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Posts posted by CoDkiller87

  1. 12:05 AM BBT After a few minutes of fish, all four feeds are on the KT with Vic, Frank, and Derrick talking. Frank says his dream role is Frankie Valley in Jersey Boys. Derrick asks if he can sing like that. Frank says yes and then sings. We get fish. When we come back feeds are on HOH and Cody is telling Brit exactly how the pickle thing went with Amber and Caleb. He ate a pickle so Amber would go on a date with him. The deal apparently was that he has to get Amber to eat a banana cause she hates them. We get fish so I cannot exactly follow the details.

    12:15 AM BBT Quick breakdown, small talk amongst two groups is all that is happening in the house. Frank, Derrick, and Vic are discussing what agave is. They talk about Donny being who he says he is for a sec. Upstairs, Brit, Cody, Christine, and Zach are snacking and laughing about Zach pretending (maybe?) that he has a crush on Amber.

    12:25 AM BBT All four feeds are on HOH where they are discussing past HGs. Cody can't stand BB14s Jenncity because she did nothing. Zach jokes and says Christine is just like her. They move on to talking about how much they hate being HNs. Zach says that if he is HN again he is just walking out.

    12:35 AM BBT We get fish every couple of mins here. In between the fish, the HOH crew listens to Zach say that Brit sucks at this game after she leaves the room. Downstairs crew has switched to the LR. They are talking about small things like tutus and what the house is made of. Brit heads back upstairs, and they get back to joking about small things like Zach saying he likes Amber.

    12:45 AM BBT All four feeds are on HOH with Zach fawning over Amber and Victoria. He cannot decide. Zach moves on to talking about tinder, dating app. Cody says he hates tinder. Zach says he goes on there and just tells women he loves them. When the downstairs feeds return Frank and Derrick are joking that Victoria will be grounded by her parents when she gets home,

    12:55 AM BBT Frank heads upstairs and says he is just numb now after he is asked how he is doing. He says he feels like it just hasn't happened. They then go back into Zach having so many issues because the girls in the house are all over him. In the LR, Vic says she wonders how Zach's mom feels about the way he acts. Derrick says they will probably all have explaining to do once home over stuff they don't even realize they are saying. With that we get fish. The house is very subdued this evening.

  2. 11:05 PM BBT Caleb is telling Zach that if hoh is endurance he will be one of the HOHs. Zach says he hopes so, so that he can cheer Caleb on from the sidelines. Zach worries that if both HOHs are not members of their alliance, then one of them will go. Caleb says that would be dumb. Zach uses Jocasta as an example. Caleb thinks she would put up Vic.

    11:20 PM BBT Caleb leaves HOH with Spanky the monkey. Cody comes up to HOH and chit chats with Zach about the ants and when to sleep. Zach goes over his conversation with Caleb. They think him bragging is such a joke. Everyone else awake is in the LR not speaking. Caleb talks sleeping arrangements, then quiet. Derrick joins HOH they talk about production and we get fish.

    11:35 PM BBT Christine is in HOH now talking about a previous conversation that was had with Vic. Downstairs, Caleb has gone to bed. In the WA Nicole verifies that Jocasta is keeping Donny. Jocasta confirms that to be the truth. They part ways. In HOH Zach says that next week if they get Caleb out then they will be the detonators plus Hayden, Nicole, Vic, and Jocasta. They would control 90% of the house. Brit then joins them and Cody realizes his blanket and monkey are gone.

    11:45 PM BBT Christine finds Cody's blanket behind a pillow. Cody thinks it was hidden from him and he says game on. Christine discusses Amber and the fact that she was into Devin at first. They mention her not liking white guys. Cody asks Brit if they had met outside the house if he had a chance. She says if he wasn't who he is maybe. She says he flirts with everything that moves.

    11:55 PM BBT General chit chat about HOH tomorrow in the HOH room. Downstairs Derrick and Frank are talking about Amber in the KT. Derrick thinks she is way into Cody and they had no idea she drives a BMW.

  3. 12:05 AM BBT Caleb is re-telling how his date went with Amber to Frankie. He asks her to ask her what she thought and tell him. Frank asks how much game they talked and if anything about Brit. He said they didn't talk much game but they did want to find a way to keep Brit as they are not her targets. He says if things don't flip he will vote with the house. They talk about Zach a bit. Frank calls him crazy and Caleb says he will be first one gone when they hit jury.

    12:15 AM BBT Caleb tells Frank that he told Amber that he can't wait to meet her mom and tell her what a great job she did with Amber. He says he told Amber that he ate a pickle and it is a huge deal. He recaps Amber asking if he's ever going to give up. Caleb told her no cause when he knows what he wants he gets it. Frank changes the subject to the pool game and that lasts all of five seconds and Caleb is back on Amber. He asks Frank another time to talk to Amber about how the date went. The game is over and Frank puts on his ref outfit and plans to run around the house to let everyone know he is Frankie again.

    12:25 AM BBT On the hammock, Zach is telling Nicole, Vic, and Christine that he hates Brit and Amber. He plans to play a prank on Amber. Christine makes sure Zach knows that Brit told her Zach and Vic are her targets. Zach says Brit told him Vic was her target, but it doesn't matter because the check is cashed and money is spent, she is going home. Upstairs Amber tickles Hayden and he pretends he isn't ticklish. Brit tickles him more and he starts laughing uncontrollably. Amber holds down his legs and when they let go finally he acts terrified and traumatized.

    12:35 AM BBT The Brit bashing continues with Vic and Christine on the hammock. Vic thinks it is funny that Brit says Vic is her target. Other then that the HOH crew are just chit chatting about nothing and laughing over small things.

    12:45 AM BBT The HOH crew beaks up and it is just Hayden and Cody. Cody says he wishes he wasn't in this darn house because Brit is so hot and he thinks she would be a good kisser. Vic comes up to the room and the guys pretend to be asleep so she says good night and leaves. Cody starts re-hashing conversations with Brit and Amber. Brit comes back up to say night to the guys. She leaves and Amber comes in. In the hammock Christine and Zach are talking about Caleb and Zach mouths silently that everyone hates him. Christine agrees and Zach says he wants to play this game crazy because he is here to play. Zach feels as though he has not made any bad moves other then telling Devin to put him up.

    12:58 AM BBT Cody and Amber are talking about Zach upstairs. Cody is going over how agitated he is about the whole situation still. Amber says that she heard he is bored and just wants to stir the pot. Cody says that's obvious. Hayden is just sitting and taking it all in. Cody says "on a side note how was your date?" Amber says that it wasn't a date. She says he was sweet and that as a friend he is great. She just isn't at a place in her life where he is what she wants. Cody says what if she was in that place, would she like Caleb? Amber says no. She just doesn't feel the way about him that he does about her. Brit comes in and they move on.

