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Posts posted by spikes_luv

  1. :blink: Any ideas why they have not shown anything on the sequester house yet?  We were shown it by now last year and heard from the HG's now in there.

    If they follow the format from last year, they will show a sequence on the Thursday live show with Rachel walking into the house and Jennifer wondering who it will be - Rachel will have a tape of the HOH contest and some clips, which they will watch. They will continue that each week.

  2. BigSis:

    I don't have a problem with either Sarah or James, so I, personally, don't think Marcellas should have handled the interview in any way other than how he did. But.........

    You should really watch Marcellas's interview with Eric. He did a great job calling Eric out. Eric refused to see that he did anything wrong, of course, but the interview was really good. You would enjoy it.

  3. It will be a bummer that most likely the future HG appearances on HouseCalls won't be able to be drilled on their game play or racist type of comments, etc due to the sequester situation.  I hope they will be able to, but doubt it.  But maybe on the final wrap show they'll get drilled on alot of that.  I would love for them to be put on the spot.  Janelle has said bad things herself, but I don't think I've ever seen her or Howie say anything about race, religion.

    I thought of that, but Marcellas drilled Eric - it was great!

  4. Hey Marcellas, I just watched some archived episodes of Housecalls and I JUST LOVE YOU! I never really got into Housecalls last year, but I was so proud of how you interviewed Eric (what a creep)! And I laughed my a$$ off after the Kaysar interviews. I love Kaysar and Janelle too!

    I was explaining BB6 to my 24 year old daughter the other day (yes, I'm old) and I brought up your name. She said, "Oh yeah, I know who Marcellas is" and reminded me of Season 3 when they would show you talking to yourself in the house (and answering). I had forgotten all about it, and had another laugh about it. She doesn't watch BB now, but you were memorable to even her! I wish we could see those episodes again.

    You rock, Marcellas!

  5. Will have to keep voting for kayser with out hearing whats going on in the house.  Every nite so far at this time I listen to the house and vote, vote , vote.. just will be boring now.

    Great idea - let's use this time to vote - for Kaysar, of course!


    I saw Housecalls today - both parts! Kaysar was awesome, and this is the first time I have liked Marcellas on that show. One thing I did notice - at the end of the show, Marcellas was telling us that we could vote over and over on the website and the ip's would not be tracked. Gretchen cut him off quickly and said they would probably have some kind of control in place. Marcellas had a very confused look on his face after she said that. So, now I'm not sure if all those votes I placed on line will be counted, or just the first one. I'm going to send some text votes now just in case.

    GO KAYSAR!!!



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