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Everything posted by NYROSE

  1. I agree no episode watchers voting. I do not agree that they should be kept from one another. This is a social game and influence in that milieu seems a fair part of it. How Dan left each person, was part of his legacy toward the result. He lost because of that. He was the master manipulator in the moment and it made for great TV as he put on the funeral ( I could not believe the tears HGs shed LOL) and voting out Shane (we all loved the jaw drop (did she have to see a dentist?) ) But in the aggregate, he did not win. Had he won the last HoH he would have taken Danl and won. So in the clinch, he lost; he lost. Whatever the jury felt, was his making. He lost. As much as I admired his ingenuity with story telling, I know tht Ian won fair and square. No tampering with the jury by BB in terms of manipulating the vote by how they structure the game would have been better.
  2. Actually really like most of the interaction here, and am quite happy thank you for caring. But since you are not happy with my writing, Then after this just skip anything I write. No pressure from me for you to read my writing.
  3. There is one human race. What makes for the notion of Caucasian, Negro, Asian? Those are genetic visual differences. What makes for fat people? genetic difference that results in a visual difference. The basis is the same. Just think about it and don't be offended, I know that a person is not a KKK in attitude because they are societally swayed to despise a body type.
  4. yes that is part of where I am coming from, but also if Marty thinks about how racism operates, it is mainly on the basis of looks. That is all I am saying, so maybe people might start to think of why they are prejudging people on the basis of looks. Even the male attraction to a stick with balloons on top is a product of conditioning. That view of what is female beauty was not present in other times. For women to undergo surgery in order to have the vaunted body shape is horrible. They are literally risking their LIVES to attract a man. In nature, the male works to attract the female. Only humans skew the 50 50 numbers of men to women by killing off men in wars. Then women are numerous and men can demand that women vie for them by offering whatever the man craves. No one gets to be in a relationship based on real love and natural sexual attraction.
  5. Agreed Dan not loyal to anyone, but he would definitely have taken Danl to f2 because he knew he would win. He knew he could not win against Ian. If I am sure of anything this I am certain of about this man in this game and how the jury viewed him and Danl. His better play would have won out against the bitter jury because Danl was not a good game player, she just got lucky to get dragged along by a coach who saw her as the most malleable loyal person in there. Dan used Danl it is not using someone to allow them to use you. When the coaching ended, it did not end for Danl and Dan knew she wanted a man to lean on and would do his bidding under the guise that he was her coach. What a fairy tale she went for.
  6. Hey slimcruz no matter what he says? LMAO that is exactly what he said.. just reminding the rest who may have forgotten in the mist.
  7. I think they prob have enough to make an entire household of first day evictees to make up a house. It would be funny and would not make for an auto alliance as you point out.
  8. For Danl voting for Dan at the end was some fulfillment of her sense of who she was. It was an expression of her philosophy and identity. Every one of us has a bottom line on how far one goes for loyalty. Dan said he would have taken her to the final two. Ian's jaw dropped almost like Danl's when Dan voted out Shane. Altho I am glad Ian won, I do wish he had shown that he was on to Dan and taken Danl. That would have been true mastery. As for Dan irritating people and they do not know how to put a finger on it. Remember Dan said that he saw a lot of himself in Ian. Remember how awkward Ian was at the beginning? He figured out how to stop being that bad, but he was always marked as not really being IN like not one of the rest. Well I think Dan has always been that way and has compensated by getting himself into a position to coach the very people who did not accept him as a kid. So if you are one of the IN people and are irritated by the Dan's and Ian's of the world...that is what has gotten to you all this season. IMO
  9. When I think about lookism (judging a person on looks), it occurs to me it is the source of racism. One looks at a person and knows they are of the group one is prejudiced against, so I think judging a person on their looks is at heart a kind of racism. Society sets up a notion that a person ought to be of a certain size or look and that too is based on some notion of what it means to be fat (or thin) or of what group one comes from that is beauty or ugly. Sure this is just a fan forum, and people can express their opinions, but my opinion about those opinions is also a valid expression of whether what is being said has real insight into the person or situation being talked about.
