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Posts posted by linda60639

  1. I don't think the jurors will be influenced by anyone.

    I think they already know who they will be voting for and it will be the person who had the least negative impact on their individual game.

    Based on what I heard on Thursday show, Andy will have enough votes to win the grand prize based on his so called "gameplay", but only if he is up against Spencer.

    But if Andy is up against GinaMarie, I think she will win it all.

  2. While I do agree child porn is one of those things you just don't joke about, I don't think Spencer is into it because he joked about it. I think Spencer just doesn't have an off-limits list like many do.

    It's like when someone says "I'm so mad i could kick a puppy". That person would never even consider kicking a puppy, of course. It's just the worst thing they can think of to describe how mad they are. It's just descriptive.

    He was speaking into McCrae's mic. He was pretending it was McCrae talking. It was funny to him because it was the worst thing he could think of that McCrae would never say.

    I can't believe I'm defending friggin Spencer. LOL Spencer isn't into kiddie porn, and i don't think he finds kiddie porn funny either. What he found funny was the idea of little McCrae saying something so vile.

    I can agree that he is probably not into child porn, but he has said a boatload of sexually offensive things to and about the women in the house.

    He definitely has earned the title of House Pervert, if nothing else.

    Let us start with his remark about Jessie's private part tasting like butterscotch.

    He said that Elissa is not attractive and does not get his penis hard.

    He said that Aaryn would be a total package if she wasn't a racist and had tits.

    He referred to Candace, Elissa, Amanda, Jessie, Gina Marie and probably others as bitches, whores and cunts.

    He also did and said so many other offensive things that has already been documented in this forum but this last cantalope remark proves that he is, by far, the vilest house guest of them all.

  3. Looks like someone(s) forgot this is a game

    Yes, it is a game, but not an ordinary game where whether you win or lose, in time, no one would really care.

    On the contrary, it is a very intense game with life changing ramifications for the winner.

    Most contestants lives would change significantly if they won the $500,000 prize.

    Of course, it is understandable that they would become emotional at the thought of losing something that would impact their lives so greatly.

    I also think that it is perfectly understandable that one would become emotional at the seeming betrayal of someone whom they thought was a true friend.

    Yes, this is a game, but most contestants leave thinking that they have made friends for life, so that losing or leaving such friends can be very painful.

    I, for one, can appreciate the real tears, however, not the crocodile ones that Andy manufacture.

    Because it proves to me that these contestants, regardless of how much we may dislike them, actually have a heart..

  4. I don't think Julie Chen gives a rat's *ss about BB. It's just a stupid job to her, which her hubby provided. She shows up once a week for an hour, and reads a teleprompter like a robot for a few minutes. Then she flies back to her life of luxury and looks down upon the peons. I doubt she ever flips the channel to BB, because it's entertainment for the lowest-common-denominator of the masses. Her and Elissa would probably get along great, if Elissa was capable of stringing together one coherent sentence.

    Wow, entertainment for the lowest common denominator of the masses?

    I find Big Brother entertaining, although a lot of the antics of the hg's I do find disgusting.

    Should I be insulted, or what??

  5. Bergupnorth,Fred the turtle,Stevea11,Linda60639,Zyinyi,and Taharqa...love your posts!!! can't quote you all just wanted you to know i appreciate your insight..the rest of you i quoted ..same thing..nice to feel i'm not alone ! :cheers: plus NYROSE!


    This season I watched the first episode and then BBAD one night and didnt know if I would even tune back in. I was so repulsed by GM being loud, obnoxious & bouncing off the walls like a toddler. The camera seemed to be stuck on Aaryn the majority of the time & again, not impressed. She & Kaitlin were obviously the meangirls. The majority of the females seemed incapable of intelligent or even pleasant conversation...and they were absolutely obsessed with playing with their hair when speaking. Candace looked at everyone like they were insects to be crushed. Judd looked & talked like that freaky kid on Fat Albert, Spencer had a creepy vibe, Elissa's obvious cosmetic enhancements & interactions with others were strange, Jeremy was rude, David appeared dumber than a box of hair, Jessie was clueless, Nick was arrogant, McCrae had no spine, Helen seemed somewhat normal, Amanda was aggressive, Andy was the token gay guy.....

    Just another season of BB. But, This group DID take raunchy to a new level so I've enjoyed reading others' views on this forum. But, I also have to say that there are some people on this forum who simply cannot refrain from lecturing others if they say something negative about Elissa! I understand they feel she was the least vile and they are probably right but that doesn't mean that everyone who doesn't like her is evil and in need of a lecture. People get waaaay too intense and/or holier than thou sometimes.

    No comment about Howard? Was he that easily forgettable? :dontgetit:

  6. I dislike Andy with a passion, but he had a valid point. Why help McCranda make it to the Final 2 while he comes in 3rd? This makes no sense, yet Amanda was upset that Andy betrayed her. She expected him to help keep them in power until the end.

