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Posts posted by GreatSaltLuke

  1. Only season BB changed the prize to $1 million for first place. Drew pretty much slept thru the whole season, lied to Diane about their showmance being a "real" relationship (otherwise she would have been a woman scored on national tv, and in front of the other hg's who all knew it was a lie, and voted for Cowboy)

    That was actually kind of a game-changing season: Nakomis came up with the 6-Finger plan...after that BB changed how the POV was played, Cowboy's fiance slipped a letter from home between the liners of his suitcase, and it was the first season of a tight alliance, The 4 Horseman (or as Marcellas called them "the 3 horsemen and the otoman") since Season 2's Chill Town (basically Will and Boogie) which didn't unravel. Drew took a big risk and voted Diane out at F3 due to his loyalty to his alliance, even tho he probably would have won against her by a landslide instead of by one vote.

    Wow, BB5 was a million? Didn't realize that. The 6-finger plan that made a backdoor unstoppable was quite brilliant and it was funny how long it took Jase to tell what was going on. The guy was so thrilled after that nomination ceremony... hehe. And what Drew did at F3 took some serious balls. That was one of the most brutal evictions ever! That decision confuses me to this day.

    The funny thing is that Diane ended up moving in with Scott after that. There were so many crazy love triangles going on that season.

  2. the jury is still out on whether it will work for this season

    too bad if it doesn't i had fun posting screen caps last season during the endurance comps , meltdowns etc....... :animated_bouncy:

    Just so I don't clog up my computer with any more unnecessary crap, I'm going to make sure it's working with the new season before I install it.

  3. one of the few polls i have witness here that jeff has lost

    guess back to back years was too much :animated_bouncy:

    I'd honestly like to see Big Jeff play without Jordan. She is a big handicap to him and puts a huge target on his back when they are together. I think he is a pretty skilled BB player along with being entertaining but it is impossible to win with Jordan tagging along. I'd like to see him back solo for a future all-stars but unfortunately he said he'd never play again.

  4. There's not much to go off yet but the leaked pictures that show Janelle in a room talking to Shane, Frank and Danielle like she is giving a speech might be a hint. Also, Dan looks like he's getting close to Kara and Willie and JoJo seem like they will be together with either Mike or Britney and this would make a nice villain team. The rest it's too hard to tell.

  5. Yep, I can't say they did the greatest job of picking out mentors other than Dan. Britney got completely played by the Brigade in her season. Janelle is great at challenges (which can't really be learned) but there are definitely better social game players. Mike "Boogie" sucked in his first season and never would have won his 2nd without Dr. Will although his game did improve. Oh well, we'll see how it plays out.

  6. She seems really full of herself. Over confident. I don't know why everyone is calling her "Kalia 2". I see no resemblance at all, except that she is African America. I think i will like her if she doesn't talk too much about herself. All i'm hearing in her interview is "I, I, I, I,". She's loud. I WANT to like her, but am not sure.

    She seems exactly like Kalia to me. They could reveal that she's Kalia's sister and I wouldn't be surprised at all. This is the 2nd season in a row that they have cast one older overweight cocky black chick to be a villain (Kalia was to most people and it seems like Jodi might be too). Is Grodner a racist or something? :P

  7. I like this guy just because he is so different from anyone else on the show this year. He could definitely go far because the women will think of him as an adorable little pet and the guys will barely notice he is around. I could see this guy sneaking into the final 5 and people going "Whoa, how'd that little guy get this far?" I find it funny that he spent part of his interview talking about how he wants to find romance in the house.

    Hopefully, no one will figure out about his father Rick Moranis...

  8. I like her and she seems sweet but she doesn't seem to have a very dynamic personality or anything else to offer the show other than her looks and I don't see her going too far unless she ends up floating her way to the end of the game like Porsche, which is a definite possibility.

    She says she will miss eating cheeseburgers. I hate it when models pretend they eat all this food that is bad for you like regular people when she probably eats about a quarter of one cheeseburger a month at most.

  9. I'm very happy this guy will be on the show as Russell was always really fun to watch on Survivor even if you hated his guts. I always wanted a chance to watch Russell play BB on the live feeds and this will be the 2nd best thing. Russell said in an interview on Rob Has A Podcast that this is the brother he was closest to growing up and they are a lot of like. I get the sense from the interview that Willie is a less nasty but funnier and more personable version of Russell but it sounds like he is just as smart and strategic and will be playing very similar to how Russell would. It will be fun to watch but I don't hava high expectations of him because IMO Russell's strategy of lying, backstabbing and turning everyone against each other is far more difficult to pull off in BB than Survivor as all lies seem to eventually come out in the BB house. Plus this guy REALLY looks like Russell and I would dumbfounded if no one realized there is some kind of relation there as most BB fans are probably also quite familiar with Survivor.

  10. She is all over the place and it's really hard to tell how she'll do based on the interview. I don't think she will piss people off enough or be considered enough of a threat to leave really early but she seems like the type that will start to break down when there gets to be a lot of drama and probably won't make the jury.



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