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Posts posted by BigMack

  1. To Dani's credit, I think she's right about Frank checking her out or "wanting" her or whatever. He has said a lot of dirty things about girls in the house this season. The makeout with Ashley was just strange. And I think that, at this point, he's just gone too long without being around women... and Dani is the only straight woman left in the house.

  2. I think this is going to come down to Shane and Dan but I don't think they will be in the final 2 together. I can't really articulate why but one is going to win either HOH or POV next week and will be the reason the other is evicted. And in the final 4, either will have a good shot to move on because Dani will be loyal to whoever survives and both will have a 2nd ally left (Shane has been working Joe for a while and I think Dan had Ian convinced the Renegades is a good idea). And from there, both would likely have a 2/3 shot of making it to the final either by winning themselves or being taken there by Dani.

    But like I said, I don't really feel as good about my explaination as I do about the end result --- Shane or Dan evicts the other and ends up in the Final 2. But Dan will have to take an unconventional approach (being a former winner), Shane probably won't make his own decisions when he does win a power (HOH or POV), Ian is a huge threat to both of them and both might see that, the Final 4 POV is always a wild card, and this game is just flat unpredictable ... So I will probably be wrong.

  3. Heck yes I would go on the show! I would never be allowed off work and my wife wouldn't be too happy about it but if I got cast, I couldn't say no. I am ultra competitive but am good with people and love strategy. I am admittedly a little cocky but if you polled my friends and co-workers, only a few who know me best would agree with that. I've interacted with and negotiated with a lot of different people in my career and I think I'd do pretty well in the manipulation aspect of the game. I am a great athlete (Shane and Frank would crush me) but I would certainly perform better in comps than most. And when it came down to it, I wouldn't have a problem checking emotions at the door and backstabbing someone.

    I think my biggest downfall would be trust. If I made an alliance early and for a few weeks they showed no reason for me to doubt them, I would probably stop looking over my shoulder ... which is a no no in this game.

    But back to the original question, YES! If I were picked for the show, only the please of my wife would stop me from going in that house.

  4. I can't wait for Thursday ... I can't stand listening to Frank's "campaigning" anymore. All he does is talk about how much he loves the game, how much more he deserves to be in the house than anyone else, how this has been his dream. How can he claim to be such a huge fan? To be so strategic? To be such a great player? And then do nothing but paint a bigger target on his back and piss off everyone in the house ... other than the WORST player of the season? That move I actually give him credit for. He targetted the easiest person to beat in the final 2 and made her his ally so he had an excuse to take her if somehow they both made it.

    Frank blew his dream because he forgot that this game is about so much more than competitions. Jordan won because people loved her. Hayden took Lane to the end because he knew Enzo would be tough to beat b/c everyone loved him. Despite Rachel's insanity in BB12, she was actually tolerable in BB13 and won with a balanced game (and b/c she had 3 guaranteed votes and was up against one of the biggest floaters in the history of the game)! And now Frank doesn't stand a chance because even if he makes it to the final 2, he will get clobbered by anyone not named Jenn (Joe too but he has to be gone for Frank to stay) because everyone else (D/D/S/I) is well-liked and has played a good game.

  5. EXACTLY! I tweeted that the other night. He's just as strong and athletic as Frank, but no one is targeting him anymore. Why? He's going to kill in those later competitions.

    Because he chose the right alliance and he never acted like a total ahole when he won all those comps like Frank did. And he never gets loud or threatens people. People will remember how big of a threat he is when Frank is gone.

  6. Every time I forget why I dislike Frank so much, I read one of his morning monologues and remember ... he's an arrogant, self-centered a-hole. You are the only one the knows the game but you have no social game. Oh and you are in the house with one of the grestest players of all time! He wins comps but he does dumb crap like convincing Jenn to take Dan off the block.

    Oh and if I have to hear him say that winning this game is his dream one more time, I will vomit. Does he seriously thimk he is the only one that wants to win $500,00? What a clown! I hope beyond hope he goes home on Thurday.

  7. I don't understand calling Shane a tool. Yes, he's totally clueless about this game and is more easily influenced than play-doh but he seems like a genuinely nice guy. And like someone else mentioned, he could have easily taken advantage of Dani's obsession with him but aside from a few small kisses, he's been completely hands off. You have to commend him for that.

  8. Things could have only gone better for Dan if Dani had won. Ian obviously wants Frank out and knows Jenn is on his team so she is target #2. And Dan doesn't have to break his word to Frank. Of course Ian could find out exactly how Dan flipped on the Quack Pack but so long as he is up against Frank or Jenn, he should have the votes to stay.

  9. I think Ian's thought process is that the chances are slim that Frank won't get picked for POV and he doesn't want to risk Frank being picked then taking Jenn off the block. And he wants to guarantee not only that either Frank or Jenn are on the block on Thursday but that they aren't there against S/D/D.

  10. All I can say is WOW. If Dan pulls this off, he really is a master puppetteer. Not only is he saving himself from certain eviction but he is aligning himself with the strongest player in the house. And he's keeping himself in a good position with everyone who will likely be left except for Ian. As long as he can get Dani to talk Shane back into his (Dan's) corner, not only will he be safe next week but he will be in a position to influence the HOH into doing his dirty work ... AGAIN!

  11. Exactly desertrose... the only one that wasn't on board with that plan was Britney (because she wasn't there) I think that when she heard it she freaked out and nixed that plan pronto. Or, it could be that they thought Frank would be so distraught after Boogie's eviction and Ian nominating him that he wouldn't do well in the veto???

    He also got freaked out by Boogie telling Frank not to trust Ian on the way out the door and he was afraid Frank would target him because of it. He backtracked nicely by saying exactly what Frank wanted to hear ... It's all Dan's fault!

  12. Frank would be dumb to leave Shane in the game. He's the only one who can come close to matching Frank in physical comps. That said Frank needs teammates who can protect him when he can't play for HOH so it does make some sense to keep him another week or two.



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