  4. 11:05 PM BBT BY crew chit chatting and laughing. Brit and Derrick have started playing pool. Inside, Amber, Frank, Zach, Hayden and Christine are all in the KT talking about coke floats.

    11:15 PM BBT Cody and Christine move upstairs to HOH. Cody is sick of Zach, Brit, and Amber tonight. He says that Zach keeps running his mouth, Brit is stirring the pot, and Amber believes everything. Amber enters and says she is upset because she doesn't even know who they are voting out now. Cody is so mad about Zach suggesting a house meeting and he wants to blow up on him. Amber says he is hurting Cody's game. Christine contributes a “What?” and an “Oh my god!” every once in a while. Cody tells Amber not to believe Brit. The HOH doorbell keeps ringing and no one is at the door, freaking Amber out.

    11:25 PM BBT Cody keeps saying it is taking every ounce of him not to blow up. Amber says she almost hopes Vic wins HOH and puts up Zach. Amber says that Brit says that Amber is not her target but she is worried it isn't true. Cody says that she was saved week two because she is manipulative and can get anyone to believe what she wants to stay. Cody says she got him good week 2. Jocasta joins them so the feeds switch to Hayden and Nicole cuddling in the hammock. They are talking about the kissing they have done. Downstairs Zach and Brit are talking about their strategies. Zach says the back bone of his game is to not care if he goes home and just do what he wants.

    11:35 PM BBT Donny and Zach are now talking in the KT about Donny not being able to go to bed because of the noise Frank and Vic are making in the fire room. Donny says he feels decent about this week. Zach tells him that he should feel real good. Donny doesn't want to get overly excited about it. Vic and Frank leave the fire room. Nicole and Hayden break up their hammock date. Frank and his "frank" persona have gone to the BY to chit chat about manly stuff that "Frank" likes.

    11:45 PM BBT Amber heads outside and Caleb remembers a part of the date he forgot and heads inside and comes back out with cookie dough on two forks. Amber says she loves cookie dough. Caleb says he doesn't. He says she's gotta tone up after all the junk. She says she just plans to get huge. Caleb says he will still like her anyway. They head inside.

    11:55 PM BBT Jocasta, Derrick, Christine, Brit, and Cody are all up in HOH chit chatting about cookies and how Christine will be a good mom. Amber comes upstairs and gets in bed with Cody, Christine, and Brit. They goof around about Cody laying next to her and Caleb being mad so he switches side. The rest of the HGs are in the KT waiting for Zach's cookies to be done. They are talking about wedding rings and how much they want them to cost. Caleb says a 2 or 3 karat ring isn't bad.

  5. 1:05 AM BBT Derrick is in HOH with Zach, they talk game briefly. They agree they are gold if one of their side wins HOH next week. They feel their BB alliances have been solid so far other then Devin. They move outside to play pool. Brit has gone to lay down in bed. Amber, Cody, Caleb and Frank are talking about the vote and the fact that she hates to lie to Brit. They agree to keep her in the dark so she doesn't "bug out."

    1:15 AM BBT Amber continues to rehash the conversation she just had with Brit in HoH with the guys. Derrick has joined them and rehashes a conversation he had with Brit about not telling her Don was going to be the replacement nom. Caleb says he is voting with the house and will tell her that if she asks.

    1:25 AM BBT Amber offers to do laundry before she leaves the hoh room. The rest of the HOH crew is talking about what order everyone should leave in. They agree that they don't want to let Jocasta skate by and be a Gina marie of the season. Derrick says he doesn't care about the order of who goes home when, they just all need to go. Caleb says his new target is Victoria. Derrick repeats that he doesn't care they all have to go eventually.

    1:35 AM BBT Derrick and Caleb are disagreeing a tad on who the next target should be. Caleb's next target is Vic. Derrick says he would rather keep Vic over Jocasta because he can control her vote. Derrick says that is just him though. Caleb says he just respects Jocasta more then Vic. Derrick says Jocasta never talks game with him so he cannot control her. He repeats that is just him. Caleb says that if Don wins HOH then they will be put up. Derrick disagrees and thinks that he would put up Christine and Zach. Derrick says that isn't Cody, Caleb, or Franks name so it doesn't matter.

    1:45 AM BBT For the record, not missing anything in the BY. They are Amber and Caleb bashing. They agree that they talk bad about them but they are nice to their face. Hayden says that Nicole should do that more. Back in HOH the boys are celebrating their success. They agree that the double HOHs saved them. They agree that whoever wins will share a couple grand with each other. (I don't think it's allowed)

    1:55 AM BBT Caleb jokes about what people would say in their goodbye msgs to each other. Caleb says that people are going to call him the douche bag cowboy and the F word. He looks at the Cam and says I was talking about myself America. Caleb talks about possibly saving Brit. Derrick finds a way to disagree with him and blames it on the votes. Frank says he will not vote to keep her. Caleb starts talking about the date he is taking Amber on after the show.

  6. 12:05 AM BBT: Christine comes inside and does a mouth trumpet that makes Jocasta and Amber laugh. Amber asks her to do it again and she can't because she is laughing. In the BY the HT crew are talking about past seasons and Jeff and Jordan.

    12:15 AM BBT: Amber heads outside to chit chat, then back inside to make Christine a breakfast sandwich. Christine is a bit overly excited about it. She says she is so excited she might...number 2 herself. Amber says Christine should go outside and Amber will bring her sandwich to her.

    12:25 AM BBT: The HT crew is talking about their high school lives. Nicole said she had no friends and no one believes her. Hayden loved lunch time. Frank doesn't remember lunch. Derrick says recces was his favorite time of school. They all laugh and say there is no recces in high school. Derrick says “you guys didn't have coloring books either?" Everyone laughs. Cody is upstairs listening to his music and looking at his family. We get intermittent patterns of fish because the HGs are singing.

    12:35 AM BBT: All small talk, all the time, all over the BB house folks. Jocasta and Brit are impressed that someone that isn't one of them or Amber cleaned the KT. On the BY couched Frank, Hayden, Derrick, Nicole, Christine, and Amber are talking about veto comps. Frank says he was on edge during the Dice veto. They speculate about how bad Pao would have done and they laugh.

    12:45 AM BBT: Christine and Frank have a hive room date. They are eating cereal together. They talk about how each of them are good at keeping their cool in the house. Christine mentions dealing with a conversation with Brit earlier. Frank says she has never talked game with him ever

    12:48 AM BBT: Frank says he talked with Caleb and Caleb is still good with the bomb squad and such. Frank says he wanted to have a conversation with Cody because Cody did not want to keep him in the loop on his decision making this week. Frank continues to say he doesn't hate the Caleb idea and just felt it was the wrong time. They want to possible BD Caleb this next week. Christine says Caleb or Amber first. Frank says Caleb because Amber will be easier to live with.

