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Everything posted by spikes_luv

  1. I can't agree with you more. Dan is a master and the way he reasons with Danielle is perfect. He can turn her around in 2 seconds and he knows this. He plays it cool enough to make her think it's her idea and that he has her best interests at heart. I also agree with whoever said Dan needs to get rid of Shane. He does.
  2. 2:50am - Danielle is now talking about all the competitions she won and how much stronger she is than Frank. Dan says her idea to make a deal with Wil if she takes him down is good and asks her what she'll say to him. He says not to tell Wil who she would put up.
  3. Posting ths by using flashbacks because I really wanted to know what happened last night after I went to bed and I thought others might also. 2:31am - Shane and Danielle still discussing putting Janelle up. Danielle concerned with what Janelle will say to her. 2:32am - Dan walks into the room and listens to what Ian said to Danielle/Shane about Frank/Boogie possibly rallying votesto keep Janelle. Dan disagrees. Then Danielle throws out taking Wil down and putting up Janelle to secure Boogie's vote. Danielle and Shane keep running scenarios and Dan not saying that much. Danielle tells Dan that Janelle told Britney her nominations would be Joe/Jenn if she won HOH. She doesn't believe that. Looks like Dan is waiting to talk to Danielle and BB miraculously calls Shane to the DR. 2:37am - As soon as Shane leaves Dan asked Danielle if she wants him to bring the hammer now or later. He tells her she needs to calm down. Danielle says tomorrow, Dan says no. He tells Danielle she is telling a roomful of people that Janelle will put them up and says "who cares? Who cares if she puts up Shane and Britney? She's not puttin you up. I guaranfingtee she is not putting you up. But, you just blew that." Danielle asks if he thinks Britney is going to run and tell Janelle. Dan says no but now if you don't do that Britney's going to say, oh well Danielle doesn't care that Janelle is going to put me up. "If it benefits you, let it benefit you. I guarantee Janelle is not going to put you up." Danielle asks if she thinks Danielle asks how he is so sure Janelle won't put her up. He says "because I know." He tells Danielle she keeps catching herself saying it's not personal but it is personal. He tells her she cannot play this game personally. She says, it's not and says, "Dan, can I talk?" Dan says no because she's been up here with her boyfriend for four hours and he hasn't been able to talk to her. She says strategically, Janelle is a bigger competitor than Frank. She is afraid Janelle will come after Dan. Dan says she won't. Danielle then backs down to Dan and says she doesn't care, she'll keep it the same. She wouldn't put Janelle up if she isn't going home. Dan tells Danielle he doesn't care who goes up but Danielle needs to look at what benefits her. He tells her what matters is how she plays the game and she's playing it personal. He says she did great in the competition but the inside stuff she didn't do a great job. He tells Danielle that Britney hates Janelle because Janelle turned her back on Willy. He says Britney plays this game personally and she taints Danielle. He says Britney lost the first time because she played personally. Dan says the wheels are in motion now and it's going to be very difficult to stop. Danielle says no, Britney said maybe they shouldn't put Janelle up because they can't secure Frank/Boogie's votes and what if Boogie wants to band with Janelle. Dan says that's another thing. You're making a huge assumption that Janelle/Boogie want to band together. Danielle explains this is just what she's seen. She thinks Janelle's actions are fishy. She thinks that the fact Janelle didn't want Boogie to be mad if she cheered for Janelle means she wants to work with Boogie. 2:44am - Danielle says Boogie has nowhere else to go but to Janelle if Frank's out. Dan says "....trust her" (didn't hear the first part). Danielle asks, "you think so?" Dan says "trust her, trust me." Danielle talks about taking Wil down and making a deal for Danielle/Dan. Dan says then she has to throw Britney under the bus. Dan questions Danielle on the scenarios. He counts the votes to oust Janelle if she's up against Frank: Britney, Dan, Shane, Ian Boogie. Dan says that will expose Ian. He asks what she would tell Boogie as to the reason she is taking down Wil instead of Frank. Danielle says to tell Boogie it's to secure the votes and not make their obvious alliance. Dan likes that spin. Seems like Dan is now on board with wanting Janelle up against Frank.
  4. I can't stand listening to him talk. He's almost worse than listening to Danielle's constant pleas for attention/compliments. Listen to his conversations and how easily he gets confused. When someone is talking he agrees with everything they say. If they change their mind he agrees with that, too. He's such a tool.
