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Everything posted by jky2f

  1. 10:16 PM - BBT: The wall raises and raises some more and immediately lowers beyond 45 degrees by quite a bit. After staying a bit, it raises barely. Someone makes a joke saying this is the longest you've ever lasted Jess. Someone retorts it's the longest cowboy has ever lasted. Dom complaining out loud. Jess slips and is out.
  2. 10:12PM - BBT: Paul says Dom looks like Michonne from The Walkinng Dead. The water starts again and the wall is at 45 degrees. Jess' eyelash(es) are falling off. The water starts and the wall raises some. The wall lowers again. And the water starts again as the wall raises some and they get hit with more slime. The wall is Beth me 45 degrees and the water stops. Dom says somebody drop. Someone says he'll no and Jason says you drop.
  3. 8:10PM - BBT: The wall lowers some more and then raises some. Elena is stretching out her legs wall the water is going and the wall is moving (risky, but she got it). The water stops. Alex is trying to get the water out of her ear. The wall rises to almost vertical, but then lowers again. All 5 are now squatting.
  4. 8:06PM - BBT: Jason is stretching his legs. The wall starts to tilt again. Paul gets up and goes to whisper to Matt about the votes again. They get sprayed with slime again. The wall raises some. And lowers again as Jason stands. Alex squats. Jason appears to be struggling a little, but recovers. The water starts again and the wall lowers some. Alex is standingn again.
  5. 8:03PM - BBT: Everyone who was out was clapping, but no one fell off. The wall tilts, came mess back up some, and the water starts again. Jason is using some of the water to clean the slime off his shoes. Elena and Jason are squatting; Alex and Jessica standing. Paul says he has a hunch that the first 4 to fall will be have nots. Matt falls off.
  6. 8:00PM - BBT: Puppies. Jess and Alex now squatting. Elena announces her wedgie again. And we get puppies briefly.
  7. 7:56PM - BBT: Alex says, "I'm only 5'! Have mercy!" Jason says he can't feel his left foot and everyone gets sprayed by more slime. The water starts back and Alex is screaming. The wall tilts even further. And then rises again as the water stops. Elena is now squatting too.
  8. 7:54PM - BBT: Jessica looks solid. Jason is the only one squatting. Kevin falls.
  9. 7:52PM - BBT: The wall went beyond 45 degrees and everyone Mark whispers about Ramses about to fall. Then he does.
  10. 7:49PM - BBT: The wall is vertical again. Elena asks, "Are my eyebrows still on?" And Mark says, "You're beautiful as always." They get sprayed by slime again. Ramses got a lot and looks like a Alex didn't get hit at all. The wall starts to lower again.
  11. 7:46PM - BBT: The wall raises a little bit. The water stops. Dom says, "Thanks for the facial!" Elena announces her wedgie again. Sounds like they might be getting hit with asteroids soon?
  12. 7:39PM - BBT: The wall is back up right and we have puppies for a bit. Everyone is now chatting and shaking out their hands. Elena says her eye is burning. Raven says she can't feel her foot. 7:42PM - BBT: The wall has tilted again. The wall has tilted even more. And then immediately goes back after Dom complains a little. Alex has been wanting Coke this whole time and now wants a snickers. The water and air guns are back.
  13. 7:37PM - BBT: The water starts again. Raven falls and says her foot is numb. Josh helps her up and to the seats.
  14. 7:33PM - BBT: The houseguests are getting sprayed with water again. Everyone is quiet except Alex who keeps shivering and shaking saying she's cold and screaming. Elena announces she has a wedgie. Puppies for a second. And they get sprayed with slime again. The wall straightens back up. And then starts lowering again.
  15. 7:22PM - BBT: Paul, Mark, and Josh talking about how Xmas may have been a Ramses vote since she wasn't in the house. And we have puppies again. 7:26PM - BBT: Feeds back and the wall is vertical. Mark has an ice pack for his finger. Mark and Paul talking about Jess' vote and then about how Ramses hasn't moved. Mark asks if he can get real ice. Looks like they're about to get shot with something and Paul moves to avoid getting hit as well.
  16. 7:19PM - BBT: Talking about how James peed himself during this comp. And now we have puppies! And a bird? Feeds keep cutting in and out. They just got hit with green slime. Even Paul complains that he got hit a little. Paul and Josh talking about the vote again. Alex asks Kevin how he's doing and he says not good. Mark is off and he says Jess is an effin legend up there.
  17. 7:12PM - BBT: Paul asks him why happened, but I can't hear what they're saying. Josh says he doesn't trust Matt. Mark's finger is not ok. The wall goes back vertical. And immediately goes back down. And then goes back up slightly. Someone belches. Real thrilling things here. Josh jokingly says, "Can we get a redo guys? I slipped." You can see everyone on the cams except Elena and Jessica.
