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Everything posted by Nakitadog

  1. I've seen this a lot tonight. I can generally understand not being a big Shelly fan (I'm not) but can you seriously say she didn't care what Jordan thinks? or that "she led Jordan down the garden path?" (hasn't Shelly been following them like a puppy) Would you have been as outraged last week if Jeff & Jordan had enough votes last week to keep Brendon and dumped Shelly? Do you think your reaction is based more on how Jordan is taking things than on what actually happened.
  2. Jeff and Jordan were going to drop here into the river sooner rather than later and seriously considered it last week. She had no chance with them and has at least some chance now. Also, I think there's a pretty good chance that her Big Brother character is probably a lot different than the way she is in real life.
  3. C'mon....you fall into camp #3....you think Shelly's crazy. Also, you don't think Porsche's making a push to be a credible winner here at the end?
  4. This is my take-away from what I've been reading from the people in the Jeff/Jordan camp...they fall into one of these categories or a combo of #2 & #3 1. Jordan is "pure" and Jeff is "stand-up" and "straight forward" therefore Shelly must be evil. 2. I like the Jordan and Jeff characters and therefore I do not like the Shelly character. 3. Shelly is weird/crazy I think a lot of the people in camp #1 are taking the "game" way too seriously and don't mind your option #3 unless it causes the two greatest people in the world to lose.
  5. Well, Brendon said he would vote for the person who played the game the best (I don't think he meant just competitions), Jeff made a lot of references to game play, Daniele made the heart of her reference to game play so I think it will be interesting who would merely hold on to emotion especially considering that they get a pretty long cooling off period prior to the final vote. Do you see any possibility that someone would drag Shelly into to the Final 2 because they think everyone will vote with emotion?
  6. I wonder if she is truly selling the lie or if she really believes the lie. She seems so genuinely neurotic in her reactions to Rachel that it would be pretty reasonable for her to have twisted in her own mind what really happened.
  7. I'm not referring to "behaving" as how people watching will perceive it. I'm referring to "behaving" as how the other houseguests will perceive her and how it would impact her chances of winning in the end.
  8. I see your point with her looking at the game in a big-picture fashion. I just wonder if she knows what she's doing in terms of how she is behaving and the impact of her behavior.
  9. I think the thing you hit on is the fact that Dr. Will knew what he was doing and Shelly doesn't.
  10. Well, the players were so weak this year they just can't let it degenerate where the most established players just give up. It seems like in other years the game was a lot more organic with a lot of people having a real shot of mixing things up or gaining the power. This year it seemed like there were only 2 real capable people in whole house. If they had really teamed-up and not felt so threatened by one another, then would have pretty much just ripped through the house. But, I guess that would have been pretty boring.
  11. First, I never criticized you or anyone. I just found your opinion to lack a 100% legitimate basis. Yes, I'm really intrigued by the "foundation" of people's foundation for their opinions about these characters when they often engage in a lot of the same behavior. I find it interesting that people will have such passionate opinions about people. Also, forgive me for assuming that a Discussion Forum was about debate and discussion. I didn't know this was merely a comment board where I should just stream-of-consciousness just post my love or hatred for people sans discussion. Shelly is just crazy!
  12. Oh, I think you're really on to something with the "Dani ratings" things. I don't think in 100 years that Shelly came up with the flip on her own. Just like how now they don't want to lose the Jordan or Rachel ratings and conjured up this new veto potential. I also agree that I think Shelly is having sincere emotional disturbance issues. You start with periods of time of nicotine withdrawal, throw in some hero worship/insecurity and then throw in the nature of being locked-in and I don't think she can handle it. Plus, she can't win anything.
  13. You use whatever "language" you want. However, this is a forum and by expressing your opinion in a forum you are subjecting yourself to potential criticism for your opinion. I just find it ironic for everyone to use hateful langauge to denegrate someone for using hateful langauge. I also question the foundation for your opinion. These people are "characters" affected by the fame from the game and the pressure induced by being locked in together. The displays on the TV are not their true personalities. This can really be seen by how hateful Regan (spelling?) and Rachel appear to have been toward each other last year in reality TV but now they are best buddies, in real life. I also find it funny how one team/person is bad for engaging is certain behavior and another person/team is excused for the same/similiar behavior. If you want to put Jordan on a pedestal as a Saint and cast Shelly as a devil then that's fine.
  14. There is nothing wrong with your response at all. Cheering for a team is what makes the show watchable and sometimes the viewers probably switch their teams as well. I also agree that Jeff/Jordan/Shelly/Daniele all made moves that they thought was the best for them. However, I still don't know if Dani would have won if she had not been evicted. She would have gone after Jeff and as we just saw when there is only one major power person in the house, the floaters will turn on that person when they can't play for HoH. Once she got rid of Jeff, one of the floaters would have won HoH and the rest would have ganged up on her.
  15. Well, this season should be characterized by everyone making the wrong decision every time. The real power brokers could have established a core six (with Daniele adding either Dominic or Kalia) about 1,000 times and they blew it. The newbies can never settle down and generate any real plan and will constantly run into a panic situation that screws their chances. Shelly is definitely a complete mess and her floating insecurity is nausiating. However, by jumping ship Shelly had a least some chance at $50k with a limited chance at the $500k. She had no chance with the veterans.
  16. Okay with listening ears on: I'm not saying that Jordan doesn't have the right to be upset. Well, considering that Shelly and Jordan had formed a personal relationship, why didn't Jordan tell Shelly they were thinking of dumping her. She didn't because (1) she wasn't ever or (2) she wasn't 100% sure what she would do (once Jeff told her what to do). Similarly, Shelly was trying to build her own lifeboat once she realized she was going to be a fourth or fifth wheel on the Jeff/Jordan train, unfortunately, Adam ratted her out and no one ratted Jeff/Jordan out for what they were planning. However, to craft Shelly as some sort of Bond villian is more than a little off base. Shelly cannot handle the emotions of the game. I just think some of the language y'all are using exhibit more spite than Shelly is actually showing.
  17. So, you're saying that Shelly was faking her emotions for Jordan in order to gain a competitive advantage? I don't think so. I think it's pretty clear that the game situation makes Shelly emotionally unstable. I just find it interesting that Jeff can lie and it's excused. Jordan and Jeff can consider dumping Shelly for Brendon and not tell her but many of the posters on here demand that Shelly should have told Jordan ahead of time. Also, the characterization that "...when the would is fresh shelly runs into the purple room and screams at jordan..." is wildly innacurrate. Shelly, stupidly, went in there because she wanted to talk to her and then they got into it. I really think terms such as "vicous, jealous, mean spirited" are more of a reflection of the fact that your favorite character is not doing well. Jeff used the term "backdoor" so I'm going to use the term "backdoor"
  18. So, this is ends justifies the means logic. The fact that Daniele is/was a liar doesn't mean that Jeff didn't lie. They're both liars but you just choose to root for one liar over another. Second, what does Shelly trying win a game have anything to do with her personal feelings about Jordan? When Jeff and Jordan punted her in favor of Rachel for final 3 or when they were seriously considering dumping her for Brendon "if they had the votes" would it be all hugs and kisses? I can't remember Jordan telling Shelly they were seriously thinking of voting her out. Shelly is clearly a mental case but I think a lot of the hatred expressed on here is due to the fact so many people are in love with the Jordan character even though she;s pretty awful as a player.
  19. Let's see. Shelly is beast for not going to Jordan and saying "I am at the point Jordan where I have to play for myself." (She kinda did). But, I don't see you calling Jeff a beast for lying to Daniele about backdooring her.



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