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Posts posted by BeeeBeee

  1. they would be stupid to keep Ian. He would be good at all 3 of the final HOH parts. Endurance...little body, mental/ houseguest knowledge he has it in the bag. Shane would be really stupid to vote out Dan

    It's not about just winning the final HoH, but you need the other 2 people to bring you to f2 in case they win... Dan will take Dani 100%... Dani is wishy washy to take Shane...

  2. I could see Shane keeping Ian if Dani or Shane wins the POV.

    Dan and Dani decided the noms would be Dan and Ian. Danielle doesn't trust Dan to make the choice and will leave him on the block.

    Shane has a Final 2 with Dani. He most know that Dan will take Danielle to the end. That leaves Ian that he probably thnks will take him.

    Just for laughs I like to see this happen. The look on Danielle face would be priceless when Dan gets voted out.

    Than to add to the fun have Ian win the Final HOH and evict Danielle.


    I'd love that... AHH LOL!

  3. I like Jenn, but this is way funny and spot on! I wish she would campaign harder, but I think she is too influenced by the negative campaigning Frank did. I can't believe she would mention cfa with their political leaning..... the weight loss looks amazing. So funny, when Danielle recommended liposuction, Jenn was spot on, enjoy your curves girl!!!

    Ye I think Jenn is a pretty nice person as well. It's just BB might not be for her. Anyways, it seems like she's a goner :/... Do y'all think she'll vote in favor of Dan if she gets to F2?

    From how I see it, I think she like Shane & Dani. She always talks with Shane, so I assume it might be Shane, Dani, Ian, Dan (preference for jury vote).

  4. I am proclaiming that Jenn "City" is officially the worst campaigner of all time. Her campaigning pretty much goes like this: "Hey I just wanted to pull you aside and say what's up ya know? You have a difficult decision with the vote this week but I want you to know that I'm right here and I want to play this game. I can't make you any deals and I can't make any promises about nominations but I just want to let you know that you should think about what's best for your game and I'm here and I wanna play so just think about that and I'll be around if you ever want to talk to me, I'm here and I'm for real yo and you can bounce ideas off me or whatever. Anyways good talk and I just wanted to let you know that I'm here and I wanna play the game and you can come talk to me whenever."


  5. Oh how I wish Dan would go on the block. Ian will probably be gone before F2 if he doesn't get rid of Dan now. He needs to convince Shane that Dan is not planning to bring anyone but Jenn to the final.

    Unfortunately, I don't think that will happen... I hate how Ian thinks he's really good at BB, but he doesn't realize Dan is his #1 threat... Cmon?!

  6. Dan this is your fault! He had shane in his cross fire and he didnt pull the trigger afraid of upsetting dani! Instead joe went home! The only person he had to worry about was ian! Now shane and ian are both in the house with dani! Dont know where her loyalities lie, she is all over the place! Shane realize everyone wanted him out! The tool is finally ready to play? I guess the great dan is not so great after all! The only one that would have stood in his way with this pov was ian if he kept joe! Joe would have been gone this week and ian couldnt play for hoh the next! Now he is in a pickle! If shane wins he and ian are going up! And since ian is the fav, bb might throw him a puzzle comp! Smh! I see dan's angles are back firing! And dani if she is telling the truth is the only one to take him to f2

    The final PoV will be the puzzle comp (that stacking block puzzle game).



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