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Everything posted by IndigoAquarius

  1. Eliceo Cortez has been found! YES!!! A VICTORY! Wish them all the best!

  2. #MeatlessMonday fish doesn't count as meat does it? We are having fake crab (pollock) with curry for dinner with veggies & brown rice! #yum
  3. The #Autism is wide awake in this house. They are out of routine and hating it. Consistency is bliss in this house!

  4. Here's a solution, give the kids/adults the services & tools they need to succeed regardless of age! Allow them to thrive! #Autism #onpoli

  5. the #Autism is leaving the house... look out Ontario!

  6. RT @CarlsonsRaiders: Jamie McMurray adds the All-Star Race to his list of "things I've won that Kyle Busch hasn't" along with the Daytona 5…

  7. When kids turn 18, their diagnosis doesn't disappear but, the services do! Gov can change this! That is a service to streamline! #onpoli

  8. It's Victoria Day weekend but, not planting anything outside until the 24th. A few nights are forecast to be too cold this week. #gardening

  9. Brantford, Ontario 9PM screen captured from video! scary to see in the dark! #onstorm #iphoneography #stormseason http://t.co/UDG3iLjRmi

  10. Hudak preaches job creation, 24 hrs later plans to cut 100K public sector jobs? Is this how you plan to help Ontarians? #onpoli

  11. That was a decent #BBCAN2 finale. Congrats to Jon and thanks to all the HG for almost 3 months of "good tv".

  12. #BBCAN2 I tell ya, Jon just won the game. It doesn't matter who he takes. The jury will forgive and give him the $
  13. Job creation is great but #MentalHealth needs programs, housing, consistent services! Drop ins and helplines are not working! #onpoli

  14. First full week of provincial campaigning. What party is going to step up with a plan to help struggling Ontarians? #onpoli #Elections2014

