew zooms in on Derrick's wedding ring. The chat in the BY is a little bit about everything. In the Kitchen, Caleb and Zach chat at the table but, the background noise of Frankie talking (yelling) and singing makes it difficult to hear. Their conversation switches to fishing records in the state of Kentucky.
  9. 7:06PMBBT Frankie is washing dishes. He tells Amber, Christine about the time Patrick Stewart yelled at him and Ian Kellar was "totally flirting" with him. He wanted to take a picture with Patrick and he sternly said "NO!" and Frankie said he was upset but then thought "OMG Patrick Stewart just yelled at me!" and he was giddy. Now he is talking about playing Maria in West Side Story. He is being very dramatic, theatrical while talking about it. In the BY, Derrick has his head on a pillow on Victoria's lap. She is playing with his hair. She is explaining how her family and culture the children are named after the grandparents to show respect.
  10. 9:53PMBBT The fall out of bombsquadgate continues. Amber is still sitting in the hive with Nicole, Christina and Frankie. I find the conversation between Hayden and Donny in the hammock a lot more fascinating. They have had some game talk, sounds like Hayden is sticking with keeping Jacosta. Hayden says "I know that at some point, Frankie needs to go." Donny concurs. 9:58PMBBT Off camera, Zach break out into song "I must confess it's killing me...." BB tells him to stop singing. He continues. He sounds like he is drunk. It is quite funny. Frankie is still in the hive with Christine, Nicole and Amber, he is letting them lay out their frustrations so he can play it out later on.
  11. 9:40PMBBT Amber doesn't understand how she got into this situation. Nicole listens intently and is emotional but says hardly anything. Christine observes. Frankie is trying to pin all of this on Caleb. Amber runs out to get a tissue and Christine and Nicole whisper thanks to him for smoothing things over with Amber. When Amber comes back in, the talk turns to Victoria briefly. Now it is back to how things played out today.
  12. 9:24PMBBT Amber and Jocasta small talk in the KT. A new pool game is happening in the BY between Zach and Cody. Victoria is now in the shower she calls Derrick over to talk to her for a second as she is scrubbing. Derrick says he has to go clean windows. Nicole was whispering to Derrick that she didn't know what to do. 9:28PMBBT Hayden tells Nicole in the HN room that she has to not name names, she needs to make it clear that she was forced into the situation she is now in. She worries. They hug, sweet words were said but mics were muffled so we missed it. Nicole is now in the KT looking for the Advil. 9:32PMBBT Nicole pulls Frankie into the hive. She tells him what she plans to say to Amber. Christine makes her way to the hive and now Amber has joined them. Frankie is trying to mend the wounds from today. He says they need to talk and clear the air. Amber tells him he doesn't realize where things are coming from, she says she doesn't know where things are coming from. Frankie says that this was all Caleb. "He felt so guilty when this happened. It was his doing." Amber tells them that Zach told her to not trust Caleb.
  13. 9:02PMBBT Frankie's doing is voices as he walks through the house. Jocasta is called to the DR. Amber and Cody chat outside. Hayden is in the KT with Frankie and Caleb. He is in awe of how long he slept today. Lots of small talk right now. 9:10PMBBT Nicole and Hayden whisper in the WA. She is pulling out her hair (brushing it) and has no mic on so we don't hear much. In the BY, Victoria is back to running and Derrick is playing pool with Zach. Jocasta is now in the WA doing ADLs. Nicole has the hair dryer on so no one hears anything. 9:16PMBBT Zach lost the pool game so he had to jump into the pool. When he was climbing out he looked mad, almost Hulk like. Caleb is egging Zach on. "You need to stand here, naked, covering your junk and say right tot that camera right there that Derrick is the greatest pool player that ever lived." Zach just laughed and headed inside.