  5. Dan knows this is a bad idea - getting a coach out of the game. I want him to turn this around so bad. Danielle is a vindictive, jealous little witch. BB, please talk these people into keeping Janelle so we can see her compete next week in HOH.
  6. She annoys me so much!! Dan was spot on when he told Danielle to stop being personal about wanting Janelle out. She's jealous of Janelle and reminds me of one of the nerd herd from season 6. Yeah, Janelle is a threat competition-wise but leaving Boogie and Frank in this game...together? LOL like Dan said, Boogie is so good he got them to change the target from Frank to Janelle in just two hours. Frank and Boogie were downstairs plotting on when to turn on their six-person Avenger alliance less than 30 minutes after they left the HOH room. I get why people think they can't trust Janelle but Boogie is playing much more personally and he can't wait to stab these people in the back. And he's a better talker than Janelle. I'm really hoping Dan is planning on turning the target back to Frank. If Janelle leaves I won't be as interested in watching, except to see the dummies (Danielle, Shane, Britney) wish they never would've trusted Boogie.
  7. Danielle's insecurity drives me insane. She is asking what everyone thinks after noms, who's mad at her, etc? Last night she was asking Janelle how she looked in endurance - did she look fat up there? I mean, seriously, she's such a self-centered sourpuss. I just cannot stand her.
  8. I love Dan. It's just so fun watching him interact with the three stooges (Danielle, Britney, Shane) and just taking it all in but directing them in the way he wants them to go. I really love him.
  9. Shane is such an idiot. I can't wait until he gets put on the block and doesn't win POV that week. He seems to think he's invincible...but these comps aren't all going to be physical.
  10. This. She's paranoid and not at all strategic. She'll probably get far since she's not really a threat and she does have a good relationship with her player and his admirer, but she is really a horrible player and probably a worse coach. I also can't stand how she's been acting this whole week while Shane's been HOH. Shane has made all the decisions, despite what Britney has tried to get him to do, but she seems to think she's HOH.
  11. Danielle has such a sour, bitchy attitude. I can't stand her. I do think she may be smart but she's letting things get to her which shouldn't. She's mad at Janelle for saying Ashley could win the endurance comp and trying to make it sound like it was a personal attack against her by Janelle when, Janelle wasn't even thinking of Danielle when she said that. And she never once mentioned Danielle's weight. She said Ashley is shorter (trying to be nice after she realized Danielle was upset I'm sure). In reality, it's Danielle's own fault she feels insecure. She was asking Wil if Janelle said anything to him about her body. He said no, which was true. She also tried to put the comment about Kara being the only person on her team who got across with the bear on Janelle..but it was Wil who said that, lol. I just think Danielle is insecure about her body and very self-centered and insecure. I also think she's in for a big let down if she puts all her eggs in Shane's basket in this game.
  12. You said it perfectly. I have always been a huge Janelle fan but I've been a little bit disappointed this season because I haven't really been connecting with/emphathizing with her as I have in her two previous seasons. I think the reason is that she is a coach and isn't playing the game. When she was in the game season 6, she had an alliance who she was trustworthy to, a couple of great relationships (Kaysar/Howie), and she fought her ass off even though the nerd herd was up there bashing her 24/7. In All-Stars she had this cute showmance with Dr Will, and she also had most of the house against her but she pulled it out in comp after comp. This season she can't play so she hasn't been in the position to try to save herself week after week...yet. She definitely has people against her, though, and if the coaches do come back into the game tomorrow, I think she will be in the same position she was in her other seasons. I just hope she can get some good allies on her side. I was hoping Wil and Janelle would be a team but he apparently can't stand her. I also think she's been a pretty good coach and I agree that you can't play this game wtihout some lying and ass-kissing. It's set up to make people do it. Dan does it, he just isn't as vocal about it as Janelle is. And Britney is a horrible coach. She also needs to learn to stop talking with her mouth full. Good thing she's so tiny or people would be making fun of her like they did Kalia last year. I do think Janelle had a hand in getting Frank on the block this week but I actually think Ashley was a bigger part of it than people are giving her credit for. If you watched the conversation between Shane and Ashley in the arcade room, that seemed to be a big turning point in Shane's decision. It sucks that none of that was on the show tonight and they made it seem like Ian was the reason and that Britney was on board the whole time when her paranoia about being yelled at almost tanked the whole plan. Get some balls, Britney. You may hate Janelle, but she's 100 times the player you'll ever be.