    I do not understand the mindset of these "power couples". They actually expect unceasing loyalty from others while clearly everyone knows that they will take each other to the Final 2. They expect everyone else to be okay with them winning the game.

    Such was the case with Jeff and Jordan. They were really upset that Shelly chose to vote Jeff out when everyone knew that Jeff and Jordan would take each other to the Final 2.

    Yes, the couples were lied to, but that was the only way their alliance members could hope to progress in the game. To feel betrayed when you know that you will have no problem evicting someone when they have outserved their purpose, is the epitome of selfishness.

    What pissed me off was during the infamous Shelly and Jordan fight was that Jordan somehow thought that she and Jeff controlled the game and everyone in their alliance had to dance to their tune because she and Jeff were "protecting" them. We know in actuality, the others were protecting Jeff and Jordan, or at the very least they were protecting each other.

    This is the same tune Amanda was singing when she told Elissa that McCranda had protected her the entire game. It was as if Amanda thought that since McCranda was running this game, how could Elissa or GinaMarie have the audacity to put them up?

    Breaking up "power couples" makes sense, but this fact is somehow lost on "power couples" who seem to think that everyone else in the game is incredibly stupid or incredibly naive.

  7. I think you've forgotten the child's perspective.

    Three months IS a VERY long time from an eight year olds perspective no matter WHO is the other care provider. Time passes quicker once you're an adult.

    She's not off on a military stint.

    Going up into the shuttle is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

    Touring Africa is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

    Big Brother is a smarmy reality show that only desperation for supposedly ' easy money ' might drive one to participate in.

    If you don't need the money and you think Big Brother's a golden opportunity not to be missed -- you probaly shouldn't have bred in the first place.


    Dang, don't you think that last statement is a little harsh?

    While you may think the show is smarmy because of certain individuals, there are many who do not share your opinion.

    They think it is a golden opportunity for themselves and being without their children for a three month period is not too great a price to pay for the chance to win a half million dollars.

    But whether or not a parent should grab that opportunity would definitely depend on their children and their sense of independence.

    Some children of that age may not have a problem with the separation.

    They may be used to it: going to summer camp the entire summer, visiting relatives overseas or in another state for the summer, or having a parent that travels a lot for work and who may be on assignment out of town for months at a time.

    Kids have the ability to cope.

    Parents should not feel guilty or question their parenting skills because they choose to be apart from their children for a three month period.

    Especially if their children will be well taken care of by their spouse, nanny and/or grandparents and if it's for the betterment of their families.

    And while Elissa may not NEED the money, I am sure that, like 90% of the people on this planet, she could make good use of a half million dollars.

    It is always nice to have your own and not have to depend on your spouse's income.

  8. OK now this would be really funny....

    I've seen much worse.

    Yes, I have, too.

    Remember Evil Dick?

    The horrible things that Evil Dick said and did to Jenn was reprehensible.

    I was so appalled that so many people accepted that and revered him afterwards.

    At least these hg's just SAID horrible things about Elissa.

    Evil Dick said things just as horrible and actually BURNED Jenn with a lit cigarette.

    And he did so with total impunity

    I have yet to see anyone bully hg's as badly as he did in an attempt to get them to vote him out instead of his daughter Danielle.

    And shockingly, he and Danielle made it to the Final 2!

  9. :animated_rotfl: Dan really did get robbed on that BB.

    I would agree, but when Dan gave Ian his "grandfather's" watch or something to earn Ian's trust and boldly lied, he just went too far. The hg's should not be allowed to give each other personal items for votes. Just like they are not allowed to bring cash into the house, they should not be allowed to bring in any jewelry. Amanda receiving Elissa's wedding or engagement ring as collateral was unfair to Aaryn, although in this particular case no real damage was done, IME . :rolleyes:

  10. Some people are exactly like the vermin that's left in that house so they have very little understanding.

    Fans of these disgusting deviants are going overboard trying to deflect and distract people from the truth but you can't hide the truth from people with intelligence.

    If I was one of the dregs left in that house I would hate Elissa also.

    An unemployed accident-prone bulimic with hair-extensions, a nose job and fake blue contacts and artificially darkened skin who lives with her larents at the age of 33 obviously has some serious image issues....she should have hatred for everyone including herself.

    Look at Andy and ask yourself if he was teased unmercifully every day of his life most likely, imagine being born a boy with the mannerisms of a girl, sickly pale skin, red hair and ears pointed like an Elf....tragic.

    MCreas hatred is by proxy and it's a manifestation of his own unsuccessful life and lack of ambition..he's a slacker and a pushover.

    Spencer hates nobody he just uses shrewd manipulation to keep weak minds focused on other targets and off himself.

    BB15 is one of the greatest case-studies on human behavior and race relations to ever be televised.

    Abso-freaking-lutely!!! Each has their own deep inadequacies to contend with. They are jealous of Elissa's apparent happiness and affluent lifestyle.

  11. Only hope is the HOH and POV are not won my Andy and he is kicked to the curb.

    Either GM or McDoodle winning is fine with me.