    12:55 AM BBT: Amber and Brit are talking in the WA about where they thing the votes will go. Brit says she thinks she has Caleb and Derricks vote. Brit thinks that Cody also wants her to stay. Amber says she has no idea where the house stands. Amber says she just wishes she knew where the house stands. Back in the hive room, the date is going well and they are speculating about HOH.

  7. 1:05 AM BBT Frank tells the girls about how memories work and that we are more prone to remember good things out of the pure desire to not remember the bad. Zach won at pool. Derrick heads inside to get ready for a shower while Victoria heads inside to eat.

    1:15 AM BBT Derrick grabs a snack before heading to the shower. Vic asks why he is different today. Derrick says she has BB paranoia and that he is plotting against her. He then says or maybe she is plotting against him and Vic agrees. They then head to the storage room upon Vic's request. She grabs jelly and asks if he wanted anything. Derrick says he thought she wanted to tell him something but no she just gets jelly. Victoria laughs and they part ways. Hayden leaves the DR and shares Hummus with Vic. The hammock talk is on Frank's speculation of the twist being Fans versus people who have not seen the show.

    1:25 AM BBT Hayden heads outside to hang out with Frank, Christine, and Zach. They sing and we get fish. They talk about production, and we get fish. They then talk about how great jury will be and that the plan for Caleb is to get rid of him during a double eviction. Victoria comes out and gives Hayden a hard time for not going back inside. Frank gets up to get cereal. Hammock is officially broken up.

    1:35 AM BBT Derrick is out of the shower and the rest of the awake HGs are making small talk in the KT.

    1:45 AM BBT Just talk of birthdays and lives back home. All small talk all the time in the KT.

    1:55 AM BBT Amber is now up and in on the small talk in the KT. Frank is talking about being in a Dora the explorer play as Boots. Hayden wakes Nicole up to tell her Brit was taking a bath upstairs and not talking about her so she can sleep sweetly. Caleb s laying in the rock room awake. Amber says she is heading back to bed then gets a snack. No game talk to report.

  8. 12:05 AM BBT Zach, Christine, Vic and Frank are in the hammock talking about when double evictions should take place and when jury should start. They agree it would be terrible if Brit or Jocasta had won HOH this week. They all think they'd be on the block this week. Brit is taking a bath upstairs.

    12:15 AM BBT The hammock crew continues on to talk about how terrible Brit is. Christine calls her a mean girl, and says she is pretty and she knows it. Frank calls Brit Medusa. Christine says that Cody has poisonous women after him (she is lumping Amber and Brit together.) They all then move onto sex and how meaningful or not meaningful it can be. The other two feeds still show Brit lost in thought in the bath tub.

    12:25 AM BBT Christine talks about waiting for marriage for sex because it was important to her. Vic agrees. Zach had never been tested for AIDs before BB and is happy to know he is HIV/AIDS free. Frank says he is tested every three to six months. He also keeps referencing the difference between gay and straight sex lives. Hayden joins the group as Christine gives a shout out to her Mitch and Seth because they are getting married this month. Jocasta is talking to Brit about her kids as Brit finishes her bath.

    12:30 AM BBT Nicole and Hayden have made it an official showmance, they are making out in bed as I type this.

    12:35 AM BBT Nicole asks if Hayden is over it now that the chase is over? (I cannot hear his response, but I am sure it is no because they keep on kissing). She says she is getting scared that someone is going to come in and asks to just snuggle. They kiss more. Hayden finally gets up and gives the camera a smile and a thumbs up before heading into a different room.

    12:45 AM BBT Back on the hammock, Christine asks if Hayden and Nicole are cuddling or not. Victoria think she is passed out. Frank then brings up Jocasta in the Veto comp speaking in tongues. Christine says she told her she was not because Christine has done research on it and speaking in tongues is only done if it is a known language and there is an interpreter present (learn something new every day). Christine starts to talk about feeling bad about talking crap about others. Frank says he has to leave good Frank at the door because he has to assume everyone is lying to him all the time because this is a game.

    12:55 AM BBT Derrick is now in the BY he asks Zach to play pool. They agree to play one game and then take showers. Back to the hammock the girls and Frank talk about BB outbursts that have happened. They agree the best way to go in the house is to not fight back against outbursts and to be like Dan. Christine says that Dan just sat back and read his bible. They like how sweet Hayden is. Frank says that Caleb is sweet and he didn't expect it. Vic and Christine both think that they don't get sweet from him. They agree they feel he is very self-absorbed. Frank says they all defy stereotypes though and that is what he meant.

  9. 12:00 AM BBT: Frankie seems to be doing his Clarabelle personality to distract Brit. He made coffee. Small chit chat otherwise.

    12:15 AM BBT: Cody and Clara-I mean Frank head inside and Cody asks why Frank threw him under the bus. Frank has no idea what he's talking about. Cody says that Amber is saying he is the reason Frank put her up. Frank says no he said that Amber mentioned in front of Cody that she did not mind being put up.

    12:25 AM BBT: Cody and Frank have moved up to HOH with Zach to talk about Amber. Cody agrees that he will talk to her and calm her down and hopefully cut ties with the other side of the house. Cody is worried about Amber winning HOH next week and the guys going up. Frank says he has Caleb and Amber under control. Christine has now joined them as well.

    12:35 AM BBT: They agree not to talk to people about how they decide to put up people anymore. Cody tells Frank that he talked to Hayden about putting Donny up and he agreed to do damage control. They talk about the veto comp and how good Frank was at hosting and how Caleb wanted to trade Zach the money for the vacation because Amber is from Germany and he could take her to her home.

    12:45 AM BBT: Cody gets the butt kicker call. Brit is at 900 goals now. Brit breaks the goal post, but Hayden fixes it. Upstairs in hoh Frank and Christine say that they need for Jocasta and Vic to go up so they can backdoor someone later. They move on to talk about how annoying Brit is. Frank says her whole goal is to get sympathy. Christine says that is so annoying because her life is not that bad. Christine talks about her life and how poor she was when she grew up but her life was still fun. Christine says Brit cannot talk about how sad her life is again or Christine will blow up.

    1:00 AM BBT Frank and Christine are talking about their lives back home and what they have been through. Frank is grateful because his grandparents paid for his school. He says he understands the immaturity that Vic has because he went to school with them. He talks about his mom a big and Christine just keeps saying wow and that's amazing after each sentence. Cody gets called for his butt kicking. An IDLD is called and Brit is not impressed. We get fish and then Jeff's highlights.

  10. 11:10 PM BBT Brit is kicking goals and chatting with Don and Amber about pulling pranks. She is almost to seven hundred now. There is a cot outside for Brit and Cody to sleep on while they wait for their punishments. Christine and Hayden are discussing what season slop and HNs started.

    11:20 PM BBT Brit keeps missing the goal. Now there is a hole in the net. Cody, being a soccer player shows her a better way to kick the ball. Then lays back down on the cot. Cody gets the penalty kick call and has to do some more butt kicks.

