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Everything posted by BBLover4ever

  1. Donny is still my fav. He didn't let Derrick "bully" him to not use the veto on Jacosta.
  2. I'm confused. The feed recap says Brit, Vic, Amber and jacosta are up. But then you read Nicole is upset cause she is nominated?
  3. He is my fav so far. Hope he stays for a while..........I am steadily getting a feeling of wanting Derrick and Frankie GONE!
  4. Donny realized that Nicole put him on the block because he was talking too much. (Even though he totally confused her when she brought it up). I still like him and I don't understand why Derrick and Frankie are constantly throwing his name out when they are the AT? Donny and Derrick worked the AT mission, Frankie didn't do a darn thing to get $5K.
  5. I'm not sure I believe Devin will change his ways if he stays another week. For sure he will win the HOH and the house will really be paranoid because no one can really know if he holds his thought to be "demise" against them. Hmmmmm. may actually make the next week exciting? Nah, I want to see Caleb go against Amber when she turns him down on his cuddling.
  6. UGH! Don't think she is really doing anything in the game. Wonder if Victoria is right and Amber is stealing her makeup?
  7. Not feeling it with her. BUT, with that said, I think she is probably the best of the women players, exception on Nichole.
  8. Don't care for her. I like the way Derrick and Nichole were saying she could have the experience of being on the block, etc. They are really just having fun with this week's HOH.
  9. I like Hayden. I agree Marty, he is funny. He is not getting much screen time though???
  10. Don't really care if he stays or goes at this point.
  11. I think he is a little off. When the group were outside talking about Caleb, Donny said something about Caleb probably stabbing a hog and lying on it to keep warm. Then Devin and some others told Caleb but changed it up saying that he would probably lie in the insides of the hog. Caleb asked Devin again what Donny said and you could see his stupid little mind going "I'm gonna get'em" LOL Hope he goes next after Devin.
  12. Why does it seem he is definitely not keeping Donny safe from rumors for America team?
  13. Can't stand her. Don't understand why Nichole didn't put her up instead of Donny.
  14. I like her, pretty smart with the game. Thinking that Donny is America's Player, yep she will figure things out.
  15. I love love him! Hope he gets America Fav. And I hope he goes to final two with either Derrick or Nichole. At least for now lol. Things change
  16. I like her too. I really like just about all of them except Victoria, Caleb, Devin and Amber. Lol
  17. He talks a lot, but I like him. Wouldn't mind him in final two.
  18. I am on iPad Air too and it blows. I can't chat cause java is not supported by this device. Ugh. I miss it.
  19. Does anyone know if we will have the individual houseguest threads again?
  20. No way will she turn down the VETO. Devin can't get HOH next week and she has a chance to get the house to vote him out.
  21. He is a cutie.....but he is also too needy. Turn off! LoL



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