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Posts posted by spikes_luv

  1. Have to disagree with Jeff in house if Dani stayed. She had him next on the list for her to take out. Had her "crew" won Jeff would have been gone instead of Dani.

    What I didn't understand was Dani saying that they were writing the check for Jeff & Jordan; was she just ticked off because they weren't writing the check for Dani?

    Exactly. Dani's accomplishment this summer was writing a check for a newbie.

  2. Dani played the best game with the weakest alliance, that was her downfall. Had Jeff kept his word with Dani he would still be at the house with Jordan.

    If Dani had kept her word, we'd probably have the 5 vets still in the house with one newbie. Porsche would have been long gone and Kalia would have been out after her one HOH - probably. Dani could have teamed up with Brenchel to kick out Jeff and I could see her in the F2. Maybe not what some of you wanted but I think it would be much more dramatic to see them fight it out than what we have now.

    With all that said, it still bothers me immensely that Shelly was so concerned that all her kids teachers, parents, her kids friends would see what a chain smoker she is, yet she is ok with flipping (backstabbing) on the one person she claimed she loved and wanted a true, long lasting, real friendship with after the conclusion of the game. I watch BB After Dark on Showtime every night. I found it interesting last night that Shelly wouldn't even acknowledge or look Jordans way. Talk about awkward..lol I have a feeling the finale will be the best part of the season. Old saying is what goes around comes around.

    The woman has to reek. Just saying.

  3. She told everyone in the backyard a little while ago the vets all hated her...basically she was announcing she would be the perfect goat to take to the final 2...I don't get it... does she think she has a chance to win....maybe she would be happy with $50,000...that could buy an awful lot of cigarettes...

    She is such a waste of everthing..even now with only 6 HG left nominating her still would be a waste of a HOH...

    LOL $50,000 after taxes...maybe $30K - $35K? For 3 months spent ruining her reputation. Hmmm, worth it?

  4. Here's what I hope happens this week. Rachel and Adam go up. Jordan wins POV takes Rachel off and up goes Shelly. Bye bye Shelly!!!

    I really don't understand why people think this was a good move for her. She went from the strongest alliance in the house to the weakest alliance. She was just lucky as freaking hell that Kalia and Porsche could pull of wins. She took a huge gamble and she is extremely lucky that it paid off. Had one of the Veteran 4 won HOH everyone would be saying exactly what I am saying now so I don't even want to hear a defense for that argument that it was a good move.

    Yes at some point you have to get rid of Jeff, but this week was not the time in my book!

    All I will remember is the many times Jordan especially consoled Shelly when she was down. Worried about her daughter, image, etc. Gave her the freaking phone call. And what does Shelly do stab her in the back!! Shelly hates Rachel so much and she saves her over Jeff.

    Well so far it looks like Shelly picked the right team as far as competitors go but we'll see. There's still more game to be played. If Adam were smart, he'd see he's #4 with Kalia/Porsche/Shelly and if he won POV he'd pull either Rachel or Jordan off. Doesn't matter which because if he voted off whoever the replacement was (Shelly), he'd have Rachel and Jordan on his side, Porsche can't play in the next HOH and it'd be 3 against 1. Those are pretty good odds.

  5. Whether someone can play in veto or not, the fact that they get put up as a replacement and voted out means "being backdoored" to me. In Season 5 when they backdoored Jase with Nakomis's 6-finger plan, they were allowed to choose the veto players instead of drawing them out of a bag. Now they don't have that much control over who plays. Things change, so the definition had to change with the times, too.

  6. I watched the flashbacks of everything that happened last night and my opinion is Rachel was serious about keeping Daniele at first but is concerned about Shelly knowing she's in. She doesn't trust Shelly - for good reason. When Rachel went to Jeff I think he alleviated some of her concerns and she feels comfortable sticking with them again. She really seemed non-committal when talking to Daniele/Shelly about it so I don't think she's going to do it. She might use it against Shelly, though, so she probably just wants to be able to say she was just "going along with it" to see what Shelly would say/do. That's my opinion at least.

  7. WELL, I've gone from super happy back down to super upset. I cannot believe Brendon got voted back in the house ( that makes me happy) but now Dani is HOH - (somebody just shoot me)

    I cant take this roller coaster ride two weeks in a row!!!! they need to slow it down!!

    I know, it was such a bummer to see Daniele in power for the third week in a row. :(

  8. Haven't been online much today, so how are the votes going? I know it will be Jeff, Jordan and Shelly to evict Lawon but who else? Adam???

    As it looks now I think it will be 6-0 in favor of Lawon leaving, but who knows what will happen in the next few days...

  9. Did anyone see the feeds when they were playing "The Dating Game" in the back yard? The guys would all be blindfolded while the girls whispered to the host "Lawon" their answers to whatever the question was then the guys had to guess which girl said what. And vice versa. Anyway, Lawon constantly got it wrong, whether it was one word, two words, one sentence, etc. He could not remember for a few seconds someone's answer in order to relay it to everyone. I was thinking at that time that he was never going to win anything unless it was by pure luck.

  10. Cassi = Liar

    I wish I would have been transcribing the convo but Brendon was very calmly talking to her and Cassie ended the conversation rudely and ran outside to tell Shelly, completely misrepresenting the conversation. And yes, she DID say people didn't like Porsche after the HOH and is still lying about that. I will be so glad when she's finally put up on the block today. J/J make me a bit nervous.

  11. I think we're going to have to hear how jealous all the girls in the house are of Cassie for about...uh the next 5 days. If Cassie really thinks that's why she's getting evicted she is pretty clueless. Personally, I don't like Cassie and I'm very glad she'll be gone. She is very beautiful on the outside but her catty comments about the other girls (she includes Jordan in this, too, even though Jordan feels bad about putting her up) make her very ugly. She's one of those girls that is obsessed about her own looks so much she thinks everyone else is.



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