    11:30 PM BBT All feeds are in the BY with HGs just watching Brit kick. It gets quiet and Brit asks that someone tell a story. No one does. Caleb tells a terrible joke that he messes up twice over.

    11:40 PM BBT Caleb, tries very hard to get another joke out. It is failing miserably. Brit kicked the ball in the pool. Caleb finally finished the joke, only one person laughed. Cody says it was funny, it was just 17 minutes long. That got a few laughs. He moves on to blond jokes. He tells a joke and then explains it. Derrick helps Brit to side kick and gets yelled at by BB. Nicole has come out and is at the HT now with Christine and Jocasta.

    11:50 PM BBT The boys feel bad that they cannot help. Derrick insists on at least helping to tie the hole in the net. Frankie comes out with tofu and cheers on Brit. She kicks the ball in and Caleb grabs it for her. The other boys tell him to stop. Caleb says what are they going to do kick him out? Hayden is dancing on the other side of the net and stripping every time Brit makes a goal.

  11. 12:00 AM BBT: Caleb and Zach have moved on to not trusting Frank too. Caleb says Frank spills the beans to too many other people all the time. Zach agrees. He says the first people to go up when they hit jury will be Amber and Frank. Zach says they need one person they can trust in the game and that there are only 500 thousand reasons why. Caleb says that he can't carry Amber anymore and he is tired of even doing the little things for her, like getting her his blankets, and getting no appreciation. He says as soon as jury hits he wants her out.

    12:05 AM BBT: Fish for about five mins now. I assume Cody, Amber, Frank, and Derrick are discussing fish worthy topics.

    12:15 AM BBT: We get back from fish to Jocasta, Brit and Amber in the hive room discussing bible scriptures and religion. Oh I get it! Brit is being saved and Jocasta was discussing the scripture she was supposed to read to Brit. Brit repeats after Jocasta and is saved. Amber is a witness and tells her how great being saved is. Cody, Frank, Zach and Christine are discussing being sexually frustrated. Frank says that it is worse for him because the guys have girls around and they are just too dumb to get it. Frank says there is literally no option for him.

    12:25 AM BBT: In the WA Caleb has joined the crew talking about sex. Frank says he cannot share any of his stories because of the cameras. Zach can't remember how many women he has slept with. Cody says he has slept with 14 women and can remember each one. Caleb says that sex is the farthest thing from his mind and that he has gone over a year without it. This is all going on while Jocasta is helping Brit become saved in the hive room.

    12:35 AM BBT Mercifully, the feeds have switched to Cody and Derrick talking game in the HOH WA. Derrick is in a bubble bath, with a beer, wearing sunglasses, and talking about how dangerous Brit could potentially be. Cody says that Amber is trustworthy. Derrick thinks Amber is crushing on Cody. Cody agrees and says that it's because he isn't full of himself like Caleb. Cody says he can use Amber more than Brit and wants to keep her around.

    12:45 AM BBT Derrick and Cody are now going over who is the lowest in their alliance totem pole. They agree it is getting to the time where they need to put up their lowest members even though they aren't the target. They talk about what to do about Donny and that if they can't take him out they have to take out his allies. The group in the WA has moved back to the KT and is talking about Harry Potter. Frank gets up to brush his teeth and so does Caleb. Feeds switch to Jocasta holding church in the hive room. Amber and Brit seem riveted. Derrick and Cody are talking about HOH and how bad Derrick wants Cody to win HOH. Caleb joins HoH conversation and is going to lay down.

    1:00 AM BBT Derrick, Cody, and Caleb are talking about how HoH should go and who they most like to win and how they would try to control whoever won if they aren't in their group. Frank and Zach talk about weed. Frank says he used to smoke it every day. He says he started detoxing two weeks before he got there and Joey was having a tough time without it as well. In the hive room the girls say they having to pretend to be interested in other people's stories. They agree they can't handle even small talk with Devin.

  12. 11:10 PM BBT: The HOH crew is talking about twitter and how many followers they plan to have. Caleb plans to be the first HG with the verified check mark (Frankie's is verified I believe.) They agree that they have to be careful with what they write on their twitters when they get out. Zach said he was told to clean his twitter up by production because it was pretty bad. All four feeds switch to Cody, Frank, and Victoria cooking in the KT.

    11:20 PM BBT: In the HOH Caleb is talking about taking a limo to his favorite place when he gets home. He plans to clear the place and only let his friends, family, and fans get there. He thinks paparazzi will be there and that he will be on the front page of the paper.

    11:30 PM BBT: Zach and Caleb have moved onto who they will think will win America's favorite. They think it could be any of the guys except Devin or Nicole. Caleb doesn't think it could be Cody. Zach disagrees and brings up Amber. Caleb says he would still like to take her out after the house, but inside the house he is over it and she has to go. Caleb says that for someone to speak so closely to him emotionally and not show it just isn't trustworthy. Downstairs Frankie is talking about his exes that have not signed releases, and we get fish. All four feeds switch to Caleb talking about Amber and the fact she has to go. Caleb then moves onto his friend that owns a bar and how everyone knows him so he has a place to party.

    11:40 PM BBT Cody and Amber are doing dished downstairs. Caleb can see them on the HoH screen and says "There's your showmance right there." Zach tries to play it off like nothing is going on and he starts talking about everything they have done together in last two days. Zach thinks that Amber and Brit are competing with each other on things like chores and boys and he tries to play it off as a competition type of thing. Caleb talks about how he confronted Cody about the Amber situation. He moves on to talk about a girl he met 3 weeks before he got here. He shouts out to her and we get fish then four feeds chalk full of Coder doing dishes.

    11:50 PM BBT Amber walks up to HOH to get dishes and Caleb doesn't say a word to her. He says he plans to ignore her. He says it bothers him when Amber spends an hour on the hammock with Cody because she never does that with him even after all he has done for her. He goes over a long conversation they had a couple nights ago. He talks about what a southern gentleman and sweet country boy he is. He feels like even after all he has done she still invites everyone to do things with her and hang out but him. He explains it as Amber feeling like the other guys are her brothers and she looks at him differently.

  13. 12:05 AM BBT Brit says her good nights and the group says they will see her in an hour. Back on the hammock Amber is telling Cody he should eat with the HNs on Thursday and he says he will think about it. They hold hands again. The big group talks about who they threw frisbees at during the keg competition. Zach was throwing his at Victoria.

    12:15 AM BBT The group talks about the veto meeting and how much of the confrontation will be shown. They talk about how frustrated us feedsters get when they sing or do something they shouldn't and we get fish. All four feeds are on the BY crew now. Two feeds show Caleb looking sullen (probably about the Hammock situation). The other two are of Frank talking about jack, his crush that works on production. Derrick says that this is all fish right now 100%....nope someone is asleep at the button.....

    12:25 AM BBT Cody and Amber are back on the feeds and are discussing roommate situations. Amber says she wants to live with a guy. She asks Cody to be her roommate after the Summer. She says it's fun in Cali and Cody would love it. Cody says his parents will hate her because he lives with them. They then talk about their signs and favorite holidays.