  10. I would not mind seeing some of the people who were evicted on day 1 get another chance.
  11. Thanks for posting the interviews. What happened to Jenn City? She showed her player ability toward the end of her stay. And for all of you who kept on about how fat Danl was, Did you see how thin she was here? I think all of you would have women become a stick with balloons such a nutty idea of what a woman's body ought to be. Grow up and let women be real.
  12. This message board definitely added info and enjoyment to the game. Thanks for running it.
  13. I think that A's fav can also go to a winner, so I do not think that was a factor in frank winnning. I admired Dan's abililty to sway people and blind side, but for all that he is an adult, he loves to stir the pot and get people upset while he just watches and laughs without them knowing he did it deliberately. I think everyone finally got that as his MO and that was what made them so angry. They were not so much bitter that he had done to them, they were angry that he had acted as he did. I think they finally put it all together esp when danielle asked if he was going to take her. And i do not think Dan threw the last comp. It would be hard to throw that given its random quality.
  14. I think Brit was embarrassed because every one thought it was too venal a bribe. I think everyone felt the same about Dan's monomaniacal interest in winning. Everyone else wanted to win as much. Dan thought his desire was more and justified what ever he did. They did nt feel that was true and were bitter that he treated them the way he did. BB is about being able to stick the knife in without making anyone feel abused. or at least the majority should not feel abused.
  15. Ian really caught on quickly to how to deal with the kind of people he always wanted to hang with and was always shut out from. They thought he was creepy remember? But he figured how to dial it back and get in tune with them even to knowing them better than the master manipulator DAn in that final battle. Now who thinks Dan would have taken Ian to final 2? HA LOL
  16. Frank is cute and charming. If he smells, no one in the audience knows that. His game play was friendly and relaxed even tho he was on the block so many times. I think America saw him as picked on undeservedly to be the good player who had to go. So they liked him as underdog with a cute look and nice tail wag and a kind of loyal spirit. America loves dogs. Frank had a doggy quality for sure. He'd be a terrier for sure. You know with the cocked head, the tongue out, the tail wagging. Kind of like Disney's Tramp in the Lady and the Tramp.
  17. Janelle's lack of emotions are exactly why she has not won and why she is blinded by Dan's mastery of mist or manipulation. We do all manipulate and lie but there is still an undercurrent of reality that everyone responds to. Dan did not tap into that. Ian did. So Ian rightly won.
  18. Danl has some growing up to do for sure, but why is everyone so mean to her? She was overmatched by Dan because she feels vulnerable and a lot of stuff in her life has made her feel that way if even half of what she has said about her life is true. These are issues that need some counseling. I hope that she can get to a Neuro Linguistic Programmer to work out all those "I am always the loser and will always be betrayed" thoughts to undo what ever stuff was done to her. And do not forget how much more life experience Dan has and he played that coach role to perfection with her exploiting her weaknesses.
  19. Ian there are drug free methods to quiet your brain and leave your mind sharper than ever. Check out Neurofeedback by Cygnet. Stay away from drugs. Grow some of your own food, get real.
  20. Dan did the best masterminding, but Ian masterminded and managed to keep from alienating. Now if someone only hips him to the mist of this society so he can escape the misery and pitfalls of dealing with people who have no soul and no interest in anything but fame and money, I would hope Ian could find a woman who will love him for himself and whom he can love also.
  21. As I said, I wish all of you and most of you are Americans, would just get over whatever you think looks gross whether it is hairy-ness or baldness or lumps of fat or cellulite. People look different and if one's difference falls into the ugly category well put a burkha on and keep me from feeling nausea at the sight of you. I have never seen an ugly person until they open their mouths and show their soul to be prejudiced and stupid with canned society promoted aesthetics.



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