  18. 7:08PM - BBT: The wall is back vertical and everyone shakes out their hands. They're getting sprayed with water and blasted with air. Someone's mic is getting blasted by the water, but no one is talking anyway. Josh has fallen and is out.
  19. 7:01PM - BBT: Feeds are up! Everyone just chatting. Mark seems to be checking the durability of the grips on the wall. They're plying some sort of guessing game with Paul. The wall is moving again. Mark is struggling when the wall tips forward. Raven says she can't put pressure on her hurt foot.
  20. 8:35PM - BBT: Paul pulls Alex into the HN room. He tells her that he wants to win HoH and take a serious shot, but he's not gonna tell her what it is. Alex says she and Jason don't want to win HoH yet because they don't want to go against their word yet. Alex thinks Jess is running the show. Josh and Jillian are talking right outside the HN room in the Power room. Neither Paul nor Alex trusts Ramses. Paul is campaigning to Alex for Xmas. He says she is heated up and has a better shot at winning comps than Jillian. Paul says the other side is in shambles and now would be the time to do something. They finish their convo and Paul does a dance saying he's the puppet master. Cams change. Small group in the KT talking about working out. Other cams are on Josh easing the Bible and Jillian noisily digging in a drawer. Cam changes to the hot tub with just general chit chat.
  21. 8:11PM - BBT: Elena mentions an ex and we get FFOTH. Feeds back and we have Jason and Xmas talking in BY chairs. Alex and Matt by workout equipment, working out now. No game talking going on. Cams keep switching to a large group in the kitchen and a group in the hot tub. Paul bent a spoon trying to get some ice cream out of a container. Xmas asks, "Is she (Elena) really gonna eat all that?" She screams from another room, "DONT JUDGE ME!" Jason, Alex, and Jillian now talking on the large lounger in the BY. Talking about Kevin needing to get a tooth pulled. Kevin says it was a bad move on them to get two of the best players in he game against them: him and Paul. (Like I said, he's a riot.) 8:20PM - BBT: Paul and Jason whispering in Power room. Jason says he feels he has no allies. Paul says you have me. Paul is campaigning to Jason for Xmas, but Jason says he just doesn't trust Xmas. Paul says Jason needs to have a serious conversation with Xmas. Paul says they can use Xmas. Jason says it's him or Xmas. Jason drops the Trojan horse line and says he and Alex both think this is a ploy. They're counting votes again. Paul says Xmas has the votes to stay whether Jason votes for her or not. And he's just trying to get Jason on her side cause she's pissed right now. Jason says he wants the showmances to split, like Matt and Jess gone. Paul says Xmas wants to break them up too. Jason says that Cody not putting him up and making the other side mad shows him some loyalty. Paul says Cody is just trying to make both sides happy. Paul says Xmas doesn't want to align with him, she wants to align with Jason's side. Paul and you don't have to trust her, but just understand keeping her will keep her firing at the other side of the house.
  22. 6:56PM - BBT: The houseguest were just on an outdoor lockdown, which is now over. Dom and Xmas talking on the large lounger in BY while Mark, Paul, and Elena talking in the hammock. Elena is afraid of being targeted just by association to others. Paul says moving forward he can't trust Cody and Elena says it makes sense. Paul says others though are starting not to trust him too because of this. Elena says she thinks Paul would go after Cody if he wins HoH. Paul says if he's HoH, something is going down. Raven brings Mark and Elena tea and leaves. Elena feels like she's out of the loop. Paul says Cody did so much stuff behind their backs, like making deals with Alex. Elena knows that Ramses has the curse as does Paul. They say they know just by asking and talking to him. Mark now knows too and Elena tells him not to say anything to anyone about it or she will know he did. Paul says he definitely thinks there will be a power shift next week. Paul explains that the game is a lot of luck. Strategy will get you to jury, but chance and luck will win you the game. Paul says he knew that they weren't all on the same page. Xmas joins them now and Mark leaves. On the other cam Raven and Jillian are talking in the Kitchen bout Ravens pace maker. Matt joins the hammock group and Paul keeps talking in circles about I old you this was going to happen, I said it. 7:17PM - BBT: Other cam now is on Jess and Cody in the HoH. Raven joins them and they talk about someone having surgery and having to be in the hospital for months. Cam switches again to Alex and Jason talking in the BY. Alex says she doesn't trust Paul. Jason says Cmas has to go. He's counting votes now. Me, you and we can get Josh. He says Mark will vote for Xmas. Then Ramses. They said good and split. Alex joins Jillian on the BY couches. Ramses is also on the couches. Jillian says Mark is gonna make a deal with Jillian. 