    12:35 AM BBT The group is going around sharing how the show has changed them as people. Nicole is going to be more outgoing, Caleb says nothing has changed in him, Christine is going to light a fire under her but to help her husband with his career, Frank says he has grown up a lot, Hayden says he is learning to be more responsible and maybe go into entertainment.

    12:45 AM BBT Brit as if on cue for seeing her in an hour is back in the BY. Talk has turned to where everyone would travel if they had the chance. Zach and Derrick are playing pool. Amber is cooking with Cody inside. They talk about who they would spend their last days with if they knew they were dying. All four feeds then switch to Cody and Amber cooking.

    1:00 AM BBT The group is still playing the random question game. Inside, Zach shouts to Christine asking if he can eat ham. Zach is trying to be gluten free like her cause his stomach has been a mess lately. Just a bunch of small chit chat around a very calm subdued house.

  14. 11:05 PM BBT Christine approaches Nicole with a plan to vote for Caleb to be evicted. The plan is have the votes show 9-2 and frame Donny and Jocasta or Brit for it. Nicole seems on board with the idea.

    11:15 PM BBT Amber and Cody in the hammock discuss Caleb and the fact that she has no interest in him and nothing is there but everyone else makes it awkward by leaving them alone in places together. She talks about how it also looks that she is a HN with Caleb and Devin too. She hates being lumped with them. Amber says she trusts Christine.

    11:25 PM BBT Cody says it wouldn't be bad for Amber to go up against someone like Frank because Frank is playing the whole house and some of them have to see that. Amber says she just doesn't want to go yet. Cody tells her she is not going anywhere. They start to talk about challenges and who is good at what type.

    11:35 PM BBT They move onto wondering why Devin acted like he did last week. They agree he would have been safe for at least two more weeks had he just stayed calm. Amber asks Cody to have a Coder moment tomorrow while they are on lock down. He says of course. They then move onto nominations and Amber says they need to start throwing their own players on the block to not look like they are working together. She is also frustrated that he volunteered to go up with her on the block and she doesn't want him to make the game easier for her. She says she knows Caleb thinks that She is into Cody and she says she sooo is. Cody makes fun of Caleb and says yeah because "I see the way you look at me, the whole house sees." They hold hands.

    11:45 PM BBT Nicole, Zach, Devin, Hayden, and Brit are making small talk outside about Frankie and his personalities. Caleb comes out and all feeds go from Amber and Cody, to this group. They talk about Frank not being gay for real and Derrick comes out and brings up the guys from BBCan that pretended to be straight.

    11:55 PM BBT The feeds switch back to Coder on the hammock and they are talking about Cody having friends that a girls. He makes it clear to any girl he dates who his friends that are girls are. Amber agrees that she is close with guys and has guy friends. The big group in the BY are doing shout outs right now.

  15. 12:05AM BBT: Derrick, Frankie, and Caleb chit chatting in HoH about Devin and the fact that he is now working to maybe stay. They all agree there is no chance and he is a terrible play. They move onto jury situation and when jury should start which would make their alliance every man for themselves. They move on to discuss their contracts and then all four feeds switch to Hayden and Nicole flirting in the fire room.

    12:15AM BBT: When the feeds switch back to HoH and Amber is up there now. lying in bed next to Frankie who feels her up (in front of Caleb). Victoria comes upstairs and chit chats for a second and Hayden comes upstairs to let her know Zach has summoned her because he has moved downstairs. Hayden sits down and chit chats with the rest of the HoH crew. Victoria lays with Zach in the fire room and Nicole calls them cute. Victoria laughs at her and says she's engaged which neither Zach nor Nicole believe. They ask her a bunch of questions which she hesitates on but persists is true.

    12:25AM BBT: Nicole gives Zach a hard time for not telling anyone he is related to Amanda. Zach says he didn't want it to hurt his game. Victoria doesn't believe he is related to Amanda but Nicole does. Zach tells her it's cool that she doesn't believe him, and he doesn't believe she is engaged. The three of them walk around now with Zach chanting to various other HGs that he knows something they don't know. Amber and Caleb are talking in HoH together about getting a group together that they really trust. They agree on Christine, Derrick, and Frankie.

    1:10 AM BBT Downstairs in the fire room, Victoria is telling Frank, Christine, Jocasta, Zach and Nicole about the time when she was two and she got picked up by a crow (no joke) and had to go to the hospital. Everyone is laughing in disbelief. She keeps saying she is serious. They all think it probably was a hawk or something. Back in HoH Caleb proposes that they have a once a week hammock personal time where they don't talk game and they just have personal talks. Amber says she cannot commit to that and he tries to force her. She says she not saying yes and she says maybe. He says after some argument that he doesn't like maybe but he will take it.

    1:25 AM BBT Back into the fire room, Victoria tells a story about a time when she was rollerblading and fell, twisting her ankle as a result. She apparently sued the city and got 6k for it. Christine hated it and says everyone is sue happy and she cannot stand it. Victoria just continues to tell more stories. Upstairs, Caleb is giving Amber a hard time for throwing a comp and says she looks like Pao now. He says that he hopes she has an army behind her when they get to jury because he will be willing to make deals. She asks what deals and he doesn't want to tell her. She tells him he doesn't trust her that much then. He laughs and brings up going on the block to keep her safe. She brings up not asking him to do that.

    1:35 AM BBT Caleb tells Amber that he thinks she would like him ten times more outside of the house because they will be less secluded. Amber says she doesn't trust many people outside the house. Caleb talks about himself and says he only has two true friends that would drop anything for him. Amber says she would be the one to drop things for her friends and drive far away for them. Caleb talks about himself again and says he is going to call her up and have her drive like 20 hrs. She says she can't do it. Caleb talks about himself (notice a trend?) and talks about his road trips. Downstairs Cody and Derrick are talking about Caleb's obsession with Amber.

    1:45 AM BBT Cody and Derrick are now discussing Devin and the fact that he is campaigning which he said he was not going to do. Derrick doesn't understand why Devin tried to work him over today when he doesn't have a vote. Back in HOH Amber and Caleb are making small talk about their family lives. Cody and Derrick are talking about Brit now and how paranoid she is.

    1:55 AM BBT Caleb and Amber still making small talk about families and being willing to move. Downstairs however, Zach, Cody, and Derrick are talking about Caleb saying he had the numbers even if Devin had one POV. Derrick laughs and says he was going home 11-0 if Devin won POV. Cody says he thinks Caleb is in a Devin situation because he thinks he has support that he doesn't have.

    2:00 AM BBT The guys by the pool table are talking about what each person will do if they potentially won HOH. Zach, Derrick and, Cody feel pretty safe about anyone winning at this point but hope that one of them win and are at least the other HOH. They then repeat the conversation. Amber and Caleb are talking about past relationships and how they both are primarily from small towns with no one they are attracted to in them.