  14. 8:54PMBBT Frankie and Nicole talk and brush their teeth at the same time. Between whispers and water running, I can't hear a thing! Derrick heads into the hive and Victoria is doing jumping jacks. She finishes and he tosses her his mic. She is telling Derrick about her conversation with Nicole and her relationship with Hayden and how Nicole was flirting with Cody first and now it is Hayden. Derrick is listening. Not saying a thing yet. He finally says "Well, I tell people you flirt with me all the time." She says "Huh?" He repeats it. She continues telling her story.
  15. 8:48PMBBT Dinner time! Frankie and Zach enjoy their grilled tuna at the counter in the KT. Derrick and Victoria chat in the BY, they agree to head inside. She goes to the hive, primps herself for Derrick coming in. Derrick is now in the HN room telling Cody what he believes happened with Nicole/Amber/Frankie/Caleb and (I am now calling this "Bombsquadgate")
  16. 8:38PMBBT Frankie and Christine dance as the tuna cooks. They are singing songs in their heads to keep track of time. Hayden and Nicole are jogging. Jocasta is out of bed. She says she doesn't feel well. Small talk and the mood is lifting now that no one is talking to Caleb.
  17. 8:16PMBBT We have a brief WBRB. Zach, Frankie, Hayden are in the SR talking about Caleb campaigning. Frankie "How does this keep happening???" Zach is eating as Frankie rambles about Caleb ranting through the house today "What he wants is for all of us to come together to say how we will vote the night before." Frankie says they approved of a plan but, they don't know if it will go through. Frankie says Caleb feels guilty for what he has done to her that he is going to fix her game. "But we may have to cut off her legs first." They agree to just let Caleb do his thing. Frankie leaves the SR as Hayden and Zach laugh. Zach is now drinking coke from the bottle. He is trying not to touch his lips to it but they did and he just put the lid on and put it back. 8:23PMBBT Zach pulls Frankie into the hive and thinks he should approach Jocasta about what she will do for him as he is the deciding vote. Frankie warns Zach to not mention numbers to anyone because it might blow up Christine's game. Zach agrees and they leave the hive. 8:28PMBBT Cody jumps into the pool in his underwear. Christine and Frankie are whispering in the KT. She says she doesn't know what to do, Frankie reassures her. They head outside, Frankie is teaching her to cook some tuna, even though she can't eat it. He tells her they need to work on their time keeping skills. The feed switches to Caleb, sitting alone, in the hammock with the slinky.
  18. 8:03PMBBT Caleb tells Zach that he has talked to others in the house and has come to the conclusion that Amber did not say when he says she did "And now I am gonna tell you, she has the votes to stay but your vote she needs. It would be a big vote for her." Caleb tells Zach that he is the deciding vote, he lists off who he has voting for Amber. Caleb tells Zach that Jocasta is coming after him too. Zach sits up in the bed and counts on his fingers who is voting who out. "F---!" As he totals it up. Caleb is waiting for Zach to agree. Zach is avoiding the question. "I just gotta do what is best for us bro." Caleb says Amber just wants to e in jury with the guys, he adds that Amber deserves that. Zach agrees "Ya she does. Well, if she's not gonna come after me then I am gonna keep her!" Then Zach says "A back door plan backfire!" The You know's and go figures are flying out of Caleb tonight! 8:10PMBBT Caleb and Zach agree to keep Amber may be best (this could change in an hour) and Caleb leaves the HoH. As he walks down stairs he sings "Amber!" and they head outside. Amber starts running with Cody. Caleb heads to the couches with Victoria, Christine, Nicole, Hayden, Derrick and Donny. Caleb says "There are 76 loops in this slinky" he is shaking it. Annoyingly.