7:25PM - BBT: Back in the hammock, they're talking votes again. Xmas definitely doesn't have Alex or Ramses. She has them three, Dom, and Raven. They're trying to figure out if they have Mark's vote. Alex, Ramses, Jason, and Josh would vote for Xmas. Jess makes 5. That would keep her safe and that's just worst case scenario. Paul thinks between Elena and Matt they can get Mark's vote. 7:28PM - BBT: Alex and Jillian go to the HN room to talk game. Alex thinks Cody going after Paul was a planned move. Jillian says after the PoV meeting, Xmas came up and told her she wasn't expecting this and they aren't acting. Jillian thought that was weird and is worried now that Xmas was just a pawn. Mark told Jillian he wants to talk to her. Jillian also thinks she might be able to get Mark's vote. He said he wouldn't vote for Jillian, but it depended on who she was up against. Jillian thinks if Xmas actually betrayed the other side or didn't something wrong they would have been told about it. Alex thinks this is too good to be true. She says everything was against them and now it's the other way around. She's super sketched out. Alex says she doesn't trust any of them. 7:38PM - BBT: Alex says if Jess smiled at Josh, he would vote however she wanted him to. They need to be super nice to Josh to keep him on their side. Jason joins them. Alex says everyone acted too calmly and says it was a Trojan horse. Jason tells them Xmas outed the 8 person alliance and neither Alex nor Jillian knew this. Jason says Paul knows he's not gonna side with him and Xmas. They start talking votes again. Alex, Jason, Ramses, Kevin. That's four. If they can get Mark it will be five. Jason says he doesn't trust Matt or Dom and want them gone. He says he told Paul he didn't want Dom there and now he's getting weird looks from her. Jason is coaching Jillian on what to say in her speech before the vote. The group dispersed. 7:54PM - BBT: Xmas and Paul are still in hammock, but now alone. Other Cam is on Ramses, Alex, and Elena in the KT. Talk of Elena's name and nicknames. Paul says one of them has to win next week, they could do some serious damage, then reassess. Paul doesn't think that Alex will keep up her end of the deal with Cody. He says Xmas needs to talk to Jason and Alex. She asks if she should keep talking to Ramses too. Paul says yes. Other cam is on Matt and Elena in the storage room. Elena is explaining to Matt her relationships in the house, repeating what she told Xmas earlier. Elena says the 9 all ha different, in parallel relationships. They both agree that Cody had their best interests and Cody is loyal. Elena says she'll have to work on Mark and if she should work on Ramses. They think the next comp will be endurance. Matt and Elena both say they will never go after Cody. Matt says if someone wants to get out Cody, they better backdoor him. Elena asks if Matt thinks Cody threw the Veto comp. he says does he think he did, no. Had it crossed his mind, yes. Elena says same. She doesn't think he could throw it since he's such a competitor. Elena says 90% of her game is social. Matt and Elena leave the storage room.
  23. 3:58PM - BBT: Feeds are back. Same group is in the Apple room with Raven and Mark now. Josh and Dom are talking in the HN room. Josh said he's just gonna chill and lay low. Dom says that's how it is for a lot of them. She says to keep his eyes and ears open. She leaves and Josh does a little spastic handshake to the camera and then leaves. Cam switches to KT and then to HoH room where Jess and Cody are talking. Jess says Cody can be the hot head while her and Mark will be the levelheaded ones. She says he does things without thinking and he says he knows 100% who is loyal to them. He says their are people on the other side of the house that are very loyal to him. Back in the Apple room, they discuss votes again. They don't know what Cody's long term plan is with this decision. Elena says someone has to have given him some information to doubt Paul. Jillian opens the door for a second and leaves. 4:07PM - BBT: Raven says Jillian has to go. She says Alex is a cannon. Paul says a loose cannon. Paul and Xmas leave the group. Elena asks Mark if he's voting out Xmas and he says he doesn't know right now. Elena says she's feeling so split right now. She doesn't want to disrespect Cody, but she doesn't appreciate how he handled his HoH. She says she doesn't want to play both sides. Matt says he's gonna be honest and not lie in this game. He says he's still gonna be friends with Cody and hangout with him. He says he has to sit down with Cody and tell him he has to let him know what his plans are if they are going to keep working together. Matt aye he feels Elena and they are in a catch 22 where they will have to betray one or the other, but they both still say they aren't voting for Xmas. They believe Cody had good intentions, but they still don't understand. Matt says Raven and Elena are in great spots, burn Elena doesn't feel like she's in a good spot. Elena wants to win HoH to be safe, but she doesn't want to win and have to make a choice. Raven says they all have to try and win. They say if Jess wins, things will get worse. Mark is worried if Xmas wins that she will go after Cody and Jess and probably them too. The rest don't think she will. They count numbers again. They think Kevin will be the swing vote. Ok guys! Gotta get ready to watch the episode! I'm out for a little bit!
  24. 3:48PM - BBT: Xmas and Elena day there is no 9 anymore. Raven and Matt come in and they talk about Laundry. Elena then says that she is good and safe with the three of them. Xmas says tell her what she needs to do and Elena says you don't have to do anything. Raven leaves and Paul joins. Feeds go down at 3:53PM - BBT.



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