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Posts posted by linda60639

  1. Well this season being HOH has so many drawbacks that the powers that be may think that selecting the have-nots may be added incentive for the HGs to pursue it. I think that becoming the HOH is not as desirable as it was in previous seasons. I personally wouldn't want to be HOH because it would place a target on my back by the 2 nominees who may win or not and be out for revenge and the 4 have-nots who may be resentful. Then there is the possibility of being dethroned and possibly backdoored by the remaining HOH. It is just too risky, IMHO.

  2. I was watching BBAD last night and could not figure out who is with who.... Who's in that "Bomb Squad"? And who named it that?

    It seems that the most powerful alliance in the house is the Bomb Squad. I am not sure who named it that , but it consists of Devin, Caleb, Frankie, Cody, Derrick, Zach, Amber and Christine. I heard Devin talking to Amber telling her that if he won the next HOH, he would ask Brittany to either join the Bomb Squad or get put up for eviction. He said they needed an extra vote.

  3. Where is the proof that he was told to make nice? Is that speculation or did he actually say that on live feeds?

    Pure speculation on my part. However, it seems very odd that members of the group of people that he ranted about so vehemently could become his "best buds" in the house. His actions in the house seems to be a complete turnaround from his written words. Could someone change so drastically, so quickly? http://www.wetpaint.com/big-brother/articles/2014-06-22-16-caleb-instagram-gay-slur

  4. Seems like most of the houseguests are in some type of alliance. But I am particularly intrigued with the ones with cool names. The Crazy 8's seems to be defunct, it only lasted less than a week. The Double D's seem to be going strong, although it appears that Donny is duping Devin, LOL. Los Cuatro or El Quatro only lasted a few days before Joey exposed them, I still don't understand why she did that. And finally, I am confused about the Bomb Squad. I thought it had 6 members, but it might have eight. It was originally comprised of Devin, Caleb, Zach, Frankie, Amber and Christine. But based on conversations on BBAD, it seems like Cody and Derrick might also have joined. Who can tell me if I am correct? Who are the current members of the Bomb Squad?

  5. Would someone tell me what Joey did to Devin that got him all het up and why all are going along with his vendetta against her.

    Joey actually told Devin that she was going to give Caleb his name when he asked her who to put up against Paola. Caleb told her that it would be a house selection and he would poll all of the houseguests to determine who he would put up. Joey said she told Devin as a courtesy and would not be mad if, in return, he chose to name her. She said that the reason why she chose him was because he was such a physical threat. She insinuated that the other women also felt the same way.

    I don't take anything as a rule into consideration that was said or done outside of the BBH. It's usually BS, been mangled through the grapevine or exaggerated.

    I judge on hardcore infallible proofs and what I see them doing HERE and NOW.

    In this case a copy of Caleb's Instagram account was posted and we could read his racist and homophobic rants, and he never denied them. Apparently, he was told by producers that he had to "make nice" with certain people to offset the negative publicity in order to be selected for the show. They could ill afford a repeat of last years show. But a leopard rarely changes his spots.

  6. I think we could all be quite surprised by what we said online two years ago, and besides hasn't he been sharing the HoH room with Frankie?

    Hopefully his feelings have changed. But getting along with and/or getting aligned with people whom you secretly dislike is what contestants are required to do in order to win this game. Which contestant wouldn't try to bond with people whom you would never consider associating with outside the house for a chance at a half million dollars?

  7. Racist? Homophobic? Did I miss something someone said?

    I haven't seen any of the feeds or even BBAD yet. And the only information I have is what I've seen on CBS and here on the boards. So did he say something racist or homophobic? I don't like him so far because he reminds me of a young version of my ex-husband, except my ex was career Army and would never use the term "ex-military". I don't know any former military that would say "ex-military". So what's the story there? Or is there one?

    Yes, apparently two years ago Caleb posted angry remarks on his Instagram account referring to gays as "fags" and President Obama as a "Muslim monkey" among other things. These remarks sounds homophobic and racist to me.

  8. Tell me if I am wrong, but I understand that the dethroned HOH is not exempt from being named as a replacement nominee if the Veto were to be used. However, I don't know if I missed it or not, but did Julie say anything about a winner of the Battle of the Block being exempt from being named as a replacement nominee? I did not hear her say anything about this, but I understand that they are exempt and that seems so unfair to me. HOH wins a big contest and is not automatically safe, while the nominees win a smaller contest and they are automatically safe. Nope, not fair at all. But, I guess no one said that the season's twists would be fair!

