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Everything posted by spikes_luv

  1. As soon as she starts to trash Rachel (or Jordan) in the jury house, Brendon and Jeff are gonna be all over her bony ass.
  2. She reads message boards and she is in for a rude awakening when she gets out. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if the applause level at the live show let's her know that she's not very popular.
  3. While Kalia keeps the girls in the back room telling them all about her life. Come on Rachel, go get your furry boots from the purple room.
  4. Oh no, please don't let Shelly and/or Kalia get some power out of the fortune teller. Wake up Rachel and Jordan!!! Go into the purple room! Don't they have the ability to punch in a code to get in there?
  5. I'll see you Britney, Natalie, Ivette, Alison, Jun, Maggie. And I'll raise you Jennifer (season 6), Porsche (really becoming meaner as the summer goes on), Kalia. I'll also throw in Marvin, Scott, Jase (season 5) and Dick. I could probably go on, lol.
  6. My advice would be to move far far away from home. And welcome to Morty's.
  7. I think it's been much worse for Rachel to be locked in the house with Shelly all summer than the other way around. Shelly had people on her side to trash Rachel with...and the whole time Rachel was right about her. I wanna live in your world. And, ooh la la on your Gerard Avatar.
  8. Are you really writing your thesis on Shelly? That is awesome - I'd love to read it!
  9. Yeah, lol. I will be rooting for the other tribe. I don't want to spoil but whoever wants to check it out can go to CBS.com
  10. I used flashback to find the part where Rachel and Jordan were calling Shelly a bitch and all I found was at 4:00pm BBT R/J were in the bathroom talking about Dick calling Daniele a bitch. Rachel said "she is a bitch" fairly loud as Shelly was in the kitchen. Then Shelly went into the spaceship room and sat on the bed with her head down. Could that be what she thought was them talking about her?
  11. OMG Survivor! So excited, lol. If only we could have live feeds for that show.
  12. Thank you for being the voice of reason and educating us all. We must have lost our minds temporarily...I mean how could we not see that Shelly is an innocent victim in all this?
  13. I never loved Dick. He's a disgusting, vile man - just more up front about it than Shelly (the man part included ).
  14. It's true that how you act in this game is a reflection of how you are in your real life. That's why it's called a social experiment. What would you do for $500,000? Kind of like a joke I once heard: Man: Would you sleep with me for $1,000,000? Woman: Yes Man: Would you sleep with me for $10? Woman: Of course not! What do you think I am? Man: We've already established that. Now we're just haggling on the price.
  15. Kajunkel, I don't think anyone's answering you because that's not the issue. The issue is Shelly's personal behavior (to me at least).
  16. This is Adam's one saving grace for me. At least he doesn't promise the world intending not to deliver.
  17. I disagree. Apparently she sold Adam out, too. If that's true, I think that's just as reprehensible. I will have to reserve judgment until I see the fight between Jeff/Adam/Shelly (if we ever get to see it), but it sure sounded like she tried to sell her best friend Adam down the river to cover her ass. I don't really care who she does it to, it's the fact that she pretends to have such class and simply has none. Maybe after she gets out of this house she'll have a wake-up call. I'd like to hope. If not, at least she has learned the correct pronunciation of "parmesan." That's a start.
  18. I don't get people not understanding why Jeff evicted Daniele. After she tried to get him backdoored on week three, no amount of "proving her loyalty" was going to convince him she wouldn't try it again. And she would have. She just wanted Brendon gone first and was trying to buy some time with Jeff in order to take care of one target at a time. She failed. Period.



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