  16. 1:05 AM BBT We are still here, but nothing in the house has changed.

    1:25 BBT Jocasta joins the HOH and Derrick starts all over. Downstairs, Victoria says her good nights and proceeds to sit in the BY and talk with Frank, Nicole, and Hayden. Just small talk going on about home life and books they like.

    1:35 AM Jocasta is now leading a prayer in HOH. Caleb and Frank are now in the hammock talking about Amber. Frank voices his frustration over Amber not trusting him. He says he has never done anything to jeopardize her trust. Caleb is frustrated with her too because she says she trusts certain people and then sits and talks with other people she doesn't trust. Frank goes over his idea of other HGs trying to flip Amber.

    !:45-2: AM BBT Frank and Caleb continue talking about the Amber situation until Derrick comes up and makes small talk about how long he slept for. Frank asks about what the girls wanted. Derrick tells them about the conversation. They go over that a few time. Hayden and Nicole have decided they are very different while talking about music, relationship choices, and movie tastes.

    Sorry for the lack of updates but this hour was literally the same conversation repeated by derrick and full of Caleb and Franking talking a small amount of game in between small talk about goodbye msgs and speeches on thursday.

  17. 12:05 AM BBT Brit and Amber are in the hammock talking about Victoria not leaving Derrick alone all day and that she is the new Pao. Brit says she doesn't understand Victoria's game play. Devin is outside and Brit yells to him to bring Donny ice cream in the AM. Devin thinks she means so he will not use POV and Devin says no I just want him to do Amazing Race with me and goes inside. Brit says if Devin had been like this (likeable) he would not be in the position he is in now.

    12:15 AM BBT Devin joins the girls on the hammock and talks about his upset stomach. Brit says its because he ate a package of tortillas. They make small talk for a second and then Devin asks about veto. He asks if something will happen tomorrow that isn't supposed to. The girls say no. He acts like he is very tired of the game and says he misses his daughter. He says he will probably cry if Donny doesn't use it tomorrow. In HOH Derrick and Caleb are talking about Zach being related to Amanda from season 15. Caleb seems skeptical but receptive to hearing the info. Derrick tells him to go to Amber and ask her about it.

    12:25 AM BBT Derrick is still in HOH doing a great job at completing his team America challenge. He keeps pushing Caleb to tell Amber tonight and says he should maybe ask Victoria too. Caleb says he will tonight. In other news, Frankie instead of doing his part for TA announces that he beat Hayden at pool. Hayden and Frank play with the cameras by yelling at them, surprisingly, they do not get yelled at.

    12:35 AM BBT Brit and Amber bring the conversation that Devin just had with them to Derrick. Derrick says he wants complete transparency and says multiple people have told him the exact same story. He says Devin is trying to manipulate everyone and play it off like he is ready to go and is weak but weary that Donny will use the veto. Derrick says Donny is using the veto and Devin is going home on Thurs. Period.

    12:45 AM BBT In the BY on the couches Frank is talking with Christine and is very paranoid. Frank says that if Amber, Devin, Jocasta, and Donny figure their games out and start working together that would be a disaster. Christine doesn't think Amber would flip and Frank says her paranoia last night caused his today. Back in HOH the same conversation is still going on about Derrick confirming Devin's eviction.

  18. 12:05 AM BBT Zach asks Nicole to accompany him to the hammock and she says okay but then they get distracted by the acrobatics going on outside. Amber is practicing hand stands. Hayden starts laughing at Caleb because he lost to Cody four times in a row at pool.

    12:15 AM BBT Zach and Nicole have made their way to the hammock. Nicole says that Zach has a crush on Victoria and he says he doesn't. Zach says she is clueless. They then sit quietly and watch Caleb and Frank do gymnastics. Caleb does a back flip and Zach says he feels like he can do that. Frankie says why do you feel that way? He says this in near disbelief, it is very funny.

    12:25 AM BBT Victoria has now joined Frank, Nicole, and Zach on the hammock. They all watch Hayden do handstands across the yard and then proceed to watch Caleb try to one up him. Donny comes and says his good nights. He tells everyone to stay outside and keep it down. The hammock crew says don't worry they will bring the party inside and they all laugh. Donny pulls Frank into the SR and suggests that Frank tell Devin about Zach being related to Amanda because Donny knows Devin will spread it to gain leverage in the house.

    12:35 PM BBT Just lots of small talk about working out and sleeping arrangements going on. Victoria, Hayden, and Frankie do abs. Christine, Nicole, and Zach speculate about an upcoming double eviction and jury. Jocasta, Cody, and Amber are laying in the BY lounger discussing tattoos they want.

    12:45 AM BBT Cody talks about what the two girls thought when he took his shirt off for the first time. Jocasta says she doesn't remember, but then says it was the best. Cody says Amber can't answer, she asks why and then he goes ahead and asks for her answer. She says she isn't going to now. Jocasta says production talked to her husband about her being sick and told him she was okay.

    12:55 AM BBT The hammock crew is talking about Amanda from bb15 being a bully. Zach says she became a bully in the end. Nicole says she was all about 3AM and had the t-shirt. I think they are trying to see how Zach reacts and see if he is really related to her. Frankie says his good nights but tells Amber that her paranoia about Caleb leaving is making him paranoid. He and Amber lay in the fire room to talk it over again.

  19. 11:05 PM BBT Victoria talks about a major relationship she has had and how she knew he was not right for her. Frank and Amber are in the fire room talking about Devin and Caleb being on the block which is scary for her. Frank is saying Devin has to go and everyone knows that. They pump each other up for HOH this week. Frank is dreading it being his turn to be on slop because slop is a strategy to get people weaker and he doesn't want to be weak.

    11:15 Caleb and Cody are playing pool, they made a bet on the game. Apparently if Cody wins Caleb has to get on his knees in front of the whole house and say Cody is better at pool then he is. Caleb gets a date with Amber if he wins (she is not there to confirm this). In the fire room Amber and Frank are still talking and discuss who they can or cannot trust. Amber feels like she can't trust anyone. Amber says that she has heard the vote will be flipped for Caleb to go. Frank asks her to share who told her this. She says she's just heard it.

    11:25 PM BBT Caleb and Cody are still playing pool while Christine is the ever present observer. Amber and Frank still in the fire room talking. Amber says she does not talk game with Jocasta or Donny but she is friends with them and enjoys them. Amber says she is starting to talk to Brit. Frank says that Brit seems like the type to only talk game when she wants something because she has never talked to him ever about game.

    11:35 PM BBT Amber questions if she can trust Frank and he tells her of course! (did you think he would say no?) They then agree it was so nice to not have to talk game for a few days and relax because everything is set. Caleb apparently lost and now has to tell Cody he is the better player. He talks to Jocasta and says something is up with his finger so he can't shoot the balls like normal. Brit comes out and changes laundry while Jocasta staggers inside. Brit asks if she needs help but she says no.