  15. 10:50PMBBT The WA debate now includes Jon, they are trying to figure out the week. Jon feels like once Arlie went home it was win or have to leave scenario. Sabrina thinks they all played a "good game" and Jon agrees that they all played a good game and deserve to be there (20 minutes ago he said he doesn't feel Sabrina deserves to win). Jon adds that these are the best odds he has had in his life. He tells them to look at his hair. It is really greasy, he puts the hat back on.
  16. 10:40PMBBT Heather is called to the DR. "But I am doing my nails Big Brother!" She heads down stairs. Neda wishes she could wear make up. Sabrina mentioned she had liner on. Neda thought she could wear the liner Gary left behind but no, BB made her give it back. Neda weighs herself. She has lost either 12 or 13 pounds since being in the house. She and Sabrina are debating about the finale now. Jon is in the HOH listening to music. The camera is zoomed in on Sabrina's basket. There was a "Celebrity headlines" page and the HoH pillow in there. Jon is air drumming. The camera zooms into a piece of kleenex or something on the table with a hair on it over and over.
  17. 10:30PMBBT Jon flossed for "the first time ever" and says he hates it. Sabrina says his teeth will fall out. He yells out "POV CEREMONY!" It's small talk, when Sabrina goes to see Rachelle, Heather better come and see her. Jon asks if he can listen to music, Sabrina says "Sure". Sabrina says to Heather "It is gonna be so hard to beat him." Heather agrees. Sabrina says "Walking around like a guaranteed winner." Heather adds "And that is why I wanted it so bad" Sabrina and her talk, Heather adds that she needed the money so bad and wanted to prove that people so badly treated can still get far and that if she can't have it, she is glad that her best friend can (Neda). Sabrina agrees. Neda is out of the DR. She is still in the cowgirl dress but had to bring the onesie to the DR earlier. She leaves the WA and Heather says "I love her so much, she is my version of Rachelle." Sabrina leaves to ask for Benedryl.
  18. 10:20PMBBT The talk turns to Rachelle. Heather says she won't be happy to see Heather in the jury house. Sabrina says Rachelle likes Heather. Heather laughed a bit, Sabrina says "Well can you give her a message for me? That I love her and miss her and talk about her every 20 seconds?" Heather agrees to pass it along "Of course I will." Sabrina and Jon debate about how much tax Sabrina would have to pay because she lives in Quebec and has to pay tax on winnings. They are now debating about the finale being Wednesday or Thursday. Jon thinks it is Wednesday. Jon says he has to go 8 days with out showering.
  19. 9:53PMBBT: Neda is looking for a onesie. Hers is in the washing machine. Heather and Jon are alone in the WA. Jon says she is going to skyrocket after the show. He thinks her acting is going to take off. He hopes it is Republic of Doyle, she says she would love it! She would love to do anything. Neda is headed back to the DR with a onesie in tow. Jon and Heather agree that BB has been an amazing experience. Heather says it gets to the point that you know you are leaving, being in the house is completely different. When you know you aren't going to be there any more and won't see the house and those things again, it is completely different. Jon asks if she is relieved, she says no because it is her dream coming to an end. He says "No no no no it is the beginning of your dream!" They go quiet and he asks who Neda is going to take to final 2. She says it will be a similar decision to him having to choose between her and Neda. He says "I think I love you 2 more than Neda would love Sabrina." 9:58PMBBT: Jon and Heather make plans for the summer. Jon says if he is in final 2, he will be in Edmonton this summer. She gets excited. She can't wait to come to NFLD but now it will depend on money. He says he will find a way to get her there. He starts talking about some events she can go to. They start talking about Janelle and Will. She says she is so excited. Jon says he is going to lose so much weight in the next 4 days. "Slop, slop, slop, what was I thinking?" Sounds like the veto was what are you willing to give up. 10:03PMBBT: Sabrina comes out of the HoH. She has her hair in a ponytail, it is still damp. She asks Jon and Heather if they want to go hang outside. Jon says he will, Heather says she is doing her nails, she wants to look pretty for tomorrow. When they leave, Heather says "I wish I could spray tan and have face make up but oh well." 10:08PMBBT: Sabrina goes back into the HoH. She is tidying up, "These people do not come into my room and make a mess!" She folds up a blanket that was on the floor. Her bed is not made. Jon is back in the WA with Heather as she works on her nails. 10:12PMBBT Confirmed that Jon won the veto. Heather just said that tomorrow he gets to take himself off the block.
  20. 9:45PMBBT: Laundry is in. Heather is back in the BR organizing her clothes and what she will need for tomorrow. She looks under the mattress, sorts through her duffle bags. In the HoH, Sabrina has had a shower and is doing her ADL's while listening to music. She got her hair, mic and headphone cord mixed up in the brush so she took the headphones off. Heather, Jon and Neda are in the WA. Neda is called to the DR, Jon tells her she sucks as she leaves. Heather gives Jon more smelly good stuff. Sabrina thanks Jon for the towels. Heather said "Neda and I did it." Jon adds "I didn't do squat!"
  21. 9:35PMBBT: Heather and Neda are in the BR. Heather asks if she can have a Black and Saint shirt to take home. She wants to wear it on the plane "Repping my best friend's clothes!" Neda says she will give her one at the wrap party. Heather says she didn't work out in the BB house because she didn't want people to see. Neda adds that as soon as everyone saw Alison workout, they wanted her out. Neda whispers to Heather "Do you think he has an inkling that I won't take him to the final 2?" Heather says "He told me that he has to win himself to make it there. He is smart Neda, he would take you but, he has suspicions that you won't take him." She adds that Neda has to do what is best for her game and reminds her that Jon will still love her afterwards no matter what she does. We lose audio for a minute. Heather says it is very weird to be packing, she didn't want it to happen this soon. They are now off to do laundry then will be doing nails in the WA.
  22. 9:30PMBBT: Jon can't have a shower til finale night. He and Neda are talking about the game again. Who would have taken who to the final 2. Jon says it is weird how he put all his trust in Neda. She is surprised it has worked out. Heather just got out of the DR. She throws the waterless shampoo at Jon. He gets called to the DR and hands the shampoos to Neda and tells her to pick. Neda smells them. She says she loves the smell but it is not strong enough to cover his body odor already.
  23. 9:12PMBBT: Feeds are back! Heather and Sabrina are talking. Sounds like they have told Heather she is going home? They are having an "I love you" fest. Heather has come to adore Sabrina and the feeling is mutual. Heather says she is crushed and she doesn't want to go. She says she can have good happy moments in the house with no game. Sabrina says it is always better leaving 4th than 3rd. Sabrina says she keeps telling herself she has to win the next 2 competitions and make it to final 2. 9:16PMBBT: Heather "At the end of the day you have to truly play for yourself, no one will play for you." Heather is packing up now, leaving the stuff she uses in a daily basis in the WA. She talks about leaving Waterless shampoo for Jon. In the BR, Neda and Jon are talking, Sabrina comes in, he says he has to do laundry as he had no underwear. Sabrina leaves, Neda and Jon are talking about being final 2. Heather walks in with her pile of stuff and packs up her bag. 9:20PMBBT: Heather leaves and Jon says he is amazed that they have made it to this point. Neda was so scared this morning when Jon was sick. Neda whispers that she doesn't know what Sabrina is so angry about. Jon says she thought Neda was taking her final 2. Neda says "She wants to spend it on a Rolex! That would burn my heart!" Sabrina comes in, they small talk and they mention there is an eviction tomorrow. 9:25PMBBT: Neda and Jon talk game, they discuss how the final is 3 competitions, the plan is they each win one and then they can battle each other for the final veto. They are talking about what they will say in their final speech. Neda tells Jon it has to be at least a minute long. He says "Really?" She then says "or 30 minutes?" She laughs.
  24. 9:00PMBBT: HotH. Stay calm and visit Morty's! http://www.mortystv.com/bbcanada/



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