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Everything posted by IndigoAquarius

  1. 1:59PMBBT: the "spy" cam is only for outside the HoH door. No other cameras are accessible on the HOH tv. 2:00PMBBT: We are still doing the "I dunno know what to do" for the replacement nom. Jill just went to get Dani to talk to her. Tom, Liza are in the HoH awaiting. Tom "I don't trust her and Emmett man, I just can't" He was referring to Jill. 2:06PMBBT: Tom is very open talking with everyone but it seems Liza gets into his inner thoughts. 2:12PMBBT: Dani says to Jill "I really don't want to be a pawn. I am worried." Liza, Alec, Tom and Jill are trying to convince her to be the pawn in the HoH. 2:15PMBBT: (sorry about the time) Dani JUST said "I got sucked in and screwed over at the beginning being stuck with Gary and Suzette and Aneal (she beelines for Gary all the time, he listens to her. Follows him around.) 2:19PMBBT: Lots of trash talking of HG by Liza, Tom, Jill to Dani. This is a part of the reassurance game that she is safe. "One of us will win HoH and you will be fine. You will probably win." If she stays..... in BB pawns usually go home. 2:21PMBBT: Aneal being everywhere, going to everyone has really ticked everyone off and Liza and Jill think he is "creepy" 2:24PMBBT: Tom talking about Kat and how if she didn't leave she would have been an amazing social player. Dani says "I just didn't f'in like her she was a ____" [c word is what she said] 2:28PMBBT: Tom was just called to the DR. Jill and Liza told him to tell the DR "Tell him you are sloppy". (Tom is barely out of earshot) Dani "Tom is really f'in controlling" Jill and Liza are saying "We have to trust him for now, he can't control us we just have to right now." Liza "Come on Dani, he is thinking you are taking one for the team." Jill is convincing Dani about the "girl alliance"
  2. 12:55PMBBT -1:14PMBBT FotH 1:15PMBBT: Feeds back for 30 seconds and it is all Dani talking about how messed up her relationship was "with this one guy. I got a nose job, I lost so much weight..." we lose the feeds. Feeds are back again. 1:20PMBBT: The feeds are being wonky. We get them back for a few seconds to 2 minutes then we get FotH. 1:22PMBBT: Jill, dani, talla, peter, suz, gary, em are in the BR. Jill is getting Em to shave his face. Tom just hugged Jill mics were covered so missed what was said. 1:25PMBBT: Em "Do you think I should shave it?" Jill "Ya, you got plenty of time for it to grow back, you're going to be here for weeks!" 1:26PMBBT: Tom is openly studying everything in the house. "There are 10 beams..." rattling off numbers of other things. His math was off as Jill pointed out. Em is shaving in the WA, Liza and Jill are talking about waxing. 1:28PMBBT: Andrew went to the washroom and washed his hands! LOVE that!
  3. 12:32PMBBT: Talla and AJ haven't stopped nattering. It's not even talking. It is just nattering from convo to convo. Jill is out of the DR. She is heading back upstairs. Says the DR asked her a question about something from 4 yrs ago. Aneal is now in the HOH with Jill. 12:35PMBBT: Andrew "Did you just call me a nazi?" AJ "No! I said the cards you can not see!" Andrew "Ok ok ok" AJ rolls eyes takes breath starts talking again. FotH. 12:40PMBBT: dani talking to Gary about how she has to be such a b##ch in Ft. McMurray. She says people just don't understand. The feeds keep cutting out. But she has used the F shot a dozen times in under a minute. 12:44PMBBT: Dani says her Mom says she was born to do stuff like this. She was going to be something big. She is whining about how everyone hated her and she had no friends (therapy session) Gary is being her cheerleader "Look at you, you got out! Good for you... but can we just go back...'' and she cuts him off. "We are so different from everyone else in here Gary." (I think she loves her own voice.) 12:47PMBBT: Peter "Who the F### are these people?" when overhearing the Dan/Gar convo when it is mentioned about the type of men they have dated. We are now hearing about Dani's grade 6 experiences. She was punk rock back then. Like Avril. 12:51PMBBT: Aneal is pleading his case to Jill in the HoH. Jill doesn't seem like she is paying attention. She says she doesn't know who she is putting up. Em has her attention. We get FotH. 12:55PMBBT: Feeds back. Aneal is still pleading his case while Jill massages Em's back. Aneal doesn't care who goes up but, doesn't want to go home "OMG this is making me sad Emmett!" Jill whines. She is now laughing at Aneal as he is joking about how she lied to him. He just called Gary "The Glitter Goddess". FotH again.