    11:45 BBT Frank is in the HN room talking to Devin. Frank says Donny is going to take Jocasta off the block this week. Devin says he had this weird feeling that he was going to leave it the same (That feeling is called hope Devin). Frank says he heard Donny say he was using it on Jocasta to Jocasta herself. Devin says he is ready to go and is at peace with it. He then talks about his Daughter.

    11:55 PM BBT All small talk about families throughout the house. Caleb and Amber are playing pool in the BY and in the KT Nicole, Cody, and Zach are laughing about the coffee she made that she calls dirt. They then move onto shout outs and Victoria plugs her photography page.

  20. Just to give you guys a little update over the last ninety minutes (sorry for the delay). Around 9:35 PM BBT Nicole by the hammock speculates about there being an America's player to Frank and Christine and Frank quickly diffuses her by going over his spiel about the twist being that 8 people have never seen the show and 8 are super fans.

    Nothing really goes on in the house till about 10:00 PM BBT where Frank and Victoria are talking on the hammock about Donny winning two PoVs that involve intelligence. They are impressed. Frank says there is still work to be done because people are still playing very messy games.

    10:25 BBT Donny is excited about telling Frank about his team America task. He says that he told Nicole to tell Christine and to let him know what she says. Only small talk going on everywhere else.

    10:40-10:55 Amber got up from bed during this time and explains how miserable the HN room is but they are thankful for tortillas because Amber can fry them and make chips. That is the most exciting news to happen till 11.

  21. 12:05 AM BBT HNs can eat!!!! All the HGs are in the KT watching the HNs not be HNs anymore. Devin is trying to figure out sleeping arrangements to no real avail because he is getting one word answers. The Hns are eating tacos and pbandj tortillas.

    12:15 AM BBT absolutely no change in the last ten minutes. They are still working out sleeping arrangements and eating. Cody keeps singing man in the mirror so we get fish.

    12:25 AM BBT Brit walks into HN to get clothes and we find that is where Devin has decided to make a bed to read his bible. Caleb is laying alone in the Rock room unless you count a sleeping Donny two beds over. He appears to be very sullen. The rest are still eating, watching people eat, or talking about eating in the KT. Brit has now moved onto taking a hot shower. She and Victoria talk about wishing they had movies.

    12:35 AM BBT Victoria and Brit start whispering that HOH could not have gone better. Brit has no mic on so I have no idea what she is saying but Victoria mentions Nicole being stressed. Brit talks about being a tad sympathetic for Devin (I guess). Victoria says she does not feel at all bad for him because he did it to himself. She continues to say that Caleb told her he threw HOH to be well rested going into next weeks HOH. Both the girls laugh at how absurd it sounds. They then move on to talk about exercise. They then join the rest of the HGs in the KT.

    12:45 AM BBT Devin has joined the land of the living and is eating pizza in the KT but not saying much. They are all trying to say names the way the voice of BB does. They all plot to do something that will get them in trouble to see how it sounds. Hayden talks about climbing on something and they hear "Hayden stop that!" before he even does anything. Everyone loves it (including me). All four feeds switch to the living room where Zach, Jocasta, Brit, and Victoria are making small talk about food.

    1:00 AM BBT Most HGs still in the KT listing to Hayden talk about the rules of wall ball. Zach gets yelled at for sleeping on the couch so he gets up and heads to bed. Absolutely no game talk to be had ladies and gents. Scratch that Frank and Nicole go to HOH. Frankie says his only game talk for the night is reminding her that he did not put her up week one, he will do one of his voices whenever she wants, and will babysit Amber all week. Nicole cracks up about it.

  22. 11:05 PM BBT Derrick, Caleb and Hayden are in the LR speculating when double evictions and twists will be. In the HOH room Nicole, Christine, and Victoria talking about Amber and how she is rude because she takes things without asking. Derrick comes in and asks to talk to Nicole to figure out who they are nominating.

    11:15 PM BBT Derrick and Nicole agree that no matter who wins HOH this week they are both safe. In the rock room Amber, Cody, and Christine are talking about who is spreading lies about Christine and Cody turning on Amber. Back in HOH Derrick is going over the fake story about how he was brought onto the bomb squad. He claims he had no idea who the other members were to give rationale to why he didn't tell her.

    11:25 PM BBT Derrick says his absolute main target this week is Devin. He continues to play dumb about details regarding the bomb squad for a second and then moves on to say as far as initial nominations go it sucks because they have to nominate people that are not Devin. They talk about absolutes that they are not putting up. Nicole says Cody, Christine, and possibly Donny. Derrick says he thought that Donny might have tried to flip the house and wanted Pao to stay. Nicole shoots that down. They agree that they are nervous to talk game together because they never have before and think they are working with other people.

    11:35 PM BBT In the rock room Christine, Cody, and Amber are talking about Pao. They say she knew she was leaving and she apparently leave gracefully. Nicole keeps saying she did not want this HOH and does not want any blood on her hands. Derrick says that he would like to work with Nicole and her only. He doesn't want anyone else in on it. Nicole says that they can keep each other safe because they hang out with separate people and can protect their names. Nicole starts talking about nominating Amber but being scared of Caleb being mad. Derrick says he talks with Caleb but has no plans on taking him anywhere. He might be able to talk to him about nominating Amber.

    11:45 PM BBT The talk in the rock room is about what Nicole is going to do. Amber has left and Frank has replaced her in the room. Christine says she has no idea what Nicole is going to do and they all agree Devin is the target. They laugh a little about Nicole not wanting to be up there at all and being stressed out. They all start to focus on their trackers because they think they are broken. (It is quite funny to watch three adults tap a tiny bracelet over and over). Back in HOH, they are going over conversations they have had with Devin since they won. They go back to noms and they basically list the whole house as people they do not want up. Nicole wants to put up Amber and Derrick says he will put up Caleb to split them up and make sure they cannot work for each other.

    11:55 PM BBT Nicole says Derrick can put up Jocasta and he says he definitely could because they do not talk game ever. They cancel out Brit after some chit chat about trust. Nicole is having serious issues with who to put up as her second. She brings up putting up Devin and Derrick is trying so hard to get her to listen to the back door plan. Nicole says she just can't put up Donny she just can't even though they are not close. Downstairs in the fire room Devin and Jocasta are talking about their kids.

  23. 12:05 AM BBT The round robin conversation is still going on in the hive room. Jocasta talks to Caleb in the KT and makes sure they are on more correct terms. She advises him to think more and not just lead with his tongue. Zach, Christine, and Frank are in the SR talking about the fact that Zach has planted the seed that everyone thinks Amber is working with Devin and Caleb. (Apparently operation flip Amber and Caleb on each other is working). Zach is now telling Christine about Caleb walking around the house saying he is not working with Amber but is protecting her to everyone. Zach feels responsible for it and says its amazing. Frank swears up and down that the twist is 8 people have never seen the show and 8 people are super fans.