  19. 7:33PMBBT Christine is telling Amber what she has heard and seen with Zach. He can't keep his story straight and is flippant with his answers when he is asked questions. Amber feels that she can't trust others outside of getting a vote. She complains that she needs a shower, to wash her hair, pack. Christine says "OH! Now that sucks!" Christine counts out who may vote for Amber "If we get Me, Cody, Derrick, Caleb and Nicole and Zach? Oh and Victoria?" Amber is doubtful of where Nicole's head is at. Christine says she does not think Nicole said that Amber is working to get all the guys out. Amber gets up to leave and Christine reminds her that she did not want to talk to Caleb. Amber leaves and Christine whispers "Crap. What the hell is happening?" She sits alone in the hive. 7:45PMBBT Caleb has now moved on to tell his story to Cody in the havenot room. It's the same thing. He has saved Amber in the game, she said when he asked her out infront of everyone she couldn't say No. He is placing more doubt in everyone's head about her. Christine is now with Amber in the KT. They are eating and chatting. The house is very quiet and somber. 7:50PMBBT Christine is called into the DR so Amber heads to the haveNot room. She says "Don't mind me, it not like you are saying something I don't know!" And continues to sort her clothes while Caleb and Cody are talking. Caleb just keeps talking like Amber wasn't there. She interjects into the conversation that she doesn't care that she goes home, she just wants to make it to jury. In the BY, Derrick reminds Nicole that "There are 12 of us here and 10 of us are gonna go home. This is a marathon, not a sprint." 7:56PMBBT Frankie and Victoria are sitting on the gym equipment in the BY. She tells him she wasted her breath for 2 hours the other day with Zach. Their conversation was very personal and she doesn't like it when Zach attacked others on a personal level. 7:59PMBBT Amber and Caleb talk alone in the HN room! Amber whispers "I had your back completely and now I am up because of you. It makes no sense." Caleb says "Just let it be fixed!" as they walk through the house into the BY. Donny is now out of the shower. Caleb tries to get into the HoH room but the door is locked. Caleb is now confronting Zach!
  20. 7:28PMBBT Amber and Christine wonder where Nicole is at right now, would she side with Hayden? Christine says Nicole is super jealous of Victoria and Hayden. Amber thinks she can get some votes. It seems the girls just want to get to jury. In the BY, Frankie and Cody were playing pool and now they are working out. Small talk, not any serious game references. Frankie says he is excited about tomorrow "I have already written the blog 3 times in my head!"
  21. 7:05PMBBT Caleb is repeating his side of the story to Christine in the BY. Amber and Frankie took a 2 minute break from their chat in the hive and are now back in there. Amber is visibly upset. They sit quietly for a few moments, she says to Frankie, "This is just another pawn position that's gone bad." Frankie suggests that they go outside "But don't mope!" They both say they need to work out. 7:15PMBBT Frankie talks coffee to Caleb on the couches in the BY. Frankie is pacing. Amber and Derrick are on the other couch listening. It is tense tonight! The feeds switches to Donny and Cody at the hammock. They are talking about what happened today and where they stand in the game. Someone alerts them to check out the clouds in the sky and how they look. They are now over by the gym equipment. Frankie says the cloud looked like a lonely little tree. Victoria and Nicole chat in the BY as well, by the hot tub. They agree if something frustrates one another that they will go to each other. 7:22PMBBT Amber and Christine are in the hive. Christine tells her that she has her vote. Amber is confused why Nicole would tell the guys that the girls were working together to get the guys out and Amber wanted it to happen. Amber says "They are watching me like a hawk right now thinking I am working with Nicole. If I stay, I clearly know who my targets are!" Amber tells Christine that she could be in her position next week. Caleb is trying to get that "final 6" from the bomb squad working together again, Christine says that thought scares her.
  22. 7:05PMBBT Caleb is repeating his side of the story to Christine in the BY. Amber and Frankie took a 2 minute break from their chat in the hive and are now back in there. Amber is visibly upset. They sit quietly for a few moments, she says to Frankie, "This is just another pawn position that's gone bad." Frankie suggests that they go outside "But don't mope!" They both say they need to work out.
  23. Whew! Got the #container #garden moved just in time! #Thunder, #lightning and #rain happening in #Brantford #onstorm



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