    Dang, I hate to admit it but everyone should take floating Spencer to the end. I think any of them would win with Spencer sitting next to them.

    But he really does not deserve a dime, IMHO.

  12. James Rhine

    Facebook page. He lives back in Chicago is involved in politics and broadcasting along with other jobs he has done as a bartender etc.


    This is his BB page he made and he also has another page.

    OMG, is my face red!

    It was Crazy James Zinkand of BB9 who was the gay porn star.

    James Rhine was involved in a sex scandal where pictures of his private parts were floating around the internet, and I got the two men confused.

    My bad!!

    So sorry, Marty. I should have never doubted you! :oops:

  13. The way Spencer talks about strap - ons I am beginning to think he really pictures gay porn star BB 10 Steven Daigle in his mind. :animated_rotfl: Speaking of cocks Georgia is going all Les Miles on SC. :D


    Does anyone remember James Rhine from BB6? He also starred in gay porn films. Porn star houseguests, male, female, gay or

    straight, Big Brother does not seem to discriminate!

  14. ITA, I think that the same dog pile, herd mentality going on in the house sometimes carries over to these boards but I don't think that makes people here vengeful sociopaths :)

    Personally I have extreme dislike for Andy and how he has played this game. while he is poised for a possible win he will never be a player that I like or admire for how he played the game.

    I beg to differ, "herd mentality" usually have a leader, one who urges others and instigates the bashing and mistreatment.

    Andy is the ring leader of the Elissa bashing. Just watch BBAD and see that whenever there is a lull in the conversation, he continually brings up his "hatred" for Elissa.

    He even apologized to the others last night and said that he knows he is beating a dead horse, but he "just hates Elissa".

    Dang, he must have stated that some ten times last night. Then at his prompting the others usually joins in on the Elissa bashing.

    Elissa did nothing to earn his hatred other than to put him up as a pawn to make sure McCranda would send Aaryn home.

    I guess he was enraged that could not control her and he hates her for that.

    Or maybe he is just insanely jealous of the fact that she is sexy, beautiful and has a rich husband.

    Something he will never be or have!

  15. Sorry, but I think that Andy is a total a**hole.

    He is the kind of guy that no one would want for a friend in real life, assuming that they knew his real personality.

    In interviews, he bragged that he could look people in the eye and successfully lie to them. That is his skill, of which he is proud.

    Surely he does the same to people in his real life. Of course, he gossips about his friends and acquaintances and betrays their trust.

    This stands to reason. He did not just manufacture this personality for Big Brother.

    Hopefully, now, whether he wins or loses this game, everything he tells a so called "friend" will be listened to with a grain of salt and no one with any sense will ever tell him anything that they would hope to keep private.

    This is just my humble opinion. :down:

  16. 1184836_159542877579304_1661166811_n.jpg


    But unfortunately Ratboy will probably win BB15. He has a F2 deal with everyone left except maybe McCray, who is slated for eviction by the Exterminators.

    So whichever way the wind blows, it appears that Ratboy will be brought to the F2.

    In the jury he only needs 5 votes to win. He surely has the votes of Candice, Jessie, Aaryn, Elissa ,Gina Marie and Judd if he is sitting next to Spencer.

    Or if he is sitting next to Judd he could probably count on the votes of Candice, Jessie, Aaryn, Gina Marie and Spencer.

    And although Helen and McCranda will surely appreciate his gameplay, especially his getting to the F2, they probably will not reward him with their votes, IMHO.

  17. Andy and Spencer floating to the final 2.


    Absolutely hilarious!!!

    But unfortunately the Rat will probably win BB15. He has a F2 deal with everyone left except maybe McCray, who is slated for eviction by the Exterminators.

    So whichever way the wind blows the Rat will be brought to the F2.

    In the jury he only needs 5 votes to win. He surely has the votes of Candice, Jessie, Aaryn, Elissa ,Gina Marie and Judd if he is sitting next to Spencer.

    Or if he is sitting next to Judd he could probably count on the votes of Candice, Jessie, Aaryn, Gina Marie and Spencer.

    And although Helen and McCranda will appreciate his gameplay, especially his getting to the F2, they probably will not reward him with their votes.

    I have to give it to him though, he is one of the best liars I have seen in the history of Big Brother.

  18. So I was watching BBAD last night and got distracted for a minute when Spencer and Andy were lying on the couches in the LR. Something was said about some kind of meat...& maybe Candice ate it???? …Elissa walked by and reprimanded them. When she left the room, Andy looked at Spencer and said, "I HATE her." Spencer seemed to nod in agreement. Anybody know what they were talking about?

    Yes, they were talking about Elissa needing to go ASAP. Andy said that she "irritates" him and that she is just as guilty as Amanda for their hostilities. But Andy is pissed that he can no longer control Elissa. Andy knows that Elissa no longer trust him and he told Spencer that after McCranda leaves that Elissa will the only one standing in his way of the F2. Of course, he has a F2 with Spencer, and McCray, and Judd and GinaMarie, LOL.



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