    12:15 AM BBT Feeds switched to fish and then come back to all four feeds on Caleb, Hayden, and Pao with Caleb saying that he hates that Amber is upset over something he did and he doesn't want a target on her because of him. Back in the SR Frank, Zach, and Christine are going over conversations they have had with Brit, Nicole, and Amber. They are just sharing info. Amber and Nicole are in the fire room talking about Amber feeling left out all day because of the Caleb and Devin issue.

    12:25 AM BBT Frank, Zach, and Christine are now talking about a final six deal with Hayden, Cody, and Derrick. Frankie says he is so over Caleb because Caleb says he is bringing everyone to the jury then changing his mind. Frank walks out as Devin walks in and awkwardly grabs a pizza. Christine moves into the fire room where Caleb and Amber are talking about Caleb going from room to room telling everyone he is not aligned with Amber. They move onto hating Devin and that they think Brit is working with Devin. Caleb thinks Devin is working with Victoria too but the girls are not sure.

    12:35 AM BBT Caleb and Amber are alone now in the Fire room. Amber tells him that she threw the first comp that Frank won. He laughs and impressed. Amber says she has a relationship with Donny and Jocasta and she doesn't want to ruin those friendships. She says Devin is ruining it. In the hive room Derrick seems to finally be done talking. He makes sure Devin is not around before leaving the room. He finds out Devin is not around but stays in the hive room anyway. Back in the fire room Caleb is still hunting for praise from Amber for taking the heat about not having an alliance.

    12:45 AM BBT Cody and Derrick move to the HN room to rehash the very long conversation they just had with Brit. Frank comes into the room and they go over the conversation with him. They tell Frank to continue to plead ignorance about the alliance because the girls do not know as much as they think they know. Caleb joins Jocasta in the WA and apologizes to her again. Brit exits the bathroom stall and Caleb apologizes to her.

    12:55 AM BBT Caleb and Zach walk into the hive room and talk about the last couple of days. They speculate about HOH. Zach says they just have to all communicate. Caleb says that he hates people are making his girl cry. Zach is just hyping him up and telling him that he still has all these soldiers that have his back. Feeds switch to Brit and Frank in the rock room going over the Amber situation. Hayden and Derrick are in the HN room talking about how to back door Devin and what possible backup plans exist. They are happy with Devin, Brit, or Jocasta going.

  24. 11:05 PM BBT Brit and Nicole in the fire room talking about Caleb, Frankie, and Amber. They want them out so bad and they agree Frankie plays everyone and never really talks to half of them. Brit says they need Caleb out and they just need someone who isn't scared to make the first move. Jocasta and Cody are in the hive room talking about him looking like John Travolta.

    11:15 PM BBT Frankie breaks up the talk in the fire room. He asks what Nicole is thinking about tomorrow and she says she is keeping Zach. Brit comes back in and all three talk about Hayden for a sec. Nicole says they are just friends. Zach and Christine are talking in the WA about him being safe when Hayden, Pao, and Donny walk in. They all start speculating about HOH and how it is designed for Zach. They move onto BB14 and the eviction order.

    11:25 PM BBT Derrick is in the hive room with Brit, Jocasta, and Cody. Derrick is explaining how he got brought into the bomb squad and how he was pushed because Devin said he was in a group and that he can either be in or out but if he is out and talks to anyone they could be working with him. Derrick is frustrated about his name being thrown out there by Devin and he had no side deals with Devin. He also doesn't understand why Frank told Devin that Zach is staying and that was a dumb decision on his part. Meanwhile in the SR Zach is making sure he and Amber are still good. As she walks out of the room Devin walks in and not a word is said. It is so awkward, Amber walks into the WA with Zach close behind and tells Pao and Donny that she is not working with Caleb and Devin despite whatever crush Caleb may have on her. She is being very loud and attracts Brit over.

    11:35 PM BBT Brit asks if what Amber is saying is directed at her because Amber keeps saying that others are saying she is working with Caleb and Devin but she wont confirm who. Amber says no and we get fish. When we get back all talk is broken up and it appears to just be Frank, Donny, and Zach in the WA. Right as Frank starts whispering feeds switch to the fire room where Victoria is talking to Nicole about keeping quiet around Brit. Victoria moves on to telling Nicole about the conversation she had with Caleb that morning. In the fire room Derrick is still going over everything that went on with he and Devin. Derrick explains that he told Devin that he was not voting out Brit and that he was a large part to her still being here.

    11:45 PM BBT Jocasta is now talking about wanting Brit to stay because she has kids and Pao can make it on her own. Victoria and Nicole are still whispering about Devin and Brit in the fire room. Amber walks in and they act like she didn't, they notice she is a little emotional. Amber says she is upset with people thinking she is working with Devin and Caleb. She says there is a difference between being controlled and working with someone. She is just by herself now because Caleb is putting a target on her back. She says she doesn't like Caleb the way he likes her but he is a good person and she wants to be his friend. On the other two feeds Caleb has walked into the hive room and is saying he is not in alliance with Amber he is very loud. Jocasta puts him in his place and tells him to dial it back. Caleb says he is by himself and not in an alliance with anyone. He loves everyone but is not in an alliance with anyone. (I do not think he fooled anyone.)

    11:55 PM BBT Caleb walks out and Jocasta is upset because he came in so heated and said things can look a certain way. He used Cody and Jocasta as an example for a possible showmance (he clearly did not mean it). Jocasta told the cameras directly that there is not showmance do not get it twisted she loves her husband. Jocasta leaves and now Derrick and Brit are back to talking about the Devin/alliance situation. Devin meanwhile meanders through the KT and LR and is standing outside the SR listing to whats going on in the Fire room. He then moves to the hallway and listens in on the Hive room. Then heads to the SR again.

  25. 1:20 AM BBT Devin has pulled Brit into HOH and is spilling the beans about the bomb squad. He is effectively blowing up the bomb squad right now. Hayden and Nicole have been on the hammock for the last few minutes discussing the bomb squad as well, Hayden just is not using the bomb squad names. Back in HOH Devin is throwing everyone but Frank under the bus to Brit. Devin says he is done with them. He says he couldn't care less about anyone in that alliance but Frank. Devin says he plans to talk to Jocasta later.

    1:33 AM BBT Brit says she is only surprised by Derrick and she feels betrayed by him. Devin says he is a great guy and he was just very loyal. Brit says she noticed small things like the two groups always meeting separately and Franking making rounds to everyone. Frank is in the BY relaying the conversation to the other boys. He and Caleb are having a long conversation now. Caleb says the next game plan is to put up Devin and get someone else to throw the BOTB it is that simple (yes so easy). Frank is quick to point out how dumb that plan is and Frank says we need to just backdoor him. Caleb takes some convincing but agrees to it.



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