  13. Thank you for saying this. Seriously, Shane is a nice guy but he's an idiot...and his coach, Britney, is maybe even more of an idiot. They are trusting Frank and Boogie? Frank put him up last week and will take him out down the line if he can no matter what he and Boogie are telling them, now. And, personally, I don't really want to see another DR with Frank and Boogie laughing about how they put up Shane last week (with the intention of evicting him), but then got him to promise Frank will stay this week. The only reason I could tolerate those sessions with Chilltown was because of Will. Boogie...ew. I hope Frank goes up, stays on the block, and Daniele votes him out. I can't stand Joe but it's not in Shane, Dan or Janelle's best interest for Frank to stay...and since the coaches are coming back into the game (probably), I'll be rooting for Dan and Janelle...and Ian. <3
  14. FYI, here's the link to view the Vegas Bash if anyone's interested. Maybe they'll even cover the wedding, lol. http://www.thevegasbash.com/
  15. LOL I hated the dress, too. She wore it for the final three dinner in the house and Rachel was telling her how cute it was. Porsche said she had to wear a long dress at the finale because her legs were still a little banged up from part II of the HOH comp. I think she would have worn something different otherwise. I have no problem with Porsche coming in second. It's soooo much better than Adam winning anything IMO. He still tried to steal the show but failed miserably.
  16. LOL how many shots of tequilla had she had before that announcement? Rachel, make Brendon sign a pre-nup.
  17. I watched them, too, and she is just whiny. She goes out of her way to mention how "horrible" Rachel is as a person. Funny, but on my feeds all summer I seem to remember the "mean girls club" bashing Rachel every chance they got. Even ole Adam joined in a time or two. I don't ever remember hearing Rachel wishing a miscarriage on Daniele or talking about her non-stop up in the HOH room while eating pita chips. Okay, I could go on but it's not necessary. It's so obvious to me - and so many people - that Daniele is a bitter, sore, loser and Rachel, while she doesn't always say or do the right thing, is a compassionate, caring, empathetic girl with a heart of gold. And FYI the interviews with Cassi were almost as bad as Daniele's. She doesn't miss the chance to get her jabs in for Rachel in every interview. She is still hanging onto the idea that she was evicted because Rachel is jealous of her. Even Dick set her straight that she was evicted because that was the plan. It was supposed to be Keith, Dominic, Cassi, in that order. Dominic won POV so Cassi had to go. Daniele was hard-core pushing for Cassi's eviction even before Dominic, but yet Cassi still wants to focus on Rachel as the reason she left so early. Let's see Cassi. Rachel said she doesn't like your gameplay and you call her ugly - inside and out. Which is more personal? (FYI - Why Superpass thinks we want to see so much of Cassi, Keith or Lawon in the first place is beyond me, anyway.) Sorry for rambling. I just get tired of the Rachel-bashing and the show is over. I guess Rachel can cry over how Dani, Cassi and Kalia still think she is a horrible person....all the way to the bank.
  18. He was ridiculous last night. I think he thought it was his night or something. The good thing is.....I'm watching the feeds of the wrap party and he said he was up all night reading the internet. Maybe he will get it. lol
  19. Great article about the finale. Very witty and entertaining: http://tvrecaps.ew.com/recap/big-brother-season-finale-rachel-winner/
  20. LOL "God help America" when people register at a site just to personally bash someone. Talk about nastiness. Wait...is this Daniele?
  21. I wish they'd just have the Part 3 comp and send Adam out of the house now. Why do we have to keep listening to that mouth-breathing, snot-swallowing waste of space? Okay, I guess I'm getting a little vicious.
  22. I'd rather see the best player, RACHEL, win. Adam's a punk and doesn't deserve to be in the finals. Can we swap Adam for Jordan now?
  23. Oh yay, his offer to Porsche pissed her off. She said she doesn't even feel like hanging out with Adam now. Glad she told Rachel about it.
  24. He's working on Porsche. I really hope his plan backfires and/or that Rachel wins final HOH and takes Porsche.
  25. I just hope if his plan doesn't work and he finds himself on the jury, he'll still vote based on gameplay.



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