  9. I see on the website that Frankie's nominees won the Battle of the Block but nowhere do I see who they were.

    Also can I assume that the battle winners are excluded from being chosen as a replacement nominee if the Veto were to be used?

    It would totally suck if one of them were to be put in double jeopardy.

    *Traditionally only the HOH and the Veto holder were excluded, but in this season, can anyone know for sure?

  10. Yikes the cameras are always on Frankie. He is talking to everyone little private conversations. He is breaking in on Caleb when he is talking to others about who to put up. He is basically controlling the house.

    Can we say Andy -

    DEFINITELY!!! But it shouldn't take long for the so called Superfans in the house to become aware of his antics. He seems to be in at least 3 separate alliances already! One with Zach, one with Christine, one with Devin and Caleb,( the three musketeers?) and one with the Bomb Squad. And its only week 1.

  11. Natalie is very happy with her boyfriend, Jesse. She had a baby around the first of the year and she's posted a lot of pics of the baby. So cute!

    Thanks, Moxie for the update.

    That is great for Natalie!

    She really lucked out finding someone who apparently does not mind having the video of his girlfriend giving Matt a bj posted all over the internet.

    I cannot wait until the wedding is announced. :rolleyes:

  12. They said next year it will return and also still be on TVGN.

    I'm worried about not being able to forget this season. It was that bad. I didn't think anything could get worse than season 9 but these losers figured out a way to get it in the gutter even further.

    Yep, Season 9 with the winner Adam Jasinski doing 4 years in federal prison for funding an illegal drug deal with his BB winnings.

    And houseguest Matt McDonald also got 4 years for his part in the drug ring.

    LOL, I remember Natalie was so crushed that he did not return her affections.

    I wonder if she is still pursuing him while he is in jail.

    Her actions with her " Matty" reminds me a lot of GinaMarie actions toward Nick.

    Apparently, when women were obsessed with their men there is nothing their men could do or say that would deter them. :wacko:

  13. I used to think Elissa was OK. I am really really starting to dislike her because people are so obsessed with her. She was on the reality show Big Brother. She was not a regular person out in the real world. Anyone knows if they chose to go on Big Brother then it is not going to be nice.


    I am not so sure that people on this forum supporting Elissa are obsessed with her. I think that they, like me, just have a soft spot for the underdog. The way the rest of the cast members unfairly treated her from day one made me want to help her. She was isolated and ganged upon almost immedately for no other reason except that she was related to Rachel. I voted for her to be MVP so they she could have at least have a fighting chance to stay in the game when "the house" was ready to evict her..

    Now it looks to me that the Exterminators are obsessed with her by constantly calling her names and saying negative things about her. She has done nothing to deserve the hate that they are spewing. It is obvious to many of us that this hatred is fueled by simple jealousy. Sure she wasn't the best game player in the house, by any means, but there was really no excuse for the vicious personal attacks on her character.

    I am no fan of hers, but from what I have seen, Elissa seems to be a decent enough person. So, I refuse to let my feelings for her be negatively influenced by other people's personal issues. We all know that Elissa and her family will be just fine regardless of what is written and said about them.

  14. I couldn't agree more about casting BB fans. It's so disappointing when reading their bios and seeing they don't even watch the show. I can't imagine how many people who are actual die-hard fans who would have loved a chance to play. And because they are big fans of the show they would know how to play the game and would realize that the live feeds are watching all the time, then maybe there wouldn't be so many nasty tirades and hateful comments.

    We hear so much on this forum about wanting BB to cast die-hard fans instead of models and actors.

    But do we really want to watch unattractive super fans 24/7?

    Don't we really want to see the sexy eye candy instead of a bunch of socially challenged geeks and nerds?

    Personally, I think a season of nothing but superfans would be so interesting.

  15. Dang, that Spencer!

    I am pretty sure that he threw the competition to Andy.

    It was so smart of him since he knows that both Andy and GinaMarie will take him to the F2.

    Had he won Part 2, or even if he would have won Part 3 of the final HOH, he would have risked the vote of the loser when he had to evict him or her.

    Throwing either Part was the only possible way that he could escape having blood on his hands.

    Now he can count of the loser's vote and that might, just might, give him the 5 votes he needs to win the grand prize.

    Or am I giving Spencer too much credit?`

  16. Oh I thought it was to try to lose weight. If it's not about doing it to try to lose why in the heck would someone do it??

    I thought it was to maintain their current weight or prevent themselves from gaining more weight. :unsure:

    It is a need to control something in their lives when they do not feel that they are in control of anything else.

    They are trying to control their weight, not necessarily lose weight.

    But it is definitely a psychological disorder.



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