  4. 12:00PMBBT: AJ is trying to teach Andrew a card game. Tom is listening looking frustrated. Talla & Aneal are attempting laundry, Liza has joined them. The HG are still muffling their mics. Dani and Gary are in the BR. 12:04PMBBT: Dani just fixed her mic in the SR. She is chopping on cookies as Talla is explaining a strategy. We are hearing more chewing than anything. Dani says she is doing nothing today. No cleaning for her. 12:09PMBBT: Jill and Em are in the HoH, smooching under the covers. Em is whispering to Jill. He asks a question (can't hear him) she says, "My age?". They are whispering about the age difference. She is doing the math on who she has dated and how old they were. 12:13PMBBT: Jill has come up for air only to lie down again. Lots of yawning. "You're a nice girl Jill" "You are a nice boy." 12:20PMBBT: Alec and Talla are "cleaning". AJ, Andrew and Aneal at the KT. Talla keeps sniffing the slop bucket and gagging. AJ is still trying to explain the card game. Everyone seems confused by his explanations. 12:26PMBBT: Talla "OMG can you breathe through your ears??" She is now in the BY with Liza. She has avoided her cleaning, Alec did the slop bucket for her. 12:29PMBBT: Em is now in the KT as Jill was called to the DR. Tom, Em at the counter talking about working out, Alec is making slop. Tom is now flirting with her in his own way, calling her a wench, chasing her around asking for a piggy back ride.
  5. Dani had that electric toothbrush on for over 3 minutes and all convos were buzzed out of the feeds Peter and his super silver costume from the POV I just love the look on Peter's face. Gary was in the shower for a very long time (over 20 minutes) Emmett flirting. I think it is an act to stay safe this week. Seconds after feeds were back. Jill and Em in the HOH Aneal, was very emotional but, he shut it off as fast as he turned it on. Andrew, Liza and Peter just taking in the house. It was all buzz and lots of talking about game.
  6. Thank you so much for that Morty! Tomorrow I will be on top of it! 9:38PMBBT: Dani says "If I know for f'ing sure and I mean for sure for sure I stay, then I will go up on the block." They are confident Aneal will go home and pawn will stay. 9:45PMBBT Jill "I am just putting people up that I don't know, ok?" 9:42PMBBT: Talla and Dani are all "girls gotta stick together to the end!" Jill says "But girls stab each other in the back" Dani, "Not US!" Dani is saying "You can trust me to the end, I was stuck with these people for a whole week, like Aneal and Suzette... I would never turn on you." to Jill. Talla was in agreement with Dani. 9:46PMBBT: Dani "I feel the HOH will be mental rather than physical, I just got a feeling" (I believe Gary had the feeling) Topaz is now in the HOH too. 9:50PMBBT: Tom and Em in the BY talking scenarios. They are both worried about keeping pawns in the game. Double eviction was mentioned. Tom is listing "disposable people" Talla, Andrew, Topaz, AJ, listing one by one. 9:54PMBBT: Tom "Doesnt matter who goes up, Aneal is going home." to AJ and Em. And we now have FotH. 9:57PMBBT: Tom "All they want is a cuddle buddy and some D### at the end of the night. They are so freaked out they will do what they are told". AJ leaves. Tom says "Holy chatty mcchatterson! He just talks and talks" about AJ.
  7. I hope this works. I am just trying these out. Alec and Topaz. Dani and Liza at the counter Talla, Suzette, Liza, Dani and Aneal at the counter.
  8. Sea Shepherd Call2Action: Your Signature Needed Fast to Save @CaptPaulWatson and WHALES http://t.co/XobbEpKOTC



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